Zone1 Why some here or some of you think hate against Romani Gypsies is not racism?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Some said "I dont know what race gypsies are or they are not a race they are a culture and their whole culture is criminal".

A) They are maybe not a race per se, because they are mixture of many races, but they are not white, they are brown. So being racist to brown people, is also racism or not?
B) Their whole culture isnt criminal and is simplicistic to say "they always steal always did always will", that is not true either, and it is not the only reason people hate romani gypsies, people hate them for who they are, because they are racist, they consider their "blood" filthy, they consider them non-aryan, they consider them a dirty race etc. They reject intermarriage with gypsies because they are brown and dirty for them etc....

I saw some video clips of a guy who speaks what he lived through when grewing up in Eastern Europe and why he moved to the UK... he said people were being beaten and hospitalised, girls were raped by the skinheads etc...

They are short, please listen to it and watch, then you can inform yourself, get a opinion etc... and only then comment or discuss, because you cant discuss or comment if you dont inform yourself...

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lol another 'Whitey Sucks!!!' thread. Why is it all these Oppressed Minorities stay in these racist white run countries and cultures? Why not move to brown and black and Asian countries? Oh, right, they're all full of shit. Never mind.

And, there is a difference between prejudice and racism. Learn to tell the difference. You're a bigot yourself.
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If all so called Gypsies are like you it is hardly surprising that irritation turns to annoyance and then slow anger . Obsessive are never pretty to watch and you take the proverbial biscuit . Go one month without using the G word and note how much your life improves . Then multiply that by one hundred and you will have some idea how we will feel .
Some said "I dont know what race gypsies are or they are not a race they are a culture and their whole culture is criminal".

A) They are maybe not a race per se, because they are mixture of many races, but they are not white, they are brown. So being racist to brown people, is also racism or not?
B) Their whole culture isnt criminal and is simplicistic to say "they always steal always did always will", that is not true either, and it is not the only reason people hate romani gypsies, people hate them for who they are, because they are racist, they consider their "blood" filthy, they consider them non-aryan, they consider them a dirty race etc. They reject intermarriage with gypsies because they are brown and dirty for them etc....

I saw some video clips of a guy who speaks what he lived through when grewing up in Eastern Europe and why he moved to the UK... he said people were being beaten and hospitalised, girls were raped by the skinheads etc...

They are short, please listen to it and watch, then you can inform yourself, get a opinion etc... and only then comment or discuss, because you cant discuss or comment if you dont inform yourself...

Depends how you define "racism" I guess. Racism, really, is the feeling that your race is superior to other people's races. But often people use it to attack people from other races, not matter whether they think theirs is better or not.

Attacks against Roma might be considered something else, like xenophobia, or tribalism, or something.
Some said "I dont know what race gypsies are or they are not a race they are a culture and their whole culture is criminal".

A) They are maybe not a race per se, because they are mixture of many races, but they are not white, they are brown. So being racist to brown people, is also racism or not?
B) Their whole culture isnt criminal and is simplicistic to say "they always steal always did always will", that is not true either, and it is not the only reason people hate romani gypsies, people hate them for who they are, because they are racist, they consider their "blood" filthy, they consider them non-aryan, they consider them a dirty race etc. They reject intermarriage with gypsies because they are brown and dirty for them etc....

I saw some video clips of a guy who speaks what he lived through when grewing up in Eastern Europe and why he moved to the UK... he said people were being beaten and hospitalised, girls were raped by the skinheads etc...

They are short, please listen to it and watch, then you can inform yourself, get a opinion etc... and only then comment or discuss, because you cant discuss or comment if you dont inform yourself...

I never ever though about Gypsies until one the dark mofo's stole my lunch money!
Some said "I dont know what race gypsies are or they are not a race they are a culture and their whole culture is criminal".

A) They are maybe not a race per se, because they are mixture of many races, but they are not white, they are brown. So being racist to brown people, is also racism or not?
B) Their whole culture isnt criminal and is simplicistic to say "they always steal always did always will", that is not true either, and it is not the only reason people hate romani gypsies, people hate them for who they are, because they are racist, they consider their "blood" filthy, they consider them non-aryan, they consider them a dirty race etc. They reject intermarriage with gypsies because they are brown and dirty for them etc....

I saw some video clips of a guy who speaks what he lived through when grewing up in Eastern Europe and why he moved to the UK... he said people were being beaten and hospitalised, girls were raped by the skinheads etc...

They are short, please listen to it and watch, then you can inform yourself, get a opinion etc... and only then comment or discuss, because you cant discuss or comment if you dont inform yourself...

I don't know any Americans who spend a second thinking about gypsies or Roma whatever you want to call them. In the USA they are a non-issue. Just another Eastern European immigrant group that blends into the USA.

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