Why the Left hate's FNC

One of the major services that FoxNews does for the left is they keep Republicans in line

Any Republican who dares to support global warming, sensible gun control or gay rights is immediately called on the carpet and condemned accross Fox Nation

It is Fox who defends the political middle for the left and ensures that political moderates have no place else to go but to the left
One of the major services that FoxNews does for the left is they keep Republicans in line

Any Republican who dares to support global warming, sensible gun control or gay rights is immediately called on the carpet and condemned accross Fox Nation

It is Fox who defends the political middle for the left and ensures that political moderates have no place else to go but to the left

RW, that's a goddamn lie and you know it!!

What Fox does do is give both sides of every issue, but that's not what you Lefties do, you can only accept one side, yours!!

You are such a liar.
One of the major services that FoxNews does for the left is they keep Republicans in line

Any Republican who dares to support global warming, sensible gun control or gay rights is immediately called on the carpet and condemned accross Fox Nation

It is Fox who defends the political middle for the left and ensures that political moderates have no place else to go but to the left

RW, that's a goddamn lie and you know it!!

What Fox does do is give both sides of every issue, but that's not what you Lefties do, you can only accept one side, yours!!

You are such a liar.

You forgot to say "Fair and Balanced"

You can lose your Fox Nation card for that
Why the Left hate's FNC
They have an appropriate and justified disdain for a broadcasting entity that passes itself off as ‘news’ when in fact Fox has been caught lying many times and continues to distort and spin the facts to conform to rightist dogma and contrive controversies out of non-issues.

...and the left wing media hate to have competition.

Folks start ignoring THEIR lying, distortion, spin, dogma and contrived controversies.

They can't control the narrative like the used to...and it pisses them off to no end.
Why the Left hate's FNC
They have an appropriate and justified disdain for a broadcasting entity that passes itself off as ‘news’ when in fact Fox has been caught lying many times and continues to distort and spin the facts to conform to rightist dogma and contrive controversies out of non-issues.

...and the left wing media hate to have competition.

Folks start ignoring THEIR lying, distortion, spin, dogma and contrived controversies.

They can't control the narrative like the used to...and it pisses them off to no end.

The mainstream media has plenty of competition.... CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN. It is Fox that doesn't have any competition as the propaganda arm of the Republican Party
One of the major services that FoxNews does for the left is they keep Republicans in line

Any Republican who dares to support global warming, sensible gun control or gay rights is immediately called on the carpet and condemned accross Fox Nation

It is Fox who defends the political middle for the left and ensures that political moderates have no place else to go but to the left

RW, that's a goddamn lie and you know it!!

What Fox does do is give both sides of every issue, but that's not what you Lefties do, you can only accept one side, yours!!

From the same guy who started this troll thread declaring what the other side believes... :lmao:

Both Fox & MSNBC are a blight on what used to be known as "the news".


what used to be known as the news is when all the major networks were carbon copies of MSNBC - Left Wing Liberal Vomit- Fox has changed all that

Got news for ya Madge. What MSNBC is doing is imitating Fox Noise.

News used to be news: dry, unemotional facts, who-what-where-when and get out. Along came CNN to bring a steady feed of it to TV. Then Rupert Murdoch shows up, fresh from a career making a fortune on sleazy tabloid rags, with a whole new idea: instead of doing actual news, which is expensive, flying people around, keeping news bureaus open around the world, etc, Fox would present News Theater: talking heads in a studio talking about the news, rather than actually covering it.

Oh, they keep token stringers stringing along to employ a camera crew when something blows up, but where they make their money is prime time -- and prime time is a garishly colored studio populated by angry white guys pounding on tables and short-skirted bimbos all murmuring endless commentary not about what the news IS but what the news means. Not about politics (the process) but about politicians (the persons). Basically the sleazy tabloid applied to TV news: a gossip channel oozing endless salacious scandal, starring the political party of the booga-booga man as the evil villain. Real news has no evil villains; it just is.

And of course that meaning is always polarized into an "us vs. them" mentality of good guys and bad guys in a grand fake morality play that is indistinguishable from that of WWE wrestling. Which also generates loyalty and an emotional relationship with a news channel such as is exhibited here daily. When news was news, nobody cared if the CBS station went down; you just tuned to ABC and got the same news. In Fox Noise you have an emotional investment. That's very different, and that's also very lucrative. Nobody ever made money presenting news. But News Theater, ah yes, there's gold in them thar ills. Because you get viewers emotionally invested.

Poor CNN, back there still doing news, found its ratings foundering with the siphoning of its more gullible audience segment, because as H.L. Mencken astutely put it, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And Fox Noise was definitely not going broke by polarizing the news. Too, CNN's expenses were a lot higher since it was still doing real news with real reporters and real foreign bureaus. But advertising pays the bills, and without the ratings the income started to suffer (CNN was built by thinking big, and it's got a massive infrastructure to maintain). So, to its discredit CNN and its masturbatory offshoot HLN took a page from the Fox playbook and got down into the same gutter. Or it tried to. It's still trying to figure out how to straddle that fence today.

MSNBC did the same thing, though it didn't have a legacy of actual news to abandon. It's basically the mirror image of Fox Noise, doing the same thing from the perspective of the other side. The guys in the white and black hats switch and the same game goes on. Same game, different channel.

None of it is "news". But make no mistake about where it started. K? This pipe dream sales pitch about how the "news used to be liberal with Walter Cronkite screaming blah blah" (which oddly, no one articulated at the time) is just more revisionist history to try to validate what is nothing more than News Theater, a sleazy gossip channel -- a version of Entertainment Tonight using politicians instead of movie stars. And of course, Fear, the number one selling brand of emotion.

Because when you're in the business of selling rather than telling the news, emotion is your lifeblood.
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The good news is -

Used to be that every damn public TV was set to faux but I haven't seen it on anywhere in quite a while.

And, I always make it a point to thank management if its not on and ask that it be changed if it is.

Both Fox & MSNBC are a blight on what used to be known as "the news".


what used to be known as the news is when all the major networks were carbon copies of MSNBC - Left Wing Liberal Vomit- Fox has changed all that

Got news for ya Madge. What MSNBC is doing is imitating Fox Noise.

News used to be news: dry, unemotional facts, who-what-where-when and get out. Along came CNN to bring a steady feed of it to TV. Then Rupert Murdoch shows up, fresh from a career making a fortune on sleazy tabloid rags, with a whole new idea: instead of doing actual news, which is expensive, flying people around, keeping news bureaus open around the world, etc, Fox would present News Theater: talking heads in a studio talking about the news, rather than actually covering it.

Oh, they keep token stringers stringing along to employ a camera crew when something blows up, but where they make their money is prime time -- and prime time is a garishly colored studio populated by angry white guys pounding on tables and short-skirted bimbos all murmuring endless commentary not about what the news IS but what the news means. Not about politics (the process) but about politicians (the persons). Basically the sleazy tabloid applied to TV news: a gossip channel oozing endless salacious scandal, starring the political party of the booga-booga man as the evil villain. Real news has no evil villains; it just is.

And of course that meaning is always polarized into an "us vs. them" mentality of good guys and bad guys in a grand fake morality play that is indistinguishable from that of WWE wrestling. Which also generates loyalty and an emotional relationship with a news channel such as is exhibited here daily. When news was news, nobody cared if the CBS station went down; you just tuned to ABC and got the same news. In Fox Noise you have an emotional investment. That's very different, and that's also very lucrative. Nobody ever made money presenting news. But News Theater, ah yes, there's gold in them thar ills. Because you get viewers emotionally invested.

Poor CNN, back there still doing news, found its ratings foundering with the siphoning of its more gullible audience segment, because as H.L. Mencken astutely put it, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And Fox Noise was definitely not going broke by polarizing the news. Too, CNN's expenses were a lot higher since it was still doing real news with real reporters and real foreign bureaus. But advertising pays the bills, and without the ratings the income started to suffer (CNN was built by thinking big, and it's got a massive infrastructure to maintain). So, to its discredit CNN and its masturbatory offshoot HLN took a page from the Fox playbook and got down into the same gutter. Or it tried to. It's still trying to figure out how to straddle that fence today.

MSNBC did the same thing, though it didn't have a legacy of actual news to abandon. It's basically the mirror image of Fox Noise, doing the same thing from the perspective of the other side. The guys in the white and black hats switch and the same game goes on. Same game, different channel.

None of it is "news". But make no mistake about where it started. K? This pipe dream sales pitch about how the "news used to be liberal with Walter Cronkite screaming blah blah" (which oddly, no one articulated at the time) is just more revisionist history to try to validate what is nothing more than News Theater, a sleazy gossip channel -- a version of Entertainment Tonight using politicians instead of movie stars. And of course, Fear, the number one selling brand of emotion.

Because when you're in the business of selling rather than telling the news, emotion is your lifeblood.

If you want real news, go to BBC, Al Jazeera and PBS.
Fox News reports the truth and the Left, including Left Wing Republicans hate the truth like satan hates sunshine:

Megyn Kelly: Fox News Isn't Afraid to Stand Alone

I no longer waste my time on those other media outlets, they are nothing more than Obama propaganda outlets.

that is probably why you don't know anything.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

hint: not being an obama deranged moron doesn't mean anyone is an obama propaganda outlet.

now you know. get educated.

but thanks for the rightwingnut troll thread highlighting your extraordinary ignorance.
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Fox News reports the truth and the Left, including Left Wing Republicans hate the truth like satan hates sunshine:

Megyn Kelly: Fox News Isn't Afraid to Stand Alone

I no longer waste my time on those other media outlets, they are nothing more than Obama propaganda outlets.

that is probably why you don't know anything.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

hint: not being an obama deranged moron doesn't mean anyone is an obama propaganda outlet.

now you know. get educated.

but thanks for the rightwingnut troll thread highlighting your extraordinary ignorance.

that's all you got :eusa_clap: you're a genius:doubt:

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents

Do you enjoy Al Sharpton sweetie?:eusa_whistle:
Fox News reports the truth and the Left, including Left Wing Republicans hate the truth like satan hates sunshine:

Megyn Kelly: Fox News Isn't Afraid to Stand Alone

I no longer waste my time on those other media outlets, they are nothing more than Obama propaganda outlets.

that is probably why you don't know anything.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

hint: not being an obama deranged moron doesn't mean anyone is an obama propaganda outlet.

now you know. get educated.

but thanks for the rightwingnut troll thread highlighting your extraordinary ignorance.

that's all you got :eusa_clap: you're a genius:doubt:

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents

Do you enjoy Al Sharpton sweetie?:eusa_whistle:

Why do you assume that knowing the scam of the Right make one accept the scam of the Left?
that is probably why you don't know anything.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

hint: not being an obama deranged moron doesn't mean anyone is an obama propaganda outlet.

now you know. get educated.

but thanks for the rightwingnut troll thread highlighting your extraordinary ignorance.

that's all you got :eusa_clap: you're a genius:doubt:

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents

Do you enjoy Al Sharpton sweetie?:eusa_whistle:

Why do you assume that knowing the scam of the Right make one accept the scam of the Left?

Because I know her... and any station who employs true scum, piece of shit like Al Sharpton is surly the lowest of the low. anything else?
that is probably why you don't know anything.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

hint: not being an obama deranged moron doesn't mean anyone is an obama propaganda outlet.

now you know. get educated.

but thanks for the rightwingnut troll thread highlighting your extraordinary ignorance.

that's all you got :eusa_clap: you're a genius:doubt:

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents

Do you enjoy Al Sharpton sweetie?:eusa_whistle:

Why do you assume that knowing the scam of the Right make one accept the scam of the Left?

Norman Rosenbaum, brother of Yankel Rosenbaum, the Orthodox Jewish victim of a violent mob at the 1991 Crown Heights, who was killed within days of Al Sharpton stating, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” After Rosenbaum’s death, Sharpton led a march through Crown Heights, at which protesters changed “No Justice, No Peace,

Brother of Crown Heights Riot Victim Blasts Sharpton, Obama: 'I'm Waiting for My Invitation to the White House'
Fox Has Absolutely NO Journalistic Ethics, And Here’s A LONG List Of Their Lies

It’s pretty well-known among those of us not sipping the Kool-Aid/tea combination that Fox News is an arm of the Republican Party, and with that goal in mind they willfully spread propaganda and misinformation every opportunity they get, provided it benefits conservative political ideology.

? Fox Has Absolutely NO Journalistic Ethics, And Here?s A LONG List Of Their Lies (VIDEOS)
Fox Has Absolutely NO Journalistic Ethics, And Here’s A LONG List Of Their Lies

It’s pretty well-known among those of us not sipping the Kool-Aid/tea combination that Fox News is an arm of the Republican Party, and with that goal in mind they willfully spread propaganda and misinformation every opportunity they get, provided it benefits conservative political ideology.

? Fox Has Absolutely NO Journalistic Ethics, And Here?s A LONG List Of Their Lies (VIDEOS)

left-wing losers would rather hear somebody on MSNBC or CNN openly fantasize of taking a crap in the mouth of sarah palin

war on women/

libs are just asinine, hate-filled hypocrites
'We Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we're discovering that we're working for Fox.'
—David Frum, former American Enterprise Institute fellow, March 2010
The Fox News Channel (a.k.a. "Faux Noise,"Faux News," "Fixed News," "Fux News," "Pox News," "Fox Opinion Channel," "Fox Propaganda Channel," "Fox Noise," "7ox News," "Bullshit Mountain," and, rarely, "Minitrue" to its detractors) is a United States-based cable and satellite "news" propaganda machine known for a blatantly right-wing and dishonest presentation of the news. It is owned by News Corporation.

Notable (dysfunctional) personalities

Fox News - RationalWiki

Notable (dysfunctional) personalities
'We Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we're discovering that we're working for Fox.'
—David Frum, former American Enterprise Institute fellow, March 2010
The Fox News Channel (a.k.a. "Faux Noise,"Faux News," "Fixed News," "Fux News," "Pox News," "Fox Opinion Channel," "Fox Propaganda Channel," "Fox Noise," "7ox News," "Bullshit Mountain," and, rarely, "Minitrue" to its detractors) is a United States-based cable and satellite "news" propaganda machine known for a blatantly right-wing and dishonest presentation of the news. It is owned by News Corporation.

Notable (dysfunctional) personalities

Fox News - RationalWiki

Notable (dysfunctional) personalities

another moronic talking point that is simply useless

this is from a loser lefty in denial that that left-wing media is simply an arm of the Dem Party at this point
look at the moronic talking points and the demonization of Fox by left-wing nutjobs/
and they wonder why they are LOSING VIEWERS to Fox?

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