Why Poor Areas Vote For Politicians Who Want To Slash The Safety Net

Democrats are natural slaves. They want to be taken care of, fed, clothed, sheltered, provided medical care, they want to be entertained. All coming free to them from the master.

Republicans prefer the challenge of freedom.

Interesting your observation...since most GOP politicians got their wealth from some form of gov. subsidized programs.

Including Drumpf.

And those programs that he benefited from are the very same programs he is against.

But then, the same is true of Carson, Cruz, LyinRyan, Rubio and other Repubs.

They got theirs and once the idjits vote for them, they can starve on the street.
Its not the safety net that RWs are against. Its OTHERS benefiting from it that burns their collective butt.

There are quite a few RWNJs posting here who benefit from welfare, SS and Medicaid. Or, who just leach off others. They don't want that to end for themselves - just for others.

Not just the safety net either. They're against education and healthcare too.

Those who have enough self respect and pride consider social programs a safety net temporary help in short difficult times.
Those who don't, consider social programs not a safety net but a comfortable hammock in which to spend a life time.

Except if you're Walmart and others whose salaries are subsidized by taxes.

And there is nothing "comfortable" about living in poverty. That's just as stupid as saying that poverty wage jobs are for teenagers or that people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Most of the poor work and receive such benefits to make up for shitty pay. More or less we either give them a higher minimum wage or this.

If we don't do either then they likely become homeless. republicans are idiots.

From 1957 to 2003 (when I retired) I was unemployed for a grand total of four months. During this time I received unemployment insurance and was actively looking for a job until I found one.

Even in the worst of times I never looked for or expected a freebie that I never earned.
Democrats are natural slaves. They want to be taken care of, fed, clothed, sheltered, provided medical care, they want to be entertained. All coming free to them from the master.

Republicans prefer the challenge of freedom.

Interesting your observation...since most GOP politicians got their wealth from some form of gov. subsidized programs.

Including Drumpf.

And those programs that he benefited from are the very same programs he is against.

But then, the same is true of Carson, Cruz, LyinRyan, Rubio and other Repubs.

They got theirs and once the idjits vote for them, they can starve on the street.

The only way to truly take us back to the 18th century is to make life as hard as that time. The republicans want to turn this country into a third world shit hole with the rich on top and a vast poor population.
Its not the safety net that RWs are against. Its OTHERS benefiting from it that burns their collective butt.

There are quite a few RWNJs posting here who benefit from welfare, SS and Medicaid. Or, who just leach off others. They don't want that to end for themselves - just for others.

Not just the safety net either. They're against education and healthcare too.

Those who have enough self respect and pride consider social programs a safety net temporary help in short difficult times.
Those who don't, consider social programs not a safety net but a comfortable hammock in which to spend a life time.

Except if you're Walmart and others whose salaries are subsidized by taxes.

And there is nothing "comfortable" about living in poverty. That's just as stupid as saying that poverty wage jobs are for teenagers or that people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

OK, point by point, with the assumption that life sucked just as bad 40 years ago as it does now:

College tuition was no issue fir me, an immigrant, who could hardly speak English. But I saved enough working in the mines to put me thru school to earn my high school diploma as an adult student.Which opened the door for better things.

Health was not an issue, because I never felt the need to rush to emergency with a cold. I cut down cigarettes and beer to be enjoyed only on birthdays and Christmas.

Food: I managed to survive on fried dough, boiled potatoes day old bread with substantial discount.

Shelter: I stayed at places I COULD afford without any subsidy.

Wages: I traveled by hitchhiking to places where the current day unemployed would only look at with the greatest disdain and got job with very very decent wages. Most of the times it was with out unions.

Minimum wage: Never an issue, because by the time I had to provide for myself I was not a snot nosed teenager.

CEO's salaries compared to my wages: I was never low enough to judge the world and its perceived injustices by envy and greed.
Democrats are natural slaves. They want to be taken care of, fed, clothed, sheltered, provided medical care, they want to be entertained. All coming free to them from the master.

Republicans prefer the challenge of freedom.

Interesting your observation...since most GOP politicians got their wealth from some form of gov. subsidized programs.

Including Drumpf.

And those programs that he benefited from are the very same programs he is against.

But then, the same is true of Carson, Cruz, LyinRyan, Rubio and other Repubs.

They got theirs and once the idjits vote for them, they can starve on the street.

The only way to truly take us back to the 18th century is to make life as hard as that time. The republicans want to turn this country into a third world shit hole with the rich on top and a vast poor population.

I take exception to anti gov. fools, ie the GOP who spend millions to get into a place that is completely gov sanctioned, ie the senate, the congress and the presidency....only to benefit off of tax payer provided perks, such as a paycheck, health insurance, housing, perks, dinners, etc..... that they want to then want to TAKE FROM YOU???? I don't understand the bs behind that.
Democrats are natural slaves. They want to be taken care of, fed, clothed, sheltered, provided medical care, they want to be entertained. All coming free to them from the master.

Republicans prefer the challenge of freedom.

Interesting your observation...since most GOP politicians got their wealth from some form of gov. subsidized programs.

Including Drumpf.

And those programs that he benefited from are the very same programs he is against.

But then, the same is true of Carson, Cruz, LyinRyan, Rubio and other Repubs.

They got theirs and once the idjits vote for them, they can starve on the street.

The only way to truly take us back to the 18th century is to make life as hard as that time. The republicans want to turn this country into a third world shit hole with the rich on top and a vast poor population.

I take exception to anti gov. fools, ie the GOP who spend millions to get into a place that is completely gov sanctioned, ie the senate, the congress and the presidency....only to benefit off of tax payer provided perks, such as a paycheck, health insurance, housing, perks, dinners, etc..... that they want to then want to TAKE FROM YOU???? I don't understand the bs behind that.

I agree. They won't vote for an increase in the minimum wage but while they work part time, they keep voting raises for themselves. We pay for the very healthcare they don't want us to have.

And the ignorant RWs are in favor of that.

One would think they would at least care about the future of their own families but they don't.


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