Why the comparison of Trump to Hitler is truly STUPID!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
After my article entitled, “Likening Trump to Hitler: a dangerous comparison” was published two weeks ago,
I was astounded by the amount of readers who felt I’d failed to demonstrate exactly why Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler.
I believe this alleged failure to prove a negative was the corollary of a limited word count and imagination;
I never imagined so many people would need to be convinced that Trump is not Hitler.

Some may agree that Trump isn’t Hitler, but still whine that the resemblances are frightening;
this is nonsense.
While Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S. is absolutely un-American and deserving of censure, trying to prevent ISIS operatives from entering the U.S. (who are trying to pose as refugees) cannot be compared to Hitler’s ideas and decrees.

There is not a modicum of evidence to suggest Trump would immediately call for a boycott of all Muslim businesses and bar Muslims from holding civil service, university, and state positions (like Hitler did with the Jews) if he were to be elected. The mere existence of the “Jewish race” was what acutely troubled Hitler, while Trump has never even hinted at having a problem with those of a “Muslim race”.
While I disagree with the rhetoric Trump uses when discussing immigration, he is plainly distressed with the large numbers of Hispanics and Latinos who have entered the U.S. illegally (as was President Clinton);
he has never implied that he has a problem with the mere existence of their race.
If he did, one in four Hispanic registered voters would probably not support Trump.
However, I do realize that facts often don’t matter to the social justice warriors who desperately want to feel that they are just as valiant as those who stood up to the real Hitler.

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