Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money
By ROBERT H. FRANK at the NY Times

Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money


Sometimes described as Medicare for all, single-payer is a system in which a public agency handles health care financing while the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

Discussions of the California measure have stalled, however, in the wake of preliminary estimates pegging the cost of the program as greater than the entire state government budget. Similar cost concerns derailed single-payer proposals in Colorado and Vermont.

Voters need to understand that this cost objection is specious. That’s because, as experience in many countries has demonstrated, the total cost of providing health coverage under the single-payer approach is actually substantially lower than under the current system in the United States. It is a bedrock economic principle that if we can find a way to do something more efficiently, it’s possible for everyone to come out ahead.

By analogy, suppose that your state’s government took over road maintenance from the county governments within it, in the process reducing total maintenance costs by 30 percent. Your state taxes would obviously have to go up under this arrangement.

But if roads would be as well maintained as before, would that be a reason to oppose the move? Clearly not, since the resulting cost savings would reduce your county taxes by more than your state taxes went up. Likewise, it makes no sense to oppose single-payer on the grounds that it would require additional tax revenue. In each case, the resulting gains in efficiency would leave you with greater effective purchasing power than before.

And it saves lives..It is the moral and right thing to do.
Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money
By ROBERT H. FRANK at the NY Times

Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money


Sometimes described as Medicare for all, single-payer is a system in which a public agency handles health care financing while the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

Discussions of the California measure have stalled, however, in the wake of preliminary estimates pegging the cost of the program as greater than the entire state government budget. Similar cost concerns derailed single-payer proposals in Colorado and Vermont.

Voters need to understand that this cost objection is specious. That’s because, as experience in many countries has demonstrated, the total cost of providing health coverage under the single-payer approach is actually substantially lower than under the current system in the United States. It is a bedrock economic principle that if we can find a way to do something more efficiently, it’s possible for everyone to come out ahead.

By analogy, suppose that your state’s government took over road maintenance from the county governments within it, in the process reducing total maintenance costs by 30 percent. Your state taxes would obviously have to go up under this arrangement.

But if roads would be as well maintained as before, would that be a reason to oppose the move? Clearly not, since the resulting cost savings would reduce your county taxes by more than your state taxes went up. Likewise, it makes no sense to oppose single-payer on the grounds that it would require additional tax revenue. In each case, the resulting gains in efficiency would leave you with greater effective purchasing power than before.

And it saves lives..It is the moral and right thing to do.

/---- Single payer in Britain is pulling the plug on the sick baby rather than let Pres Trump bring him here for treatment. Now if that was your child.......

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In 2016 the U.S. spent 17.2% of its GDP on healthcare. The other OECD countries were around 10 to 11%.

Health expenditure and financing

And the state of california can't figure out how to fund it. So, what makes you think the entire country would be able to do it? Face it matthew, there are some things that are unaffordable.
Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money
By ROBERT H. FRANK at the NY Times

Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money


Sometimes described as Medicare for all, single-payer is a system in which a public agency handles health care financing while the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

Discussions of the California measure have stalled, however, in the wake of preliminary estimates pegging the cost of the program as greater than the entire state government budget. Similar cost concerns derailed single-payer proposals in Colorado and Vermont.

Voters need to understand that this cost objection is specious. That’s because, as experience in many countries has demonstrated, the total cost of providing health coverage under the single-payer approach is actually substantially lower than under the current system in the United States. It is a bedrock economic principle that if we can find a way to do something more efficiently, it’s possible for everyone to come out ahead.

By analogy, suppose that your state’s government took over road maintenance from the county governments within it, in the process reducing total maintenance costs by 30 percent. Your state taxes would obviously have to go up under this arrangement.

But if roads would be as well maintained as before, would that be a reason to oppose the move? Clearly not, since the resulting cost savings would reduce your county taxes by more than your state taxes went up. Likewise, it makes no sense to oppose single-payer on the grounds that it would require additional tax revenue. In each case, the resulting gains in efficiency would leave you with greater effective purchasing power than before.

And it saves lives..It is the moral and right thing to do.

How does it save Charlie and GB death panels ?

His parents rights was stripped from that baby.


Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money
By ROBERT H. FRANK at the NY Times

Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money


Sometimes described as Medicare for all, single-payer is a system in which a public agency handles health care financing while the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

Discussions of the California measure have stalled, however, in the wake of preliminary estimates pegging the cost of the program as greater than the entire state government budget. Similar cost concerns derailed single-payer proposals in Colorado and Vermont.

Voters need to understand that this cost objection is specious. That’s because, as experience in many countries has demonstrated, the total cost of providing health coverage under the single-payer approach is actually substantially lower than under the current system in the United States. It is a bedrock economic principle that if we can find a way to do something more efficiently, it’s possible for everyone to come out ahead.

By analogy, suppose that your state’s government took over road maintenance from the county governments within it, in the process reducing total maintenance costs by 30 percent. Your state taxes would obviously have to go up under this arrangement.

But if roads would be as well maintained as before, would that be a reason to oppose the move? Clearly not, since the resulting cost savings would reduce your county taxes by more than your state taxes went up. Likewise, it makes no sense to oppose single-payer on the grounds that it would require additional tax revenue. In each case, the resulting gains in efficiency would leave you with greater effective purchasing power than before.

And it saves lives..It is the moral and right thing to do.

/---- Single payer in Britain is pulling the plug on the sick baby rather than let Pres Trump bring him here for treatment. Now if that was your child.......

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Thanks you beat me to it.

It's Friday. Must be time for another of Mathew's "tax payers should give me what I should be paying for myself" threads.

What a shock.

Stay tuned. Next will be pay for my food and wipe my ass.
Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money
By ROBERT H. FRANK at the NY Times

Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money


Sometimes described as Medicare for all, single-payer is a system in which a public agency handles health care financing while the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

Discussions of the California measure have stalled, however, in the wake of preliminary estimates pegging the cost of the program as greater than the entire state government budget. Similar cost concerns derailed single-payer proposals in Colorado and Vermont.

Voters need to understand that this cost objection is specious. That’s because, as experience in many countries has demonstrated, the total cost of providing health coverage under the single-payer approach is actually substantially lower than under the current system in the United States. It is a bedrock economic principle that if we can find a way to do something more efficiently, it’s possible for everyone to come out ahead.

By analogy, suppose that your state’s government took over road maintenance from the county governments within it, in the process reducing total maintenance costs by 30 percent. Your state taxes would obviously have to go up under this arrangement.

But if roads would be as well maintained as before, would that be a reason to oppose the move? Clearly not, since the resulting cost savings would reduce your county taxes by more than your state taxes went up. Likewise, it makes no sense to oppose single-payer on the grounds that it would require additional tax revenue. In each case, the resulting gains in efficiency would leave you with greater effective purchasing power than before.

And it saves lives..It is the moral and right thing to do.

Ration care, create long lines, snuff the old and the sick, ignore the newest technology and newest drugs, we'll save trillions.
Be careful what you wish for.

I lived under the single payer/single source GOVERNMENT health care in the military. It sucked. Totally incompetent. I lost a significant range of hearing over the years I flew in the AF. It was documented every year by hearing tests. Guess what? On my discharge physical, my hearing was miraculously restored to perfect WITHOUT A HEARING TEST. What happened to the hearing tests in my files showing significant hearing loss? Gone. So much for the integrity of the doctors, nurses and staff when they are unaccountable. So no disability claim.

I could tell you story after story of long waiting lines and misdiagnosed patients that ended up dying. Screwed up prescriptions. Operations that went wrong. And NO ONE HELD ACCOUNTABLE BECAUSE IT'S THE GOVERNMENT. On every base, we had a wood hobby shop and an auto hobby shop. We called going to see the doctor or dentist as going to the medical hobby shop. They practiced on us and didn't give a hoot if they helped us or not.

You want the health care the military gets? You want the health care the VA gets?

You got to be crazy.
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I don't understand how giving the government that much control over your life is the "moral and right" thing to do.

What kind of person puts that kind of faith in government?
Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money
By ROBERT H. FRANK at the NY Times

Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money


Sometimes described as Medicare for all, single-payer is a system in which a public agency handles health care financing while the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

Discussions of the California measure have stalled, however, in the wake of preliminary estimates pegging the cost of the program as greater than the entire state government budget. Similar cost concerns derailed single-payer proposals in Colorado and Vermont.

Voters need to understand that this cost objection is specious. That’s because, as experience in many countries has demonstrated, the total cost of providing health coverage under the single-payer approach is actually substantially lower than under the current system in the United States. It is a bedrock economic principle that if we can find a way to do something more efficiently, it’s possible for everyone to come out ahead.

By analogy, suppose that your state’s government took over road maintenance from the county governments within it, in the process reducing total maintenance costs by 30 percent. Your state taxes would obviously have to go up under this arrangement.

But if roads would be as well maintained as before, would that be a reason to oppose the move? Clearly not, since the resulting cost savings would reduce your county taxes by more than your state taxes went up. Likewise, it makes no sense to oppose single-payer on the grounds that it would require additional tax revenue. In each case, the resulting gains in efficiency would leave you with greater effective purchasing power than before.

And it saves lives..It is the moral and right thing to do.

Yes, the UK could have a really good healthcare system if they spent a little more money on it. However the Tories want to destroy this so they can make their friends rich.

I don't understand how giving the government that much control over your life is the "moral and right" thing to do.

What kind of person puts that kind of faith in government?

Here's the difference.

If I have a single payer system, I don't need to go out and find health insurance. I don't need to worry that the insurance company will decide I don't have the right type of cancer to be insured, I don't have to worry if I was born with a illness that I'll never be able to afford to treat what I was born with.

Essentially who would want to put their trust in insurance companies?

If I have a US system, I have to go out and find health insurance. Do i go for the one I can afford which won't cover most things? Will I pay more than I can realistically afford? What if I lose my job? Suddenly I'm not covered, which means I have to be more of a slave to my job that would otherwise be so.

You can choose to put your faith in people who have been elected to serve, or you can put your faith in insurance companies who are somewhere down the bottom of the pile with lawyers in the trustworthy stakes.
I don't understand how giving the government that much control over your life is the "moral and right" thing to do.

What kind of person puts that kind of faith in government?

Here's the difference.

If I have a single payer system, I don't need to go out and find health insurance. I don't need to worry that the insurance company will decide I don't have the right type of cancer to be insured, I don't have to worry if I was born with a illness that I'll never be able to afford to treat what I was born with.

Essentially who would want to put their trust in insurance companies?

If I have a US system, I have to go out and find health insurance. Do i go for the one I can afford which won't cover most things? Will I pay more than I can realistically afford? What if I lose my job? Suddenly I'm not covered, which means I have to be more of a slave to my job that would otherwise be so.

You can choose to put your faith in people who have been elected to serve, or you can put your faith in insurance companies who are somewhere down the bottom of the pile with lawyers in the trustworthy stakes.

I think we'll end up with single payer. I know you and I aren't going to like it once we get it. The single payer utopia you have in your imagination is not what you and I are going to get. I wish it weren't so.

I think you'll agree with me in about 10 years. Hope we're both still alive to compare notes. :beer:
Be careful what you wish for.

I lived under the single payer/single source GOVERNMENT health care in the military. It sucked. Totally incompetent. I lost a significant range of hearing over the years I flew in the AF. It was documented every year by hearing tests. Guess what? On my discharge physical, my hearing was miraculously restored to perfect WITHOUT A HEARING TEST. What happened to the hearing tests in my files showing significant hearing loss? Gone. So much for the integrity of the doctors, nurses and staff when they are unaccountable. So no disability claim.

I could tell you story after story of long waiting lines and misdiagnosed patients that ended up dying. Screwed up prescriptions. Operations that went wrong. And NO ONE HELD ACCOUNTABLE BECAUSE IT'S THE GOVERNMENT. On every base, we had a wood hobby shop and an auto hobby shop. We called going to see the doctor or dentist as going to the medical hobby shop. They practiced on us and didn't give a hoot if they helped us or not.

You want the health care the military gets? You want the health care the VA gets?

You got to be crazy.

I lived under single payer and it was great, I don't go to the hospital much, but I knew people who did.

The problem in the US is that the US govt sucks, and you people don't want to change what sucks to something that would clearly be better, because you want to have this demon to fight against.
Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money
By ROBERT H. FRANK at the NY Times

Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money


Sometimes described as Medicare for all, single-payer is a system in which a public agency handles health care financing while the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

Discussions of the California measure have stalled, however, in the wake of preliminary estimates pegging the cost of the program as greater than the entire state government budget. Similar cost concerns derailed single-payer proposals in Colorado and Vermont.

Voters need to understand that this cost objection is specious. That’s because, as experience in many countries has demonstrated, the total cost of providing health coverage under the single-payer approach is actually substantially lower than under the current system in the United States. It is a bedrock economic principle that if we can find a way to do something more efficiently, it’s possible for everyone to come out ahead.

By analogy, suppose that your state’s government took over road maintenance from the county governments within it, in the process reducing total maintenance costs by 30 percent. Your state taxes would obviously have to go up under this arrangement.

But if roads would be as well maintained as before, would that be a reason to oppose the move? Clearly not, since the resulting cost savings would reduce your county taxes by more than your state taxes went up. Likewise, it makes no sense to oppose single-payer on the grounds that it would require additional tax revenue. In each case, the resulting gains in efficiency would leave you with greater effective purchasing power than before.

And it saves lives..It is the moral and right thing to do.

Ration care, create long lines, snuff the old and the sick, ignore the newest technology and newest drugs, we'll save trillions.

But people will get treated. You can have no line (because too many people can't afford to go to hospital), you can have older technology (because no one has taken a kickback to get the newest technology) and you can have older drugs (because no one has taken a kickback to get the most expensive drugs when the older drugs will do the same thing).

If you WANT the newest and shiniest, you can still go private and it'll still be cheaper.

I just went to BUPA, one of the main health insurers in the UK

Get a quote | Online health insurance quotes | Bupa UK
I put in that I was a non-smoker born in 1970.

Treatment and Care
£41.10 per month (guide price)

Select your cover options on the next page. This guide price is based on full cancer cover, £500 excess, Essential hospital network and Extended Choice with Central London hospital network for under 16s.

£50.68 per month (guide price)

Select your cover options on the next page. This guide price is based on £500 out-patient limit, full cancer cover, £500 excess, Essential hospital network and Extended Choice with Central London hospital network for under 16s.

I did the comprehensive with full cancer care, no excess, full out patient cover, and it comes to:

Your guide price: Comprehensive £99.25 per month

Select your cover options below to see your final quote.

Your cover details:

Unlimited Out-patient cover

Full Cancer Cover

£0 Excess

That is $127 a month. Okay, that's on top of paying taxes for the NHS too, but no doubt this would be CHEAPER than being in the US and having similar cover.
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The vast majority of health care costs are spent in the last few years of life in the U.S. That will change under single payer. My good friend in the U.K. was diagnosed with prostrate cancer years ago. He was just a year over the age where the state would treat it. They told him he'd die of natural causes before the cancer killed him. His treatment was declined.

That's what we'll have to get used to.

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