Why The Left Loves Socialism

So have the posters come up with a correct definition of socialism as yet or do we follow custom and make up our own definition?

they won't, they simply define it on the go to suit their religion
I am not a GOPer, but the lies of the left are far worse than the lies of the right, and they have more. You are a lefty hack who only wants to see one side
just right wing projection? what lies does the left tell?

the right wing would have us believe in the general warfare and the common offense.

ACA would save me money, for starters. If someone has to ask if democrats have ever lied, that someone is functionally retarded
Let's have a couple then- and NOT predictions sabotaged by the New BS GOP....

self serving lie, anything that doesn't work is the republicans fault, gotta love that old time liberal religion

I simply do not have enough time in my life to go through all the democrats lies, and what does it matter anyway, you are not honest enough to care as you are a liberal zealot.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry.

One of the strangest incidents of the 2012 presidential campaign was when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid accused then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having not paid any taxes over the past decade. That Reid made that allegation from the floor of the Senate made it even odder.

The problem with Reid's allegation? It's just not true. We know that, at least in 2011 and 2010, Romney did pay taxes. How do we know that? Because Romney released his tax returns for those years. In 2011,
Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes; in 2010, he paid slightly more than $3 million in taxes.

Our own
Fact Checker gave Reid Four Pinocchios for his "no taxes" claim. PolitiFact gave the claim a "Pants on Fire" rating.
A ploy to get him to release his taxes. Paid 12%. Higher than usual for him.
LOL, see, when the left lies it is all ok with you, it merely a 'ploy' and by golly the ends justifies the means because after all, you are the righteous ones aren't you. It just doesn't matter, I could post democrat lies for a year and you would excuse every one of them.
just right wing projection? what lies does the left tell?

the right wing would have us believe in the general warfare and the common offense.

ACA would save me money, for starters. If someone has to ask if democrats have ever lied, that someone is functionally retarded
Let's have a couple then- and NOT predictions sabotaged by the New BS GOP....

self serving lie, anything that doesn't work is the republicans fault, gotta love that old time liberal religion

I simply do not have enough time in my life to go through all the democrats lies, and what does it matter anyway, you are not honest enough to care as you are a liberal zealot.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry.

One of the strangest incidents of the 2012 presidential campaign was when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid accused then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having not paid any taxes over the past decade. That Reid made that allegation from the floor of the Senate made it even odder.

The problem with Reid's allegation? It's just not true. We know that, at least in 2011 and 2010, Romney did pay taxes. How do we know that? Because Romney released his tax returns for those years. In 2011,
Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes; in 2010, he paid slightly more than $3 million in taxes.

Our own
Fact Checker gave Reid Four Pinocchios for his "no taxes" claim. PolitiFact gave the claim a "Pants on Fire" rating.
A ploy to get him to release his taxes. Paid 12%. Higher than usual for him.
LOL, see, when the left lies it is all ok with you, it merely a 'ploy' and by golly the ends justifies the means because after all, you are the righteous ones aren't you. It just doesn't matter, I could post democrat lies for a year and you would excuse every one of them.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

He could have been right- who knows? Now Trump won't give out his taxes. Scumbags.
just right wing projection? what lies does the left tell?

the right wing would have us believe in the general warfare and the common offense.

ACA would save me money, for starters. If someone has to ask if democrats have ever lied, that someone is functionally retarded
Let's have a couple then- and NOT predictions sabotaged by the New BS GOP....

self serving lie, anything that doesn't work is the republicans fault, gotta love that old time liberal religion

I simply do not have enough time in my life to go through all the democrats lies, and what does it matter anyway, you are not honest enough to care as you are a liberal zealot.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry.

One of the strangest incidents of the 2012 presidential campaign was when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid accused then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having not paid any taxes over the past decade. That Reid made that allegation from the floor of the Senate made it even odder.

The problem with Reid's allegation? It's just not true. We know that, at least in 2011 and 2010, Romney did pay taxes. How do we know that? Because Romney released his tax returns for those years. In 2011,
Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes; in 2010, he paid slightly more than $3 million in taxes.

Our own
Fact Checker gave Reid Four Pinocchios for his "no taxes" claim. PolitiFact gave the claim a "Pants on Fire" rating.
A ploy to get him to release his taxes. Paid 12%. Higher than usual for him.
LOL, see, when the left lies it is all ok with you, it merely a 'ploy' and by golly the ends justifies the means because after all, you are the righteous ones aren't you. It just doesn't matter, I could post democrat lies for a year and you would excuse every one of them.
The GOP lies ALL THE TIME. The dupes live in a bs universe. Obama had control for 2 years lol, he got all he wanted, that's why the middle class suffers. Total bs.
Our Founding Fathers, showed us the way. Only the national socialist, right wing, never gets it.

that's right dumbfuck, repeat your lies enough times and you'll actually believe them, gotta love the american left and their religion
All the lies are on the New BS GOP side, dupe. See sig. What happened to lock her up and Clintons the murderers and pedophiles news? Obama the dictator etc etc? What a pile of steaming bs...thanks Faux, Rush, Heritage etc etc etc. The more you listen, the less you know. "God Save the (greedy idiot GOP) Rich!"

I am not a GOPer, but the lies of the left are far worse than the lies of the right, and they have more. You are a lefty hack who only wants to see one side
just right wing projection? what lies does the left tell?

the right wing would have us believe in the general warfare and the common offense.

ACA would save me money, for starters. If someone has to ask if democrats have ever lied, that someone is functionally retarded
and, the right wing, having nothing but repeal over those EIGHT years instead of better solutions at lower cost; had nothing to do with it?
I liked being in a socialist organization, the military...

Except the military is not a socialist organization.

Sorry... it's just NOT.
Not true. The military is the hardest working socialist-welfare organization in the entire Nation.

Well this was already addressed a couple of pages ago, so I don't see the point in repeating what has been explained. The military is not Socialism.. socialist... or a social-welfare organization.

AGAIN... the thread topic is NOT "What IS Socialism?"

Can you leftist retards please pay attention to the TOPIC?
Yes, it is. the national socialist right wing likes to appeal to ignorance instead of valid arguments.
Prove/show the board members that the military as an institution and military members are not socialist! Active duty, vets and retirees are socialist; including theirs wives and children!

1) This is not the topic of this thread.

2) Several pages back, I went through a very lengthy but thorough explanation of why the military is not Socialism, nor are highways, fire departments, police departments, etc. These are things the LEFT likes to claim are "Socialism" but they are not.

3) Before commenting further, you need to read the fucking thread. Your question has already been answered. Even though, your question has absolutely nothing to do with why some people embrace Socialism. THAT is the TOPIC!

4) You don't get to hijack other people's threads. If you want to start a thread to debate whether or not the military is Socialism, you are free to do that here.... it's not all that hard to create a thread.

5) Either get on topic or shut the fuck up. Thank you.
Only in national socialist right wing fantasy. It is Always a few pages back. lol. All you had, a few pages back, was simply more fallacy, and now you are appealing to ignorance by having nothing but repeal and lying about having a better solution at lower cost...
just right wing projection? what lies does the left tell?

the right wing would have us believe in the general warfare and the common offense.

ACA would save me money, for starters. If someone has to ask if democrats have ever lied, that someone is functionally retarded
Let's have a couple then- and NOT predictions sabotaged by the New BS GOP....

self serving lie, anything that doesn't work is the republicans fault, gotta love that old time liberal religion

I simply do not have enough time in my life to go through all the democrats lies, and what does it matter anyway, you are not honest enough to care as you are a liberal zealot.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry.

One of the strangest incidents of the 2012 presidential campaign was when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid accused then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having not paid any taxes over the past decade. That Reid made that allegation from the floor of the Senate made it even odder.

The problem with Reid's allegation? It's just not true. We know that, at least in 2011 and 2010, Romney did pay taxes. How do we know that? Because Romney released his tax returns for those years. In 2011,
Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes; in 2010, he paid slightly more than $3 million in taxes.

Our own
Fact Checker gave Reid Four Pinocchios for his "no taxes" claim. PolitiFact gave the claim a "Pants on Fire" rating.
You're such a Christian. Why do white shitheads like you exist. You guys have RUINED this country with your backwater stupidity.

another lie, I am an atheist, as if I needed any more evidence the left lies
You lie more than I do, right winger.
So have the posters come up with a correct definition of socialism as yet or do we follow custom and make up our own definition?

they won't, they simply define it on the go to suit their religion
Socialism starts with a Social Contract. That is how Government is defined.

Only the national socialist right wing, never gets it.
So have the posters come up with a correct definition of socialism as yet or do we follow custom and make up our own definition?
Look up social, then apply the ism. social-ism. You can find that in the dictionary as well.

Socialism starts with a social Contract.

Sorry... that's you ignorantly misusing a dictionary to conjure up your own idiotic definition of compound words. It's ironic that you chastised others for simply using a dictionary and not an encyclopedia and here you are doing exactly that, except on a more infantile scale.

Nearly all forms of government start with the social contract model, either tacitly or implicitly. With the exclusion of tyrannic regimes, pretty much any government form starts with social contract. As the name implies, a contract can have varying terms and conditions. A marriage contract and a baseball contract aren't the same thing. A cell phone contract and a recording contract are nothing alike whatsoever. So you're relying on a really stupid argument which seems to be par for the course with you.

The concept of social contract is simply talking about the degree to which society determines a portion of it's liberty is ceded to a government in order to protect it's remaining liberty. The degrees vary greatly depending on the system of government. Not all governments are alike except in your stupid little universe. You're one of the dumbest people I've ever come across trying to discuss something so over your head.

For the sake of communication, HERE is the dictionary definition we all must adhere to in order to have a rational discussion:

socialism ‎(usually uncountable, plural socialisms)
  1. (Marxism) The intermediate phase of social development between capitalism and full communism in Marxist theory in which the state has control of the means of production.
  2. Any of several later political philosophies such democratic socialism and social democracy which do not envisage the need for full state ownership of the means of production nor transition to full communism, and which are typically based on principles of community decision making, social equality and the avoidance of economic and social exclusion, with economic policy giving first preference to community goals over individual ones.
    • 1978, Daniel Bell, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Basic Books, page xii:
      For me, socialism is not statism, or the collective ownership of the means of production. It is a judgment on the priorities of economic policy.. the community takes precedence over the individual in legitimate economic policy. The first lien on the resources of a society therefore should be to establish that "social minimum" which would allow individuals to lead a life of self-respect, to be members of the community.
Derived terms
  • champagne socialism
  • Christian socialism
  • democratic socialism
  • Fabian socialism (Fabianism)
  • evolutionary socialism
  • guild socialism
  • international socialism
  • lemon socialism
  • market socialism
  • National Socialism
  • penthouse socialism
  • real socialism
  • religious socialism
  • revolutionary socialism
  • secular socialism
  • silver-spoon socialism
  • utopian socialism
Related terms
  • social
  • social democrat
  • social democracy
  • socialist
  • socialistic
  • socialistically
So have the posters come up with a correct definition of socialism as yet or do we follow custom and make up our own definition?
Look up social, then apply the ism. social-ism. You can find that in the dictionary as well.

Socialism starts with a social Contract.

Sorry... that's you ignorantly misusing a dictionary to conjure up your own idiotic definition of compound words. It's ironic that you chastised others for simply using a dictionary and not an encyclopedia and here you are doing exactly that, except on a more infantile scale.

Nearly all forms of government start with the social contract model, either tacitly or implicitly. With the exclusion of tyrannic regimes, pretty much any government form starts with social contract. As the name implies, a contract can have varying terms and conditions. A marriage contract and a baseball contract aren't the same thing. A cell phone contract and a recording contract are nothing alike whatsoever. So you're relying on a really stupid argument which seems to be par for the course with you.

The concept of social contract is simply talking about the degree to which society determines a portion of it's liberty is ceded to a government in order to protect it's remaining liberty. The degrees vary greatly depending on the system of government. Not all governments are alike except in your stupid little universe. You're one of the dumbest people I've ever come across trying to discuss something so over your head.

For the sake of communication, HERE is the dictionary definition we all must adhere to in order to have a rational discussion:

socialism ‎(usually uncountable, plural socialisms)
  1. (Marxism) The intermediate phase of social development between capitalism and full communism in Marxist theory in which the state has control of the means of production.
  2. Any of several later political philosophies such democratic socialism and social democracy which do not envisage the need for full state ownership of the means of production nor transition to full communism, and which are typically based on principles of community decision making, social equality and the avoidance of economic and social exclusion, with economic policy giving first preference to community goals over individual ones.
    • 1978, Daniel Bell, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Basic Books, page xii:
      For me, socialism is not statism, or the collective ownership of the means of production. It is a judgment on the priorities of economic policy.. the community takes precedence over the individual in legitimate economic policy. The first lien on the resources of a society therefore should be to establish that "social minimum" which would allow individuals to lead a life of self-respect, to be members of the community.
Derived terms
  • champagne socialism
  • Christian socialism
  • democratic socialism
  • Fabian socialism (Fabianism)
  • evolutionary socialism
  • guild socialism
  • international socialism
  • lemon socialism
  • market socialism
  • National Socialism
  • penthouse socialism
  • real socialism
  • religious socialism
  • revolutionary socialism
  • secular socialism
  • silver-spoon socialism
  • utopian socialism
Related terms
  • social
  • social democrat
  • social democracy
  • socialist
  • socialistic
  • socialistically
Projecting much. I know how to use words; I use encyclopedias when I want more "encyclopedic" knowledge; unlike the national socialist right wing, who are too lazy.
Socialism must start with a social Contract.

Can the fantastical, national and social, right wing, show even one nation-State that does not have a social Contract that defines Government?

If not, then Government starts with a social Contract as that form of social organization.

Only the national socialist right wing, is that cognitively dissonant.
ACA would save me money, for starters. If someone has to ask if democrats have ever lied, that someone is functionally retarded
Let's have a couple then- and NOT predictions sabotaged by the New BS GOP....

self serving lie, anything that doesn't work is the republicans fault, gotta love that old time liberal religion

I simply do not have enough time in my life to go through all the democrats lies, and what does it matter anyway, you are not honest enough to care as you are a liberal zealot.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry.

One of the strangest incidents of the 2012 presidential campaign was when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid accused then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having not paid any taxes over the past decade. That Reid made that allegation from the floor of the Senate made it even odder.

The problem with Reid's allegation? It's just not true. We know that, at least in 2011 and 2010, Romney did pay taxes. How do we know that? Because Romney released his tax returns for those years. In 2011,
Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes; in 2010, he paid slightly more than $3 million in taxes.

Our own
Fact Checker gave Reid Four Pinocchios for his "no taxes" claim. PolitiFact gave the claim a "Pants on Fire" rating.
A ploy to get him to release his taxes. Paid 12%. Higher than usual for him.
LOL, see, when the left lies it is all ok with you, it merely a 'ploy' and by golly the ends justifies the means because after all, you are the righteous ones aren't you. It just doesn't matter, I could post democrat lies for a year and you would excuse every one of them.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

He could have been right- who knows? Now Trump won't give out his taxes. Scumbags.

My wife did lose her doctor because of ACA, he retired instead of putting up with the bullshit.

"He could have been right" - holy fuckhouse-mouse you people are funny, most folks know they are at least part of a religion, you don't even have that much smarts
Socialism must start with a social Contract.

Can the fantastical, national and social, right wing, show even one nation-State that does not have a social Contract that defines Government?

If not, then Government starts with a social Contract as that form of social organization.

Only the national socialist right wing, is that cognitively dissonant.

I almost feel sorry for a loser like you who makes up his own definitions and concepts, it is so desperate
ACA would save me money, for starters. If someone has to ask if democrats have ever lied, that someone is functionally retarded
Let's have a couple then- and NOT predictions sabotaged by the New BS GOP....

self serving lie, anything that doesn't work is the republicans fault, gotta love that old time liberal religion

I simply do not have enough time in my life to go through all the democrats lies, and what does it matter anyway, you are not honest enough to care as you are a liberal zealot.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry.

One of the strangest incidents of the 2012 presidential campaign was when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid accused then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having not paid any taxes over the past decade. That Reid made that allegation from the floor of the Senate made it even odder.

The problem with Reid's allegation? It's just not true. We know that, at least in 2011 and 2010, Romney did pay taxes. How do we know that? Because Romney released his tax returns for those years. In 2011,
Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes; in 2010, he paid slightly more than $3 million in taxes.

Our own
Fact Checker gave Reid Four Pinocchios for his "no taxes" claim. PolitiFact gave the claim a "Pants on Fire" rating.
You're such a Christian. Why do white shitheads like you exist. You guys have RUINED this country with your backwater stupidity.

another lie, I am an atheist, as if I needed any more evidence the left lies
You lie more than I do, right winger.
list my lies in this thread, and show they are lies, asshole
So have the posters come up with a correct definition of socialism as yet or do we follow custom and make up our own definition?
Look up social, then apply the ism. social-ism. You can find that in the dictionary as well.

Socialism starts with a social Contract.

Sorry... that's you ignorantly misusing a dictionary to conjure up your own idiotic definition of compound words. It's ironic that you chastised others for simply using a dictionary and not an encyclopedia and here you are doing exactly that, except on a more infantile scale.

Nearly all forms of government start with the social contract model, either tacitly or implicitly. With the exclusion of tyrannic regimes, pretty much any government form starts with social contract. As the name implies, a contract can have varying terms and conditions. A marriage contract and a baseball contract aren't the same thing. A cell phone contract and a recording contract are nothing alike whatsoever. So you're relying on a really stupid argument which seems to be par for the course with you.

The concept of social contract is simply talking about the degree to which society determines a portion of it's liberty is ceded to a government in order to protect it's remaining liberty. The degrees vary greatly depending on the system of government. Not all governments are alike except in your stupid little universe. You're one of the dumbest people I've ever come across trying to discuss something so over your head.

For the sake of communication, HERE is the dictionary definition we all must adhere to in order to have a rational discussion:

socialism ‎(usually uncountable, plural socialisms)
  1. (Marxism) The intermediate phase of social development between capitalism and full communism in Marxist theory in which the state has control of the means of production.
  2. Any of several later political philosophies such democratic socialism and social democracy which do not envisage the need for full state ownership of the means of production nor transition to full communism, and which are typically based on principles of community decision making, social equality and the avoidance of economic and social exclusion, with economic policy giving first preference to community goals over individual ones.
    • 1978, Daniel Bell, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Basic Books, page xii:
      For me, socialism is not statism, or the collective ownership of the means of production. It is a judgment on the priorities of economic policy.. the community takes precedence over the individual in legitimate economic policy. The first lien on the resources of a society therefore should be to establish that "social minimum" which would allow individuals to lead a life of self-respect, to be members of the community.
Derived terms
  • champagne socialism
  • Christian socialism
  • democratic socialism
  • Fabian socialism (Fabianism)
  • evolutionary socialism
  • guild socialism
  • international socialism
  • lemon socialism
  • market socialism
  • National Socialism
  • penthouse socialism
  • real socialism
  • religious socialism
  • revolutionary socialism
  • secular socialism
  • silver-spoon socialism
  • utopian socialism
Related terms
  • social
  • social democrat
  • social democracy
  • socialist
  • socialistic
  • socialistically
Projecting much. I know how to use words; I use encyclopedias when I want more "encyclopedic" knowledge; unlike the national socialist right wing, who are too lazy.

No you don't. You won't even use the dictionary properly. You're here trying to pervert the meaning of "Socialism" by parsing it into a prefix and suffix and apply some juvenile context... like a fucking retard. Furthermore, you're just openly trolling the thread and grandstanding. The mods ought to ban people like you.
Socialism must start with a social Contract.

Can the fantastical, national and social, right wing, show even one nation-State that does not have a social Contract that defines Government?

If not, then Government starts with a social Contract as that form of social organization.

Only the national socialist right wing, is that cognitively dissonant.

I almost feel sorry for a loser like you who makes up his own definitions and concepts, it is so desperate
i am on the left; i feel sorrier for you because You have nothing but fallacy instead of sublime Truth (value) for argumentation.

Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind. Marcus Tullius Cicero
Read more at: Marcus Tullius Cicero Quotes
Let's have a couple then- and NOT predictions sabotaged by the New BS GOP....

self serving lie, anything that doesn't work is the republicans fault, gotta love that old time liberal religion

I simply do not have enough time in my life to go through all the democrats lies, and what does it matter anyway, you are not honest enough to care as you are a liberal zealot.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry.

One of the strangest incidents of the 2012 presidential campaign was when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid accused then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having not paid any taxes over the past decade. That Reid made that allegation from the floor of the Senate made it even odder.

The problem with Reid's allegation? It's just not true. We know that, at least in 2011 and 2010, Romney did pay taxes. How do we know that? Because Romney released his tax returns for those years. In 2011,
Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes; in 2010, he paid slightly more than $3 million in taxes.

Our own
Fact Checker gave Reid Four Pinocchios for his "no taxes" claim. PolitiFact gave the claim a "Pants on Fire" rating.
You're such a Christian. Why do white shitheads like you exist. You guys have RUINED this country with your backwater stupidity.

another lie, I am an atheist, as if I needed any more evidence the left lies
You lie more than I do, right winger.
list my lies in this thread, and show they are lies, asshole
any fallacy is a lie. your projection of fallacies, on my part, is a lie.

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