Why The Left Loves Socialism

How much do the rich, actually pay in personal income tax?

More than the half that pay nothing.
Why are they getting a "free ride" from the national socialist right wing? The poor don't get a free ride about taxes.

They aren't but the poor get a free ride every second they live.
Not if it is Only about paying Income Taxes,

The poor get a free ride on almost everything.
Typical 20th century conservative response.
Boss can't even defend the thread he started. Nothing new here. He'd rather run and close the thread.
The truth is through all of the years of the programs that dimshitscum have fostered you cry about the GOP, they have been in power about 20 of the last 60 years so everything you are crying about is the fault of the LIBERAL arm of the dimocratic party because they think socialist ideas work, even though there has NEVER been a successful socialist modeled state. The socialist idea is just a way for a group of ruling class self professed intellectuals to gain control over a large economic windfall, and obtain the power to control the distribution of all the assets therefore making those assets easily available to themselves. That make people like shitbitch and billy happy, and furthers the agenda of country killers like george soros.
Reaganism rolls on the last 35 years, when everything went to hell. Clinton and Obama were totally obstructed...no bubbles at least.

When people like Clinton and Obama try things that are foolish, it's obstructing. It's stopping foolishness. See, you learned something, NL.
Our country is desperate for investment in Americans and infrastructure. Not everyone is a dumb jock. lol. Soros did no such thing, dupe.

We've invested in a certain group of Americans called the poor for 50 years with over $22 trillions with zero return.

If you think someone whose own parents won't invest in their college is a good investment, prove it by personally investing in them.
We didn't have a civil war, and many blacks did great from the Great Society. Not so much lately. See all blacks you know of that weren't dumb jocks like you...lol. Just kidding.

I've seen plenty of dumb black jocks. All one has to do is listen to them on TV.

The only way someone can say blacks did well from the Great Society is if they count all the social welfare blacks receive from having so damn many bastard children.
More than the half that pay nothing.
Why are they getting a "free ride" from the national socialist right wing? The poor don't get a free ride about taxes.

They aren't but the poor get a free ride every second they live.
Not if it is Only about paying Income Taxes,

The poor get a free ride on almost everything.
Typical 20th century conservative response.

The poor are doing it into the 21st century. Nothing's changed.
Reaganism rolls on the last 35 years, when everything went to hell. Clinton and Obama were totally obstructed...no bubbles at least.

When people like Clinton and Obama try things that are foolish, it's obstructing. It's stopping foolishness. See, you learned something, NL.
Our country is desperate for investment in Americans and infrastructure. Not everyone is a dumb jock. lol. Soros did no such thing, dupe.

We've invested in a certain group of Americans called the poor for 50 years with over $22 trillions with zero return.

If you think someone whose own parents won't invest in their college is a good investment, prove it by personally investing in them.
We didn't have a civil war, and many blacks did great from the Great Society. Not so much lately. See all blacks you know of that weren't dumb jocks like you...lol. Just kidding.

I've seen plenty of dumb black jocks. All one has to do is listen to them on TV.

The only way someone can say blacks did well from the Great Society is if they count all the social welfare blacks receive from having so damn many bastard children.
Have ya taken a good look at the socialist-welfare ridden society that exist in red state AMERIKA!!!! Open your fucking eyes.
Why are they getting a "free ride" from the national socialist right wing? The poor don't get a free ride about taxes.

They aren't but the poor get a free ride every second they live.
Not if it is Only about paying Income Taxes,

The poor get a free ride on almost everything.
Typical 20th century conservative response.

The poor are doing it into the 21st century. Nothing's changed.
What is red state white America doing in the 21st Century that they didn't perpetrate in the 20th Century???
I'm neither. I'm not a Hillary supporter like you.

Those you call victims are the cause of their own piss poor situation. If they spent 1/4 the time improving themselves as they do incorrectly blaming someone else for their situation, they wouldn't have to worry. Look at all of us that are examples of doing just that. It works if you want to succeed. It doesn't if you want to have an excuse.
I voted for Bernie first, and for POLICY. You voted for a tax cut for the rich, bs hate propaganda, and the old bait and switch.

I voted for what has worked for me. Don't like it, tough shit, NL.
How much was college in your day, dupe?

In my day...college was a lot cheaper, even adjusted for inflation. The major reason is that government had NOT made it so easy to get student loans. I was in college from 1963 through 1966. I graduated from the University of Miami with a degree in Marine Biology and a minor in math. Strange, but I love math. I was able to pay my way through 2 years at Miami Dade Jr. College and then 2 years at the University of Miami. I did that by working full time and I also won a tidy (it was at the time) sum toward the end of my third year that paid for my fourth year. I doubt that would be possible today.

The easier loans are available, the more students applying, the more a school can charge and so they do.
And mainly because the GOP loves cutting fed aid to public colleges, raising tuition, and cutting competition. Doubled just under W, and started with the demented Raygun. All to save the bloated greedy idiot GOP megarich.

The rising tuition is because of the increased federal aid not decreased. Study on it, bitch.
I voted for Bernie first, and for POLICY. You voted for a tax cut for the rich, bs hate propaganda, and the old bait and switch.

I voted for what has worked for me. Don't like it, tough shit, NL.
How much was college in your day, dupe?

In my day...college was a lot cheaper, even adjusted for inflation. The major reason is that government had NOT made it so easy to get student loans. I was in college from 1963 through 1966. I graduated from the University of Miami with a degree in Marine Biology and a minor in math. Strange, but I love math. I was able to pay my way through 2 years at Miami Dade Jr. College and then 2 years at the University of Miami. I did that by working full time and I also won a tidy (it was at the time) sum toward the end of my third year that paid for my fourth year. I doubt that would be possible today.

The easier loans are available, the more students applying, the more a school can charge and so they do.
And mainly because the GOP loves cutting fed aid to public colleges, raising tuition, and cutting competition. Doubled just under W, and started with the demented Raygun. All to save the bloated greedy idiot GOP megarich.

The rising tuition is because of the increased federal aid not decreased. Study on it, bitch.
Or could the rising be due the greedy banking private sector who give out the LOANS or federal aid??? Can't make billions of dollars if you don't raise interest rates and TUITION-ROOM AND BOARD AND BOOKS!!!!
Newsflash, Einstein... Wealthy people don't EARN taxable incomes. The people who are earning top marginal income are people who are trying to become wealthy... they're not there yet. When they get there, they will generally stop earning wealth because they're rich and don't need to earn any more. Some of them MAY use their wealth to invest in others if they can create more wealth but they don't HAVE to do this because...well... they are RICH! Duh!

And here's another newsflash... No matter WHAT kind of system or society you have or create, there will forever and always be a "Top 1%" and they will forever and always be the "most wealthy" in the society. There has never been and will never be a society anywhere in our universe of reality where the poor people have most of the wealth and the wealthy have the least wealth.... that sort of reality doesn't exist in this universe.... you'll have to put your faith in quantum physics... maybe there is a universe out there where such a thing exists!
Read a book--Watch a video sometimes.

Paul Krugman? Proven failure. Just as are his forecasts.

NY Times's Paul Krugman, As Trump Wins: Markets Will 'Never' Recover
By Tom Blumer | November 10, 2016 | 11:41 PM EST

Wednesday morning at 12:42 a.m., as it was becoming clear that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was on the verge of officially defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton for the presidency, Paul Krugman at the New York Times noted at the paper's election night live blog that the "markets are plunging." He then wrote: "If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never."


NY Times's Paul Krugman, As Trump Wins: Markets Will 'Never' Recover
When people like Clinton and Obama try things that are foolish, it's obstructing. It's stopping foolishness. See, you learned something, NL.
Our country is desperate for investment in Americans and infrastructure. Not everyone is a dumb jock. lol. Soros did no such thing, dupe.

We've invested in a certain group of Americans called the poor for 50 years with over $22 trillions with zero return.

If you think someone whose own parents won't invest in their college is a good investment, prove it by personally investing in them.
We didn't have a civil war, and many blacks did great from the Great Society. Not so much lately. See all blacks you know of that weren't dumb jocks like you...lol. Just kidding.

I've seen plenty of dumb black jocks. All one has to do is listen to them on TV.

The only way someone can say blacks did well from the Great Society is if they count all the social welfare blacks receive from having so damn many bastard children.
Have ya taken a good look at the socialist-welfare ridden society that exist in red state AMERIKA!!!! Open your fucking eyes.

I've looked at the socialist welfare ridden blue districts that make red portions of many states look bad. Nationwide, there are 63 congressional districts where the residents where more than 1 in 5 get food stamps. In Georgia, there are 3 of the 63. The 2nd District is represented by Sanford Bishop, a black Democrat. It has a 52% black population and over 27% of it's residents get food stamps. Same thing applies to the 5th District, that of another black Democrat in a majority black district. John Lewis has done so well for his people that they have a 17% poverty rate and >20% food stamp use rate.

In NC, there are 2 of the 63. District 1, represented by yet another black Democrat in a black majority district has over 27% food stamp use. Same applies to District 12, also represented by a black Democrat. >23% food stamp use. It was one of 2 majority minority districts purposely gerrymandered that way in the 1990s. Want to guess which ONE district was the other? You guessed it. District 1.
Some body loves welfare and socialism.......who are they????

The 2 congressional districts in Georgia, the 1 in SC, and the 2 in NC that are all black majority gerrymandered district, all of whom are represented by black Democrats, and all of which have a greater than 20% food stamp use rate.
Our country is desperate for investment in Americans and infrastructure. Not everyone is a dumb jock. lol. Soros did no such thing, dupe.

We've invested in a certain group of Americans called the poor for 50 years with over $22 trillions with zero return.

If you think someone whose own parents won't invest in their college is a good investment, prove it by personally investing in them.
We didn't have a civil war, and many blacks did great from the Great Society. Not so much lately. See all blacks you know of that weren't dumb jocks like you...lol. Just kidding.

I've seen plenty of dumb black jocks. All one has to do is listen to them on TV.

The only way someone can say blacks did well from the Great Society is if they count all the social welfare blacks receive from having so damn many bastard children.
Have ya taken a good look at the socialist-welfare ridden society that exist in red state AMERIKA!!!! Open your fucking eyes.

I've looked at the socialist welfare ridden blue districts that make red portions of many states look bad. Nationwide, there are 63 congressional districts where the residents where more than 1 in 5 get food stamps. In Georgia, there are 3 of the 63. The 2nd District is represented by Sanford Bishop, a black Democrat. It has a 52% black population and over 27% of it's residents get food stamps. Same thing applies to the 5th District, that of another black Democrat in a majority black district. John Lewis has done so well for his people that they have a 17% poverty rate and >20% food stamp use rate.

In NC, there are 2 of the 63. District 1, represented by yet another black Democrat in a black majority district has over 27% food stamp use. Same applies to District 12, also represented by a black Democrat. >23% food stamp use. It was one of 2 majority minority districts purposely gerrymandered that way in the 1990s. Want to guess which ONE district was the other? You guessed it. District 1.
Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.
We've invested in a certain group of Americans called the poor for 50 years with over $22 trillions with zero return.

If you think someone whose own parents won't invest in their college is a good investment, prove it by personally investing in them.
We didn't have a civil war, and many blacks did great from the Great Society. Not so much lately. See all blacks you know of that weren't dumb jocks like you...lol. Just kidding.

I've seen plenty of dumb black jocks. All one has to do is listen to them on TV.

The only way someone can say blacks did well from the Great Society is if they count all the social welfare blacks receive from having so damn many bastard children.
Have ya taken a good look at the socialist-welfare ridden society that exist in red state AMERIKA!!!! Open your fucking eyes.

I've looked at the socialist welfare ridden blue districts that make red portions of many states look bad. Nationwide, there are 63 congressional districts where the residents where more than 1 in 5 get food stamps. In Georgia, there are 3 of the 63. The 2nd District is represented by Sanford Bishop, a black Democrat. It has a 52% black population and over 27% of it's residents get food stamps. Same thing applies to the 5th District, that of another black Democrat in a majority black district. John Lewis has done so well for his people that they have a 17% poverty rate and >20% food stamp use rate.

In NC, there are 2 of the 63. District 1, represented by yet another black Democrat in a black majority district has over 27% food stamp use. Same applies to District 12, also represented by a black Democrat. >23% food stamp use. It was one of 2 majority minority districts purposely gerrymandered that way in the 1990s. Want to guess which ONE district was the other? You guessed it. District 1.
Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
We didn't have a civil war, and many blacks did great from the Great Society. Not so much lately. See all blacks you know of that weren't dumb jocks like you...lol. Just kidding.

I've seen plenty of dumb black jocks. All one has to do is listen to them on TV.

The only way someone can say blacks did well from the Great Society is if they count all the social welfare blacks receive from having so damn many bastard children.
Have ya taken a good look at the socialist-welfare ridden society that exist in red state AMERIKA!!!! Open your fucking eyes.

I've looked at the socialist welfare ridden blue districts that make red portions of many states look bad. Nationwide, there are 63 congressional districts where the residents where more than 1 in 5 get food stamps. In Georgia, there are 3 of the 63. The 2nd District is represented by Sanford Bishop, a black Democrat. It has a 52% black population and over 27% of it's residents get food stamps. Same thing applies to the 5th District, that of another black Democrat in a majority black district. John Lewis has done so well for his people that they have a 17% poverty rate and >20% food stamp use rate.

In NC, there are 2 of the 63. District 1, represented by yet another black Democrat in a black majority district has over 27% food stamp use. Same applies to District 12, also represented by a black Democrat. >23% food stamp use. It was one of 2 majority minority districts purposely gerrymandered that way in the 1990s. Want to guess which ONE district was the other? You guessed it. District 1.
Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.
I've seen plenty of dumb black jocks. All one has to do is listen to them on TV.

The only way someone can say blacks did well from the Great Society is if they count all the social welfare blacks receive from having so damn many bastard children.
Have ya taken a good look at the socialist-welfare ridden society that exist in red state AMERIKA!!!! Open your fucking eyes.

I've looked at the socialist welfare ridden blue districts that make red portions of many states look bad. Nationwide, there are 63 congressional districts where the residents where more than 1 in 5 get food stamps. In Georgia, there are 3 of the 63. The 2nd District is represented by Sanford Bishop, a black Democrat. It has a 52% black population and over 27% of it's residents get food stamps. Same thing applies to the 5th District, that of another black Democrat in a majority black district. John Lewis has done so well for his people that they have a 17% poverty rate and >20% food stamp use rate.

In NC, there are 2 of the 63. District 1, represented by yet another black Democrat in a black majority district has over 27% food stamp use. Same applies to District 12, also represented by a black Democrat. >23% food stamp use. It was one of 2 majority minority districts purposely gerrymandered that way in the 1990s. Want to guess which ONE district was the other? You guessed it. District 1.
Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.

Expecting them to do what I expect any other race to do for themselves is screwing them? Thanks for proving your excuses are what screws them.
Have ya taken a good look at the socialist-welfare ridden society that exist in red state AMERIKA!!!! Open your fucking eyes.

I've looked at the socialist welfare ridden blue districts that make red portions of many states look bad. Nationwide, there are 63 congressional districts where the residents where more than 1 in 5 get food stamps. In Georgia, there are 3 of the 63. The 2nd District is represented by Sanford Bishop, a black Democrat. It has a 52% black population and over 27% of it's residents get food stamps. Same thing applies to the 5th District, that of another black Democrat in a majority black district. John Lewis has done so well for his people that they have a 17% poverty rate and >20% food stamp use rate.

In NC, there are 2 of the 63. District 1, represented by yet another black Democrat in a black majority district has over 27% food stamp use. Same applies to District 12, also represented by a black Democrat. >23% food stamp use. It was one of 2 majority minority districts purposely gerrymandered that way in the 1990s. Want to guess which ONE district was the other? You guessed it. District 1.
Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.

Expecting them to do what I expect any other race to do for themselves is screwing them? Thanks for proving your excuses are what screws them.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
Is this question before or after the "Loop Holes?"

Was this question too complex for you?

Care to try again? I'll repost it here for your convenience.

How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
I've looked at the socialist welfare ridden blue districts that make red portions of many states look bad. Nationwide, there are 63 congressional districts where the residents where more than 1 in 5 get food stamps. In Georgia, there are 3 of the 63. The 2nd District is represented by Sanford Bishop, a black Democrat. It has a 52% black population and over 27% of it's residents get food stamps. Same thing applies to the 5th District, that of another black Democrat in a majority black district. John Lewis has done so well for his people that they have a 17% poverty rate and >20% food stamp use rate.

In NC, there are 2 of the 63. District 1, represented by yet another black Democrat in a black majority district has over 27% food stamp use. Same applies to District 12, also represented by a black Democrat. >23% food stamp use. It was one of 2 majority minority districts purposely gerrymandered that way in the 1990s. Want to guess which ONE district was the other? You guessed it. District 1.
Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.

Expecting them to do what I expect any other race to do for themselves is screwing them? Thanks for proving your excuses are what screws them.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Just a dupe...
Bernie !!!!

For the people comrades !!!!!!!! Asswipes
God what a fool...you need a healthy middle class and work force to have a healthy economy. Your greedy idiot GOP have been wrecking them and our infrastructure for 35 years. And brainwashing ignoramuses like you.

EVERYTHING in your signature is bogus. Where did you get those foolish ideas? From "The Nation" talking points?

Sit back and learn. The economy is beginning to explode. We had a Socialist president the past eight years and how did that work out? Not a single year of growth above 3% over the past eight years. Petulant former President Obama sets another record. First president in history to accomplish that over his entire term in office.
All fact, dupe. And Obama was totally obstructed- Reaganism rolls on. Our tax system panders to the rich and can't support in the work force or infrastructure.

You're simply a fool trying to stir the pot. How was petulant former President Obama obstructed? He managed to cram the biggest tax hike in history up our...throats. It is called ObamaCare and its primary use is the redistribution of wealth. Even the architect of the plan called anyone who supported the failed plan, STUPID.

Have ya seen Dumps proposed tax cuts for the 400 richest in the U.S., .....its 7 million dollars per person!!!!

Has Dumps stated or told any of clueless ignorant ass red state voter what their tax cuts would be????????

why does Mr. Trump need a tax cut, if he pays no personal federal income taxes?

Just a guy with gold, purchasing his office so he won't need to vote himself better benefits.

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