Zone1 Why So Much Hate About The Mods and Forum?

Anybody want some. For now that two staff members have visited this thread and it's still open, I really want to know how Tommy reacts to this news and watch the show.

I just want to point out how lucky you all are to have the mods that you do. As evidence, I point out that if I was mod I would harshly collect 'indulgences'. Wanna say a bad word? 10 bucks on my PayPal, want to say a racist word? 25 buck. Sexual favors for getting unbanned.. oh, thread moved back where you want it...50 bucks.
Just be thankful....
I mean sure, it's a little rough around the edges here, but if ya'all hate it here so badly nobody's forcing you to stay, so I'm not sure what all the whining and temper tantrums are about. I constantly see thread after thread about it in here and you guys are calling the staff nuts? Give me a break! :rolleyes:
I have been a member of several political message boards over the years. This is the most fair and balanced board I've ever had membership in. I hope it stays exactly as it is.
P.S. How many posts do I need before I am classified as a Diamond member?
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Okay,.. so if people really have beef with the mods, why not take it to PM like they're supposed to do? If everybody just did that then they might not be so cranky. I'm not trying to act like the staff members' pet, but it must be frustrating to remind people of that constantly, and I know they aren't perfect, but what else are they supposed to do when rules actually are broken? Just ignore it and let chaos erupt?
uh yeah right,like a mod like the fascist one with the letter starting with C is REALLY going to admit they are wrong or listen to you? might as well be asking the fox to guard the henhouse,same thing.

Tried that once, never got a response.
EXACTLY,he hit the nail on the head ,like he said,it does no good,i also have tried that and most times i dont hear back from them.
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I have been a member of several political message boards over the years. This is the most fair and balanced board I've ever had membership in. I hope it stays exactly as it is.
P.S. How many posts do I need before I am classified as a Diamond member?
Its not as bad as most I grant you that. there are many others out there that will ban you just for posting evidence of vote fraud but still it sucks,threads that are not politically correct for them about vote fraud even when you give massive amounts of evidence of it,get moved to the conspiracy theory section and yet threads made by posters they agree with,how there was no vote fraud,get to remain in the politics section,thats fucking censorship and communism at its best.
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To answer that question would mean that you'd get banned, because you cannot scrutinize or even mention the mods to begin with. And that itself is the answer to your question. If we're supposed to hate North Korea and Russia, I don't see why you also wouldn't hate this forums Conservative Marxist style "democracy".
:thankusmile: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
That much I can agree with, but I haven't seen too many issues with that regarding myself. In that sense, and in a general sense altogether,.. Meister is probably the best moderator on the staff team. I like and get along with nearly all of them, but he has a really good head on his shoulders and doesn't put up with a lot.
Okay that I agree with you on about Meister.I have never had any problems with him and have always thought he has always been fair and some of the others are okay as well.Its just mostly that leftist liberal, the one starting the letter starting with a C who is obviously a leftist and a couple of others that have the same beliefs as that mod,they censor posts putting threads with information on government corruption,facts of vote fraud in the last election,taking them out of the politics section and moving them into the conspiracy theories section, Ifs thats not an abuse of power, just cause you dont like to hear the truth and dont want to look at the evidence,i dont know what is.

Meister doesnt do that bullshit so I am okay with him,its just there are other mods here that DO do that bullshit which is the problem with this site cause they never get replaced and ones that are fair like Meister never replaces them.:mad:

If ALL the mods here were like Meister,then this site would be a great place to come to. There used to be other mods here that were fair like Meister but they all left,the good ones always leave,they get tired of seeing the corruption that goes on here and how some of the mods abuse their power here moving threads to the rubber room,badlands or conspiracy theorie section because it is too politically incorrect for them,facts of government corruption they dont want the rest of the board to see so they move them to those sections knowing most posters wont see them.
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Moderators are essential. However, it's better to have fewer Moderators than to appoint some idiotic moron who can't control their political bias when doing their job.
Is that the generic idiotic moron you're referring to or, without saying who, is it a particular idiotic moron?
To answer that question would mean that you'd get banned, because you cannot scrutinize or even mention the mods to begin with. And that itself is the answer to your question. If we're supposed to hate North Korea and Russia, I don't see why you also wouldn't hate this forums Conservative Marxist style "democracy".
You can absolutely hate the USMB and whatever it is you choose to hate about the place. And, if you hate it, just like with North Korea and Russia, don't go there.

The current trend, on your way out, seems to be to say good-bye in the introductions forum. I'll watch for your farewell.
That much I can agree with, but I haven't seen too many issues with that regarding myself. In that sense, and in a general sense altogether,.. Meister is probably the best moderator on the staff team. I like and get along with nearly all of them, but he has a really good head on his shoulders and doesn't put up with a lot.
They're still not going to make you moderator.
Okay that I agree with you on about Meister.I have never had any problems with him and have always thought he has always been fair and some of the others are okay as well.Its just mostly that leftist liberal, the one starting the letter starting with a C who is obviously a leftist and a couple of others that have the same beliefs as that mod,they censor posts putting threads with information on government corruption,facts of vote fraud in the last election,taking them out of the politics section and moving them into the conspiracy theories section, Ifs thats not an abuse of power, just cause you dont like to hear the truth and dont want to look at the evidence,i dont know what is. Meister doesnt do that bullshit so I am okay with him,its just there are other mods here that DO do that bullshit which is the problem with this site cause they never get replaced and ones that are fair like Meister never replaces them.:mad:

If ALL the mods here were like Meister,then this site would be a great place to come to.

Oh man, my feelings are hurt. Can I get a hug?

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