Why that scandalous dossier on Trump will not matter much...

The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

For the millionth time you liberals are the one that lowered the bar...

Now you are complaining no one cares?

I thought that's what you wanted when a president was caught sticking a cigar up some girl in the oval office?

Make up your minds already will ya?

The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Remember when Slick was sexually harassing women in the Oval Office and your answer was "so what?"
no it wasn't the one act was disgusting but not worth removing a president ... and now ""he did it too"" is what you justify this with??

You think the sexual predator Slick was a one "one act" sexual predator? Seriously?

And where did I say "he did it too?" I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, dumb ass. Let's review:

1) Slick was a sexual predator, Trump is a sexual predator. You only care when Trump did it.

2) You voted for Slick unless you were too young to vote for him, I didn't vote for Slick or Trump

3) And I think Trump is a pig. You think Slick is a hero

The point is your HYPOCRISY, dumb ass
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Remember when Slick was sexually harassing women in the Oval Office and your answer was "so what?"
no it wasn't the one act was disgusting but not worth removing a president ... and now ""he did it too"" is what you justify this with??

You think the sexual predator Slick was a one "one act" sexual predator? Seriously?

And where did I say "he did it too?" I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, dumb ass. Let's review:

1) Slick was a sexual predator, Trump is a sexual predator. You only care when Trump did it.

2) You voted for Slick unless you were too young to vote for him, I didn't vote for Slick or Trump

3) And I think Trump is a pig. You think Slick is a hero

The point is your HYPOCRISY, dumb ass
#1 is bullshit
#2 is bullshit A repub all my life and voted for GWB my last repub vote
#3 give you half bullshit on that
so kaz it seems you're wearing the shit filled hat
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Remember when Slick was sexually harassing women in the Oval Office and your answer was "so what?"
no it wasn't the one act was disgusting but not worth removing a president ... and now ""he did it too"" is what you justify this with??

You think the sexual predator Slick was a one "one act" sexual predator? Seriously?

And where did I say "he did it too?" I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, dumb ass. Let's review:

1) Slick was a sexual predator, Trump is a sexual predator. You only care when Trump did it.

2) You voted for Slick unless you were too young to vote for him, I didn't vote for Slick or Trump

3) And I think Trump is a pig. You think Slick is a hero

The point is your HYPOCRISY, dumb ass
#1 is bullshit
#2 is bullshit A repub all my life and voted for GWB my last repub vote
#3 give you half bullshit on that
so kaz it seems you're wearing the shit filled hat

You voted for Republicans ...


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