Why the HELL did a GOP debate have a question by a Bernie-supporting Muslim?!?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
these medias (Fox included) is again trying to pick your candidates for you. DON'T let them do this again. wake up. Vote for who YOU WANT. You are being Played and set up by them.

I hate to encourage anti-Fox conspiracy theories but what the hell are they thinking having a questions from a pro-Bernie person?!?!

a picture at the site of her wearing a Bernie sweatshirt and more at the site.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

I saw this thanks to the DC Examiner’s Becket Adams:

all of it at the site

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/why-the-hell-did-a-gop-debate-have-a-question-by-a-bernie-supporting-muslim/#ixzz3yeB09GDK
these medias (Fox included) is again trying to pick your candidates for you. DON'T let them do this again. wake up. Vote for who YOU WANT. You are being Played and set up by them.

I hate to encourage anti-Fox conspiracy theories but what the hell are they thinking having a questions from a pro-Bernie person?!?!

a picture at the site of her wearing a Bernie sweatshirt and more at the site.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

I saw this thanks to the DC Examiner’s Becket Adams:

all of it at the site

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/why-the-hell-did-a-gop-debate-have-a-question-by-a-bernie-supporting-muslim/#ixzz3yeB09GDK
She scares you, doesn't she? You don't want her to be heard, do you?
Why the HELL did a GOP debate have a question by a Bernie-supporting Muslim?!?

Republicans complain it's others who cause division. But do they do it with a straight face?
They need to allow only pre-approved questions so there's no chance of embarrassing the Clown Car Candidates. I mean really -- When they're on that stage, they cannot run away from the questions. That is unfair to the Clowns.
I read that they had planned on having the Muslim confront Trump on his ban proposal.

it's because they DON'T HAVE anything else. they are still harping over this what he "supposedly" said and meant. whatever happened to just THE American citizens? this is sickening how they are ramming this Muslim waaaa waaaa waaa down our throats. it makes you wonder who has paid and bought our country out that they are bowing to them every time they turn around
this what we are seeing. is the direct result of multiculturalism re seeing is the exact reasons for them pushing it on everyone. Look at the other countries around the world who has taken in these people. you are next to be BOWING so get used to it now
I read that they had planned on having the Muslim confront Trump on his ban proposal.

it's because they DON'T HAVE anything else. they are still harping over this what he "supposedly" said and meant. whatever happened to just THE American citizens? this is sickening how they are ramming this Muslim waaaa waaaa waaa down our throats. it makes you wonder who has paid and bought our country out that they are bowing to them every time they turn around
OH MY! Did you miss your morning enema today, Steph?
this what we are seeing. is the direct result of multiculturalism re seeing is the exact reasons for them pushing it on everyone. Look at the other countries around the world who has taken in these people. you are next to be BOWING so get used to it now

Psst...Nabela Noor is an American citizen.
these medias (Fox included) is again trying to pick your candidates for you. DON'T let them do this again. wake up. Vote for who YOU WANT. You are being Played and set up by them.

I hate to encourage anti-Fox conspiracy theories but what the hell are they thinking having a questions from a pro-Bernie person?!?!

a picture at the site of her wearing a Bernie sweatshirt and more at the site.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

I saw this thanks to the DC Examiner’s Becket Adams:

all of it at the site

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/why-the-hell-did-a-gop-debate-have-a-question-by-a-bernie-supporting-muslim/#ixzz3yeB09GDK
Most of them are closet socialists and Sanders supporters anyway. FOX is not a conservative network, but only a neocon American Imperialism network.
these medias (Fox included) is again trying to pick your candidates for you. DON'T let them do this again. wake up. Vote for who YOU WANT. You are being Played and set up by them.

I hate to encourage anti-Fox conspiracy theories but what the hell are they thinking having a questions from a pro-Bernie person?!?!

a picture at the site of her wearing a Bernie sweatshirt and more at the site.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

I saw this thanks to the DC Examiner’s Becket Adams:

all of it at the site

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/why-the-hell-did-a-gop-debate-have-a-question-by-a-bernie-supporting-muslim/#ixzz3yeB09GDK
Most of them are closet socialists and Sanders supporters anyway. FOX is not a conservative network, but only a neocon American Imperialism network.

oh they've shed their mask. I can't listen to them anymore than that sick station called, Msnbc. they are now ALL left leaning DNC mouthpiece's. it's was only a matter of time I guess
I Just hope enough people has woken up to this. but, they also fell for that Obama so I don't have much hope anymore.

Don’t let the talking heads cast your vote for president
By Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives January 29, 2016

While the juvenile FoxNews/Google debate was underway last night, this is what was going down in the enemy camp, where President Barack Obama made his final address to the House Democratic Caucus retreat as president.

“Democrats will win in November and we will have a Democratic president succeed me,” he said.

“On a night where much of the media’s attention is focused on Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in the GOP debate in Iowa, Obama referenced the Republican front-runner when making his case for a multilateral foreign policy: “We’re not going to strengthen our leadership around the world by allowing politicians to insult Muslims or pit groups of Americans against each other,” he said.

That’s just, as it were, what the Fox/Google debate was saying in fielding the question of Muslim activist Nabela Noor to GOP hopefuls.

Here’s the word-by-word question posed by Chris Wallace:

“WALLACE: We have another question from one of Youtube’s top creators. Here it is. (New York Times—Full Debate Transcript, Jan. 29, 2016)

“QUESTION: I’m Nabela Noor. I’m a Muslim American born and raised in the U.S. who creates beauty and lifestyle videos on Youtube.

“In 2015, the number of hate crimes against Muslims in the U.S. has tripled, and on social media, where I spend a lot of time, I’ve seen many attacks directed towards fellow Muslims. This culture of hatred is only driving ISIS to radicalize, recruit and incite violence.

“As president, what would you do to address this toxic climate and promote increased tolerance in the United States?

“WALLACE: Governor Bush, how do you answer Nabela?

“BUSH: Well first of all, I think it’s important that when we’re running for the highest office in the land that we recognize that we’re living in dangerous times and we have to be serious about it, that our words have consequences.

“Donald Trump, for example — I’m glad — I mentioned his name again just if anybody was missing him… (LAUGHTER)

“BUSH: ... Mr. Trump believed that in reaction to people’s fears that we should ban all Muslims. Well, that creates an environment that’s toxic in our own country. Nobela (ph) is a rising entrepreneur. She wants to pursue the American dream. She’s an American citizen. She should not feel uncomfortable about her citizenship. She’s not the threat. The threat is Islamic terrorism.

“We need to focus our energies there, not these broad, blanket, kind of statements that will make it harder for us to deal with ISIS. We need to deal with ISIS in the caliphate. We need a strategy to destroy ISIS there. You can’t do that without the cooperation of the Muslim world because they’re as threatened as we are.

“So, I think it’s important for us to be careful about the language we use, which is why “I’ve been critical of Donald Trump. Disparaging women, disparaging hispanics, that’s not a sign of strength. Making fun of disabled people…”

The 2016 presidential election race has gone from soap opera to circus.

all of the article here:
Don’t let the talking heads cast your vote for president
I Just hope enough people has woken up to this. but, they also fell for that Obama so I don't have much hope anymore.

Don’t let the talking heads cast your vote for president
By Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives January 29, 2016

While the juvenile FoxNews/Google debate was underway last night, this is what was going down in the enemy camp, where President Barack Obama made his final address to the House Democratic Caucus retreat as president.

“Democrats will win in November and we will have a Democratic president succeed me,” he said.

“On a night where much of the media’s attention is focused on Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in the GOP debate in Iowa, Obama referenced the Republican front-runner when making his case for a multilateral foreign policy: “We’re not going to strengthen our leadership around the world by allowing politicians to insult Muslims or pit groups of Americans against each other,” he said.

That’s just, as it were, what the Fox/Google debate was saying in fielding the question of Muslim activist Nabela Noor to GOP hopefuls.

Here’s the word-by-word question posed by Chris Wallace:

“WALLACE: We have another question from one of Youtube’s top creators. Here it is. (New York Times—Full Debate Transcript, Jan. 29, 2016)

“QUESTION: I’m Nabela Noor. I’m a Muslim American born and raised in the U.S. who creates beauty and lifestyle videos on Youtube.

“In 2015, the number of hate crimes against Muslims in the U.S. has tripled, and on social media, where I spend a lot of time, I’ve seen many attacks directed towards fellow Muslims. This culture of hatred is only driving ISIS to radicalize, recruit and incite violence.

“As president, what would you do to address this toxic climate and promote increased tolerance in the United States?

“WALLACE: Governor Bush, how do you answer Nabela?

“BUSH: Well first of all, I think it’s important that when we’re running for the highest office in the land that we recognize that we’re living in dangerous times and we have to be serious about it, that our words have consequences.

“Donald Trump, for example — I’m glad — I mentioned his name again just if anybody was missing him… (LAUGHTER)

“BUSH: ... Mr. Trump believed that in reaction to people’s fears that we should ban all Muslims. Well, that creates an environment that’s toxic in our own country. Nobela (ph) is a rising entrepreneur. She wants to pursue the American dream. She’s an American citizen. She should not feel uncomfortable about her citizenship. She’s not the threat. The threat is Islamic terrorism.

“We need to focus our energies there, not these broad, blanket, kind of statements that will make it harder for us to deal with ISIS. We need to deal with ISIS in the caliphate. We need a strategy to destroy ISIS there. You can’t do that without the cooperation of the Muslim world because they’re as threatened as we are.

“So, I think it’s important for us to be careful about the language we use, which is why “I’ve been critical of Donald Trump. Disparaging women, disparaging hispanics, that’s not a sign of strength. Making fun of disabled people…”

The 2016 presidential election race has gone from soap opera to circus.

all of the article here:
Don’t let the talking heads cast your vote for president
"canadafreepress"? Whats that Stephie?

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