Why The Left Loves Socialism

Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.

When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

The recruits simply agree to a socialist agreement by taking the oath!!!

The recruits are either bused or get a plan ride to their socialist training site FREE of charge....because tax payers foot the bill not the private sector.

The recruit gets to training sites and these sites were made possible by the American tax payers!!! The recruits get their hair cuts, then fitted for socialist boots, hats and uniforms....free of any fucking charges!

Ya know why.......that's because the tax payers foot the bill. When the recruits start their socialist training etc. socialist materials and books....all free of charge, because it provided thru tax payer dollars.

The recruits are then provided free housing, the socialist barracks have heat, flooring air condition, plumbing, windows, doors, decent beds; all made possible by TAX payer dollars.

The recruits then receive 3 square socialist meals a day......free of CHARGE! The dinning halls/chow halls are made possible by tax payer dollars!

When the recruits graduate from basic training and training schools (All Free of charge at tax payer expense), they are then bused or flown to their first duty station(All Free of charge at tax payer expense!!!)

The military member arrives at their duty station and the welfare-socialism continues. Once again they housed in gov't barracks (free of charge), they have access to dinining faciliities with meals----free of charge!

And the freebees continue. Recruits have access and enjoy gyms, shopping centers, daycare centers although not FREE, the services and products provided to them are all made possible by the tax payers!!!!!

When said recruits decide to get married and have children, their dependents now become socialist as well, at tax per expense.


When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

No, it's paid for with CAPITALIST taxpayer dollars. Therefore, the rest of your rant is based upon a logical fallacy. Back on Page 1 of this thread, I addressed the military as well as highways, roads and bridges, the postal service, social security, etc. I explained in detail why they are not Socialism in the context being discussed. And AGAIN... since it's apparently not sinking in... THIS thread is not a debate about what you think Socialism is or what I think Socialism is not. It's a discussion of WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. You seem to want to avoid that topic and try to turn the thread into yet another banal and obtuse argument over what is or isn't Socialism.

Now.... In my years of studying human behavior (I'm a psychology major). I have found that whenever someone's innermost problems are uncovered they feel vulnerable and typically have an automatic reaction to defend themselves. No one likes to have their flaws pointed out. This defense mechanism can take on many forms... denial, ridicule, obfuscation, redirection, excuses and justification are all very common. And this mirrors the responses we are seeing all through this thread.

You are simply, full of fallacy. Everything you claim is not socialism, is. Government, is socialism.

There are no "capital" dollars in our economy; fiat money belongs to the Government.

All you always have regarding this topic, is nothing but right wing national socialist propaganda.
This OP might be a little wordy, so I will go ahead and tell you, if you don't like wordy OPs, you may want to pass this one up and move along. It is intended to address a burning question that many on the right side of the political spectrum have had for a while about the left's fascination with socialism and socialist policies. To answer tough questions, it sometimes takes more than a paragraph. So, forgive me for the length and try to muddle through to glean the overall point.

I watched an old movie the other day. It was from 1949, called The Green Promise, starring a young Natalie Wood as a child and a middle-aged Walter Brennan as her father. In the story, he was a widower with 4 children, three daughters and a son, and he was a farmer. The five of them worked together to make their farm life work and the father was really big on having these "family meetings" where they would routinely vote on various issues and decisions. At first, this is presented as a proud and virtuous way to handle things, democracy in action as opposed to the iron-fisted tyranny of the father. Everyone working together for the common good. It was the perfect model of Democratic Socialism in every respect.

Okay... So the youngest daughter (Natalie Wood), meets this young boy her age, I am guessing they are around 12-13ish... His name is Buzz. Now, Buzz has done very well for himself at his young age. He has a herd of cattle and a prize bull worth over $1,000. He started with two calves his father sold him on credit, which he has long since paid for. She admires he has done this on his own at his age, and she starts thinking about doing the same thing with a couple of lambs. One of the protagonists in the story is a County Extension Agent who is trying to help the farmers in his community with advice and mentors to the young people by introducing them to the 4-H Club. He kind of puts the notion in the young daughter's head that she can do the same thing as Buzz and raise two lambs into her own flock of sheep.

Her oldest sister is kind of taking on the role of matriarch, is on her side. She explains how she understands how it's important for her to do this because it's her individuality and sense of self-accomplishment. The middle sister is unsympathetic because she is a suck-up to the father for attention. So this issue of her getting two lambs to raise on her own finally comes to a "family meeting" where a vote will be cast on what they should do. The father has his mind set on purchasing a tractor, even though it's something they really can't afford. And this is where the model of Democratic Socialism goes awry.

The father begins the meeting with a little lecture to his young daughter that her idea of raising two lambs on her own is selfish and it must be because she doesn't love the rest of her family. Greed is the only reason he can see for her wanting to do this. He then demands the family show hands if they oppose the idea. The older daughter speaks up, asking why not show hands in favor first, and he quickly shoots back... it doesn't matter! Of course, he has already raised his hand in opposition, and the suck-up middle daughter raises her hand. His son, sits there contemplating the situation... he is going to be the deciding vote and he has to live with his dad. You can tell that he begrudgingly votes with the dad, which seals the deal. The father goes on to lobby through his idea of buying a tractor and the little girl's dream is crushed.

Now, as fate would have it, the father is injured severely on the farm and the older daughter has to take over running the farm. So she ends up approving the young daughter's plan if she can raise the money to buy the initial lambs. She does so with the help of the County Extension Agent. A lot of other things take place as well but the father finally comes to realize the error of his ways and this is where I gained some insight into why I believe the left is so fascinated with Socialism, and why most people are so enamored.

In his confessional, he admits that his reluctance to allow his children to be independent, the reason he insisted on everyone working together as a cooperative unit, was because he was afraid to compete, afraid of his own lack of ability. As long as everyone was working for the common cause, he felt secure, he didn't have to worry about being left alone to fend for himself. This is where I realized what lies behind this modern Democrat Socialist view of the world and what is motivating it. These are people who are afraid to compete as individuals because they have no confidence in their own ability. They feel more secure as part of a supporting cast who can carry most of the load and where their underachievement can be hidden. They are unwilling to let that go, even though it stifles individuality and sense of self-accomplishment for others.
I enjoyed your story and analysis. I think this is very appropriate for our times. I commend you for posting this. I think you hit the nail on the head! Thank you.
Considering Americans don't even have a socialist party I would say they don't love it all. A better question might be why are right wingers so paranoid and afraid of socialism?

Uhm ...yeah there is....

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and they got how much of the vote? did they even have a candidate on the ballot in a single state? Seems like if the left loved socialism they would atleast be the 3rd or 4th most popular party
The left is turning the Democrat Party into a Socialist institution. Remember this?

Maxine Water's slip of the tongue...
Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others.
It's MY contention that people who love unbridled capitalism are better at negotiation than they are at any useful, highly technical or creative skill.

BTW, you should see "The Founder". Not only is it an excellent film but I suspect you'll find Ray Kroc to be a highly admirable and sympathetic character.

We've never had "unbridled capitalism" in America and no one has ever argued for it. In fact, due to the Constitution, we can't have unbridled capitalism. We have a system that is based on a certain type of capitalism called "free market" capitalism. The system contains several parts. There is free market capitalism, free enterprise, private property ownership, individual liberty and a Constitution which enumerates specific powers of government and ensures protection of rights endowed by our Creator. In total, that comprises our "free market system."

I like the story of Ray Kroc. He joined McDonald's in 1954 and built the most successful fast food chain in the world. He started out as a milkshake mixer with a vision and he made his vision a reality in a free market capitalist system. Just like millions of others have done.

Another, perhaps even BETTER story is that of Harlan Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He obtained a small gas station in Corbin, Kentucky along a US highway in the middle of nowhere. People would stop for gas and ask if there was any place to get a bite to eat. There was no such place in Corbin, so Sanders started cooking up food to serve to his customers. One of his most popular things was chicken. But the problem was, he couldn't cook it fast enough. So he perfected a way to cook it fast in a pressure cooker and then he had a vision of this method being applied across the nation. So he sold everything he had and set out in his car to sell pressure cookers and chicken and nearly starved to death. He didn't give up because he didn't lack confidence in his ability to compete with others. He continued to believe in his idea and eventually it caught on.

These stories happen all the time in America because we have a free market capitalist system.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.

When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

The recruits simply agree to a socialist agreement by taking the oath!!!
Military members take an oath to enlist/serve in the miiitary.

What Oath? True capitalism Only requires a capital contract, not a social Contract.
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

I have sigs turned off... sorry.

The thread topic isn't about what IS or ISN'T Socialism. There are probably 10,000 threads on that topic in various forms all across the USMB site. THIS thread is to discuss WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. I'm not sure what I need to do in order to get that point to penetrate some granite-like craniums here, but I'll keep trying.

So if you and others just want to grandstand and obfuscate, detracting from the topic itself... I have to assume you simply don't want to discuss the topic. My guess is because you realize I've hit the nail squarely on the head and you really don't have an adequate response. I've got to tell you... this makes me smile. I get great pleasure in knowing I've struck a nerve with you.
I'm for socialism because it's good, fair gov't. DUH. The op without a definition is STUPID.
Sig- from 2007 and worse now:
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry

And so... what I read here is, you love and embrace Socialism because you lack confidence in your ability to compete with others, and by extension, you assume others are just as lacking in confidence so you have to save them from the terrible fate of failure.
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

I have sigs turned off... sorry.

The thread topic isn't about what IS or ISN'T Socialism. There are probably 10,000 threads on that topic in various forms all across the USMB site. THIS thread is to discuss WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. I'm not sure what I need to do in order to get that point to penetrate some granite-like craniums here, but I'll keep trying.

So if you and others just want to grandstand and obfuscate, detracting from the topic itself... I have to assume you simply don't want to discuss the topic. My guess is because you realize I've hit the nail squarely on the head and you really don't have an adequate response. I've got to tell you... this makes me smile. I get great pleasure in knowing I've struck a nerve with you.
I'm for socialism because it's good, fair gov't. DUH. The op without a definition is STUPID.
Sig- from 2007 and worse now:
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry

And so... what I read here is, you love and embrace Socialism because you lack confidence in your ability to compete with others, and by extension, you assume others are just as lacking in confidence so you have to save them from the terrible fate of failure.
I learned about and embraced socialism to avoid cognitive dissonance; as a form of simple and effective, competition with the fantastical, national and social, right wing.

only "big chickens" put people on ignore, instead of competing with a better argument.

nothing but repeal, is all the fantastical, national and social, right wing has.
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

I have sigs turned off... sorry.

The thread topic isn't about what IS or ISN'T Socialism. There are probably 10,000 threads on that topic in various forms all across the USMB site. THIS thread is to discuss WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. I'm not sure what I need to do in order to get that point to penetrate some granite-like craniums here, but I'll keep trying.

So if you and others just want to grandstand and obfuscate, detracting from the topic itself... I have to assume you simply don't want to discuss the topic. My guess is because you realize I've hit the nail squarely on the head and you really don't have an adequate response. I've got to tell you... this makes me smile. I get great pleasure in knowing I've struck a nerve with you.
I'm for socialism because it's good, fair gov't. DUH. The op without a definition is STUPID.
Sig- from 2007 and worse now:
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry

And so... what I read here is, you love and embrace Socialism because you lack confidence in your ability to compete with others, and by extension, you assume others are just as lacking in confidence so you have to save them from the terrible fate of failure.
I'm a retired teacher and am just fine, stupid. I also know there are MANY good reasons to take care of the unfortunate, especially when your greedy idiot megarich GOP heroes wreck the economy AGAIN. You read wrong, shyttehead.
I'm a retired teacher and am just fine, stupid. I also know there are MANY good reasons to take care of the unfortunate, especially when your greedy idiot megarich GOP heroes wreck the economy AGAIN. You read wrong, shyttehead.

Says a LOT about you. Teaching is one of the least competitive professions in our society. Stands to reason a person who lacks confidence in their ability to compete with others would choose a profession protected by tenure and insulated from having to compete with others.

I also never doubted that you want to "take care of" the unfortunate. Of course you do! In your mind, the so-called "unfortunate" are people like yourself who lack the confidence in their ability to compete with others. You feel it's your obligation to "take care of" them for that very reason.

But you see, I also have compassion for the "unfortunate and poor" and I want them to be fortunate and wealthy.... (not just taken care of.) I realize they have potential and if they have confidence in their ability to compete with others, they can be as successful as anyone else. It's very difficult for me to get them to have confidence when people like you keep telling them it's hopeless. It's always easier to give up and let someone take care of you.
Bernie !!!!

For the people comrades !!!!!!!! Asswipes
God what a fool...you need a healthy middle class and work force to have a healthy economy. Your greedy idiot GOP have been wrecking them and our infrastructure for 35 years. And brainwashing ignoramuses like you.

EVERYTHING in your signature is bogus. Where did you get those foolish ideas? From "The Nation" talking points?

Sit back and learn. The economy is beginning to explode. We had a Socialist president the past eight years and how did that work out? Not a single year of growth above 3% over the past eight years. Petulant former President Obama sets another record. First president in history to accomplish that over his entire term in office.
What is your argument? That RWers don't know what socialism is?

No, I assume anyone capable of reading a basic dictionary knows what Socialism is. My question was: Why does the left love Socialism?

I made the argument in the OP that I believe it is due to a lack of confidence in their ability to compete with others. It's interesting, several lefties have transmuted that statement into my claiming they are "afraid of" something, which I never said. I lack confidence in my ability to do some things well but I am seldom afraid to try. So I think this is a Freudian slip... perhaps fear has a lot to do with their lack of confidence?
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

You seem to be quite a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Each of the groups you mention is either willing to sacrifice their lives for liberty and capitalism or have already performed their service.

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