Why the Left hate's FNC

Democrats' favorite cable-news channel: Fox News | Changing Channels

More Dems watch Fox News according to Pew Research.

It's wildly counterintuitive, at least if you believe the chattering-class wisdom that only tea-party yahoos watch Fox News. But if a survey released Monday by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press is accurate, at any given moment there are more Democrats watching Fox News than MSNBC or CNN.
Why the Left hate's FNC
They have an appropriate and justified disdain for a broadcasting entity that passes itself off as ‘news’ when in fact Fox has been caught lying many times and continues to distort and spin the facts to conform to rightist dogma and contrive controversies out of non-issues.

Evidence? Come on, give us proof that you're not lying! Oh.......anything negative about your messiah is a lie?

You are a lying idiot!!
American progs believe that anything other than state approved news is dangerous and must be silenced

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

American cons believe seriously crazy shit

We don't buy your crappy newspapers or watch your State run news; you're free to drink all the state sponsored KoolAid you can handle. You Progs are the ones who want to silence Limbaugh and Fox
American progs believe that anything other than state approved news is dangerous and must be silenced

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

American cons believe seriously crazy shit

We don't buy your crappy newspapers or watch your State run news; you're free to drink all the state sponsored KoolAid you can handle. You Progs are the ones who want to silence Limbaugh and Fox

Yes. You all collectively watch a single news source whose ratings are driven by openly partisan T.V. personalities. That's much better :rolleyes:
American cons believe seriously crazy shit

We don't buy your crappy newspapers or watch your State run news; you're free to drink all the state sponsored KoolAid you can handle. You Progs are the ones who want to silence Limbaugh and Fox

Yes. You all collectively watch a single news source whose ratings are driven by openly partisan T.V. personalities. That's much better :rolleyes:

Even if I watched Fox and listened to Limbaugh, why does that matter to you? What difference does it make?
Fox and MSNBC are 90% editorial...10% news.
CNN is just lost. Terribly, terribly lost.

People don't know the difference between fact and opinion. That is why Fox and MSNBC have a cult like following and cult like anti-followers (the people who watch to be outraged).

I prefer Fox, that is because they cater more towards my political leanings and cover what I want to learn about. But I will also say that the idea of Fox being Fair and Balanced is ridiculous. Having an opposing opinion is fine and dandy...but when that person is a poor representative (dumb ass), it sort of defeats the purpose. Also, if you never let an opposing opinion finish their statement and constantly interrupt them mid-sentence...the idea of fair and balanced is thrown out the window.
Fox News reports the truth and the Left, including Left Wing Republicans hate the truth like satan hates sunshine:

Megyn Kelly: Fox News Isn't Afraid to Stand Alone

I no longer waste my time on those other media outlets, they are nothing more than Obama propaganda outlets.

I personally feel Fox News does a great service to the left

- They lead the rightwing echo chamber where everyone thinks the whole country agrees with them, that Obama is hated and "The worst president of all time", where Conservatives are loved, gays are hated......the same echo chamber that made Mitt Romney and Karl Rove think they were going to win

- They provide sound bites to Democrats who replay what Fox hosts say , sigh and say......all Republicans are like this

- They allow moderate America to look at what they are saying and say....I do not want to be a part of that

- They attack any Republican who dares to offer compromise or support gays, climate change or gun control

You know, every time I open one of the left's brain dead posts, it's always the same old BS - "Faux News, gays, Koch Brothers, neener, neener, neener, hate, hate, hate".

It's like the left has one brain among them. When are you guys going to learn how to think for yourselves instead of parroting the same old shit?
Fox News reports the truth and the Left, including Left Wing Republicans hate the truth like satan hates sunshine:

Megyn Kelly: Fox News Isn't Afraid to Stand Alone

I no longer waste my time on those other media outlets, they are nothing more than Obama propaganda outlets.

I personally feel Fox News does a great service to the left

- They lead the rightwing echo chamber where everyone thinks the whole country agrees with them, that Obama is hated and "The worst president of all time", where Conservatives are loved, gays are hated......the same echo chamber that made Mitt Romney and Karl Rove think they were going to win

- They provide sound bites to Democrats who replay what Fox hosts say , sigh and say......all Republicans are like this

- They allow moderate America to look at what they are saying and say....I do not want to be a part of that

- They attack any Republican who dares to offer compromise or support gays, climate change or gun control

You know, every time I open one of the left's brain dead posts, it's always the same old BS - "Faux News, gays, Koch Brothers, neener, neener, neener, hate, hate, hate".

It's like the left has one brain among them. When are you guys going to learn how to think for yourselves instead of parroting the same old shit?

I do believe that this thread about "Fox News".....Why the Left hate's FNC was started by a conservative

Carry on
We don't buy your crappy newspapers or watch your State run news; you're free to drink all the state sponsored KoolAid you can handle. You Progs are the ones who want to silence Limbaugh and Fox

Yes. You all collectively watch a single news source whose ratings are driven by openly partisan T.V. personalities. That's much better :rolleyes:

Even if I watched Fox and listened to Limbaugh, why does that matter to you? What difference does it make?

That's exactly what I keep asking Papageorgio... :dunno:
It's all ideology driven. The left hates Fox News and the right hates the other cable news networks. It's just that simple.

It is possible to watch both.

I watch the ABC evening news whenever I get the chance, and occasion FNC because I find that if I watch FNC once during the week, then then they deliver their entire content for that period.

More than once is simply repetitive and boring

I avoid MSNBC. More than repetitive, it is stupid.
Why the Left hate's FNC
They have an appropriate and justified disdain for a broadcasting entity that passes itself off as ‘news’ when in fact Fox has been caught lying many times and continues to distort and spin the facts to conform to rightist dogma and contrive controversies out of non-issues.

I remember the time they listed a Repub who had gotten into hot water as a Democrat. Every school child in this great nation remembers that rw propaganda :lol:

SHOCKING: Fox News Labels Disgraced Republican Mark Sanford -- A Democrat
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Why the Left hate's FNC
They have an appropriate and justified disdain for a broadcasting entity that passes itself off as ‘news’ when in fact Fox has been caught lying many times and continues to distort and spin the facts to conform to rightist dogma and contrive controversies out of non-issues.

I remember the time they listed a Repub who had gotten into hot water as a Democrat. Every school child in this great nation remembers that rw propaganda :lol:

SHOCKING: Fox News Labels Disgraced Republican Mark Sanford -- A Democrat

"a Repub"

Can you recall the name?


I mean...without asking a "school child in this great nation."
Who else is going to run their "war on xmas" meme week :lol:

They have an appropriate and justified disdain for a broadcasting entity that passes itself off as ‘news’ when in fact Fox has been caught lying many times and continues to distort and spin the facts to conform to rightist dogma and contrive controversies out of non-issues.

I remember the time they listed a Repub who had gotten into hot water as a Democrat. Every school child in this great nation remembers that rw propaganda :lol:

SHOCKING: Fox News Labels Disgraced Republican Mark Sanford -- A Democrat

"a Repub"

Can you recall the name?


I mean...without asking a "school child in this great nation."

Take your pick -- Sanford and Foley, to name two.... Arlen Specter's in there too, was a R at the time...

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American progs believe that anything other than state approved news is dangerous and must be silenced

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

American cons believe seriously crazy shit

We don't buy your crappy newspapers or watch your State run news; you're free to drink all the state sponsored KoolAid you can handle. You Progs are the ones who want to silence Limbaugh and Fox

I know this is an exercise in futility but...

---- Link?
You gotta understand the history and political climate of the media. Prior to 1989 there was no concept of "talk radio" as we know it. After the propaganda era of WW2 it was Paul Harvey and the "Prairie Home Companion" or music. Rush Limbaugh invented the talk radio concept as we know it and rescued AM radio from obscurity. In the TV industry Walter Cronkite was "the most trusted man in America" even though he was a screaming liberal. There was no information on TV or the new fangled cable available to Americans other than liberal propaganda until Fox came along. So called moderates criticize Fox for alleged bias while ignoring the most flagrant abuse of the media in a hundred years which was freaking treason of CBS when they tried to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. After Dan Rather got fired the days of the powerful liberal news anchor were numbered and the radical left never stopped whining about it.
American progs believe that anything other than state approved news is dangerous and must be silenced

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

American cons believe seriously crazy shit

We don't buy your crappy newspapers or watch your State run news; you're free to drink all the state sponsored KoolAid you can handle. You Progs are the ones who want to silence Limbaugh and Fox

no..... we just enjoy mocking them and accepting the voters that run fleeing from their msg of hate & fear :thup:

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