Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Earlier I wrote about how the U.S. uses its considerable military power, bribery and remaining political influence in Iraq to bomb and kill Iraqi Shia militia and politicians who favor normalizing crucial trade relations with (U.S.-sanctioned) neighbors Syria and Iran. The U.S. also vetoed a Chinese offer to develop and repair Iraqi road and oil infrastructure in that devastated country. The offer had popular support in the Parliament and was much needed. In interviews this weak Trump revealed (part of) the real reasons US troops are lingering in Syria and Iraq. Here is independent, conservative ex-FOX news correspondent Rachel Marsden:

Trump reveals the real reason US troops are lingering in Syria

Trump is way off the conventional U.S. national security script. The first rule of oil fight club is that you don’t talk about oil fight club. Instead, you talk about how there are good guys who need to be protected from bad guys — halfway around the world, and typically in a place floating on oil. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

... [Trump] outlined a similar vision for Iraq right in front of the prime minister. It would involve pulling out troops in exchange for oil deals.... “We’ll be leaving shortly,” Trump said. “The relationship is very good. We’re making very big oil deals. Our oil companies are making massive deals and that’s basically the story.” ...

Trump has laid bare the key to avoiding U.S. invasion and occupation: Just hand over the oil. It sounds a lot like robbery....

The U.S. president brags about using the cover of war to steal another nation’s resources, it’s apparently not even worthy of a follow-up question. Not one journalist present at Trump’s press conference with the Iraqi prime minister called out, “Sir, did you know that keeping Syrian oil is a war crime?”...

Trump is constantly talking about how he’s the law-and-order president and condemning lawless behavior in urban America. But he fails to see how he’s given himself license to engage in looting on an international scale, using conflict as an excuse to smash the windows of other nations and grab whatever wealth he thinks America is entitled to.

Rachel Marsden: Trump reveals the real reason US troops are lingering in Syria

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