Why should innocent people who fought for our country, suffer from stupid protesters?!


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Buffalo. NY
Marine Vetā€™s Car, American Flag Vandalized With Anti-White Graffiti, Linked to Flag-Stomping ā€˜Challengeā€™
Despicable vandals suspected to be linked to the flag-stomping ā€œEric Sheppard Challengeā€ thugs, defaced a Marine veteranā€™s flag and car, writing anti-White messages on them
Marine Vet s Car American Flag Vandalized With Anti-White Graffiti Linked to Flag-Stomping Challenge Top Right News
Marvin Garcia, a Hispanic, just-retired, 20+ year combat veteran who has served the U.S. with distinction awoke to the sight of his desecrated flag. It broke his heart to see what Black ā€œactivistsā€ did to the flag and pole he had just proudly mounted on his home ā€” smashing his car window with it, and scrawling vile racist graffiti on it.
FoxNews ā€” and only FoxNews reported it. The media will not touch this with a ten-foot pole, as it would put their chosen thugs in negative light.
And i'm sure that FoxNews reported it only to increase their ratings...
Why should innocent people, who did everything to make our lives better, suffer from thugs who not work and did nothing useful in their lives(except looting and murdering)
Where's their justice? Maybe you can tell me?!
What, you think Fox News entertainment network reports stuff that will decrease their ratings?
Marine Vetā€™s Car, American Flag Vandalized With Anti-White Graffiti, Linked to Flag-Stomping ā€˜Challengeā€™
Despicable vandals suspected to be linked to the flag-stomping ā€œEric Sheppard Challengeā€ thugs, defaced a Marine veteranā€™s flag and car, writing anti-White messages on them
Marine Vet s Car American Flag Vandalized With Anti-White Graffiti Linked to Flag-Stomping Challenge Top Right News
Marvin Garcia, a Hispanic, just-retired, 20+ year combat veteran who has served the U.S. with distinction awoke to the sight of his desecrated flag. It broke his heart to see what Black ā€œactivistsā€ did to the flag and pole he had just proudly mounted on his home ā€” smashing his car window with it, and scrawling vile racist graffiti on it.
FoxNews ā€” and only FoxNews reported it. The media will not touch this with a ten-foot pole, as it would put their chosen thugs in negative light.
And i'm sure that FoxNews reported it only to increase their ratings...
Why should innocent people, who did everything to make our lives better, suffer from thugs who not work and did nothing useful in their lives(except looting and murdering)
Where's their justice? Maybe you can tell me?!
We're living in very difficult times. A lot of people are frustrated, depressed, aggravated, and are looking for some way to vent their disappointment and despair. Racial issues have taken center stage in several cities across this nation, and it seems that riots, protests, and despicable acts are considered to be the answer to the problem. Also, the dark economic cloud that continues to hover over the poor, especially the minorities, provides additional fuel to keep the anger fired up and ready to strike out at the least opportunity. Minorities, especially the black population, have long considered "whitey" the main source of every hardship and tragedy that has befallen them. The "white man", in their eyes, minds, and hearts, is responsible for their feelings of oppression and despair.

The hatred of skin color, nationality, religion, and the ethnic history of a race, all contribute to the violence and civil unrest being displayed on our streets against "the enemy". It's a turning back of the clock to the times of segregation and the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60's. Unprovoked attacks, destroying property, and the carrying of signs that display hate-filled words, are nothing more than outward expressions of inner frustrations and extreme anger. The stomping on and burning of our flag is despicable, especially when the flag is displayed by a member of our armed forces, and is vandalized for no other reason than to express hate of skin color.

I don't have the answers nor solutions for ending racism, but I do know that if left to fester and remains unchecked, every single one of us will suffer the consequences in some shape, form, or fashion. We either co-exist as a people and as a nation, or destroy and negate decades of social advances. We've come a long way since the 50's and 60's, and now we risk reverting back to the days when racially motivated events dominated the daily headlines. It's clear to me that we have our priorities in the wrong order.
What, you think Fox News entertainment network reports stuff that will decrease their ratings?
Right the opposite is written in the OP, to increase. These videos sometimes look like have been filmed too dramatically, they're definitely masters of their craft!
"When I see people on my TV taking shots at Uncle Sam, I hope they always remember why they can!"

God bless you and John and our troops always!!!


Liberals hate 3 things with a passion.

1- Cops
2- White people
3- Military

In that order.

To them...the most wicked and evil being on Earth is a military veteran...working as a cop...who is also a white male.
Marine Vetā€™s Car, American Flag Vandalized With Anti-White Graffiti, Linked to Flag-Stomping ā€˜Challengeā€™
Despicable vandals suspected to be linked to the flag-stomping ā€œEric Sheppard Challengeā€ thugs, defaced a Marine veteranā€™s flag and car, writing anti-White messages on them
Marine Vet s Car American Flag Vandalized With Anti-White Graffiti Linked to Flag-Stomping Challenge Top Right News
Marvin Garcia, a Hispanic, just-retired, 20+ year combat veteran who has served the U.S. with distinction awoke to the sight of his desecrated flag. It broke his heart to see what Black ā€œactivistsā€ did to the flag and pole he had just proudly mounted on his home ā€” smashing his car window with it, and scrawling vile racist graffiti on it.
FoxNews ā€” and only FoxNews reported it. The media will not touch this with a ten-foot pole, as it would put their chosen thugs in negative light.
And i'm sure that FoxNews reported it only to increase their ratings...
Why should innocent people, who did everything to make our lives better, suffer from thugs who not work and did nothing useful in their lives(except looting and murdering)
Where's their justice? Maybe you can tell me?!
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans health bill on budget worry Reuters

Veterans statements PolitiFact

Senate GOP Blocks Veterans Benefits Bill - ABC News

Military Groups Slam Republicans For Killing A Bill Supporting Veterans

It's more honest when they do it in public than hiding behind a Senate bill.

Liberals hate 3 things with a passion.

1- Cops
2- White people
3- Military

In that order.

To them...the most wicked and evil being on Earth is a military veteran...working as a cop...who is also a white male.
Republicans hate them more. How do we know? By the bills they pass. Or try to pass. Liberals protect them, Republicans attack them, delusional Republicans think it's the other way around.
Marine Vetā€™s Car, American Flag Vandalized With Anti-White Graffiti, Linked to Flag-Stomping ā€˜Challengeā€™
Despicable vandals suspected to be linked to the flag-stomping ā€œEric Sheppard Challengeā€ thugs, defaced a Marine veteranā€™s flag and car, writing anti-White messages on them
Marine Vet s Car American Flag Vandalized With Anti-White Graffiti Linked to Flag-Stomping Challenge Top Right News
Marvin Garcia, a Hispanic, just-retired, 20+ year combat veteran who has served the U.S. with distinction awoke to the sight of his desecrated flag. It broke his heart to see what Black ā€œactivistsā€ did to the flag and pole he had just proudly mounted on his home ā€” smashing his car window with it, and scrawling vile racist graffiti on it.
FoxNews ā€” and only FoxNews reported it. The media will not touch this with a ten-foot pole, as it would put their chosen thugs in negative light.
And i'm sure that FoxNews reported it only to increase their ratings...
Why should innocent people, who did everything to make our lives better, suffer from thugs who not work and did nothing useful in their lives(except looting and murdering)
Where's their justice? Maybe you can tell me?!

How was my life made better by sending American military personnel over to Afghanistan and Iraq? My freedoms don't suffer from what goes on in the Mid East.
^^^ How do you think that our lives would be if our troops weren't over there doing what they are doing?

God bless you and them always!!!

People (including Veterans) can suffer from violence and intimidation but nobody suffers from stupid protesters. I'm embarrassed for the idiots who trample the Flag but the 1st Amendment gives them that right and also gives sane people the right to laugh at them. .
^^^ They are keeping our freedoms in tact because sadly our freedoms are not free.

God bless you always!!!

Don't kid yourself. The only freedom you have is your luck. They're doing absolutely nothing for freedom. Don't swallow the BS you hear our politicians are spewing out. How many innocent citizens are in our prisons and jails?
^^^ Not as many as there would be if our troops were not over seas keeping us free.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. If they weren't over there, we would all be underneath the thumb of people who don't even live here in America. Who would you rather have over you if anyone was going to be? Someone from your homeland or someone who is from somewhere else?
^^^ Not as many as there would be if our troops were not over seas keeping us free.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. If they weren't over there, we would all be underneath the thumb of people who don't even live here in America. Who would you rather have over you if anyone was going to be? Someone from your homeland or someone who is from somewhere else?
Pure speculation, at best. FYI - Our soldiers are NOT fighting for our freedom. That's just propaganda you hear from our politicians. Those wars have absolutely nothing to do with our freedom. Besides, In America, your freedom is your luck, plain and simple. Try explaining freedom to the innocent citizens in our prisons and jails. You're merely parroting the words of our politicians. Also, our superior military power can protect us here at home. Those wars in the Middle East are political wars, not freedom wars.

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