Why the "Golden Rule" will ALWAYS be more efficient then the Nanny State!

gee wally, if people were just nicer to each other, we wouldnt need all these jails.........
gee wally, if people were just nicer to each other, we wouldnt need all these jails.........

Snarkiness.. sophomoric, juvenile comments noted!

Again.. all your cynicism doesn't alter the FACT that YES if people were taught with the SAME publically accept evangelism of "political correctness" and "global warming".. if ALL the public announcements, ad campaigns, Govt. expenditures were focus on showing idiots like you the practical money saving benefits of the "Golden Rule" then there wouldn't need all the jails you idiot!

But because gradeschool attitudes like your knumbskullness is WHY we have all these jails!

If more idiots like you were behavior modified at pre-school to be taught the "Golden Rule" is the most efficient principle.. we would have less idiots like you.

I'll prove my point:
Google search: "Climate Change" About 114,000,000 results
Google search: "Golden Rule" About 9,480,000 results

Twelve times more on "Climate Change"!
If it were twelve times more "Golden rule"
There WOULD BE LESS Climate Change!

Because after all what do all you greenies advocate??
"Do unto the earth as you would have the earth do unto you"!
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Now......that right there is some unpenetrable truth.

HM.....have you ever lived in a place that places an emphasis on the "golden rule"?
The Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold, makes the rules" is always more efficient than the nanny state. The nanny state gets in the way of Those who have the gold getting their way. Getting rid of that pesky nanny government will ensure that those with the gold can accumulate more

Except the government doesn't really do that. Those with the gold have pretty much bought out both parties.

What the nanny state has managed to do is pacify enough people with no ambition by making them dependent on the government.

Why work when you can collect welfare and watch Jerry Springer all day?

This isn't a nanny state, hater/dittohead, it's the 2nd pub Great Depression, with now a Pub no compromise, total BS jobless recovery.

Wow, guy, do you not understand basic English.

I said BOTH parties have sold out to the wealthy. Not just yours, not just mine. Both.

Welfare is a way to keep people pacified and not rioting in the streets. That's all. It's not about creating jobs. The last thing anyone wants is full employment. Full Employment would be bad for both parties.

It would be bad for Republicans because workers/employees could negotiate for better wages/benefits more easily.

It would be bad for Democrats because with less people dependent on government, they are going to start wondering why they are paying so much in taxes to support all these slackers.

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