Why Shouldn't We Have A Myanmar Styled Coup In The US??

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

Flynn is a traitor to the uniform he wore.

"A former national security adviser for Donald Trump told attendees at a weekend conference in Dallas linked to the baseless QAnon conspiracy that what happened in Myanmar — where the military overthrew the government — “should happen” in the United States. During a question-and-answer session; an audience member asked Flynn, while mispronouncing the Southeast Asian nation’s name: “I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?' --
'No reason,” Flynn responded as the crowd cheered. “I mean, it should happen here.”

Flynn is absolutely right -- there is no reason why it shouldn't happen here....and if Trump is going to be re-installed as Supreme Leader in August as he predicts; the easiest way to make this happen is with a military coup....Democrats have been able to get away with violent coups and government takeovers for decades -- so why shouldn't God's chosen be able to do it??

And there are many parallels to the coup in Myanmar -- that election was rigged and stolen from the rightful winner and therefore the military stepped in to make things right...and just think, almost 800 people over there have been killed for protesting and causing trouble -- can you imagine how awesome it would be if our military could mow down 800 Antifa and BLM thugs for trying to oppose a constitutionally protected coup?? Best part of it is, if the public reaction to a coup is negative; we can just blame it on Dems and claim they did it....it's a win win either way.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Oh please. The chances that China deliberately released the coronavirus are almost zero. Stop going off into a fantasy world.

If the Chinese were going to release this virus, they'd have done it IN THE USA. Not in Wuhan. And they'd have been PREPARED FOR IT. They weren't.

The evidence of fraud is neither here nor there because the whole damn system is corrupt. Four years of Trump and no one word about changing the system to something that would lead to less corruption. Why not?

No, they wouldn't have released the virus in the US---the virus in its natural unmilitarized form is from Asian bats...
Is Flynn a Russian agent? Sounds like one to me. I think he should be stripped of his stars, pension and all other military benefits - and branded as a traitor.
You are clueless.......

No one has produced a bat infected with the virus

it was the bat's shit that was originally infecting those who went into caves to collect it. There was no cases of the infected humans then passing it on to to any other humans. Hence why FAUCI had to pay the Chinese to basically weaponize "the shit." And why the actual Kung flu had to have come out of the bioweapons lab not that meat market that didn't have any of the bats that lived 2000 miles away.

Thank You QAnon

Oh my---I post the facts and I get smeared. Arent you communists/libs pathetic.

YOU could easily just do a simple websearch instead of insulting those that post the facts.

QAnon garbage is not facts

Only leftwingers believe Q-Anon.

Yell that to Ashli Targetpractice.

Oh, wait... you can't... that traitor is still dead.

Only leftwingers believe Q-Anon.
Flynn was speaking at a QAnon convention
Speaking at the QAnon convention, Flynn was asked...

"I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can't happen here?"

His answer was...

"No reason, I mean, it should happen here. No reason. That's right."

Now in utter trumpardian fashion, he's lying and denying he said that...

"Let me be VERY CLEAR – There is NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America, and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort."
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

Flynn is a traitor to the uniform he wore.

Whatever you say CCP-Putin Puppet
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
You already failed at 2016 with your CCP-Putin DemNazi Russian Collusion COUP.
The only "constructive" thing such an event could produce would be to finally reveal America's true enemies so they could be dealt with. Those cheering for such a thing are in that group.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
You already failed at 2016 with your CCP-Putin DemNazi Russian Collusion COUP.
I said nothing of Russia, kook.
We should not have a Myanmar-style coup in the US.

I hate cleaning guns every time I shoot them and besides, they depreciate in value when you use them.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
You already failed at 2016 with your CCP-Putin DemNazi Russian Collusion COUP.
I said nothing of Russia, kook.
At least you admit to colluding with The CCP.

Russian Collusion is where your DemNazi Party colluded with Putin to try to overturn the 2016 election. Even Obama Bin Lying threw money in with Hillary Rotten Clinton to buy a fake Dirty Dossier from Putin and the KGB.

Hillarious how you handed off your Commie Coup to Moscow Mueller, Commie Comey, and Soviet Strozk and company as you turned the FBI in to the SS.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
You already failed at 2016 with your CCP-Putin DemNazi Russian Collusion COUP.
I said nothing of Russia, kook.
At least you admit to colluding with The CCP.

Russian Collusion is where your DemNazi Party colluded with Putin to try to overturn the 2016 election. Even Obama Bin Lying threw money in with Hillary Rotten Clinton to buy a fake Dirty Dossier from Putin and the KGB.
I admitted that by not saying a thing about it, huh, nutcase? :cuckoo:
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
You already failed at 2016 with your CCP-Putin DemNazi Russian Collusion COUP.
I said nothing of Russia, kook.
At least you admit to colluding with The CCP.

Russian Collusion is where your DemNazi Party colluded with Putin to try to overturn the 2016 election. Even Obama Bin Lying threw money in with Hillary Rotten Clinton to buy a fake Dirty Dossier from Putin and the KGB.
I admitted that by not saying a thing about it, huh, nutcase? :cuckoo:
Are your ears stopped up with the geigh today? Is Iran going to help the DemNazi party in 2024 or are you going back to Putin? We know how you like to rotate your commie co-conspirators out like people do tires every 10,000 miles.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
You already failed at 2016 with your CCP-Putin DemNazi Russian Collusion COUP.
I said nothing of Russia, kook.
At least you admit to colluding with The CCP.

Russian Collusion is where your DemNazi Party colluded with Putin to try to overturn the 2016 election. Even Obama Bin Lying threw money in with Hillary Rotten Clinton to buy a fake Dirty Dossier from Putin and the KGB.
I admitted that by not saying a thing about it, huh, nutcase? :cuckoo:
Are your ears stopped up with the geigh today? Is Iran going to help the DemNazi party in 2024 or are you going back to Putin? We know how you like to rotate your commie co-conspirators out like people do tires every 10,000 miles.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
You already failed at 2016 with your CCP-Putin DemNazi Russian Collusion COUP.
I said nothing of Russia, kook.
At least you admit to colluding with The CCP.

Russian Collusion is where your DemNazi Party colluded with Putin to try to overturn the 2016 election. Even Obama Bin Lying threw money in with Hillary Rotten Clinton to buy a fake Dirty Dossier from Putin and the KGB.
I admitted that by not saying a thing about it, huh, nutcase? :cuckoo:
Are your ears stopped up with the geigh today? Is Iran going to help the DemNazi party in 2024 or are you going back to Putin? We know how you like to rotate your commie co-conspirators out like people do tires every 10,000 miles.
Anytime I see this emoticon
, I know I have struck a nerve and hit the bullseye.

Thanks for affirming The TRUTH, comrade.
We should not have a Myanmar-style coup in the US.

I hate cleaning guns every time I shoot them and besides, they depreciate in value when you use them.
Why do you think the Dems are making conservatives cheer for a fascist military coup??
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.
Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

Great, how about we do a full audit of every ballot cast in the 2020 election after we do that for the 2016 election?
22 months is long past. 2016 is history. This is far from over.
Nope, there were claims of fraud in 2016 too. We shouldn't move onto to the 2020 election unless we also verify the 2016 election.
The dems cheat every election--I've seen their stupid asses do it personally. I also know they were turned in and nothing was done to go after the 3 women I know did it (voting county to county in a group of many)...
The biggest cheaters I see are Republicans. So we should not do a full audit on the 2020 election before doing it for the 2016 election.

You want to know the truth, don't you?
You are a bias idiot who spins shit all the time....what you say you seen is never going to be accurate. I've seen the dems cheat in mass..........before this election hence why I was warning of their cheating and that they would do more of it this year given their hate of Trump and that they were getting worse and more brazen in their attempts to take over the government.
So you don't want to get to the truth of the 2016 election?
what truth? I saw no mass cheating on trump's part..............so what would it change. I did see mass cheating in 2008 for Obama and know they were turned in to the republican party and feds to see that nothing was done even with flat out evidence....however I didn't continue to pursue it knowing that Obama actually would have won likely without the cheating even...
Even Trump said the election was rigged. So if we're gonna recount the entire 2020 election, we should do the same for 2016. And if it reveals Trump cheated in 2016, Hillary should be sworn in. Don't you want the truth to be found out?
You already failed at 2016 with your CCP-Putin DemNazi Russian Collusion COUP.
I said nothing of Russia, kook.
At least you admit to colluding with The CCP.

Russian Collusion is where your DemNazi Party colluded with Putin to try to overturn the 2016 election. Even Obama Bin Lying threw money in with Hillary Rotten Clinton to buy a fake Dirty Dossier from Putin and the KGB.
I admitted that by not saying a thing about it, huh, nutcase? :cuckoo:
Are your ears stopped up with the geigh today? Is Iran going to help the DemNazi party in 2024 or are you going back to Putin? We know how you like to rotate your commie co-conspirators out like people do tires every 10,000 miles.
Anytime I see this emoticon View attachment 496191, I know I have struck a nerve and hit the bullseye.

Thanks for affirming The TRUTH, comrade.
We should not have a Myanmar-style coup in the US.

I hate cleaning guns every time I shoot them and besides, they depreciate in value when you use them.
Why do you think the Dems are making conservatives cheer for a fascist military coup??

No idea. Are those people cheering gonna clean my guns for me afterward and reimburse me for the wear and tear?

If so, let's get the party started.

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