Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

I care more about the 50% who pay ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING.

There, I said it.... as for the rich, I don't care what they pay.

Well that's silly. You could take all of what the bottom 50% own and it wouldn't equal the savings from rollings back the Bush tax cuts.

There's a reason folks on the bottom don't pay much income tax - THEY DON'T HAVE MUCH INCOME.

Its funny how the right wing is opposed to laws which essentially prevent taxation on the amount of money one needs to live. You'd think in a free country we'd be allowed to eat enough to live without being taxed - but no,apparently, since people who make enough to buy yachts have to pay 15% on their capital gains, it must mean that we need to tax people for eating.

In fact, much of the tax structure is based on the premise that someone shouldn't be taxed on their basic needs. The standard deductible and the personal exemption are examples in the income tax code - the homestead exemption an example in the property tax code - and in many states, a sales tax exemption or reduction for food and/or other essentials.

If someone makes just enough money to feed themselves and their family - how could they be taxed for that in a free nation?

Because according to your system, we are ALL responsible to the government. You know, to keep it going and growing? The bottom half should be helping too.
Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

Because they have it and the rest of us don't?

Basically the government has to go after the people who HAVE money.
When did their money become Government's money? Hint: Research the chicanery of Wilson and the Progressives and the damage that has been done since 1913.
I am new here, but I do agree with "Quote: Originally Posted by Soggy in NOLA View Post
I care more about the 50% who pay ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING."

I think this is a big portion of the problem.

I am a fan of flat tax regardless of your income.
If they are paying any taxes at all, they need to hire better tax attorneys.
I am new here, but I do agree with "Quote: Originally Posted by Soggy in NOLA View Post
I care more about the 50% who pay ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING."

I think this is a big portion of the problem.

I am a fan of flat tax regardless of your income.
Flat of FAIR...the IRS and the punative structure as it exists today needs to go. It has become a tool for Social/ economic behaviour manipulation from the Government that is supposed to serve us not suppress.
I am new here, but I do agree with "Quote: Originally Posted by Soggy in NOLA View Post
I care more about the 50% who pay ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING."

I think this is a big portion of the problem.

I am a fan of flat tax regardless of your income.

Want a chocolate?

It is not the taxes going out, its the credits coming back.
Why should they?

Let's assume that they are (an incorrect assumtion)

Because legally, they can.

There is nothing un-American about paying the fewest taxes that you are allowed to by law. If they are not paying what they are supposed to pay, then by all means, go get the money owed. But if it's legal, I'm fine with it.

You see, I hope to be in that tax bracket one day, wouldn't want my taxes in the future to be too high :)
Why should they?

Let's assume that they are (an incorrect assumtion)

Because legally, they can.

There is nothing un-American about paying the fewest taxes that you are allowed to by law. If they are not paying what they are supposed to pay, then by all means, go get the money owed. But if it's legal, I'm fine with it.

You see, I hope to be in that tax bracket one day, wouldn't want my taxes in the future to be too high :)
How about seeing yourself in a tax bracket where you KEEP all that you earn and pay a flat tax on commerce?

Pretty nifty...eh?
The flat tax kills three birds with one stone ... Greatly simplifies the tax code, does away with the IRS and is cost to the US Government (and by extention, US Population), and gets illegals to pay taxes if they want to be here
The flat tax kills three birds with one stone ... Greatly simplifies the tax code, does away with the IRS and is cost to the US Government (and by extention, US Population), and gets illegals to pay taxes if they want to be here
Provided the 16th is repealed.
Nice dodge. So all for all your bullsh1t and regurgitation, you got nothin. Nothin that disputes the tools for tax avoidance are greater for those who are registered owners of C-Corps. Nothin for those who own LLP's, LLC's or even SP's. Nothin' for deferred income DB / DC, OIC's or otherwise.
So when it comes to specifics, you're a weak ass punk. No surprise.
Like I said in my very first thread - which you wet your little b1tch panties over because it didn't adhrere to the mantras you've been fed: It's not that the rich have different rates, it's that they have the ability to take advantages of the tax code which aren't practically applicable to those of the middle or lower classes.

No one is dodging but you. This thread is about tax RATES being lower for the rich. It has been shown that is not true. You admit that above. Now your ranting about the availability of tax advantaged code for the rich. A different topic entirely and one Obama and Congress are not addressing.

Well the whackjobs have arrived en masse. maybe this is too complex for you guys to understand.
I never claimed their income tax rates or capital gains taxes were different.
I made an observation that they do have access to options that the poor and middle classes don't have. This reduces the net effect. So what has been in the news, has been whether the rich pay a lower net percentage overall. But of course, if you're just regurgitating soundbites, that would be too complex to understand so it's cools little whackies!
Now here's what's funny about whakjobs - they're always so easy to spot. I made it clear that it's not fair to tax the rich, simply because of their income! :lol:
But of course with brain-washed drones, if you don't agree with them on everything, they just go and get all whacky on ya!

Funny, that!
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No one is dodging but you. This thread is about tax RATES being lower for the rich. It has been shown that is not true. You admit that above. Now your ranting about the availability of tax advantaged code for the rich. A different topic entirely and one Obama and Congress are not addressing.

Well the whackjobs have arrived en masse. maybe this is too complex for you guys to understand.
I never claimed their income tax rates or capital gains taxes were different.
I made an observation that they do have access to options that the poor and middle classes don't have. This reduces the net effect. So what has been in the news, has been whether the rich pay a lower net percentage overall. But of course, if you're just regurgitating soundbites, that would be too complex to understand so it's cools little whackies!
Now here's what's funny about whakjobs - they're always so easy to spot. I made it clear that it's not fair to tax the rich, simply because of their income! :lol:
But of course with brain-washed drones, if you don't agree with them on everything, they just go and get all whacky on ya!

Funny, that!

Funny that. My post was 100% on the mark and truthful. I guess labeling folks as whackjobs absolves you of acknowledging truth. Hack.
No one is dodging but you. This thread is about tax RATES being lower for the rich. It has been shown that is not true. You admit that above. Now your ranting about the availability of tax advantaged code for the rich. A different topic entirely and one Obama and Congress are not addressing.

Well the whackjobs have arrived en masse. maybe this is too complex for you guys to understand.
I never claimed their income tax rates or capital gains taxes were different.
I made an observation that they do have access to options that the poor and middle classes don't have. This reduces the net effect. So what has been in the news, has been whether the rich pay a lower net percentage overall. But of course, if you're just regurgitating soundbites, that would be too complex to understand so it's cools little whackies!
Now here's what's funny about whakjobs - they're always so easy to spot. I made it clear that it's not fair to tax the rich, simply because of their income! :lol:
But of course with brain-washed drones, if you don't agree with them on everything, they just go and get all whacky on ya!

Funny, that!

Funny that. My post was 100% on the mark and truthful. I guess labeling folks as whackjobs absolves you of acknowledging truth. Hack.

LOL! Dude you are one funny little minion!
So what truth have I not acknowledged? That the rich pay higher rates? I acknowledged that. That it's unfair to tax them? I acknowledged that. That what your thought masters have fed that sheeple little brain of yours is true in every way and there are not any other factors that could contribute to a lower net liability? Ahhh. Big words. Big sentence. No wonder you're confused and angry.
It's all good little sheeple. I understand. You haven't been fed your thoughts on the difference between tax rates and net tax liability - which is the EXACTLY thing Buffet and the Libs have been discussing. Buffet never said "I have a lower rate", he said "I pay less." But of course that's a bit too complex for the whackjobs to figure out. Fun to watch you get pissed and wet your panties because someone who says it's not fair to tax the rich, points out that not every thought you've been fed is accurate.
So look sweetheart, when the grownups tell you what to think about those darn things, you just c'mon back and recite the new opinions they have fed you! Won't that be nice? :lol:
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Well the whackjobs have arrived en masse. maybe this is too complex for you guys to understand.
I never claimed their income tax rates or capital gains taxes were different.
I made an observation that they do have access to options that the poor and middle classes don't have. This reduces the net effect. So what has been in the news, has been whether the rich pay a lower net percentage overall. But of course, if you're just regurgitating soundbites, that would be too complex to understand so it's cools little whackies!
Now here's what's funny about whakjobs - they're always so easy to spot. I made it clear that it's not fair to tax the rich, simply because of their income! :lol:
But of course with brain-washed drones, if you don't agree with them on everything, they just go and get all whacky on ya!

Funny, that!

Funny that. My post was 100% on the mark and truthful. I guess labeling folks as whackjobs absolves you of acknowledging truth. Hack.

LOL! Dude you are one funny little minion!
So what truth have I not acknowledged? That the rich pay higher rates? I acknowledged that. That it's unfair to tax them? I acknowledged that. That what your thought masters have fed that sheeple little brain of yours is true in every way and there are not any other factors that could contribute to a lower net liability? Ahhh. Big words. Big sentence. No wonder you're confused and angry.
It's all good little sheeple. I understand. You haven't been fed your thoughts on the difference between tax rates and net tax liability - which is the EXACTLY thing Buffet and the Libs have been discussing. Buffet never said "I have a lower rate", he said "I pay less." But of course that's a bit too complex for the whackjobs to figure out. Fun to watch you get pissed and wet your panties because someone who says it's not fair to tax the rich, points out that not every thought you've been fed is accurate.
So look sweetheart, when the grownups tell you what to think about those darn things, you just c'mon back and recite the new opinions they have fed you! Won't that be nice? :lol:

The thread is about tax rates. As I stated earlier, if you want to start a thread on net tax liability, go ahead. I'd participate. Your too hung up on yourself to realize that people probably would agree with many of your opinions. Several of us are flat tax rate fans.

Bottomline is, no one in Congress seems to be ready to introduce a flat tax to eliminate loopholes, credits and deductions. Just because you get your marching orders from Huffo, don't assume I use any single source in making my opinions. It makes you look foolish and in my case your completely wrong.
Funny that. My post was 100% on the mark and truthful. I guess labeling folks as whackjobs absolves you of acknowledging truth. Hack.

LOL! Dude you are one funny little minion!
So what truth have I not acknowledged? That the rich pay higher rates? I acknowledged that. That it's unfair to tax them? I acknowledged that. That what your thought masters have fed that sheeple little brain of yours is true in every way and there are not any other factors that could contribute to a lower net liability? Ahhh. Big words. Big sentence. No wonder you're confused and angry.
It's all good little sheeple. I understand. You haven't been fed your thoughts on the difference between tax rates and net tax liability - which is the EXACTLY thing Buffet and the Libs have been discussing. Buffet never said "I have a lower rate", he said "I pay less." But of course that's a bit too complex for the whackjobs to figure out. Fun to watch you get pissed and wet your panties because someone who says it's not fair to tax the rich, points out that not every thought you've been fed is accurate.
So look sweetheart, when the grownups tell you what to think about those darn things, you just c'mon back and recite the new opinions they have fed you! Won't that be nice? :lol:

The thread is about tax rates. As I stated earlier, if you want to start a thread on net tax liability, go ahead. I'd participate. Your too hung up on yourself to realize that people probably would agree with many of your opinions. Several of us are flat tax rate fans.

Bottomline is, no one in Congress seems to be ready to introduce a flat tax to eliminate loopholes, credits and deductions. Just because you get your marching orders from Huffo, don't assume I use any single source in making my opinions. It makes you look foolish and in my case your completely wrong.

LOL! Yeah, you've been paying attention...
So you've never posted something that was directly related to a thread but not 100% exactly about the title eh? Never once diverged even a little? Yeah okay. No really, I believe you!

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