Why teachers need more pay

teachers are not underpaid
they have it pretty fucking good for part timers
The reason we in the United States are so far behind on math and science is because the income difference in what one can make working for lets say a chemical companie and teaching is so far out of whack you would have to be insane or a boy scout that wants to give it away to teach. Add in they took all the good stuff out of the chemmistry sets. You want a kid to get excited about science hand him some pure sodium. PLay with that shit for a while. If that does not excite your curiosity, well you may as well be laying in a coffin.
No the reason we are so far behind on math and science is that schools don't teach anymore.

We're too fucking busy giving out participation trophies,promoting multiculturalism and confiscating cookies out of kids' lunches not to mention the fact that kids don't ever fail a class anymore or get held back a year and that we have all but eliminated shop classes for those who would benefit far more from them than being forced to take classes designed for a college track

teachers are not underpaid
they have it pretty fucking good for part timers
The reason we in the United States are so far behind on math and science is because the income difference in what one can make working for lets say a chemical companie and teaching is so far out of whack you would have to be insane or a boy scout that wants to give it away to teach. Add in they took all the good stuff out of the chemmistry sets. You want a kid to get excited about science hand him some pure sodium. PLay with that shit for a while. If that does not excite your curiosity, well you may as well be laying in a coffin.
No the reason we are so far behind on math and science is that schools don't teach anymore.

We're too fucking busy giving out participation trophies,promoting multiculturalism and confiscating cookies out of kids' lunches not to mention the fact that kids don't ever fail a class anymore or get held back a year and that we have all but eliminated shop classes for those who would benefit far more from them than being forced to take classes designed for a college track


Let’s see, I get up at 4:30 and usually don’t get home until around 9 or 10. Plus working weekends.

Some of y’all are greedy and some of y’all are lazy.

You chose that career so stop whining

Who’s whining?


I get up at 430 whaaaa

Statement of fact. Any “whaaa” was added by YOU, liar.

I don;t get home until 10 PM whaaaaa
When I was teaching my last full year, I drove a 2001 Ford Explorer, my assistant principal had a 2001 Ford Expedition, and the principal had a 2003 or so Chevy Silverado. We all commuted 45 minutes to school each day.
Ill cry you a river teach....unbelievable....

Just for the record, I don't teach anymore, which makes us even, other than you are a dumbass!

F you popeye..you are the dumbass...

I loved your reasoned response!

Wait! You have yet to make one! Nevermind!
See teacher pay go up.
See teacher get fired.
See teacher collect unemployment.

If you get fired, you don't get unemployment.
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.

Let's see a reference to back that up. I don't think you are lying, just mistaken.
I have friends who were in the Rubber Room for 10 years.
It’s good to be a teacher in NY.

Why are you friends with people like that? It says something about your values.

The district simply cannot prove their allegations, do they are left in a state of limbo. Why is that the fault of other teachers?
If you get fired, you don't get unemployment.
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.
Can you think of one other profession who complains how hard their job is and how under paid they are? I can't think of one.

Police tell us how hard their job is but not that they are under paid.

Dentists apparently commit suicide at a high rate for some reason. But they don't complain about the money.

Nurses I think have a right to complain. They don't make enough. No one in the hospital or old folks home does other than the doctors and owners. If anything we need to give our caregivers more money.

Teachers make what they should make.

How Much Money Does an Average Teacher Make a Year? According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a teacher is approximately $55,000 per year. This means that half of all teachers in the country make more than this amount, and half make less.

Does anyone think public school teachers should make more? And I'm not asking public school teachers. Of course they think they should make more.

I'm sick of hearing how important their jobs are. My brother went off to MSU and got his masters. He almost failed out when he first went there. We went to a great public school where he was an A/B student. He wasn't prepared for college. He didn't know how to study. Our "great" public school in reality sucked. So today he pays $25K per kid to send them to private school. He said he succeeded DESPITE public school. His kids will go off to college and know how to study. BTW I almost failed out of college too. Public school teachers suck. Glorified baby sitters. They take credit for smart kids who would succeed regardless. I think they should be measured on the lowest performings tudents. We should be able to go look a their students 10 years later and see if they are successful.

And our public school was great compared to the Detroit Public School we came from. My 4th grade counselor in the white school we moved to said I basically learned nothing the first 4 years of school. So how much should a Detroit Public School teacher make? $40K a year at most. That's a lot of money for someone in Detroit and unfortunately the parents don't pay enough taxes to justify paying any more. If you don't like it, don't teach in Detroit or don't have kids in Detroit. Or send your kids to public school. If you can't afford that it's not our problem. You chose to have those kids.
The NY Rubber Rooms are loaded with hundreds of teachers drawing 90+K a year with full benefits and waiting to retire and get their full benefits.
They get their raises every year plus raises for taking classes.
It’s a farce.

I believe you will find those people are awaiting adjudication of justification for their being fired. I also believe that is limited to NYC schools.
I would think that large Blue States have very powerful unions.

Yes, and we all know that blue states are in the majority if you throw in the major blue cities that are in red states.

The Atlanta test score cheating scandal says nothing about the hard working teachers outside of the blue dominated city, does it?

All of you that blame the woes of education on teacher's unions should really take a look at Texas. Why aren't they leading the nation in every category because they don't have a union? Could it be that the problems have NOTHING to do with the unions and all to do with the massive illegal immigrant population that does not assimilate into our culture and Mexican kids cannot handle the language, so they eventually drop out?

Why do you blame non-existent unions for the problems?
Let’s see, I get up at 4:30 and usually don’t get home until around 9 or 10. Plus working weekends.

Some of y’all are greedy and some of y’all are lazy.

You chose that career so stop whining

Who’s whining?


I get up at 430 whaaaa

Statement of fact. Any “whaaa” was added by YOU, liar.

I don;t get home until 10 PM whaaaaa

Do you lack the character to be honest?
You chose that career so stop whining

Who’s whining?


I get up at 430 whaaaa

Statement of fact. Any “whaaa” was added by YOU, liar.

I don;t get home until 10 PM whaaaaa

Do you lack the character to be honest?
You lack character as you are supposed to be on the taxpayers clock right now and are posting here
Who’s whining?


I get up at 430 whaaaa

Statement of fact. Any “whaaa” was added by YOU, liar.

I don;t get home until 10 PM whaaaaa

Do you lack the character to be honest?
You lack character as you are supposed to be on the taxpayers clock right now and are posting here

See teacher pay go up.
See teacher get fired.
See teacher collect unemployment.

If you get fired, you don't get unemployment.
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.
Can you think of one other profession who complains how hard their job is and how under paid they are? I can't think of one.

Police tell us how hard their job is but not that they are under paid.

Dentists apparently commit suicide at a high rate for some reason. But they don't complain about the money.

Nurses I think have a right to complain. They don't make enough. No one in the hospital or old folks home does other than the doctors and owners. If anything we need to give our caregivers more money.

Teachers make what they should make.

How Much Money Does an Average Teacher Make a Year? According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a teacher is approximately $55,000 per year. This means that half of all teachers in the country make more than this amount, and half make less.

Does anyone think public school teachers should make more? And I'm not asking public school teachers. Of course they think they should make more.

I'm sick of hearing how important their jobs are. My brother went off to MSU and got his masters. He almost failed out when he first went there. We went to a great public school where he was an A/B student. He wasn't prepared for college. He didn't know how to study. Our "great" public school in reality sucked. So today he pays $25K per kid to send them to private school. He said he succeeded DESPITE public school. His kids will go off to college and know how to study. BTW I almost failed out of college too. Public school teachers suck. Glorified baby sitters. They take credit for smart kids who would succeed regardless. I think they should be measured on the lowest performings tudents. We should be able to go look a their students 10 years later and see if they are successful.

And our public school was great compared to the Detroit Public School we came from. My 4th grade counselor in the white school we moved to said I basically learned nothing the first 4 years of school. So how much should a Detroit Public School teacher make? $40K a year at most. That's a lot of money for someone in Detroit and unfortunately the parents don't pay enough taxes to justify paying any more. If you don't like it, don't teach in Detroit or don't have kids in Detroit. Or send your kids to public school. If you can't afford that it's not our problem. You chose to have those kids.

Translation: I had a terrible experience and almost failed out of college. Therefore, all teachers suck.

You're not a comprehensive thinker. That's why you wouldn't make a great teacher. That why I wouldn't even give you until Wednesday.

Most of those whiners would not last until lunch time!

That could be true. But we aren't the kind of people who go into teaching. Many teachers are students who either missed/loved high school so much they wanted to go back.

Or they like kids so they want to teach kindergarten or 3rd grade.

Yea, I might not be the best babysitter. I might lose control of the class, or get fired for hitting a kid. But it doesn't seem like rocket science. Don't you do the same thing every year? So it should get easier every year. Maybe it gets boring after awhile or not challenging.

Trust me you teachers, we all go through this. We all hate our jobs. I know a cop, he can't wait to retire. Seems pretty easy to me and he makes pretty good money. Plus he has a pension coming. So he's just doing his time till he can quit and go get a real job and collect his pension.

My brother is a VP for a fortune 500 company. He wants them to fire him so he can get a year golden parachute. Can you imagine wanting to quit a job that pays over $500 a year? I'd take it in the ass every day for $500K a year. So would most people. Hell prostitutes take it in the ass every day for $100 bucks.
I think people are getting sick of teachers crying about how they are underpaid and overworked.

In recent years the internet has provided an undeniably wonderful platform for teachers to share advice, ideas and experiences. But it has also provided a soapbox for tireless negativity and tiresome self-regard.

The corner of the staffroom where the moaners always congregate – elaborating on how much better things could be – has always been reassuringly easy to avoid. However, give these people a screen and a keyboard and they’ll exercise their thumbs until everyone’s as miserable as them.

Secret Teacher: we have one of the best jobs in the world, so stop moaning
Teachers are retiring and young people are seeing that teaching is NOT a good choice of career. Good luck with shortages.......we are already seeing it in SPED.

You know who is to blame for this? Teachers! The schools are even addressing this. My brother took me to lunch he said the school told our sister in law and her co-workers that they need to stop complaining so much.

I think them being in a union has something to do with it. They are free to complain to each other and that negativity is contagious. If I went around my company complaining like that I'd be fired because I don't have a union protecting me.

Of course teachers believe they are overworked and underpaid. They've all gotten together and convinced each other of this. This would be ok if they were private employees who wanted to organize but they are government union workers who actually have it too good.

Funny us people who aren't protected by unions don't complain about our lack of job security as much as these spoiled brats complain about a job they can't be fired from and can leave whenever they want.

And one of them said they could leave for a very "lucrative" career doing something else. Although she can't say what career she's talking about and for some reason she stays. Oh please don't tell me it's because you care about the kids.

I didn't say that. I said my friends did leave for lucrative careers. I am not leaving because I don't want to leave. I love teaching.

I think I see the problem now. Reading comprehension, wasn't it? You have a reading comprehension problem. That you blame teachers for. BTW, guaranteed your SIL thinks you're a huge jerk.
No I want her to get hers. She’s a liberal like me. It’s teachers who voted for trump that I want to see get screwed by anti union anti public education republicans like Betsy Devos

Are you a fan of hers?

You don't want her to get hers. You have said that this entire thread. She makes too much money; she doesn't do crap all day long. It's an easy job. At best she should make 50K.

What a perfect liberal you have turned out to be, and I mean that. Spiting teachers a decent living for teaching children born to crack-addicted mothers, foster children....children, believe me, whose stories you can't even imagine. Running us absolutely into the ground while bragging about your brother sending his kids to Cranbrook with his five million in the bank.

Dude you're like a poster child for liberals. You're who liberals really are when you just barely scratch the surface. So thanks for that.

Are you a Republican teacher? Are you a conservative? Then yes I meant every word I said about you making too much.

If you are a liberal then I would agree with everything you are saying. But if you are a con then I also agree with everything you say because cons have zero respect for public school teachers. What side are you on? So am I. So remember no matter what I'm on your side.
If you get fired, you don't get unemployment.
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.
Can you think of one other profession who complains how hard their job is and how under paid they are? I can't think of one.

Police tell us how hard their job is but not that they are under paid.

Dentists apparently commit suicide at a high rate for some reason. But they don't complain about the money.

Nurses I think have a right to complain. They don't make enough. No one in the hospital or old folks home does other than the doctors and owners. If anything we need to give our caregivers more money.

Teachers make what they should make.

How Much Money Does an Average Teacher Make a Year? According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a teacher is approximately $55,000 per year. This means that half of all teachers in the country make more than this amount, and half make less.

Does anyone think public school teachers should make more? And I'm not asking public school teachers. Of course they think they should make more.

I'm sick of hearing how important their jobs are. My brother went off to MSU and got his masters. He almost failed out when he first went there. We went to a great public school where he was an A/B student. He wasn't prepared for college. He didn't know how to study. Our "great" public school in reality sucked. So today he pays $25K per kid to send them to private school. He said he succeeded DESPITE public school. His kids will go off to college and know how to study. BTW I almost failed out of college too. Public school teachers suck. Glorified baby sitters. They take credit for smart kids who would succeed regardless. I think they should be measured on the lowest performings tudents. We should be able to go look a their students 10 years later and see if they are successful.

And our public school was great compared to the Detroit Public School we came from. My 4th grade counselor in the white school we moved to said I basically learned nothing the first 4 years of school. So how much should a Detroit Public School teacher make? $40K a year at most. That's a lot of money for someone in Detroit and unfortunately the parents don't pay enough taxes to justify paying any more. If you don't like it, don't teach in Detroit or don't have kids in Detroit. Or send your kids to public school. If you can't afford that it's not our problem. You chose to have those kids.

Translation: I had a terrible experience and almost failed out of college. Therefore, all teachers suck.

You're not a comprehensive thinker. That's why you wouldn't make a great teacher. That why I wouldn't even give you until Wednesday.

Most of those whiners would not last until lunch time!

That could be true. But we aren't the kind of people who go into teaching. ....

Yeah, the kind who work hard and care about other people.
Let’s see, I get up at 4:30 and usually don’t get home until around 9 or 10. Plus working weekends.

Some of y’all are greedy and some of y’all are lazy.

You chose that career so stop whining

From the way he talks he likes being worked long hours for little pay. He said anyone who doesn't is greedy and lazy. I know that doesn't make any sense to me either but he said it.

I work 5 days 8 hour days and make almost $100K. So I'm greedy and lazy.

Actually, if I was greedy I'd take a weekend job but oh wait I have a life.
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.
Can you think of one other profession who complains how hard their job is and how under paid they are? I can't think of one.

Police tell us how hard their job is but not that they are under paid.

Dentists apparently commit suicide at a high rate for some reason. But they don't complain about the money.

Nurses I think have a right to complain. They don't make enough. No one in the hospital or old folks home does other than the doctors and owners. If anything we need to give our caregivers more money.

Teachers make what they should make.

How Much Money Does an Average Teacher Make a Year? According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a teacher is approximately $55,000 per year. This means that half of all teachers in the country make more than this amount, and half make less.

Does anyone think public school teachers should make more? And I'm not asking public school teachers. Of course they think they should make more.

I'm sick of hearing how important their jobs are. My brother went off to MSU and got his masters. He almost failed out when he first went there. We went to a great public school where he was an A/B student. He wasn't prepared for college. He didn't know how to study. Our "great" public school in reality sucked. So today he pays $25K per kid to send them to private school. He said he succeeded DESPITE public school. His kids will go off to college and know how to study. BTW I almost failed out of college too. Public school teachers suck. Glorified baby sitters. They take credit for smart kids who would succeed regardless. I think they should be measured on the lowest performings tudents. We should be able to go look a their students 10 years later and see if they are successful.

And our public school was great compared to the Detroit Public School we came from. My 4th grade counselor in the white school we moved to said I basically learned nothing the first 4 years of school. So how much should a Detroit Public School teacher make? $40K a year at most. That's a lot of money for someone in Detroit and unfortunately the parents don't pay enough taxes to justify paying any more. If you don't like it, don't teach in Detroit or don't have kids in Detroit. Or send your kids to public school. If you can't afford that it's not our problem. You chose to have those kids.

Translation: I had a terrible experience and almost failed out of college. Therefore, all teachers suck.

You're not a comprehensive thinker. That's why you wouldn't make a great teacher. That why I wouldn't even give you until Wednesday.

Most of those whiners would not last until lunch time!

That could be true. But we aren't the kind of people who go into teaching. ....

Yeah, the kind who work hard and care about other people.
In the business world we say don't work hard work smart.
Some people like to say “I’m X,” but they are really too stupid to understand what any particular political orientation means. They are just in desperate need of an identity.
I don't know who you are talking about because for 30 years I've been paying close attention and I can't stand Republicans and Conservatives.

And they can't stand public school teachers.

Analysis | Democrats list 29 ways they say Betsy DeVos is hurting public education

Here are 29 ways the Republicans have fucked you bra
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.
Can you think of one other profession who complains how hard their job is and how under paid they are? I can't think of one.

Police tell us how hard their job is but not that they are under paid.

Dentists apparently commit suicide at a high rate for some reason. But they don't complain about the money.

Nurses I think have a right to complain. They don't make enough. No one in the hospital or old folks home does other than the doctors and owners. If anything we need to give our caregivers more money.

Teachers make what they should make.

How Much Money Does an Average Teacher Make a Year? According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a teacher is approximately $55,000 per year. This means that half of all teachers in the country make more than this amount, and half make less.

Does anyone think public school teachers should make more? And I'm not asking public school teachers. Of course they think they should make more.

I'm sick of hearing how important their jobs are. My brother went off to MSU and got his masters. He almost failed out when he first went there. We went to a great public school where he was an A/B student. He wasn't prepared for college. He didn't know how to study. Our "great" public school in reality sucked. So today he pays $25K per kid to send them to private school. He said he succeeded DESPITE public school. His kids will go off to college and know how to study. BTW I almost failed out of college too. Public school teachers suck. Glorified baby sitters. They take credit for smart kids who would succeed regardless. I think they should be measured on the lowest performings tudents. We should be able to go look a their students 10 years later and see if they are successful.

And our public school was great compared to the Detroit Public School we came from. My 4th grade counselor in the white school we moved to said I basically learned nothing the first 4 years of school. So how much should a Detroit Public School teacher make? $40K a year at most. That's a lot of money for someone in Detroit and unfortunately the parents don't pay enough taxes to justify paying any more. If you don't like it, don't teach in Detroit or don't have kids in Detroit. Or send your kids to public school. If you can't afford that it's not our problem. You chose to have those kids.
The NY Rubber Rooms are loaded with hundreds of teachers drawing 90+K a year with full benefits and waiting to retire and get their full benefits.
They get their raises every year plus raises for taking classes.
It’s a farce.

I believe you will find those people are awaiting adjudication of justification for their being fired. I also believe that is limited to NYC schools.
I would think that large Blue States have very powerful unions.

Yes, and we all know that blue states are in the majority if you throw in the major blue cities that are in red states.

The Atlanta test score cheating scandal says nothing about the hard working teachers outside of the blue dominated city, does it?

All of you that blame the woes of education on teacher's unions should really take a look at Texas. Why aren't they leading the nation in every category because they don't have a union? Could it be that the problems have NOTHING to do with the unions and all to do with the massive illegal immigrant population that does not assimilate into our culture and Mexican kids cannot handle the language, so they eventually drop out?

Why do you blame non-existent unions for the problems?
It is very possible that many states don’t have unions that can garner the perks of Blue State unions.
I guess I should have stated acquaintance as opposed to friend but a lot of people confide in me because I have proven over 50 years that what they tell me stays with me.
In NY you do.
In NY it’s almost impossible for a teacher to be fired.
They have a Rubber Room where you spend the rest of your career chilling.
Can you think of one other profession who complains how hard their job is and how under paid they are? I can't think of one.

Police tell us how hard their job is but not that they are under paid.

Dentists apparently commit suicide at a high rate for some reason. But they don't complain about the money.

Nurses I think have a right to complain. They don't make enough. No one in the hospital or old folks home does other than the doctors and owners. If anything we need to give our caregivers more money.

Teachers make what they should make.

How Much Money Does an Average Teacher Make a Year? According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a teacher is approximately $55,000 per year. This means that half of all teachers in the country make more than this amount, and half make less.

Does anyone think public school teachers should make more? And I'm not asking public school teachers. Of course they think they should make more.

I'm sick of hearing how important their jobs are. My brother went off to MSU and got his masters. He almost failed out when he first went there. We went to a great public school where he was an A/B student. He wasn't prepared for college. He didn't know how to study. Our "great" public school in reality sucked. So today he pays $25K per kid to send them to private school. He said he succeeded DESPITE public school. His kids will go off to college and know how to study. BTW I almost failed out of college too. Public school teachers suck. Glorified baby sitters. They take credit for smart kids who would succeed regardless. I think they should be measured on the lowest performings tudents. We should be able to go look a their students 10 years later and see if they are successful.

And our public school was great compared to the Detroit Public School we came from. My 4th grade counselor in the white school we moved to said I basically learned nothing the first 4 years of school. So how much should a Detroit Public School teacher make? $40K a year at most. That's a lot of money for someone in Detroit and unfortunately the parents don't pay enough taxes to justify paying any more. If you don't like it, don't teach in Detroit or don't have kids in Detroit. Or send your kids to public school. If you can't afford that it's not our problem. You chose to have those kids.
The NY Rubber Rooms are loaded with hundreds of teachers drawing 90+K a year with full benefits and waiting to retire and get their full benefits.
They get their raises every year plus raises for taking classes.
It’s a farce.

I believe you will find those people are awaiting adjudication of justification for their being fired. I also believe that is limited to NYC schools.
I would think that large Blue States have very powerful unions.

Yes, and we all know that blue states are in the majority if you throw in the major blue cities that are in red states.

The Atlanta test score cheating scandal says nothing about the hard working teachers outside of the blue dominated city, does it?

All of you that blame the woes of education on teacher's unions should really take a look at Texas. Why aren't they leading the nation in every category because they don't have a union? Could it be that the problems have NOTHING to do with the unions and all to do with the massive illegal immigrant population that does not assimilate into our culture and Mexican kids cannot handle the language, so they eventually drop out?

Why do you blame non-existent unions for the problems?
Here is another teacher talking about how hard they work. Don’t work hard work smart.

One thing is for sure. Teachers don’t have a good name right now.

For one they are accused of brainwashing our kids with liberal bias and also look at what you produce. How are american kids doing compared to the rest of the world.

Do teacher share some of the blame? I wasn’t impressed with most of my experience with public schools

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