Why The Left Loves Socialism

What is your argument? That RWers don't know what socialism is?

No, I assume anyone capable of reading a basic dictionary knows what Socialism is. My question was: Why does the left love Socialism?

I made the argument in the OP that I believe it is due to a lack of confidence in their ability to compete with others. It's interesting, several lefties have transmuted that statement into my claiming they are "afraid of" something, which I never said. I lack confidence in my ability to do some things well but I am seldom afraid to try. So I think this is a Freudian slip... perhaps fear has a lot to do with their lack of confidence?
The dictionary definitions work for just about any form of government. Any government either owns, controls, or regulates production. Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

By such broad definition is meaningless - everything is socialism then. Certainly EVERY government owns,controls or regulates some aspect of production.
That's what I said- then went on to give the real definition.

"Socialism today and ever since the USSR was unmasked in the 30's refers to a democracy that regulates capitalism and has a good safety net. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

All modern countries -Scandinavia, EU, Canada, Oz, NZ, Japan, even US and UK, are socialist- it's the final answer. Too bad we are a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess...see sig.

Or it isn't.

Socialism is a comment on economy not authoritarian/democratic dimension.

Seems to me that defining socialism or capitalism by majority of economy is the proper way.

All of the countries you mentioned are MIXED economies in which majority of production is privately owned and therefore they are mostly capitalist countries.
They are democratic, well-regulated, have good safety nets, some nationalized industry, which makes them socialist. BREAKING for dupes: It's not a bad word, and is NOT godless communism. Join the real world.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.
Why do capitalists avoid taxes, if they are so confident in their capital skills?

How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
Is this question before or after the "Loop Holes?"
Bernie !!!!

For the people comrades !!!!!!!! Asswipes
God what a fool...you need a healthy middle class and work force to have a healthy economy. Your greedy idiot GOP have been wrecking them and our infrastructure for 35 years. And brainwashing ignoramuses like you.

EVERYTHING in your signature is bogus. Where did you get those foolish ideas? From "The Nation" talking points?

Sit back and learn. The economy is beginning to explode. We had a Socialist president the past eight years and how did that work out? Not a single year of growth above 3% over the past eight years. Petulant former President Obama sets another record. First president in history to accomplish that over his entire term in office.
All fact, dupe. And Obama was totally obstructed- Reaganism rolls on. Our tax system panders to the rich and can't support in the work force or infrastructure.

You're simply a fool trying to stir the pot. How was petulant former President Obama obstructed? He managed to cram the biggest tax hike in history up our...throats. It is called ObamaCare and its primary use is the redistribution of wealth. Even the architect of the plan called anyone who supported the failed plan, STUPID.

Have ya seen Dumps proposed tax cuts for the 400 richest in the U.S., .....its 7 million dollars per person!!!!

Has Dumps stated or told any of clueless ignorant ass red state voter what their tax cuts would be????????
Oh, stfu. I was a businessman twice as long as I was a teacher.

Ah... so you're a Renaissance Man? You do a little bit of everything! Jack of all trades, master of none! I see! Well, if you were a businessman and gave that up to be a teacher, you must have been a failure at business. That's probably the source of your lack of confidence in your ability to compete with others. It's so revealing talking with you!

I want exactly what you say you want, but Dems don't make it as hard as possible for people to succeed-

That's exactly what Dems do. You demonize wealth at every turn. You want to raise top marginal income tax rates.. the very people who are trying to become wealthy. And you want to redistribute wealth in order to give it to the poor who are left with no motivation to succeed and turned into dependent wards of the state. You call these people "your base."

expensive college and training, crap salaries and infrastructure, pandering to the rich in taxes etc...

College is expensive because of Democrat policies which doles out billions of dollars in student loans. Salaries are crap because Democrat policies won't stop the flood of illegal immigrants and they give us things like the minimum wage which baselines labor costs and prevents the individual from being able to negotiate better wages. Infrastructures are bad because Democrats spend money set aside for that to fund more social entitlement programs. If Democrats would stop meddling in free market capitalism and let it do it's thing, all these problems would solve themselves and everyone would benefit.
Every GOP myth and talking point, dupe.

Newsflash, Einstein... Wealthy people don't EARN taxable incomes. The people who are earning top marginal income are people who are trying to become wealthy... they're not there yet. When they get there, they will generally stop earning wealth because they're rich and don't need to earn any more. Some of them MAY use their wealth to invest in others if they can create more wealth but they don't HAVE to do this because...well... they are RICH! Duh!

And here's another newsflash... No matter WHAT kind of system or society you have or create, there will forever and always be a "Top 1%" and they will forever and always be the "most wealthy" in the society. There has never been and will never be a society anywhere in our universe of reality where the poor people have most of the wealth and the wealthy have the least wealth.... that sort of reality doesn't exist in this universe.... you'll have to put your faith in quantum physics... maybe there is a universe out there where such a thing exists!
Boy are you are "Brain Washed". Here's the reality. Your "Never Ever-Anywhere-Quantum Physics bull shit towards the wealthiest 1 percent is amazing. The U.S. isn't a get rich horde your wealth SOCIETY!!!! This type of system only leads to more Wealth-Income Inequality. This video explains it best on what has happened over the last 37 years, with no end in sight.

Oh, stfu. I was a businessman twice as long as I was a teacher.

Ah... so you're a Renaissance Man? You do a little bit of everything! Jack of all trades, master of none! I see! Well, if you were a businessman and gave that up to be a teacher, you must have been a failure at business. That's probably the source of your lack of confidence in your ability to compete with others. It's so revealing talking with you!

I want exactly what you say you want, but Dems don't make it as hard as possible for people to succeed-

That's exactly what Dems do. You demonize wealth at every turn. You want to raise top marginal income tax rates.. the very people who are trying to become wealthy. And you want to redistribute wealth in order to give it to the poor who are left with no motivation to succeed and turned into dependent wards of the state. You call these people "your base."

expensive college and training, crap salaries and infrastructure, pandering to the rich in taxes etc...

College is expensive because of Democrat policies which doles out billions of dollars in student loans. Salaries are crap because Democrat policies won't stop the flood of illegal immigrants and they give us things like the minimum wage which baselines labor costs and prevents the individual from being able to negotiate better wages. Infrastructures are bad because Democrats spend money set aside for that to fund more social entitlement programs. If Democrats would stop meddling in free market capitalism and let it do it's thing, all these problems would solve themselves and everyone would benefit.
Every GOP myth and talking point, dupe.

Newsflash, Einstein... Wealthy people don't EARN taxable incomes. The people who are earning top marginal income are people who are trying to become wealthy... they're not there yet. When they get there, they will generally stop earning wealth because they're rich and don't need to earn any more. Some of them MAY use their wealth to invest in others if they can create more wealth but they don't HAVE to do this because...well... they are RICH! Duh!

And here's another newsflash... No matter WHAT kind of system or society you have or create, there will forever and always be a "Top 1%" and they will forever and always be the "most wealthy" in the society. There has never been and will never be a society anywhere in our universe of reality where the poor people have most of the wealth and the wealthy have the least wealth.... that sort of reality doesn't exist in this universe.... you'll have to put your faith in quantum physics... maybe there is a universe out there where such a thing exists!
Read a book--Watch a video sometimes.
what do you mean by "free loader"? anyone who Only has fallacy is a "free loader".

Someone like you that relies on the hard work and finances of others in order to have anything.
pretty funny, coming from the "intellectually bankrupt", national socialist right wing.

Pretty sad coming from a pussy that runs his damn mouth yet says absolutely nothing.
At least he doesn't grab women by their pussies like Trump has done!!!!!
BTW, Comey is a lying GOP POS. The next day he went back and had to admit it, dupe.

I've heard that far left Progressives have extremely short attention spans. I just didn't realize how short. So...how much did you add to your income taxes? What percentage of all income taxes are paid by the top 5% of earners? You have no clue do you?
BS propaganda.

Fact, dupe. We have a basically flat tax system with the richest getting all the new wealth and YOU and your family and friends going to hell

Thank you for proving my point. As I said, what percent of all income taxes are paid by the top five percent? that would be FORTY-ONE POINT SEVEN PERCENT (41.7%). Going a smidge further, according to your information, from what year you give no clue, the top 10% pay SIXTY-ONE POINT FOUR PERCENT (61.4%). The top 20% pay SEVENTY-NINE POINT NINE PERCENT. Leaving EIGHTY PERCENT of HOUSEHOLDS TO PAY ONLY 20% of our taxes.


Why should anyone get a free ride?
How much do the rich, actually pay in personal income tax?

More than the half that pay nothing.
After the loop holes.......the rich-wealthy or 1 percent pay very little taxes if any at all!!! Trump hasn't paid taxes in over 25 years.......because of LOOP HOLES!!!!

Funny how all you god damned conservative voting Red State idiots never want to discuss the loop holes of the wealthy!!!!
it can be difficult to convince, the "intellectually bankrupt".

You don't to try and convince me you're a pussy. You've already done so.
you Only have, ad hominems, which are usually considered fallacies. How "brave" is that for your Cause.

The truth isn't an ad hominem. Truth hurt, pussy?
Dumbass dupes...getting physical lol...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

I'm neither. I'm not a Hillary supporter like you.

Those you call victims are the cause of their own piss poor situation. If they spent 1/4 the time improving themselves as they do incorrectly blaming someone else for their situation, they wouldn't have to worry. Look at all of us that are examples of doing just that. It works if you want to succeed. It doesn't if you want to have an excuse.
Meh! Meanwhile Trump hasn't paid taxes in over 20 years on his 980 million dollars he has owed the gov't!!!!
BS propaganda.

Fact, dupe. We have a basically flat tax system with the richest getting all the new wealth and YOU and your family and friends going to hell

Thank you for proving my point. As I said, what percent of all income taxes are paid by the top five percent? that would be FORTY-ONE POINT SEVEN PERCENT (41.7%). Going a smidge further, according to your information, from what year you give no clue, the top 10% pay SIXTY-ONE POINT FOUR PERCENT (61.4%). The top 20% pay SEVENTY-NINE POINT NINE PERCENT. Leaving EIGHTY PERCENT of HOUSEHOLDS TO PAY ONLY 20% of our taxes.


Why should anyone get a free ride?
Your "point" is brainwash, for ignorant dupes only. And of course only fed income taxes, all the brainwashed can talk about...The GOP cuts those, and all the other taxes go up, the ones that KILL the nonrich. YOU.

Still posting that bullshit graph claiming that everyone pays more than 20% in taxes? It's not true and your claim has been debunked using your own source.

Hey asshole, income taxes were cut for all groups that actually pay them. The only group that didn't get an income tax cut was those already paying none.
Everyone that matters pays 24-30%, chump. But obsess about the lazy poor, dupe.

When you cut fed taxes, all the others, that kill the nonrich, GO UP, and there's no money to invest in the country- and you get a banana republic.

Trump is probably a con man, but I hope he can do something. Watch out for another corrupt bubble. Good luck. I'm not an asshole. But you are a dupe. That's not personal, that's political.

What I want is the poor that have been leeching their entire lives to contribute to society instead of constantly taking from it.

Federal taxes going down don't cause state/local taxes to go up. That's an excuse.

Don't fool yourself. You're an asshole and have been since the day you were shit out.
You ignore how Red State America has been leeching off blue state America. Care to comment.
I voted for Bernie first, and for POLICY. You voted for a tax cut for the rich, bs hate propaganda, and the old bait and switch.

I voted for what has worked for me. Don't like it, tough shit, NL.
How much was college in your day, dupe?

Where I went, and that was over 30 years ago, was almost $25,000/year total. As for what I paid, it was nothing since EARNED academic and athletic scholarships funded it. Today, that same university costs over $55,000/year and is the most expensive in the State. Interesting thing is my daughter attends it now and there is no costs for her for the same reason. EARNED scholarships.
Freeloaders...sorry you missed the good old days...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Freeloaders don't earn scholarships. Freeloaders want taxpayers to do for their kids what they know is a waste of money and why they don't do it for them. Since you were one of those that went to college because of taxpayers, that makes you a freeloader. It was obviously a waste of money you owe back to the taxpayers.
Trumps a free loader when its comes to paying his taxes. Guys like Trump finds a loop hole and merely passes his debt (taxes owed) on to the backs of the working poor and the working middle class.
BTW, Comey is a lying GOP POS. The next day he went back and had to admit it, dupe.

I've heard that far left Progressives have extremely short attention spans. I just didn't realize how short. So...how much did you add to your income taxes? What percentage of all income taxes are paid by the top 5% of earners? You have no clue do you?
BS propaganda.

Fact, dupe. We have a basically flat tax system with the richest getting all the new wealth and YOU and your family and friends going to hell

I did quite nicely thank you. As a Realtor for a bit over 40 years, I learned early on to read and take advantage of the ups and downs. Since 47.5% of household pay no income tax whatsoever. Please explain how that equals a flat tax.
Well if you did alright, there's no problem...

Not for me but the middle-income group sure took a beating. At the same time, the upper-income households grew greatly. The exact opposite of what petulant former President Obama had promised. Of course, that was mixed in with all his other lies so it got hard to tell one from another.
How could have President Obama "Delivered" without the help and cooperation from the GOP Congress??? President Obama "Wasn't Elected KING".

5 Ways Republicans Have Sabotaged Job Growth
5 Ways Republicans Have Sabotaged Job Growth
By Jeff Spross


New numbers released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the economy added a mere 80,000 jobs in June. That’s down from an average of 150,000 jobs a month for the first part of the year, and far too little to keep up with population growth.

Republican intransigence on economic policy has been a key contributor to the sluggish recovery. As early as 2009, Republican fear-mongering over spending and their readiness to filibuster in the Senate helped convince the White House economic team that an $800 billion stimulus was the most they could hope to get through Congress. Reporting has since revealed that the team thought the country actually needed a stimulus on the order of $1.2 to $1.8 trillion. The economy’s path over the next three years provedthem right. Here are the top five ways the Republicans have sabotaged the economic recovery since:

1. Filibustering the American Jobs Act. Last October, Senate Republicans killed a jobs bill proposed by President Obama that would have pumped $447 billion into the economy. Multiple economic analysts predicted the bill would add around two million jobs and hailed it as defense against a double-dip recession. The Congressional Budget Office also scored it as a net deficit reducer over ten years, and the American public supported the bill.2. Stonewalling monetary stimulus. The Federal Reserve can do enormous good for a depressed economy through more aggressive monetary stimulus, and by tolerating a temporarily higher level of inflation. But with everything from Ron Paul’s anti-inflationary crusade to Rick Perry threatening to lynch Chairman Ben Bernanke, Republicans have browbeaten the Fed into not going down this path. Most damagingly, the GOP repeatedly held up President Obama’s nominations to the Federal Reserve Board during the critical months of the recession, leaving the board without the institutional clout it needed to help the economy.3. Threatening a debt default. Even though the country didn’t actually hit its debt ceiling last summer, the Republican threat to default on the United States’ outstanding obligations was sufficient to spook financial markets and do real damage to the economy.4. Cutting discretionary spending in the debt ceiling deal. The deal the GOP extracted as the price for avoiding default imposed around $900 billion in cuts over ten years. It included $30.5 billion in discretionary cuts in 2012 alone, costing the country 0.3 percent in economic growth and 323,000 jobs, according to estimates from the Economic Policy Institute. Starting in 2013, the deal will trigger another $1.2 trillion in cuts over ten years.5. Cutting discretionary spending in the budget deal. While not as cataclysmic as the debt ceiling brinksmanship, Republicans also threatened a shutdown of the government in early 2011 if cuts were not made to that year’s budget. The deal they struck with the White House cut $38 billion from food stamps, health, education, law enforcement, and low-income programs among others, while sparing defense almost entirely.
There have also been a few near-misses, in which the GOP almost prevented help from coming to the economy. The Republicans in the House delayed a transportation bill that saved as many as 1.9 million jobs. House Committees run by the GOP have passed proposals aimed at cutting billions from food stamps, and the party has repeatedly threatened to kill extensions of unemployment insurance and cuts to the payroll tax.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, those policies — the payroll tax cut, food stamps, unemployment insurance, and discretionary spending for low-income Americans — have the highest multipliers, meaning more job boosting potential per dollar.
BS propaganda.

Fact, dupe. We have a basically flat tax system with the richest getting all the new wealth and YOU and your family and friends going to hell

Thank you for proving my point. As I said, what percent of all income taxes are paid by the top five percent? that would be FORTY-ONE POINT SEVEN PERCENT (41.7%). Going a smidge further, according to your information, from what year you give no clue, the top 10% pay SIXTY-ONE POINT FOUR PERCENT (61.4%). The top 20% pay SEVENTY-NINE POINT NINE PERCENT. Leaving EIGHTY PERCENT of HOUSEHOLDS TO PAY ONLY 20% of our taxes.


Why should anyone get a free ride?
Your "point" is brainwash, for ignorant dupes only. And of course only fed income taxes, all the brainwashed can talk about...The GOP cuts those, and all the other taxes go up, the ones that KILL the nonrich. YOU.

Still posting that bullshit graph claiming that everyone pays more than 20% in taxes? It's not true and your claim has been debunked using your own source.

Hey asshole, income taxes were cut for all groups that actually pay them. The only group that didn't get an income tax cut was those already paying none.
Everyone that matters pays 24-30%, chump. But obsess about the lazy poor, dupe.

When you cut fed taxes, all the others, that kill the nonrich, GO UP, and there's no money to invest in the country- and you get a banana republic.

Trump is probably a con man, but I hope he can do something. Watch out for another corrupt bubble. Good luck. I'm not an asshole. But you are a dupe. That's not personal, that's political.

What I want is the poor that have been leeching their entire lives to contribute to society instead of constantly taking from it.

Federal taxes going down don't cause state/local taxes to go up. That's an excuse.

Don't fool yourself. You're an asshole and have been since the day you were shit out.

Name calling aside. The poor do pay their taxes if the form city, town and state taxes even if we are talking Consumption taxes. If you are a consumer you are paying taxes in some form!

Now, if conservatives want the poor to pay federal taxes......now we are talking jobs creation that can elevate the income of the poor so the poor can earn enough in wages to pay FEDERAL TAXES!!!!

The GOP-Red State Congress and its hordes of wealthy crooks......are simply not JOB CREATORS!!!!
The Left ejaculate when they think about socialism.
The Right ejaculated (women especially) by voting for Trump! I guess they had dreams of getting grabbed by their vaginas.
Here's one now. Do you need a wet wipe?
Do the conservative women who voted for Trump stand in line to their pussies grabbed......and then ask for "Wipe"!!!! Did they even ask for a "Wipe"????
Thank you for proving my point. As I said, what percent of all income taxes are paid by the top five percent? that would be FORTY-ONE POINT SEVEN PERCENT (41.7%). Going a smidge further, according to your information, from what year you give no clue, the top 10% pay SIXTY-ONE POINT FOUR PERCENT (61.4%). The top 20% pay SEVENTY-NINE POINT NINE PERCENT. Leaving EIGHTY PERCENT of HOUSEHOLDS TO PAY ONLY 20% of our taxes.


Why should anyone get a free ride?
How much do the rich, actually pay in personal income tax?

More than the half that pay nothing.
Why are they getting a "free ride" from the national socialist right wing? The poor don't get a free ride about taxes.

They aren't but the poor get a free ride every second they live.
Not if it is Only about paying Income Taxes,

The poor get a free ride on almost everything.
You just proved mine that you're a pussy that says absolutely nothing.
it can be difficult to convince, the "intellectually bankrupt".

You don't to try and convince me you're a pussy. You've already done so.
you Only have, ad hominems, which are usually considered fallacies. How "brave" is that for your Cause.

The truth isn't an ad hominem. Truth hurt, pussy?

Only in national socialist right wing fantasy, "Braveheart".

Truth hurt, pussy? Or maybe it's your pussy that hurts.
How much do the rich, actually pay in personal income tax?

More than the half that pay nothing.
Why are they getting a "free ride" from the national socialist right wing? The poor don't get a free ride about taxes.

They aren't but the poor get a free ride every second they live.
Not if it is Only about paying Income Taxes,

The poor get a free ride on almost everything.
So do the wealthy!!! Its called tax loop holes. Like the tax loop hole Trump received after owing the Gov't over $980 million dollars; of over the last 20 plus years Trump hasn't paid not one Red State "nickle"!!!!
it can be difficult to convince, the "intellectually bankrupt".

You don't to try and convince me you're a pussy. You've already done so.
you Only have, ad hominems, which are usually considered fallacies. How "brave" is that for your Cause.

The truth isn't an ad hominem. Truth hurt, pussy?

Only in national socialist right wing fantasy, "Braveheart".

Truth hurt, pussy? Or maybe it's your pussy that hurts.

Meh! Trump grabbed millions of conservative women by their "Pussies" because they voted for him!!!!
Might as well close this thread, no one interested in discussing the topic.
I replied back to you on how the military loves its "socialist welfare" existence......did you reply back!
Come on Boss......you started the darn thread....whats your response to the Military as an institution and its service members, vets and retirees all of whom loves it socialist-welfare system.....ALL AT TAX PAYER EXPENSE????

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