Why the hell didn't they bring up immigration at these past 2 debates??


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2017
WHY didn't they bring up immigration at the VP debate or the 1st Presidential debate?? Biden said SUSPEND ALL deportations (except felons) & FREE healthcare for ILLEGALS!! That is de facto OPEN borders & a surefire winner for Trump!! Pence or Trump could've brought it up on their own.

Kampala also compared ICE to the KKK so it's CLEAR Democrats have abandoned any REAL border security!!
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What would be the point in asking the impeached president trump or his mindless sidekick Pence a question that they wouldn't answer? The concentration camps the impeached president trump built to house non-white immigrants are only popular with his Nazi-loving base.

Pence failed to address most of the questions asked at the debate with Kamala Harris, and his puppet master made a fool of himself in his first debate with Biden.

Because immigration is a win for Republicans.

You won't see it mentioned by any mod in any debate.

Yes, I know that but immigration has been brought up in EVERY Presidential year during the debates! Idiot Chris Wallace has brought up immigration himself in previous years but didn't do it this time.

President Trump MUST bring it up on his own the next debate if they don't because there might not be a 3rd debate if Biden chickens out!
WHY didn't they bring up immigration at the VP debate or the 1st Presidential debate?? Biden said SUSPEND ALL deportations (except felons) & FREE healthcare for ILLEGALS!! That is de facto OPEN borders & a surefire winner for Trump!! Pence or Trump could've brought it up on their own.

Because by and large Republicans have no nuts...The spineless pukes are backing away from this issue big time. Notice how even the ‘Republicans’ on this board are now scared shitless to engage in this topic.
Like always, they have conceded their ballsacks to the Left on this one as well and most know it...they’re happy talking tough about gun rights while the rug is pulled out from under them on every other issue.
What would be the point in asking the impeached president trump or his mindless sidekick Pence a question that they wouldn't answer? The concentration camps the impeached president trump built to house non-white immigrants are only popular with his Nazi-loving base.

Pence failed to address most of the questions asked at the debate with Kamala Harris, and his puppet master made a fool of himself in his first debate with Biden.

Kamala would have brought up the build the wall scam that the x Trump aid Bannon fleeced the Trumptards on and then about how that sand and gravel company built some wall that fell down.
Too bad it wasn't brought up in the B and T debate. Trump would have lost it [literally] hands down for sure.
WHY didn't they bring up immigration at the VP debate or the 1st Presidential debate?? Biden said SUSPEND ALL deportations (except felons) & FREE healthcare for ILLEGALS!! That is de facto OPEN borders & a surefire winner for Trump!! Pence or Trump could've brought it up on their own.

Kampala also compared ICE to the KKK so it's CLEAR Democrats have abandoned any REAL border security!!

Amazing how little the world cares about it when the blob doesn't emphasize it.

It's another way of saying you guys have been programmed to repeat what your lord and master tells you.

That and it's just another failure of the blob's administration. Wasn't there supposed to be this massive roundup of illegals? What happened to it ?
Because by and large Republicans have no nuts...The spineless pukes are backing away from this issue big time. Notice how even the ‘Republicans’ on this board are now scared shitless to engage in this topic.
Like always, they have conceded their ballsacks to the Left on this one as well and most know it...they’re happy talking tough about gun rights while the rug is pulled out from under them on every other issue.

The TRUTH....the WHOLE TRUTH.....and nothing BUT The TRUTH

But across the Internet they could whip Mike Tysons ass with one hand tied behind their backs
Most are going to RUN to turn em in as soon as the Left makes ownership a felony

You could probably fit all the REAL Patriots into a High School Gym
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WHY didn't they bring up immigration at the VP debate or the 1st Presidential debate?? Biden said SUSPEND ALL deportations (except felons) & FREE healthcare for ILLEGALS!! That is de facto OPEN borders & a surefire winner for Trump!! Pence or Trump could've brought it up on their own.

Kampala also compared ICE to the KKK so it's CLEAR Democrats have abandoned any REAL border security!!

Border 'Security" ?!?

Hell, if they can they'll force you to exchange places with them and give them everything you own given 1/2 a chance
WHY didn't they bring up immigration at the VP debate or the 1st Presidential debate?? Biden said SUSPEND ALL deportations (except felons) & FREE healthcare for ILLEGALS!! That is de facto OPEN borders & a surefire winner for Trump!! Pence or Trump could've brought it up on their own.

Because by and large Republicans have no nuts...The spineless pukes are backing away from this issue big time. Notice how even the ‘Republicans’ on this board are now scared shitless to engage in this topic.
Like always, they have conceded their ballsacks to the Left on this one as well and most know it...they’re happy talking tough about gun rights while the rug is pulled out from under them on every other issue.

But the Trump administration has been STRONGER on REDUCING immigration more than ANY President since the 1965 Immigration Act was passed!

They're throwing out most ALL asylum seekers & unaccompanied children. They've tightened the restrictions on getting H1B Visas. They've implemented a charge rule, which the courts UPHELD, where LEGAL immigrants CANNOT public assistance.

They've increased fees for citizenship applications & they've reduced refugee admissions from 100,000 under Obama to only 20,000!

Biden wants to increase Islamic refugees by 700%!!
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