Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

Lots of Cons are going to be very disappointed when Trump doesn't run.

Nope. They'll just fold it right into their mythology. Probably blaming the left for Trump's actions.

Remember, in the party of personal responsibility its always someone else's fault.
The only person stopping Trump is himself. The only thing stopping Trump is his big mouth.

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Would you care to elaborate....Just exactly what did Trump say about illegals( the precise ones who DO commit the offenses he described) that is not true?
He made broad sweeping statements disparaging Mexicans as rapists and murderers.

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He said ILLEGALS and unless YOU are a racist and think all ILLEGALS are Mexican your wrong.
You are nothing but a two-bit liar of the highest order. Quote Trump using the term "illegals."

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You can follow the narrative all you like.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows to whom Trump was referring....
Shut it.
To you lefties this is nothing more than a golden gotcha moment.
What's the gotcha?

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Lots of Cons are going to be very disappointed when Trump doesn't run.

Nope. They'll just fold it right into their mythology. Probably blaming the left for Trump's actions.

Remember, in the party of personal responsibility its always someone else's fault.

You are in 'full libtard' mode I see. Trump is already running, filed the paperwork, etc. He may withdraw from the race at some point because he is a busy man and has things to do other than run a campaign to the bitter end. On the other hand he might run third party but I think he understands that a third party Presidency is a nonstarter intodays highly partisan environment.

It's funny how you libtards fall into a circle jerk as soon as normal people go to bed, roflmao.
Would you care to elaborate....Just exactly what did Trump say about illegals( the precise ones who DO commit the offenses he described) that is not true?
He made broad sweeping statements disparaging Mexicans as rapists and murderers.

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He said ILLEGALS and unless YOU are a racist and think all ILLEGALS are Mexican your wrong.
You are nothing but a two-bit liar of the highest order. Quote Trump using the term "illegals."

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You can follow the narrative all you like.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows to whom Trump was referring....
Shut it.
To you lefties this is nothing more than a golden gotcha moment.
What's the gotcha?

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Your made up lie. To avoid criticism for leaving things in context, one would have to go around making full references to previous subjects on a constant basis and normal people don't communicate like that.

Normal people say things like "Johnny went tot he store to buy cigarettes. He had to be 18 to get them, but I don't like doing that because it might make him more prone to by that crap later in his life." Normal people know that you didn't send Johnny to buy literal crap, a metaphor in this case.

Trump used synecdoche in his reference to illegals, leaving the context of his remarks to indicate who he was talking about exactly. You morons take his couple of sentences without the context and claim Trump is a racist. But that is only getting traction among you libtards in your little echo chambers. Everyone else outside the handful of Hispanic fools that trust you morons knows better.

There is no gotcha here, just more of your fascist lies and agit prop.
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He made broad sweeping statements disparaging Mexicans as rapists and murderers.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
He said ILLEGALS and unless YOU are a racist and think all ILLEGALS are Mexican your wrong.
You are nothing but a two-bit liar of the highest order. Quote Trump using the term "illegals."

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You can follow the narrative all you like.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows to whom Trump was referring....
Shut it.
To you lefties this is nothing more than a golden gotcha moment.
What's the gotcha?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Your made up lie. To avoid criticism for leaving things in context, one would have to go around making full references to previous subjects on a constant basis and normal people don't communicate like that.

Normal people say things like "Johnny went tot he store to buy cigarettes. He had to be 18 to get them, but I don't like doing that because it might make him more prone to by that crap later in his life." Normal people know that you didn't send Johnny to buy literal crap, a metaphor in this case.

Trump used synecdoche in his reference to illegals, leaving the context of his remarks to indicate who he was talking about exactly. You morons take his couple of sentences without the context and claim Trump is a racist. But that is only getting traction among you libtards in your little echo chambers. Everyone else outside the handful of Hispanic fools that trust you morons knows better.

There is no gotcha here, just more of your fascist lies and agit prop.
He's losing sponsors and business and money like crazy over this. You are detached from reality. Keep up your staunch support for him though. I love it!

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We need a man at the top of his game at losing sponsor, moneys , business opportunity and long time partners and business venues

that man is Trump
He's losing sponsors and business and money like crazy over this. You are detached from reality.

That you libtards are costing him business with your groundswell of lies is somehow proof that Trump is a racist? or said stupid things?

No, it only proves that a lot of his business associates have no courage to stand up to bullies like you, deary

And I hope you libtards put the pedal to the metal because you are killing your own White guilt system before your own eyes and you don't even have a clue
time to wake up people. they want trump to shut so it doesn't EXPOSE their policies NOW getting YOU KILLED and shows how they are taking the side of Illegal Immigrants OVER YOU

Murdered by the Left: Time for a campaign against “sanctuary” cities
By Arnold Ahlert -- Bio and Archives July 8, 2015

On Monday, illegal alien Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a 45-year-old repeat drug offender who had been deported five times, was charged with killing Kathryn Steinle, 32, at Pier 14 in the “sanctuary city” of San Francisco. The details surrounding this case are a testament to the multi-layered bankruptcy of progressive ideology.

We begin with the contemptible notion of a sanctuary city itself. Despite the passage of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act of 1996 requiring cities to cooperate with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), there are literally hundreds of cities in the nation that provide safe haven for illegal aliens in open defiance of federal law. Yet, because that law conflicts with progressive sensibilities, not a single lawsuit has ever been filed by the federal government against a sanctuary city for violating it. In a revealing contrast, the Obama administration has filed suit against states such as Arizona, Alabama and South Carolina that were attempting to enforce federal immigration law. The administration claimed the states had no right to do so—despite the reality the administration itself refuses to do so.

The case of Lopez-Sanchez itself is equally illuminating. Despite his presence in America following five deportations to his native country of Mexico, ICE turned Lopez-Sanchez over to San Francisco police on March 26 because he had an outstanding drug warrant. And despite the reality he had a record of seven felony convictions, San Francisco released Lopez-Sanchez to the streets on April 15, after the district attorney declined to prosecute him for a 20-year-old marijuana possession charge. In short, the feds aided and abetted the release of a serial border-buster to a sanctuary city manifestly unwilling to jail a career criminal.

No one made that reality clearer than San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi. Mirkarimi first blamed ICE for Sanchez-Lopez’s release, insisting the agency didn’t file a formal court application to detain him. But in a later interview with CNN, his progressive instincts were revealed. The sheriff defended San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy, insisting it “makes us safer.” “We’re a world-renowned city with a large immigrant population,” Mirkarimi declared. “And of that population is a population that is also here undocumented. From a law enforcement perspective, we want to build trust with that population. And our sanctuary city and other attendant laws have allowed us to do that.”

Mirkarimi’s arrogant defiance of federal law is nothing new. In a press release sent out last year, he boasted about a revision made to his department’s policy of retainment that “reduced the number of individuals released to ICE authorities by 62 percent. Only one other county in California had a policy of similar strength,” it stated.

San Francisco’s equally contemptible Mayor, Ed Lee, added ideologically inspired insult to injury. Despite issuing a press release saying he was “deeply saddened” by the “tragic and senseless death,” of Steinle and that his “thoughts and prayers” were with her family, he also endorsed his city’s sanctuary policy. “Let me be clear: [the policy] protects residents regardless of immigration status and is not intended to protect repeat, serious and violent felons,” he said. Lee further emphasized his commitment to “civil liberties” and “public safety” to explain his 2013 decision to “veto any legislation” undermining the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department’s ability to determined whether or not to honor ICE-issued “detainers” on a case-by-case basis.

ALL of it here
Murdered by the Left Time for a campaign against sanctuary cities
We need a man at the top of his game at losing sponsor, moneys , business opportunity and long time partners and business venues

that man is Trump

More snark and no facts.

Libtards these days are so disgraceful. If Bertrand Russel were alive today he would shake his head in dismay at your shenanigans.

But that's right, who is Bertrand Russell, lol
Lots of Cons are going to be very disappointed when Trump doesn't run.

He is already running, idiot.

Yeah, just like all of the times before. He is running on the theory that you can fool some of the people all of the time.

Leading the polls in one state already and second in several more and nationally without spending one red dime. Yeah, a real nonrun, lol

How much do want to bet? No matter what the polls might say, the man drops out of primaries before the end.

After all of the previous election antics people should have picked up that he isn't in it for the presidency, he's in it for the spotlight. The only people he is hurting are the other republican candidates, and he doesn't care.
Yanno................when Palin was running as VP, everyone on the right said that the only reason the left attacked her was because they were scared of her because she didn't take any crap from the media and was a strong woman.

They're now saying pretty much the same thing about Chump. The Dems are scared of him because he doesn't take any crap and tells it like it is.

Palin then lost the election for McCain and went on to become a reality star, then a commentator on FAUX Nooze, to being just another has been who outlived their 15 min. of fame.

Chump has already been a reality show star, so go ahead.............put him up as the GOP nominee and watch the Dems win in a land slide. Then maybe we can relegate Chump to the dustbin of history.

If you had a brain, and checked numbers Palin GAINED supporters for McCain, HE was the one, like McRomney that fucked up the election. Seems I remember a TV star that everyone made fun of, INCLUDING the Republican elite back in the mid 70's....funny how that all changed a half a decde later... Does the name Reagan come to mind?.... You people are running with a murderer, Corrupt bitch, law breaker, and a LIAR (shall we start a list?) and you have the stupidity to make fun of anyone else, much less trump?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:'s
Lots of Cons are going to be very disappointed when Trump doesn't run.

He is already running, idiot.

Yeah, just like all of the times before. He is running on the theory that you can fool some of the people all of the time.

Leading the polls in one state already and second in several more and nationally without spending one red dime. Yeah, a real nonrun, lol

How much do want to bet? No matter what the polls might say, the man drops out of primaries before the end.

Lol, I think there is a good chance of that as well, but it doesn't prove he is not totally serious now, TODAY.

He is not a career politician, so why would he stay in the race if his chances are ZERO at some point? MOST candidates end up dropping out from the race once they run out of money or see that they cant win. Why should anyone think that would be different with Trump? He could still stay in and run as a third party candidate, but I doubt that.

So what is your point? That Trump is a normal candidate who will withdraw if he doesn't have a chance?

I agree, and that he is still in suggests he thinks he can win.

Again, what is your bloody point?
Actually, Sanders is saying things that make sense to most Americans.

Why else do you think he's pulling in people by the THOUSANDS?

Hillary would kill for that kind of turnout.

Socialism, FREE COLLEGE, INCREASE UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS, and INCREASED WAGES FOR ALL UNIONS are the way the obomanation won... lies, and promises that will completely collapse the system...who will PAY for all his ENTITLEMENTS???

He continues to get in the Hildebeasts way and she'll DEFINITELY send him a WARNING....

Talk about the CLOWN CAR... there ain't much more entertaining than the leftards trying to out leftard each other.

Is it my imagination, or are you losing it?
Yanno................when Palin was running as VP, everyone on the right said that the only reason the left attacked her was because they were scared of her because she didn't take any crap from the media and was a strong woman.

They're now saying pretty much the same thing about Chump. The Dems are scared of him because he doesn't take any crap and tells it like it is.

Palin then lost the election for McCain and went on to become a reality star, then a commentator on FAUX Nooze, to being just another has been who outlived their 15 min. of fame.

Chump has already been a reality show star, so go ahead.............put him up as the GOP nominee and watch the Dems win in a land slide. Then maybe we can relegate Chump to the dustbin of history.

If you had a brain, and checked numbers Palin GAINED supporters for McCain, HE was the one, like McRomney that fucked up the election. Seems I remember a TV star that everyone made fun of, INCLUDING the Republican elite back in the mid 70's....funny how that all changed a half a decde later... Does the name Reagan come to mind?.... You people are running with a murderer, Corrupt bitch, law breaker, and a LIAR (shall we start a list?) and you have the stupidity to make fun of anyone else, much less trump?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:'s

Standard libtard bullshit snark in response to fact and reason.

Don't you ass holes ever get tired of being half a mental step above fungi?

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