Zone1 WHY should nicotine, alcohol and weed products be heavily taxed?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
i've just about had it entirely with western governments encroaching on my personal freedoms.

i want to use softdrugs on a regular basis, and without extra taxes added to it's price.
many others do too, but they don't go posting about on forums, fearing a backlash of the anti-fun-drugs lobbies of course.


a sample of my capabilities, a mere tidy small taste of it? sure : Evidence - weed marijuana - anti cancer - Google Drive
Of course it should be heavily taxed.
Particularly tobacco. Which cost the healthcare system $billions a year to treat cancer/COPD/Heart patients where smoking is at the very least a major contributor to why they have it.
The problem, however, is the taxed amounts are not used to pay healthcare providers but just more spending by Congress for whatever.
Your complaint shouldn't be about the taxes, but that the xtra taxes just go into the general fund.
Now - if you Google this, the government says they use the funds to fund healthcare related programs.
None of which do anything to pay down the cost of tobacco use.
Go live in an Eastern Government ... Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea ... won't have to worry about Sin-taxes ...

Another option is to grow your own ... too lazy to put a seed in the ground and water it every week? ... iknowiknowiknow ... there's more to growing tobacco and brewing beer ... but it's tax-free ... so it's a choice ...

Marijuana is a troublesome weed in most parts of the country ... and it is super easy to grow ... plant some in your aquarium filter to help your tropical fish stay healthy ...
Go live in an Eastern Government ... Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea ... won't have to worry about Sin-taxes ...

Another option is to grow your own ... too lazy to put a seed in the ground and water it every week? ... iknowiknowiknow ... there's more to growing tobacco and brewing beer ... but it's tax-free ... so it's a choice ...

Marijuana is a troublesome weed in most parts of the country ... and it is super easy to grow ... plant some in your aquarium filter to help your tropical fish stay healthy ...
How much have you grown?
In acres, less than ten ... how about yourself? ... go ahead and ask me how I know it's a pain-in-the-ass to grow ...
I have 43 acres yet to get a couple of pounds I need less than three-tenths of an acre. I have and do use fish emulsion but I don't grow a plant that can grow bigger than a corn plant in a fish filter.
Fish pee ... and that pee is poisonous for the fish ... bacteria will oxidize the ammonium into nitrates ... which plants take up as fertilizer ... closing the nitrogen cycle ...

Biology 101 ...
i had a 70 gal aquarium.....didnt need pot to filter out anything....Aquarium keeping 101....
I have 43 acres yet to get a couple of pounds I need less than three-tenths of an acre.

How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke in a day? ... in your lifetime? ... how long are you curing it? ... I can get a pound of KGB from a five-gallon bucket on my porch ...
No plants at all? ... are you saying pot won't grow in a big sponge filter? ... or are you a moron and trolling with a strawman? ...
of course there were plants dumbass.....and i never said it would not.....but just to let you know....not many people with aquariums put pot in the filter...
Politicians tax everything they can so they can get their vig, not because they have any altruistic concern for the American people. They're $ hos. $ is their heroin. MAGA
of course there were plants dumbass.....and i never said it would not.....but just to let you know....not many people with aquariums put pot in the filter...

I never said people do ... it's a fucking FELONY under Federal Law ...

You're arguing that we need 3/5's an acre to grow one plant? ... Moonglow claims he's paying tobacco taxes even though he doesn't smoke ... are you also paying tobacco taxes on product you don't personally use? ...

For the record ... some States charge tobacco taxes for the expressed purpose to get people to stop smoking ... so cigarettes are way way way too expensive, especially for children ... if you don't want to pay those taxes, either quit or grow your own ...

... or come to the internet and bitch about it ... you're choice ...
Politicians tax everything they can so they can get their vig, not because they have any altruistic concern for the American people. They're $ hos. $ is their heroin. MAGA

That's the truth ... the problem isn't where taxes come from ... it's where they go ...

Government spending is the problem ... MAGA ... stop the pork-barrel CR's ... vote wisely:

I like this guy and I'm a liberal !!! ...
i've just about had it entirely with western governments encroaching on my personal freedoms.

i want to use softdrugs on a regular basis, and without extra taxes added to it's price.
many others do too, but they don't go posting about on forums, fearing a backlash of the anti-fun-drugs lobbies of course.


a sample of my capabilities, a mere tidy small taste of it? sure : Evidence - weed marijuana - anti cancer - Google Drive
Grow your own weed - Problem solved.

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