Why Should People Be Able To Get Free Virus Testing? That's Socialism!


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Dem Rep. Katie Porter, in tense hearing, gets CDC chief to commit to free coronavirus testing

So when the House voted on a bipartisan bill to fund free coronavirus tests for people -- it was basically the communist Dems who took this opportunity to force fiscal conservatives into voting for this bill -- Well over 70% of Congress voted for this bill...luckily Mitch in the Senate has stood against this oppression by refusing to not even schedule a vote yet.....Blame Democrat Katie Porter for this mess - when she used her political trickery to get the CDC guy to commit to free virus testing...

"A Democratic congresswoman secured a commitment for free coronavirus testing from the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday after she peppered him with questions about the importance of testing and the cost of treatment. 'Dr. Kadlec, for someone without insurance, do you know the out-of-pocket cost of a complete blood count test?" Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., first asked Robert Kadlec, assistant secretary of Health and Human Services, at the House Oversight Committee hearing on coronavirus preparedness -- Kadlec said he did not immediately know -- She eventually came to the figure of $1,331 and said it could be another $4,000 if that included a period of isolation in a hospital."

Simple question....why should people be able to get coronavirus testing or any type of healthcare for free?? That is basically socialism -- why shouldn't the private companies who make these tests not be able to compete in the free market and let the free markets decide?? If people don't have insurance and/or are too poor, etc -- and can't afford to pay, so be it...Let a church or some charity give them tests, not the government -- that is basically socialism....If you look across the globe in places where they have dramatically reduced the spread -- it was the free markets that fixed it, not this giving away a bunch of government free stuff to a bunch of lazy bums..
Testing is a waste of time, money and hope. It's more of a political thing that candidates have been shamed into voting for.
Testing is a waste of time, money and hope. It's more of a political thing that candidates have been shamed into voting for.

Testing can help a doctor distinguish between different diagnoses, and determine a correct treatment plan. If someone presents with pneumonia, knowing what variety it is can determine whether curative treatment is called for , or just supportive/symptomatic treatment is.

Mass testing of healthy people for coronavirus is likely to find that millions have already been infected
Simple question....why should people be able to get coronavirus testing or any type of healthcare for free?? That is basically socialism -- why shouldn't the private companies who make these tests not be able to compete in the free market and let the free markets decide??

Excellent question but your premise is skewed a bit, as is your attempted forgone conclusion to the query you started.

The 'private companies' that are making the expedient tests are paid for by the US Gov. (aka the people)

Trump Administration Announces Measures To Speed Coronavirus Testing

The US Gov has efficiently (omg, really?) provided the way to get tests to the consumer via the medical community. Additionally the US Gov, working with testing labs (private and state) have expedited the drama and actual test times in order to get test results ASAP.

We all pay for it in the end - it's called Federal Taxes.

Would you prefer that people die instead of getting tested?
Simple question....why should people be able to get coronavirus testing or any type of healthcare for free?? That is basically socialism -- why shouldn't the private companies who make these tests not be able to compete in the free market and let the free markets decide??

Excellent question but your premise is skewed a bit, as is your attempted forgone conclusion to the query you started.

The 'private companies' that are making the expedient tests are paid for by the US Gov. (aka the people)

Trump Administration Announces Measures To Speed Coronavirus Testing

The US Gov has efficiently (omg, really?) provided the way to get tests to the consumer via the medical community. Additionally the US Gov, working with testing labs (private and state) have expedited the drama and actual test times in order to get test results ASAP.

We all pay for it in the end - it's called Federal Taxes.

Would you prefer that people die instead of getting tested?

There is no cure for Coronavirus. So this testing will only help those who test "negative" for it, and they find out that the real cause for the people's symptoms is an illness that is both curable and fatal if not treated.
Testing absolutely should be free paid for by the tax payers. This is a serious threat. We need a baseline on how many are infected. It's the only way to know when the threat is subsiding, or getting worse.

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