Why should the national anthem be played at sporting events?

What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

I don't know why, BUT, if you are offended seeing or hearing of the symbol of a group being shown any respect,

you should not be a member of that group.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?
Pro sports are social proxies for warfare. They keep the plebes cheering for their "warriors", which is a mindset the state has an interest in promoting.
Now, see, here’s a different angle. This is also why the Pentagon spends millions in taxpayer money partnering with NFL, doing Color Guard, flyovers - they would would roll tanks on the field if they could.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

I don't know why, BUT, if you are offended seeing or hearing of the symbol of a group being shown any respect,

you should not be a member of that group.
I’m a huge baseball fan - GO BRAVES! - but I don’t want to hear the national anthem before a game, or God Bless America during the 7th inning.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

It shouldn't.
Perhaps we should start playing Cuba's national Anthem ????

if not that...how about China's National Anthem before every game???
Or none at all.

I'm fine with the national anthem.
I have lived in Europe for 24 years and no longer follow sports. Both were great decisions.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?
Pro sports are social proxies for warfare. They keep the plebes cheering for their "warriors", which is a mindset the state has an interest in promoting.
Now, see, here’s a different angle. This is also why the Pentagon spends millions in taxpayer money partnering with NFL, doing Color Guard, flyovers - they would would roll tanks on the field if they could.
So? Why does that offend you?

you still haven’t answered why the anthem upsets you?
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

I don't know why, BUT, if you are offended seeing or hearing of the symbol of a group being shown any respect,

you should not be a member of that group.
I’m a huge baseball fan - GO BRAVES! - but I don’t want to hear the national anthem before a game, or God Bless America during the 7th inning.

If it bothers you so much, to see or hear symbols of a group, you should renounce your membership in that group.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

I don't know why, BUT, if you are offended seeing or hearing of the symbol of a group being shown any respect,

you should not be a member of that group.
I’m a huge baseball fan - GO BRAVES! - but I don’t want to hear the national anthem before a game, or God Bless America during the 7th inning.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

I don't know why, BUT, if you are offended seeing or hearing of the symbol of a group being shown any respect,

you should not be a member of that group.
I’m a huge baseball fan - GO BRAVES! - but I don’t want to hear the national anthem before a game, or God Bless America during the 7th inning.

If it bothers you so much, to see or hear symbols of a group, you should renounce your membership in that group.
She hasn’t explained why it bothers her.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

I don't know why, BUT, if you are offended seeing or hearing of the symbol of a group being shown any respect,

you should not be a member of that group.
I’m a huge baseball fan - GO BRAVES! - but I don’t want to hear the national anthem before a game, or God Bless America during the 7th inning.
Nobody is keeping you here, move to a country where their national anthem does not offend you. I suggest Cuba since they too are into baseball.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

I don't know why, BUT, if you are offended seeing or hearing of the symbol of a group being shown any respect,

you should not be a member of that group.
I’m a huge baseball fan - GO BRAVES! - but I don’t want to hear the national anthem before a game, or God Bless America during the 7th inning.

If it bothers you so much, to see or hear symbols of a group, you should renounce your membership in that group.
She hasn’t explained why it bothers her.

We know why, she is an anti-American commie.
What's the connection between for-profit corporate sports leagues and our national anthem?

I don't know why, BUT, if you are offended seeing or hearing of the symbol of a group being shown any respect,

you should not be a member of that group.
I’m a huge baseball fan - GO BRAVES! - but I don’t want to hear the national anthem before a game, or God Bless America during the 7th inning.
Nobody is keeping you here, move to a country where their national anthem does not offend you. I suggest Cuba since they too are into baseball.

If I was a member of a group, that I hated so much that I didn't want to even SEE their symbol(s), I would quit that group.

I certainly would not participate in it's organizational processes, (elections) as though I cared about it, or it's future. Or God Forbid, accept benefits from it.

That would make me at best a hypocrite and a moocher, it not an active traitor.

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