Why The Left Loves Socialism

So if the military is socialistic, does that mean it is communistic also?
no; they still have respect for private property, mostly.
So do socialists- you're taking about COMMUNISM. Socialism is always democratic. Start there.

Why doesn't anyone want to discuss the thread topic?

I guess my point was well made since no one wants to present a counter argument? :dunno:
What is your argument? That RWers don't know what socialism is?
just spouting, right wing, national socialist propaganda, is all they really know how to do.
What is your argument? That RWers don't know what socialism is?

No, I assume anyone capable of reading a basic dictionary knows what Socialism is. My question was: Why does the left love Socialism?

I made the argument in the OP that I believe it is due to a lack of confidence in their ability to compete with others. It's interesting, several lefties have transmuted that statement into my claiming they are "afraid of" something, which I never said. I lack confidence in my ability to do some things well but I am seldom afraid to try. So I think this is a Freudian slip... perhaps fear has a lot to do with their lack of confidence?
Because, we don't have a true, capital third world economy. First world economies can Only get there via socialism.
What is your argument? That RWers don't know what socialism is?

No, I assume anyone capable of reading a basic dictionary knows what Socialism is. My question was: Why does the left love Socialism?

I made the argument in the OP that I believe it is due to a lack of confidence in their ability to compete with others. It's interesting, several lefties have transmuted that statement into my claiming they are "afraid of" something, which I never said. I lack confidence in my ability to do some things well but I am seldom afraid to try. So I think this is a Freudian slip... perhaps fear has a lot to do with their lack of confidence?
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.
What is your argument? That RWers don't know what socialism is?

No, I assume anyone capable of reading a basic dictionary knows what Socialism is. My question was: Why does the left love Socialism?

I made the argument in the OP that I believe it is due to a lack of confidence in their ability to compete with others. It's interesting, several lefties have transmuted that statement into my claiming they are "afraid of" something, which I never said. I lack confidence in my ability to do some things well but I am seldom afraid to try. So I think this is a Freudian slip... perhaps fear has a lot to do with their lack of confidence?
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.
BS- Or they like to take care of the unfortunate and the poor. Can you see beyond the end of your nose, or see that GOOD PEOPLE with morals care about others? Enjoy hell, RWers.
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

I have sigs turned off... sorry.

The thread topic isn't about what IS or ISN'T Socialism. There are probably 10,000 threads on that topic in various forms all across the USMB site. THIS thread is to discuss WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. I'm not sure what I need to do in order to get that point to penetrate some granite-like craniums here, but I'll keep trying.

So if you and others just want to grandstand and obfuscate, detracting from the topic itself... I have to assume you simply don't want to discuss the topic. My guess is because you realize I've hit the nail squarely on the head and you really don't have an adequate response. I've got to tell you... this makes me smile. I get great pleasure in knowing I've struck a nerve with you.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.
Why do capitalists avoid taxes, if they are so confident in their capital skills?
Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others.
It's MY contention that people who love unbridled capitalism are better at negotiation than they are at any useful, highly technical or creative skill.

BTW, you should see "The Founder". Not only is it an excellent film but I suspect you'll find Ray Kroc to be a highly admirable and sympathetic character.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.

When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

The recruits simply agree to a socialist agreement by taking the oath!!!

The recruits are either bused or get a plan ride to their socialist training site FREE of charge....because tax payers foot the bill not the private sector.

The recruit gets to training sites and these sites were made possible by the American tax payers!!! The recruits get their hair cuts, then fitted for socialist boots, hats and uniforms....free of any fucking charges!

Ya know why.......that's because the tax payers foot the bill. When the recruits start their socialist training etc. socialist materials and books....all free of charge, because it provided thru tax payer dollars.

The recruits are then provided free housing, the socialist barracks have heat, flooring air condition, plumbing, windows, doors, decent beds; all made possible by TAX payer dollars.

The recruits then receive 3 square socialist meals a day......free of CHARGE! The dinning halls/chow halls are made possible by tax payer dollars!

When the recruits graduate from basic training and training schools (All Free of charge at tax payer expense), they are then bused or flown to their first duty station(All Free of charge at tax payer expense!!!)

The military member arrives at their duty station and the welfare-socialism continues. Once again they housed in gov't barracks (free of charge), they have access to dinining faciliities with meals----free of charge!

And the freebees continue. Recruits have access and enjoy gyms, shopping centers, daycare centers although not FREE, the services and products provided to them are all made possible by the tax payers!!!!!

When said recruits decide to get married and have children, their dependents now become socialist as well, at tax per expense.
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

I have sigs turned off... sorry.

The thread topic isn't about what IS or ISN'T Socialism. There are probably 10,000 threads on that topic in various forms all across the USMB site. THIS thread is to discuss WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. I'm not sure what I need to do in order to get that point to penetrate some granite-like craniums here, but I'll keep trying.

So if you and others just want to grandstand and obfuscate, detracting from the topic itself... I have to assume you simply don't want to discuss the topic. My guess is because you realize I've hit the nail squarely on the head and you really don't have an adequate response. I've got to tell you... this makes me smile. I get great pleasure in knowing I've struck a nerve with you.
I'm for socialism because it's good, fair gov't. DUH. The op without a definition is STUPID.
What is your argument? That RWers don't know what socialism is?

No, I assume anyone capable of reading a basic dictionary knows what Socialism is. My question was: Why does the left love Socialism?

I made the argument in the OP that I believe it is due to a lack of confidence in their ability to compete with others. It's interesting, several lefties have transmuted that statement into my claiming they are "afraid of" something, which I never said. I lack confidence in my ability to do some things well but I am seldom afraid to try. So I think this is a Freudian slip... perhaps fear has a lot to do with their lack of confidence?
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

By such broad definition is meaningless - everything is socialism then. Certainly EVERY government owns,controls or regulates some aspect of production.
Let's have a couple then- and NOT predictions sabotaged by the New BS GOP....

self serving lie, anything that doesn't work is the republicans fault, gotta love that old time liberal religion

I simply do not have enough time in my life to go through all the democrats lies, and what does it matter anyway, you are not honest enough to care as you are a liberal zealot.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry.

One of the strangest incidents of the 2012 presidential campaign was when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid accused then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having not paid any taxes over the past decade. That Reid made that allegation from the floor of the Senate made it even odder.

The problem with Reid's allegation? It's just not true. We know that, at least in 2011 and 2010, Romney did pay taxes. How do we know that? Because Romney released his tax returns for those years. In 2011,
Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes; in 2010, he paid slightly more than $3 million in taxes.

Our own
Fact Checker gave Reid Four Pinocchios for his "no taxes" claim. PolitiFact gave the claim a "Pants on Fire" rating.
You're such a Christian. Why do white shitheads like you exist. You guys have RUINED this country with your backwater stupidity.

another lie, I am an atheist, as if I needed any more evidence the left lies
You lie more than I do, right winger.
list my lies in this thread, and show they are lies, asshole
Now you sound like Trump! Are auditioning for a cabinet position?????
What is your argument? That RWers don't know what socialism is?

No, I assume anyone capable of reading a basic dictionary knows what Socialism is. My question was: Why does the left love Socialism?

I made the argument in the OP that I believe it is due to a lack of confidence in their ability to compete with others. It's interesting, several lefties have transmuted that statement into my claiming they are "afraid of" something, which I never said. I lack confidence in my ability to do some things well but I am seldom afraid to try. So I think this is a Freudian slip... perhaps fear has a lot to do with their lack of confidence?
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

By such broad definition is meaningless - everything is socialism then. Certainly EVERY government owns,controls or regulates some aspect of production.
That's what I said- then went on to give the real definition.

"Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.

When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

The recruits simply agree to a socialist agreement by taking the oath!!!

What Oath? True capitalism Only requires a capital contract, not a social Contract.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.

When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

The recruits simply agree to a socialist agreement by taking the oath!!!

The recruits are either bused or get a plan ride to their socialist training site FREE of charge....because tax payers foot the bill not the private sector.

The recruit gets to training sites and these sites were made possible by the American tax payers!!! The recruits get their hair cuts, then fitted for socialist boots, hats and uniforms....free of any fucking charges!

Ya know why.......that's because the tax payers foot the bill. When the recruits start their socialist training etc. socialist materials and books....all free of charge, because it provided thru tax payer dollars.

The recruits are then provided free housing, the socialist barracks have heat, flooring air condition, plumbing, windows, doors, decent beds; all made possible by TAX payer dollars.

The recruits then receive 3 square socialist meals a day......free of CHARGE! The dinning halls/chow halls are made possible by tax payer dollars!

When the recruits graduate from basic training and training schools (All Free of charge at tax payer expense), they are then bused or flown to their first duty station(All Free of charge at tax payer expense!!!)

The military member arrives at their duty station and the welfare-socialism continues. Once again they housed in gov't barracks (free of charge), they have access to dinining faciliities with meals----free of charge!

And the freebees continue. Recruits have access and enjoy gyms, shopping centers, daycare centers although not FREE, the services and products provided to them are all made possible by the tax payers!!!!!

When said recruits decide to get married and have children, their dependents now become socialist as well, at tax per expense.


When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

No, it's paid for with CAPITALIST taxpayer dollars. Therefore, the rest of your rant is based upon a logical fallacy. Back on Page 1 of this thread, I addressed the military as well as highways, roads and bridges, the postal service, social security, etc. I explained in detail why they are not Socialism in the context being discussed. And AGAIN... since it's apparently not sinking in... THIS thread is not a debate about what you think Socialism is or what I think Socialism is not. It's a discussion of WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. You seem to want to avoid that topic and try to turn the thread into yet another banal and obtuse argument over what is or isn't Socialism.

Now.... In my years of studying human behavior (I'm a psychology major). I have found that whenever someone's innermost problems are uncovered they feel vulnerable and typically have an automatic reaction to defend themselves. No one likes to have their flaws pointed out. This defense mechanism can take on many forms... denial, ridicule, obfuscation, redirection, excuses and justification are all very common. And this mirrors the responses we are seeing all through this thread.
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

I have sigs turned off... sorry.

The thread topic isn't about what IS or ISN'T Socialism. There are probably 10,000 threads on that topic in various forms all across the USMB site. THIS thread is to discuss WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. I'm not sure what I need to do in order to get that point to penetrate some granite-like craniums here, but I'll keep trying.

So if you and others just want to grandstand and obfuscate, detracting from the topic itself... I have to assume you simply don't want to discuss the topic. My guess is because you realize I've hit the nail squarely on the head and you really don't have an adequate response. I've got to tell you... this makes me smile. I get great pleasure in knowing I've struck a nerve with you.
I'm for socialism because it's good, fair gov't. DUH. The op without a definition is STUPID.
Sig- from 2007 and worse now:
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.

When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

The recruits simply agree to a socialist agreement by taking the oath!!!

The recruits are either bused or get a plan ride to their socialist training site FREE of charge....because tax payers foot the bill not the private sector.

The recruit gets to training sites and these sites were made possible by the American tax payers!!! The recruits get their hair cuts, then fitted for socialist boots, hats and uniforms....free of any fucking charges!

Ya know why.......that's because the tax payers foot the bill. When the recruits start their socialist training etc. socialist materials and books....all free of charge, because it provided thru tax payer dollars.

The recruits are then provided free housing, the socialist barracks have heat, flooring air condition, plumbing, windows, doors, decent beds; all made possible by TAX payer dollars.

The recruits then receive 3 square socialist meals a day......free of CHARGE! The dinning halls/chow halls are made possible by tax payer dollars!

When the recruits graduate from basic training and training schools (All Free of charge at tax payer expense), they are then bused or flown to their first duty station(All Free of charge at tax payer expense!!!)

The military member arrives at their duty station and the welfare-socialism continues. Once again they housed in gov't barracks (free of charge), they have access to dinining faciliities with meals----free of charge!

And the freebees continue. Recruits have access and enjoy gyms, shopping centers, daycare centers although not FREE, the services and products provided to them are all made possible by the tax payers!!!!!

When said recruits decide to get married and have children, their dependents now become socialist as well, at tax per expense.


When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

No, it's paid for with CAPITALIST taxpayer dollars. Therefore, the rest of your rant is based upon a logical fallacy. Back on Page 1 of this thread, I addressed the military as well as highways, roads and bridges, the postal service, social security, etc. I explained in detail why they are not Socialism in the context being discussed. And AGAIN... since it's apparently not sinking in... THIS thread is not a debate about what you think Socialism is or what I think Socialism is not. It's a discussion of WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. You seem to want to avoid that topic and try to turn the thread into yet another banal and obtuse argument over what is or isn't Socialism.

Now.... In my years of studying human behavior (I'm a psychology major). I have found that whenever someone's innermost problems are uncovered they feel vulnerable and typically have an automatic reaction to defend themselves. No one likes to have their flaws pointed out. This defense mechanism can take on many forms... denial, ridicule, obfuscation, redirection, excuses and justification are all very common. And this mirrors the responses we are seeing all through this thread.
They love it because they know what it IS. Duh.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.

When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

The recruits simply agree to a socialist agreement by taking the oath!!!

The recruits are either bused or get a plan ride to their socialist training site FREE of charge....because tax payers foot the bill not the private sector.

The recruit gets to training sites and these sites were made possible by the American tax payers!!! The recruits get their hair cuts, then fitted for socialist boots, hats and uniforms....free of any fucking charges!

Ya know why.......that's because the tax payers foot the bill. When the recruits start their socialist training etc. socialist materials and books....all free of charge, because it provided thru tax payer dollars.

The recruits are then provided free housing, the socialist barracks have heat, flooring air condition, plumbing, windows, doors, decent beds; all made possible by TAX payer dollars.

The recruits then receive 3 square socialist meals a day......free of CHARGE! The dinning halls/chow halls are made possible by tax payer dollars!

When the recruits graduate from basic training and training schools (All Free of charge at tax payer expense), they are then bused or flown to their first duty station(All Free of charge at tax payer expense!!!)

The military member arrives at their duty station and the welfare-socialism continues. Once again they housed in gov't barracks (free of charge), they have access to dinining faciliities with meals----free of charge!

And the freebees continue. Recruits have access and enjoy gyms, shopping centers, daycare centers although not FREE, the services and products provided to them are all made possible by the tax payers!!!!!

When said recruits decide to get married and have children, their dependents now become socialist as well, at tax per expense.


When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

No, it's paid for with CAPITALIST taxpayer dollars. Therefore, the rest of your rant is based upon a logical fallacy. Back on Page 1 of this thread, I addressed the military as well as highways, roads and bridges, the postal service, social security, etc. I explained in detail why they are not Socialism in the context being discussed. And AGAIN... since it's apparently not sinking in... THIS thread is not a debate about what you think Socialism is or what I think Socialism is not. It's a discussion of WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. You seem to want to avoid that topic and try to turn the thread into yet another banal and obtuse argument over what is or isn't Socialism.

Now.... In my years of studying human behavior (I'm a psychology major). I have found that whenever someone's innermost problems are uncovered they feel vulnerable and typically have an automatic reaction to defend themselves. No one likes to have their flaws pointed out. This defense mechanism can take on many forms... denial, ridicule, obfuscation, redirection, excuses and justification are all very common. And this mirrors the responses we are seeing all through this thread.
They love it because they know what it IS. Duh.
As for politics, you're an idiot, pin head. LOL

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