Why the "Golden Rule" will ALWAYS be more efficient then the Nanny State!

"the welfare people"

How many of these people are there? I mean, able-bodied, adults who choose to not work in favor of living 100% off of taxpayer subsidized assistance? HOW MANY ARE THERE?????????

1 would be too many.

That's the problem with calling it an entitlement, guy.

Here's a solution. No more welfare. You get welfare payments, you have to show up for work, in public parks, cleaning up the sides of roads, whatever.

I'll betcha a lot of people just won't show up for those checks.

Why is it that the people who constantly whine about all the freeloaders in America can NEVER TELL ME HOW MANY OF THEM THERE ARE?

I didn't ask how many is too many. I asked HOW MANY ARE THERE? Are there a million? 10 million? How many?
The golden rule or reciprocity is the basis for every religion in the world yet we have had holy wars, it is the basis for democracy yet we have inequality, it is the idea that separated us from animals yet we still slaughter each other. The thing that makes it so hard to follow is our extraordinary ability to lie to ourselves and rationalize any kind of horrible behavior. We all have excuses for why this person or that one deserves the cold shoulder or the short end of the stick, this is why the golden rule is so useless, our talent for placing others beneath us and still somehow feeling morality has been served.
"the welfare people"

How many of these people are there? I mean, able-bodied, adults who choose to not work in favor of living 100% off of taxpayer subsidized assistance? HOW MANY ARE THERE?????????

1 would be too many.

That's the problem with calling it an entitlement, guy.

Here's a solution. No more welfare. You get welfare payments, you have to show up for work, in public parks, cleaning up the sides of roads, whatever.

I'll betcha a lot of people just won't show up for those checks.

Why is it that the people who constantly whine about all the freeloaders in America can NEVER TELL ME HOW MANY OF THEM THERE ARE?

I didn't ask how many is too many. I asked HOW MANY ARE THERE? Are there a million? 10 million? How many?

SO you are essentially asking me to find the pea under the cup, then? The fact is, we don't know how many because the government has so many programs for the freeloaders we don't know how many are on just one or multiple.

Here's a start. Food stamps. We have one in seven people on Food Stamps right now. can you honestly say that 17% of Americans need to be on food stamps? It certainly ain't because their starving, when they wip out that LINK card and pay for a big birthday cake and a bunch of soda pop.

Or how about this one. The part of social security that covers the "Disabled" is now going broke because- surprise, surprise- a bunch of people with minor ailments are now claiming "disability" even though they are more than capable of working.

Again. Simple enough solution. NO more free handouts. We will find something useful for you to do. Unless you are in a wheelchair missing four limbs, we'll find something.
You are unable to tell me how many.............and that allows you to go on and on about "all the freeloaders" milking the system.

Anyone? Able-bodied adults who choose to live entirely off of government programs. Does anyone have a number?
I never thought of speed limits as an evil consequence of the nanny state. That sounds like something the Tim McVeighs of the world believe(d) in.

Speed limits are for the very stupid!
The point of the "golden rule" is that is the most efficient, simplest, least costly way for civilized people to live!

For example most SMART people KNOW they can't stop a car in a school zone because the law of physics!
But for those few stupid Darwinian escapees that's what happens!
So why not teach from pre-school FACTS of physics for example:
1) show how eye and hand take a physical piece of time to communicate!
2) Then show how eve a pre-school kid can LEARN that they can't do certain things because of physics!

My point has been if the same amount of money was spent on teaching the "golden Rule" as has been on "global warming".. there would be LESS need for the trillions spent on rules and regulations!

The NANNY state will continue till there will be NO civilization BECAUSE the Nanny state depends on taxes! And there are fewer and fewer people that are paying taxes!

So any stupid idiot can follow the directions of a speed limit ..AS LONG as there is a penalty .. but why are we building our society on the LOWEST common denominator?
RULES,Regulations, laws... ALL are for the FEW BUT with more and more rules,regulations and laws covering more and more of our lives there will be more people breaking the laws and rules!
THE USA has the highest population of prisoners in the world! WHY??
The USA spends more on criminal incarceration that any country!

Because we have the MOST rules,regulations and LAWS in the world!
Speed Limits are an infringement of the Nanny State....no wonder everyone mocks libertarians
Golden Rule?

I'd say the Golden Ratio would be good for this country instead. At least a step up. The top 10% owns that smaller chunk while the rest of us, far more numerous owns the rest.
Golden Rule?

I'd say the Golden Ratio would be good for this country instead. At least a step up. The top 10% owns that smaller chunk while the rest of us, far more numerous owns the rest.

Again.. my point is we spend Trillions on welfare, on global warming advertising,govt. subsidies, Solyndra,etc..etc.. BUT very little on the ONE principle that makes the MOST SENSE and CENTS!

Yet people like you try to be cutesy.. try to be smart ass when the truth is if MORE people were smart enough to realize the practical value of treating others as you would have others treat you there would be trillions of dollars available for more valuable expenditures!

Case in point!

You probably if Walmart's auto check out gave you a $20 instead of a $10 you being the cynical bastard would pocket it!
ME being far superior in intelligence and morality I gave it back to the clerk!

AND DO YOU know WHY???

BECAUSE if idiots like YOU didn't keep these little mistakes i.e. if you were intelligent enough to know that Wallmart BUILDS into JUST as every business such losses as I described in their prices MAYBE Walmart's prices would be lower as well as other businesses!

BUT the efficiency and practical value of the Golden Rule obviously goes WAY over your head and you like all you money grubbing idiots who think the pie of opportunity is a finite size (ignoring the reality you have something KINGS 100 years ago couldn't EVEN imagine..) you like an animal would pocket the $10 patting yourself on the back at how smart you are!

ME I have in a little way by giving it back PRACTICED the concept of the "Golden Rule"... I did unto Walmart as I would have them do unto me" and like some religions believe what goes around comes around!
It really is a sad commentary especially on Liberal/progressives who are so concerned about the "poor" and sticking it to the wealthy when they make fun and cynical remarks about a fundamental belief i.e. the Golden Rule!
Sad because these same supposedly "compassionate" democrats who are also suppose to be the "intelligent" party totally don't get the simplicity of the "Golden Rule" and the ultimate efficiency!
These snarky comments like "Golden Ratio",etc. really don't understand that the same advertising efficiencies that have moved "global warming" into the fibre of ad agencies and into all our ways of life from pre-school and up if directed towards intense awareness of the cost savings the "Golden Rule" provides it would be amazing!

Consider if the Golden Rule was as integrated as we see "greening campaigns" with auto advertising.. what would be the net effect.
For example say Ford adopted the Golden Rule in it's service department where the guiding principle would be "do unto the customer as we would like to be done to us"!

Or the physician .."do unto the patient as I would have done unto me"!

What kind of savings would there be in this country alone? Tremendous reduction in rules and regulations which today businesses estimate over $1.7 TRILLION is spent in compliance efforts!
Think if the EPA was phased out because businesses found their customers wanted the environment treated as if the businesses..."WAIT THAT'S HAPPENING NOW!"
So why are we having billions in more rules and regulations?

Why not take a portion of those billions and make it a "Golden Rule" Campaign!
The EPA could show how reducing rules and regulations would free up more money IF the companies complied with out the rules and regulations!

It just makes financial sense!
Sorry healthmyths. If the right has been following the Golden Rule... then they most certainly want nearly every negative thing coming to them. They haven't exactly been treating the poor and the less well off well.
if the golden rule was followed, there would be no super rich, people would earn more and there would be no need for welfare
I never thought of speed limits as an evil consequence of the nanny state. That sounds like something the Tim McVeighs of the world believe(d) in.

Speed limits are for the very stupid!
The point of the "golden rule" is that is the most efficient, simplest, least costly way for civilized people to live!

For example most SMART people KNOW they can't stop a car in a school zone because the law of physics!
But for those few stupid Darwinian escapees that's what happens!
So why not teach from pre-school FACTS of physics for example:
1) show how eye and hand take a physical piece of time to communicate!
2) Then show how eve a pre-school kid can LEARN that they can't do certain things because of physics!

My point has been if the same amount of money was spent on teaching the "golden Rule" as has been on "global warming".. there would be LESS need for the trillions spent on rules and regulations!

The NANNY state will continue till there will be NO civilization BECAUSE the Nanny state depends on taxes! And there are fewer and fewer people that are paying taxes!

So any stupid idiot can follow the directions of a speed limit ..AS LONG as there is a penalty .. but why are we building our society on the LOWEST common denominator?
RULES,Regulations, laws... ALL are for the FEW BUT with more and more rules,regulations and laws covering more and more of our lives there will be more people breaking the laws and rules!
THE USA has the highest population of prisoners in the world! WHY??
The USA spends more on criminal incarceration that any country!

Because we have the MOST rules,regulations and LAWS in the world!

Hey idiot.

Most speed limits are under state or local authority. If your ideas were so brilliant, instead of the idiocy that they are,

wouldn't there be many towns around the country who would have gotten rid of their city speed limits, their school zone speed limits?

How is it possible that the entire country cannot come up with even a few municipalities that are as smart as you are?
The Golden Rule doesn't focus on short term profitability. That's Un-American.
The Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold, makes the rules" is always more efficient than the nanny state. The nanny state gets in the way of Those who have the gold getting their way. Getting rid of that pesky nanny government will ensure that those with the gold can accumulate more

Except the government doesn't really do that. Those with the gold have pretty much bought out both parties.

What the nanny state has managed to do is pacify enough people with no ambition by making them dependent on the government.

Why work when you can collect welfare and watch Jerry Springer all day?

This isn't a nanny state, hater/dittohead, it's the 2nd pub Great Depression, with now a Pub no compromise, total BS jobless recovery.
The Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold, makes the rules" is always more efficient than the nanny state. The nanny state gets in the way of Those who have the gold getting their way. Getting rid of that pesky nanny government will ensure that those with the gold can accumulate more

Except the government doesn't really do that. Those with the gold have pretty much bought out both parties.

What the nanny state has managed to do is pacify enough people with no ambition by making them dependent on the government.

Why work when you can collect welfare and watch Jerry Springer all day?

This isn't a nanny state, hater/dittohead, it's the 2nd pub Great Depression, with now a Pub no compromise, total BS jobless recovery.


Thank you Oh Clueless one............
if the golden rule was followed, there would be no super rich, people would earn more and there would be no need for welfare

Actually to a degree you are partially right!

For example IF when Social Security or even when Bush wanted to privatize each member of congress would have said:
" If The ordinary worker was allowed to keep EVERYTHING that he and the employer paid in for 40 years of work or for example $300,000 the ordinary worker WITHOUT having to invest in the risky stock market but just socking it away in his local bank at 3% would have over $500,000 at 65!

Why don't we let the ordinary worker accumulate $500,000 so at 65 the worker can live on the principal , use the principal for health care and leave his family a nest egg to start on!"

See if those early Congressmen who set up Social Security simply let the worker KEEP what they paid in instead of letting the government use it then depend on the govt. to send a check..EVERYONE would be applying the golden rule!
But see ignorant Democrats and progressives especially have continued to demonize privatization by bringing up the "risky stock market"... BUT it was never intended that be the ONLY way to accumulate!
But the fear mongering Demo/progressives lied specifically about this as a result millions of Americans that through FORCED savings would have accumulated millions!!!
Just consider the next crop of age 65 people..

10,000 people will turn 65 every day--this will continue for 20 years.
The Silver Book: Chronic Disease and Medical Innovation in an Aging Nation

If each of those had been able to accumulate $500,000 that would be in one year over $1.8 trillion NOT paid by the Government.. all those turning 65!
Accumulations and NO $500 million a month in CHECKS coming from the govt.!

All because the "golden rule" would have instilled personal responsibility and the SS originators would have followed!

All at 3% Guaranteed FDIC local savings.
Now if the worker started out when young with equities and as closer to retirement moved to more secured.. worker would have $2 million in 40 years!

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