Why teachers need more pay

My health insurance is no better than my husband's now, and hasn't been for years. He's in the private sector. I pay for it every month, hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and have a high deductible every year. Believe it
Where do you teach?...Afghanistan?...I have 4 family members that are teachers....I know first hand how cushy their lives are compared to others....teachers need to get out of the classroom and take a good look at their fellow citizens and their struggles before you go to them once again with your hand out...you took the job...no one twisted your arm....

I'm not personally asking for more pay. But I almost did get physically assaulted by a student today. Again.

I know people can't stand teachers and the fact that they can't is why there is a crushing teacher shortage. So the people you're going to get going forward are going to suck even worse. There's no way around that now; it's diminishing returns going forward from here. (shrug)
Sue its your classroom...if you are having trouble dealing with a student have him or her removed from your class...if you don't it will rob your other students of their education....

What makes you think that is an option? Are you remembering your glory days in school? Disruptions occur sometimes on a minute-to-minute basis.

We couldn't kick out everyone because the media and parents rake us over the coals! You had to pick your battles.
My health insurance is no better than my husband's now, and hasn't been for years. He's in the private sector. I pay for it every month, hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and have a high deductible every year. Believe it
Where do you teach?...Afghanistan?...I have 4 family members that are teachers....I know first hand how cushy their lives are compared to others....teachers need to get out of the classroom and take a good look at their fellow citizens and their struggles before you go to them once again with your hand out...you took the job...no one twisted your arm....

"Cushy". In one class today of 25 kindergartners I had a kid pee her pants and another with a profuse bloody nose. That is ONE class today. Sure, "cushy". And of course, I still taught. By myself.

Clueless, utterly clueless.
I'm not addressing your daily struggles...everyone has bad days and everyone's job is hard that is why its called work...I'm referring to your life after retirement...believe me what you went through today is worth what is at the end of the road for you....many of us can not say that...many of us will work till we die....in large part due to a lousy education provided in our public schools....

Oh no you addressed it. You called my job "cushy". That's exactly what you said. My job is "cushy"...my life is "cushy". And you're right: I do get school breaks and summers off. But on my work days, my time is totally owned. I can't even use the bathroom on my own time. That's not a "cushy" job, sorry.

And that is really the problem. The public DOES think teaching is a "cushy" job. Come do my job for one day. I'm not saying other jobs are easy. But neither is mine, believe me.
Saying you have a cushy job is not saying you never have tough days...how about trying to pay bills when you can't work due to the weather?....or how about when you retire you have to work for Walmart?....come on....like I said I have four family members that have been teaching for years....and not all are in one school system...

Do tell! Where do they work? How much do they get paid? What is the cost of their health insurance? Do they have to fund their own retirement?
If you think "administrators" are secretaries and office assistants and think they are overpaid, you are wrong on both counts. They are also not represented by the teacher's union. That makes you three for three on being WRONG!

There's an educational services district. Everything from accounting and payroll to local publishing, printing the employee newsletter, groundskeeping and building maintenance, procurement and purchasing, the buses, all the office work in any case is "administrative" to me, and many of those workers are absolutely represented by the union.

People who work in an office shuffling paper in an assistive capacity shouldn't be so damn sensitive about being called an "office assistant." Large corporations have treasurers and secretaries who are very highly paid, and have a lot of responsibility.

OK, so you just admitted you are clueless. No further excuse by you are necessary for being a dumbass. We all know it now.
I'm sorry you have a problem with envy and coveting. That's not my problem. It's yours ultimately.
I'm semi retired Sue...I work because I like to not because I need to....I envy no one but I have sympathy for hard working people being taxed to death because teachers have to drive a Honda rather than a Lincoln...

Drive by your local high school. See all of those nice, shiny new cars? That is the student parking lot. The car full of early 2000s models and before? That's where the faculty parks!
What makes you think that is an option? Are you remembering your glory days in school? Disruptions occur sometimes on a minute-to-minute basis.

We couldn't kick out everyone because the media and parents rake us over the coals! You had to pick your battles.
Really Admiral?....pick your battles?....well they would rather pick the battle with the tax payer when they should be doing battle with their school district....
Okay, so I hope everyone can follow me here. I am going to write about how much teachers should be paid, but not from my own perspective. I believe teachers deserve high pay for a multitude of reasons, I just want to clarify that. But let's, for a second, assume I am the kind of person who says "Teachers jobs are easy, they get summers off, they're just glorified babysitters" and the work we all know teachers need to take home doesn't count.

Let's assume we pay teachers less than what I was paid to babysit in high school. So give them...$4/hour. Let's only pay them for the hours they are in school - let's say 6.5 hours a day. That brings their daily pay to $26.

But teachers don't only teach one student. Let's say the teacher teaches 30 students. Every parent should pay $26 a day for their child to be "babysat" and at thirty students that comes out to $780/day.

Now, 5 day school week brings that to $3,900 a week.
Or, if you want to figure in days, let's say they work 180 days a year (meaning no paid vacations) $780/day for 180 days = $140,000.

The average teacher salary tends to hover between $50,000 - $60,000. So, on the high end of that spectrum, let's figure out how much teachers make per hour per child:
$60,000/180 days = $333.33/day. $333.33 per day/30 students = $11.11 per student per day. Figure in the 6.5 hours and that's $1.71 per hour per student.

So teachers get paid more than they do on average, even in my fictional scenario, where we pay teachers less per hour per child than the average babysitter, and don't pay them for any of the additional work they need to do outside of school hours, and give them no vacation pay.
Everyone needs and would like higher wages...teachers have extremely low cost health insurance and a pension for life after retirement and tenure...which means they can not be fired without a fight...sorry teachers...I do not feel bad for you...in fact you all largely voted for Obama...if anyone deserves to feel the pain of having a socialist as president for 8 years its people like you....

Low cost? Have you seen what I would have had to pay to cover my family? Mine cost nearly $200 a month just for me alone. My family was on my insurance coverage for about a year or two of my 21 years as a teacher because my wife's insurance working for AT&T and Charter was cheaper by several hundred dollars a month and it was better coverage than I could get!

Did you realize that those pensions dollars come out of every paycheck we make?

Tenure? I was eligible for tenure a few years back. They decided it was cheaper to pay a young female teacher just out of college half of what they paid me, so I was given my walking papers after 4 years, no reason given.

Hahahaha $200 a month just for you?...LMFAO...buddy you are lucky...holy shit....most self employed one man shops are paying $700 to $800 per month for health insurance for themselves not including their family...most wives of the self employed are working only to pay for the families health care insurance...see?...if they make more than the qualification for a subsidy from uncle Sam they pay through the nose....this is what I mean...these well taken care of's like the Admiral here have no fucking idea what average folks are going through...go ahead...strike! demand more tax dollars so you can all retire in comfort....make asses out of yourselves.....
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Drive by your local high school. See all of those nice, shiny new cars? That is the student parking lot. The car full of early 2000s models and before? That's where the faculty parks!
No one promised anyone a Rolls Royce....

When I was teaching my last full year, I drove a 2001 Ford Explorer, my assistant principal had a 2001 Ford Expedition, and the principal had a 2003 or so Chevy Silverado. We all commuted 45 minutes to school each day.
When I was teaching my last full year, I drove a 2001 Ford Explorer, my assistant principal had a 2001 Ford Expedition, and the principal had a 2003 or so Chevy Silverado. We all commuted 45 minutes to school each day.
Ill cry you a river teach....unbelievable....
Okay, so I hope everyone can follow me here. I am going to write about how much teachers should be paid, but not from my own perspective. I believe teachers deserve high pay for a multitude of reasons, I just want to clarify that. But let's, for a second, assume I am the kind of person who says "Teachers jobs are easy, they get summers off, they're just glorified babysitters" and the work we all know teachers need to take home doesn't count.

Let's assume we pay teachers less than what I was paid to babysit in high school. So give them...$4/hour. Let's only pay them for the hours they are in school - let's say 6.5 hours a day. That brings their daily pay to $26.

But teachers don't only teach one student. Let's say the teacher teaches 30 students. Every parent should pay $26 a day for their child to be "babysat" and at thirty students that comes out to $780/day.

Now, 5 day school week brings that to $3,900 a week.
Or, if you want to figure in days, let's say they work 180 days a year (meaning no paid vacations) $780/day for 180 days = $140,000.

The average teacher salary tends to hover between $50,000 - $60,000. So, on the high end of that spectrum, let's figure out how much teachers make per hour per child:
$60,000/180 days = $333.33/day. $333.33 per day/30 students = $11.11 per student per day. Figure in the 6.5 hours and that's $1.71 per hour per student.

So teachers get paid more than they do on average, even in my fictional scenario, where we pay teachers less per hour per child than the average babysitter, and don't pay them for any of the additional work they need to do outside of school hours, and give them no vacation pay.
Everyone needs and would like higher wages...teachers have extremely low cost health insurance and a pension for life after retirement and tenure...which means they can not be fired without a fight...sorry teachers...I do not feel bad for you...in fact you all largely voted for Obama...if anyone deserves to feel the pain of having a socialist as president for 8 years its people like you....

Low cost? Have you seen what I would have had to pay to cover my family? Mine cost nearly $200 a month just for me alone. My family was on my insurance coverage for about a year or two of my 21 years as a teacher because my wife's insurance working for AT&T and Charter was cheaper by several hundred dollars a month and it was better coverage than I could get!

Did you realize that those pensions dollars come out of every paycheck we make?

Tenure? I was eligible for tenure a few years back. They decided it was cheaper to pay a young female teacher just out of college half of what they paid me, so I was given my walking papers after 4 years, no reason given.

Hahahaha $200 a month just for you?...LMFAO...buddy you are lucky...holy shit....most self employed one man shops are paying $700 to $800 per month for health insurance for themselves not including their family...most wives of the self employed are working only to pay for the families health care insurance...see?...if they make more than the qualification for a subsidy from uncle Sam they pay through the nose....this is what I mean...these well taken care of's like the Admiral here have no fucking idea what average folks are going through...go ahead...strike! demand more tax dollars so you can all retire in comfort....make asses out of yourselves.....

We are barred from striking by law. That is just another tidbit on which you are monumentally stupid!

I paid that money out of pocket. That defies your claim that we had "great medical coverage". That came with a deductible, copays, and coinsurance.

That's why I am not in a one man shop dumbass! How many of those guys paid through the nose to get a Master's degree, teaching certification and two bachelor's degrees?

I know how much insurance can be because I am covered under my wife's insurance since my company doesn't offer it. her insurance was always cheaper and better than mine and she works for a freakin' cable company!
When I was teaching my last full year, I drove a 2001 Ford Explorer, my assistant principal had a 2001 Ford Expedition, and the principal had a 2003 or so Chevy Silverado. We all commuted 45 minutes to school each day.
Ill cry you a river teach....unbelievable....

Not only are you an asshole, you are a stupid jackass to boot!
What makes you think that is an option? Are you remembering your glory days in school? Disruptions occur sometimes on a minute-to-minute basis.

We couldn't kick out everyone because the media and parents rake us over the coals! You had to pick your battles.
Really Admiral?....pick your battles?....well they would rather pick the battle with the tax payer when they should be doing battle with their school district....

How exactly do teachers battle with school districts when it is a FUCKING FEDERAL LAW?

My God, the dumbass is strong with you!
When I was teaching my last full year, I drove a 2001 Ford Explorer, my assistant principal had a 2001 Ford Expedition, and the principal had a 2003 or so Chevy Silverado. We all commuted 45 minutes to school each day.
Ill cry you a river teach....unbelievable....

Just for the record, I don't teach anymore, which makes us even, other than you are a dumbass!
Okay, so I hope everyone can follow me here. I am going to write about how much teachers should be paid, but not from my own perspective. I believe teachers deserve high pay for a multitude of reasons, I just want to clarify that. But let's, for a second, assume I am the kind of person who says "Teachers jobs are easy, they get summers off, they're just glorified babysitters" and the work we all know teachers need to take home doesn't count.

Let's assume we pay teachers less than what I was paid to babysit in high school. So give them...$4/hour. Let's only pay them for the hours they are in school - let's say 6.5 hours a day. That brings their daily pay to $26.

But teachers don't only teach one student. Let's say the teacher teaches 30 students. Every parent should pay $26 a day for their child to be "babysat" and at thirty students that comes out to $780/day.

Now, 5 day school week brings that to $3,900 a week.
Or, if you want to figure in days, let's say they work 180 days a year (meaning no paid vacations) $780/day for 180 days = $140,000.

The average teacher salary tends to hover between $50,000 - $60,000. So, on the high end of that spectrum, let's figure out how much teachers make per hour per child:
$60,000/180 days = $333.33/day. $333.33 per day/30 students = $11.11 per student per day. Figure in the 6.5 hours and that's $1.71 per hour per student.

So teachers get paid more than they do on average, even in my fictional scenario, where we pay teachers less per hour per child than the average babysitter, and don't pay them for any of the additional work they need to do outside of school hours, and give them no vacation pay.
Everyone needs and would like higher wages...teachers have extremely low cost health insurance and a pension for life after retirement and tenure...which means they can not be fired without a fight...sorry teachers...I do not feel bad for you...in fact you all largely voted for Obama...if anyone deserves to feel the pain of having a socialist as president for 8 years its people like you....

Low cost? Have you seen what I would have had to pay to cover my family? Mine cost nearly $200 a month just for me alone. My family was on my insurance coverage for about a year or two of my 21 years as a teacher because my wife's insurance working for AT&T and Charter was cheaper by several hundred dollars a month and it was better coverage than I could get!

Did you realize that those pensions dollars come out of every paycheck we make?

Tenure? I was eligible for tenure a few years back. They decided it was cheaper to pay a young female teacher just out of college half of what they paid me, so I was given my walking papers after 4 years, no reason given.

Hahahaha $200 a month just for you?...LMFAO...buddy you are lucky...holy shit....most self employed one man shops are paying $700 to $800 per month for health insurance for themselves not including their family...most wives of the self employed are working only to pay for the families health care insurance...see?...if they make more than the qualification for a subsidy from uncle Sam they pay through the nose....this is what I mean...these well taken care of's like the Admiral here have no fucking idea what average folks are going through...go ahead...strike! demand more tax dollars so you can all retire in comfort....make asses out of yourselves.....

We are barred from striking by law. That is just another tidbit on which you are monumentally stupid!

I paid that money out of pocket. That defies your claim that we had "great medical coverage". That came with a deductible, copays, and coinsurance.

That's why I am not in a one man shop dumbass! How many of those guys paid through the nose to get a Master's degree, teaching certification and two bachelor's degrees?

I know how much insurance can be because I am covered under my wife's insurance since my company doesn't offer it. her insurance was always cheaper and better than mine and she works for a freakin' cable company!
Poor baby you have had it so rough...can't you see how silly you sound right now or are you that out of touch?....check out what people are paying for healthcare that isn't supplemented...and hey they don't have a pension either....or vacation pay or sick fucking pay....jeeze....
When I was teaching my last full year, I drove a 2001 Ford Explorer, my assistant principal had a 2001 Ford Expedition, and the principal had a 2003 or so Chevy Silverado. We all commuted 45 minutes to school each day.
Ill cry you a river teach....unbelievable....

Just for the record, I don't teach anymore, which makes us even, other than you are a dumbass!

F you popeye..you are the dumbass...
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I know people who have done it in the state in which we live. Sales. Making bank.

I think people are getting sick of teachers crying about how they are underpaid and overworked.

In recent years the internet has provided an undeniably wonderful platform for teachers to share advice, ideas and experiences. But it has also provided a soapbox for tireless negativity and tiresome self-regard.

The corner of the staffroom where the moaners always congregate – elaborating on how much better things could be – has always been reassuringly easy to avoid. However, give these people a screen and a keyboard and they’ll exercise their thumbs until everyone’s as miserable as them.

Secret Teacher: we have one of the best jobs in the world, so stop moaning
Teachers are retiring and young people are seeing that teaching is NOT a good choice of career. Good luck with shortages.......we are already seeing it in SPED.

You know who is to blame for this? Teachers! The schools are even addressing this. My brother took me to lunch he said the school told our sister in law and her co-workers that they need to stop complaining so much.

I think them being in a union has something to do with it. They are free to complain to each other and that negativity is contagious. If I went around my company complaining like that I'd be fired because I don't have a union protecting me.

Of course teachers believe they are overworked and underpaid. They've all gotten together and convinced each other of this. This would be ok if they were private employees who wanted to organize but they are government union workers who actually have it too good.

Funny us people who aren't protected by unions don't complain about our lack of job security as much as these spoiled brats complain about a job they can't be fired from and can leave whenever they want.

And one of them said they could leave for a very "lucrative" career doing something else. Although she can't say what career she's talking about and for some reason she stays. Oh please don't tell me it's because you care about the kids.

I didn't say that. I said my friends did leave for lucrative careers. I am not leaving because I don't want to leave. I love teaching.

I think I see the problem now. Reading comprehension, wasn't it? You have a reading comprehension problem. That you blame teachers for. BTW, guaranteed your SIL thinks you're a huge jerk.
No I want her to get hers. She’s a liberal like me. It’s teachers who voted for trump that I want to see get screwed by anti union anti public education republicans like Betsy Devos

Are you a fan of hers?

You don't want her to get hers. You have said that this entire thread. She makes too much money; she doesn't do crap all day long. It's an easy job. At best she should make 50K.

What a perfect liberal you have turned out to be, and I mean that. Spiting teachers a decent living for teaching children born to crack-addicted mothers, foster children....children, believe me, whose stories you can't even imagine. Running us absolutely into the ground while bragging about your brother sending his kids to Cranbrook with his five million in the bank.

Dude you're like a poster child for liberals. You're who liberals really are when you just barely scratch the surface. So thanks for that.
See teacher pay go up.
See teacher get fired.
See teacher collect unemployment.

If you get fired, you don't get unemployment.
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.

Let's see a reference to back that up. I don't think you are lying, just mistaken.
I have friends who were in the Rubber Room for 10 years.
It’s good to be a teacher in NY.
See teacher pay go up.
See teacher get fired.
See teacher collect unemployment.

If you get fired, you don't get unemployment.
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.
Can you think of one other profession who complains how hard their job is and how under paid they are? I can't think of one.

Police tell us how hard their job is but not that they are under paid.

Dentists apparently commit suicide at a high rate for some reason. But they don't complain about the money.

Nurses I think have a right to complain. They don't make enough. No one in the hospital or old folks home does other than the doctors and owners. If anything we need to give our caregivers more money.

Teachers make what they should make.

How Much Money Does an Average Teacher Make a Year? According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a teacher is approximately $55,000 per year. This means that half of all teachers in the country make more than this amount, and half make less.

Does anyone think public school teachers should make more? And I'm not asking public school teachers. Of course they think they should make more.

I'm sick of hearing how important their jobs are. My brother went off to MSU and got his masters. He almost failed out when he first went there. We went to a great public school where he was an A/B student. He wasn't prepared for college. He didn't know how to study. Our "great" public school in reality sucked. So today he pays $25K per kid to send them to private school. He said he succeeded DESPITE public school. His kids will go off to college and know how to study. BTW I almost failed out of college too. Public school teachers suck. Glorified baby sitters. They take credit for smart kids who would succeed regardless. I think they should be measured on the lowest performings tudents. We should be able to go look a their students 10 years later and see if they are successful.

And our public school was great compared to the Detroit Public School we came from. My 4th grade counselor in the white school we moved to said I basically learned nothing the first 4 years of school. So how much should a Detroit Public School teacher make? $40K a year at most. That's a lot of money for someone in Detroit and unfortunately the parents don't pay enough taxes to justify paying any more. If you don't like it, don't teach in Detroit or don't have kids in Detroit. Or send your kids to public school. If you can't afford that it's not our problem. You chose to have those kids.
The NY Rubber Rooms are loaded with hundreds of teachers drawing 90+K a year with full benefits and waiting to retire and get their full benefits.
They get their raises every year plus raises for taking classes.
It’s a farce.

I believe you will find those people are awaiting adjudication of justification for their being fired. I also believe that is limited to NYC schools.
I would think that large Blue States have very powerful unions.
teachers are not underpaid
they have it pretty fucking good for part timers
The reason we in the United States are so far behind on math and science is because the income difference in what one can make working for lets say a chemical companie and teaching is so far out of whack you would have to be insane or a boy scout that wants to give it away to teach. Add in they took all the good stuff out of the chemmistry sets. You want a kid to get excited about science hand him some pure sodium. PLay with that shit for a while. If that does not excite your curiosity, well you may as well be laying in a coffin.
No the reason we are so far behind on math and science is that schools don't teach anymore.

We're too fucking busy giving out participation trophies,promoting multiculturalism and confiscating cookies out of kids' lunches not to mention the fact that kids don't ever fail a class anymore or get held back a year and that we have all but eliminated shop classes for those who would benefit far more from them than being forced to take classes designed for a college track

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