Why The Left Loves Socialism

I voted for what has worked for me. Don't like it, tough shit, NL.
How much was college in your day, dupe?

Where I went, and that was over 30 years ago, was almost $25,000/year total. As for what I paid, it was nothing since EARNED academic and athletic scholarships funded it. Today, that same university costs over $55,000/year and is the most expensive in the State. Interesting thing is my daughter attends it now and there is no costs for her for the same reason. EARNED scholarships.
Freeloaders...sorry you missed the good old days...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Freeloaders don't earn scholarships. Freeloaders want taxpayers to do for their kids what they know is a waste of money and why they don't do it for them. Since you were one of those that went to college because of taxpayers, that makes you a freeloader. It was obviously a waste of money you owe back to the taxpayers.
Trumps a free loader when its comes to paying his taxes. Guys like Trump finds a loop hole and merely passes his debt (taxes owed) on to the backs of the working poor and the working middle class.
all the national socialist right wing knows how to do, is fantasize they are capitalist, and become cronies in the process.
How much do the rich, actually pay in personal income tax?

More than the half that pay nothing.
Why are they getting a "free ride" from the national socialist right wing? The poor don't get a free ride about taxes.

They aren't but the poor get a free ride every second they live.
Not if it is Only about paying Income Taxes,

The poor get a free ride on almost everything.
Only in national socialist right wing fantasy.

According to PolitiFact and others, in 2011 the 400 wealthiest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined."[23][24][25][26] Inherited wealth may help explain why many Americans who have become rich may have had a "substantial head start".[27][28] In September 2012, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, "over 60 percent" of the Forbes richest 400 Americans "grew up in substantial privilege".--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_wealth#In_the_United_States

How much in Taxes does our tax avoider in Chief, pay, again?
it can be difficult to convince, the "intellectually bankrupt".

You don't to try and convince me you're a pussy. You've already done so.
you Only have, ad hominems, which are usually considered fallacies. How "brave" is that for your Cause.

The truth isn't an ad hominem. Truth hurt, pussy?

Only in national socialist right wing fantasy, "Braveheart".

Truth hurt, pussy? Or maybe it's your pussy that hurts.
the national socialist right wing, has no Truth; Only propaganda.
How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
Is this question before or after the "Loop Holes?"

Was this question too complex for you?

Care to try again? I'll repost it here for your convenience.

How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
What am I legally obligated to pay? The rich don't do it with All of their wealth; why should the poor.
Why does the Military and its service members on active duty, retirees and vets LOVE Socialism???

Well again. it's MY contention that those who love Socialism lack confidence in their ability to compete with others. So far, I've seen nothing to challenge my observation but lots to reinforce it. As for those involved in the military, I reject the idea that any substantial amount of them love Socialism. Unless you can provide some statistics to the contrary, I'm going to have to stick with that.

When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

The recruits simply agree to a socialist agreement by taking the oath!!!

The recruits are either bused or get a plan ride to their socialist training site FREE of charge....because tax payers foot the bill not the private sector.

The recruit gets to training sites and these sites were made possible by the American tax payers!!! The recruits get their hair cuts, then fitted for socialist boots, hats and uniforms....free of any fucking charges!

Ya know why.......that's because the tax payers foot the bill. When the recruits start their socialist training etc. socialist materials and books....all free of charge, because it provided thru tax payer dollars.

The recruits are then provided free housing, the socialist barracks have heat, flooring air condition, plumbing, windows, doors, decent beds; all made possible by TAX payer dollars.

The recruits then receive 3 square socialist meals a day......free of CHARGE! The dinning halls/chow halls are made possible by tax payer dollars!

When the recruits graduate from basic training and training schools (All Free of charge at tax payer expense), they are then bused or flown to their first duty station(All Free of charge at tax payer expense!!!)

The military member arrives at their duty station and the welfare-socialism continues. Once again they housed in gov't barracks (free of charge), they have access to dinining faciliities with meals----free of charge!

And the freebees continue. Recruits have access and enjoy gyms, shopping centers, daycare centers although not FREE, the services and products provided to them are all made possible by the tax payers!!!!!

When said recruits decide to get married and have children, their dependents now become socialist as well, at tax per expense.


When an individual show interest or decides to go into the military where do they go to start the process?

They go to the recruiter-recruiting station. The recruiter and the recruiting station is ALL paid for with socialist tax payer dollars!!!

No, it's paid for with CAPITALIST taxpayer dollars. Therefore, the rest of your rant is based upon a logical fallacy. Back on Page 1 of this thread, I addressed the military as well as highways, roads and bridges, the postal service, social security, etc. I explained in detail why they are not Socialism in the context being discussed. And AGAIN... since it's apparently not sinking in... THIS thread is not a debate about what you think Socialism is or what I think Socialism is not. It's a discussion of WHY some people embrace or love Socialism. You seem to want to avoid that topic and try to turn the thread into yet another banal and obtuse argument over what is or isn't Socialism.

Now.... In my years of studying human behavior (I'm a psychology major). I have found that whenever someone's innermost problems are uncovered they feel vulnerable and typically have an automatic reaction to defend themselves. No one likes to have their flaws pointed out. This defense mechanism can take on many forms... denial, ridicule, obfuscation, redirection, excuses and justification are all very common. And this mirrors the responses we are seeing all through this thread.
You're full of crap. Socialism cannot exist without tax payer dollars. The private sector and the tax payer pays the boat load of taxes-expenses in order to allow the military institutions, its service members, vets and retirees to function and exist.
Might as well close this thread, no one interested in discussing the topic.
I replied back to you on how the military loves its "socialist welfare" existence......did you reply back!
Come on Boss......you started the darn thread....whats your response to the Military as an institution and its service members, vets and retirees all of whom loves it socialist-welfare system.....ALL AT TAX PAYER EXPENSE????

Your question came up on Page 1 of the thread. I explained how the military is NOT Socialist:

No, it's NOT a socialist organization in any aspect. If you had to compare it with a governmental organization it would be totalitarian fascism. Nothing in the military is ever done for the collective, including the oath you take to serve. If the military were socialist you wouldn't have ranks, all ranks would be the same, everyone working for a common cause. Pay would be the same, duties would essentially be the same. And if it were socialist, all this would be happening to serve the common good of the group, but the military doesn't serve it's own interest, it serves the interest of the country, by it's very definition.

So you can CALL it that if you like, but it's no different than you calling it a ham sandwich... it only demonstrates what a moron you are.

The same argument reared it's silly head again on Page 3 of the thread. I explained again in more detail how the military is NOT Socialist:

No.. the military is never Socialist.

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production; as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim to establish them.

A military is a system controlled exclusively by a top-down ranking of authority, not social ownership. There is nothing "democratic" about the military. The purpose of the military is not to serve it's collective. The very nature of a military is to serve the interest of it's country. The country may be Socialist, the military is not.
On Page 5... guess what some moron tried to argue once again? You guessed it! And here is my response:

As I said before, I can see where people get this idea. Read that again so you understand me... I can see where you get that idea. Is that computing in your brain? That I actually see and realize how you can think this way and I understand? I think it's important that you realize that before reading further.

Here is why it's NOT socialism: The military in our country is an establishment under an enumerated power of congress. We (self-governing people) gave congress permission to do this as a responsibility of our federal government. So this is not something government did of it's own volition, it is something we agreed to allow our government to do as a necessary responsibility of government. The military system itself is not Socialist because it doesn't serve it's own social needs and purpose, it serves the needs of the country. The military doesn't do what it does for the sake of itself.

Now, one can make the argument that many facets of the military and how it functions are similar to Socialism or are "socialistic" in nature, but that does not mean they are "Socialist" unless you are perverting the definition of Socialism or misunderstanding the relationship between the people and the government they established.

So when you stumble in here on Page 15 and belligerently demand I address your argument that the military is socialist and then want to taunt me because I don't bother with answering the question YET AGAIN... it's NOT because I am afraid or scared or running away. It's because I have addressed it THREE FUCKING TIMES!

If you had bothered to READ THE THREAD you would've known this. But, typical of a lefty, you're too fucking lazy to inform yourself before popping off your smart mouth.

Just because something is done at taxpayer expense, does not mean it's Socialism. I know that liberal mush-brains such as yourself like to THINK this... but that's because you're really, really stupid and shallow-minded people. Now I will admit... In a true Socialist system, living in that is similar to life as a soldier in a military... you're owned by the man... you have no autonomy.... BUT... you never get leave, you're never promoted and your enlistment never expires. You do whatever the drill sergeant tells you like a good little soldier.
Might as well close this thread, no one interested in discussing the topic.
I replied back to you on how the military loves its "socialist welfare" existence......did you reply back!
Come on Boss......you started the darn thread....whats your response to the Military as an institution and its service members, vets and retirees all of whom loves it socialist-welfare system.....ALL AT TAX PAYER EXPENSE????

Your question came up on Page 1 of the thread. I explained how the military is NOT Socialist:

No, it's NOT a socialist organization in any aspect. If you had to compare it with a governmental organization it would be totalitarian fascism. Nothing in the military is ever done for the collective, including the oath you take to serve. If the military were socialist you wouldn't have ranks, all ranks would be the same, everyone working for a common cause. Pay would be the same, duties would essentially be the same. And if it were socialist, all this would be happening to serve the common good of the group, but the military doesn't serve it's own interest, it serves the interest of the country, by it's very definition.

So you can CALL it that if you like, but it's no different than you calling it a ham sandwich... it only demonstrates what a moron you are.

The same argument reared it's silly head again on Page 3 of the thread. I explained again in more detail how the military is NOT Socialist:

No.. the military is never Socialist.

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production; as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim to establish them.

A military is a system controlled exclusively by a top-down ranking of authority, not social ownership. There is nothing "democratic" about the military. The purpose of the military is not to serve it's collective. The very nature of a military is to serve the interest of it's country. The country may be Socialist, the military is not.
On Page 5... guess what some moron tried to argue once again? You guessed it! And here is my response:

As I said before, I can see where people get this idea. Read that again so you understand me... I can see where you get that idea. Is that computing in your brain? That I actually see and realize how you can think this way and I understand? I think it's important that you realize that before reading further.

Here is why it's NOT socialism: The military in our country is an establishment under an enumerated power of congress. We (self-governing people) gave congress permission to do this as a responsibility of our federal government. So this is not something government did of it's own volition, it is something we agreed to allow our government to do as a necessary responsibility of government. The military system itself is not Socialist because it doesn't serve it's own social needs and purpose, it serves the needs of the country. The military doesn't do what it does for the sake of itself.

Now, one can make the argument that many facets of the military and how it functions are similar to Socialism or are "socialistic" in nature, but that does not mean they are "Socialist" unless you are perverting the definition of Socialism or misunderstanding the relationship between the people and the government they established.

So when you stumble in here on Page 15 and belligerently demand I address your argument that the military is socialist and then want to taunt me because I don't bother with answering the question YET AGAIN... it's NOT because I am afraid or scared or running away. It's because I have addressed it THREE FUCKING TIMES!

If you had bothered to READ THE THREAD you would've known this. But, typical of a lefty, you're too fucking lazy to inform yourself before popping off your smart mouth.

Just because something is done at taxpayer expense, does not mean it's Socialism. I know that liberal mush-brains such as yourself like to THINK this... but that's because you're really, really stupid and shallow-minded people. Now I will admit... In a true Socialist system, living in that is similar to life as a soldier in a military... you're owned by the man... you have no autonomy.... BUT... you never get leave, you're never promoted and your enlistment never expires. You do whatever the drill sergeant tells you like a good little soldier.
Thanks for playing. However, the military and its service members active duty, vets and retirees love their socialism and welfare!!!!
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.
Capitalism has a poverty inducing, natural rate of unemployment. The fantastical right wing, likes to blame the poor for not paying income taxes.
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.

Which form-type of capitalism was Pelosi talking about??? You ask a conservative this question and they draw a blank! Conservatives ignorantly-arrogantly believe capitalism is just capitalism.....how stupid you red state tribal fools you truly are.
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.

Which form-type of capitalism was Pelosi talking about??? You ask a conservative this question and they draw a blank! Conservatives ignorantly-arrogantly believe capitalism is just capitalism.....how stupid you red state tribal fools you truly are.
Your liberal crony capitalism is not capitalism.....so.....
Except they're NOT Socialist, dick cheese!

Here's your parting gift... :fu:
Hey "Fuck Face" go sit in the corner you have lost the argument.

Neeuuuwwp... You lost.

You claimed something... I refuted what you claimed... you had no rebuttal.

In boxing, that's a TKO.
You are such a dumb fuck. But hey, continue to be a Legend n your own mind. Meanwhile the military and its service members will continue to enjoy their welfare and socialism.
Meanwhile the military and its service members will continue to enjoy their welfare and socialism.

No, they continue to enjoy the benefits of serving their free market capitalist, free enterprise, constitutional representative republic, which we give them because they are heroes.

Now... do you care to answer the OP question or are you just going to grandstand and troll?
I've looked at the socialist welfare ridden blue districts that make red portions of many states look bad. Nationwide, there are 63 congressional districts where the residents where more than 1 in 5 get food stamps. In Georgia, there are 3 of the 63. The 2nd District is represented by Sanford Bishop, a black Democrat. It has a 52% black population and over 27% of it's residents get food stamps. Same thing applies to the 5th District, that of another black Democrat in a majority black district. John Lewis has done so well for his people that they have a 17% poverty rate and >20% food stamp use rate.

In NC, there are 2 of the 63. District 1, represented by yet another black Democrat in a black majority district has over 27% food stamp use. Same applies to District 12, also represented by a black Democrat. >23% food stamp use. It was one of 2 majority minority districts purposely gerrymandered that way in the 1990s. Want to guess which ONE district was the other? You guessed it. District 1.
Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.

Expecting them to do what I expect any other race to do for themselves is screwing them? Thanks for proving your excuses are what screws them.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

You keep making excuses. Those good at that are rarely good for anything else. That's why the excuse makers have bad situations. Those in bad situations aren't victims. They're reaping what they've sown by having made excuses. That you want to call them victims only gives them more opportunities to make excuses and continue in their self produced situation.

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