Why The Left Loves Socialism

Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.

Expecting them to do what I expect any other race to do for themselves is screwing them? Thanks for proving your excuses are what screws them.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Just a dupe...

Yes, you've duped people into believing that excuses are the way to improve yourself. Keep making them for those unwilling to do for themselves but don't expect them to be better for it.
How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
Is this question before or after the "Loop Holes?"

Was this question too complex for you?

Care to try again? I'll repost it here for your convenience.

How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
What am I legally obligated to pay? The rich don't do it with All of their wealth; why should the poor.

Your fair share.
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.

Which form-type of capitalism was Pelosi talking about??? You ask a conservative this question and they draw a blank! Conservatives ignorantly-arrogantly believe capitalism is just capitalism.....how stupid you red state tribal fools you truly are.

Which states are blue again please?

I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.
Capitalism has a poverty inducing, natural rate of unemployment. The fantastical right wing, likes to blame the poor for not paying income taxes.

While the poor not paying income taxes is a problem, what's worse is that they demand to use programs funded by the very taxes they don't pay. How many poor people pay the taxes that fund the food stamps they get? NONE. How many poor people pay the taxes that fund the Medicaid they get? NONE How many poor people pay the taxes that fund the government housing many of them live in? NONE

See the pattern?
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.

Which form-type of capitalism was Pelosi talking about??? You ask a conservative this question and they draw a blank! Conservatives ignorantly-arrogantly believe capitalism is just capitalism.....how stupid you red state tribal fools you truly are.
Your liberal crony capitalism is not capitalism.....so.....
capital crony capitalism is not liberal cronyism.
Except they're NOT Socialist, dick cheese!

Here's your parting gift... :fu:
Hey "Fuck Face" go sit in the corner you have lost the argument.

Neeuuuwwp... You lost.

You claimed something... I refuted what you claimed... you had no rebuttal.

In boxing, that's a TKO.
Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. You have nothing but fallacy and no valid rebuttal.

Yeah, i said it; "what you going to do about it"?
Meanwhile the military and its service members will continue to enjoy their welfare and socialism.

No, they continue to enjoy the benefits of serving their free market capitalist, free enterprise, constitutional representative republic, which we give them because they are heroes.

Now... do you care to answer the OP question or are you just going to grandstand and troll?
Only until the (other) People's tax monies, run out?
Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.

Expecting them to do what I expect any other race to do for themselves is screwing them? Thanks for proving your excuses are what screws them.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

You keep making excuses. Those good at that are rarely good for anything else. That's why the excuse makers have bad situations. Those in bad situations aren't victims. They're reaping what they've sown by having made excuses. That you want to call them victims only gives them more opportunities to make excuses and continue in their self produced situation.
Trickle down economics means bailout the rich and then let it trickle down.

Only the national socialist right wing, is that, economically clueless and Causeless.
How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
Is this question before or after the "Loop Holes?"

Was this question too complex for you?

Care to try again? I'll repost it here for your convenience.

How much do you add to the very minimum you are allowed to pay by law? When you total the income taxes you owe, do add an additional 20 or 25%? If not, why not?
What am I legally obligated to pay? The rich don't do it with All of their wealth; why should the poor.

Your fair share.
Just like our Tax Avoider in Chief?
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.

Which form-type of capitalism was Pelosi talking about??? You ask a conservative this question and they draw a blank! Conservatives ignorantly-arrogantly believe capitalism is just capitalism.....how stupid you red state tribal fools you truly are.

Which states are blue again please?

just the national socialist right wing; blaming the poor for being poor and not the rich for making the rules that help them get richer, faster.
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.
Capitalism has a poverty inducing, natural rate of unemployment. The fantastical right wing, likes to blame the poor for not paying income taxes.

While the poor not paying income taxes is a problem, what's worse is that they demand to use programs funded by the very taxes they don't pay. How many poor people pay the taxes that fund the food stamps they get? NONE. How many poor people pay the taxes that fund the Medicaid they get? NONE How many poor people pay the taxes that fund the government housing many of them live in? NONE

See the pattern?
And, the rich paying no personal income taxes is not a problem. I got it, national socialist right winger. Only the rich can afford their privileges and immunities.
Meanwhile the military and its service members will continue to enjoy their welfare and socialism.

No, they continue to enjoy the benefits of serving their free market capitalist, free enterprise, constitutional representative republic, which we give them because they are heroes.

Now... do you care to answer the OP question or are you just going to grandstand and troll?
You are the Troll!!!! The poster have been kind enough to respond-par take in this thread, but thats about it. I'll just say there is welfare and socialism for the masses and there corporate-oligarchy socialism and welfare.
I was really shocked when I saw a recent interview with democrat party star Nancy Pelosi when she said "capitalism isn't serving Americans too well". It rests the case of the stodgy old liberal democrat philosophy for good. You can argue about the difference between capitalism and socialism but there is no doubt where democrats stand on the issue.

Which form-type of capitalism was Pelosi talking about??? You ask a conservative this question and they draw a blank! Conservatives ignorantly-arrogantly believe capitalism is just capitalism.....how stupid you red state tribal fools you truly are.

Which states are blue again please?

Yes, blacks are discriminated against and screwed.

Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.

Expecting them to do what I expect any other race to do for themselves is screwing them? Thanks for proving your excuses are what screws them.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

You keep making excuses. Those good at that are rarely good for anything else. That's why the excuse makers have bad situations. Those in bad situations aren't victims. They're reaping what they've sown by having made excuses. That you want to call them victims only gives them more opportunities to make excuses and continue in their self produced situation.
I'm fine, stupid. Dems only see the world intelligently and spare the fake news that is the base of your thinking. The whole country is a victim of your lying thieving greedy idiot heroes, dupe.
Say Goodbye to Your Life Savings (Again)

At 9 a.m. Pacific time, Trump will sign an executive order directing the Treasury secretary to consult with regulators about what needs to be done to fix the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and report back within "a relatively short period of time," the official said…Trump also will issue a memo to the Labor Department to cease implementation of the retirement advisors rule and undertake a complete review of it. Trump's Labor secretary nominee, Andy Puzder, has yet to have a confirmation hearing…The new restrictions on retirement advisors were set to start being phased in on April 10. Known as the fiduciary rule, it requires investment brokers who handle retirement funds to put their clients' interests ahead of other factors, such as their own compensation or company profits. The Labor Department rule was designed to prevent consumers from being steered toward IRAs and other retirement investments with higher fees or lower returns that benefit the advisors recommending or selling them. The Obama administration estimated that those conflicts of interest cost Americans $17 billion a year.

And, in The Wall Street Journal, Gary Cohn, the administration's senior economic adviser, was more than happy to explain his plan to lift the terrible burden of being honest off the nation's financial sector. Cohn, as it happens, is one of the phalanx of former Goldman Sachs employees with whom the president* plans to drain the swamp. He seems quite comfortable living there, but what do I know.

"Americans are going to have better choices and Americans are going to have better products because we're not going to burden the banks with literally hundreds of billions of dollars of regulatory costs every year," White House National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "The banks are going to be able to price product more efficiently and more effectively to consumers."

But it's not about his old company, and his old pals, and the fairly thorough job they did blowing up the world economy eight years ago which, of course, is a century in Banker Time. They have labored under the burden of being marginally honest for far too long.

Asked about the potential political pushback because of his Wall Street past, Mr. Cohn said the administration's goal of deregulating financial markets "has nothing to do with Goldman Sachs."

"It has nothing to do with J.P. Morgan," he said. "It has nothing to do with Citigroup. It has nothing to do with Bank of America. It has to do with being a player in a global market where we should, could and will have a dominant position as long as we don't regulate ourselves out of that." Mr. Cohn said existing regulations put in place by Dodd-Frank are so sweeping that it is too hard for banks to lend, and consumers' choice of financial products is too limited.

And I am the Tsar of all the Russias.
Yes, you make excuses for them. That's why they will always be screwed. The thing is people like you that enable them to make excuses are why they are screwed.
No, it's racist GOPers like you that screw them.

Expecting them to do what I expect any other race to do for themselves is screwing them? Thanks for proving your excuses are what screws them.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Just a dupe...

Yes, you've duped people into believing that excuses are the way to improve yourself. Keep making them for those unwilling to do for themselves but don't expect them to be better for it.
The whole country is falling apart because of your heroes' greed and stupidity, and you blllame it on the victims, brainwashed functional moron. LOL and ARGHHHHHHHH...

At 9 a.m. Pacific time, Trump will sign an executive order directing the Treasury secretary to consult with regulators about what needs to be done to fix the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and report back within "a relatively short period of time," the official said…Trump also will issue a memo to the Labor Department to cease implementation of the retirement advisors rule and undertake a complete review of it. Trump's Labor secretary nominee, Andy Puzder, has yet to have a confirmation hearing…The new restrictions on retirement advisors were set to start being phased in on April 10. Known as the fiduciary rule, it requires investment brokers who handle retirement funds to put their clients' interests ahead of other factors, such as their own compensation or company profits. The Labor Department rule was designed to prevent consumers from being steered toward IRAs and other retirement investments with higher fees or lower returns that benefit the advisors recommending or selling them. The Obama administration estimated that those conflicts of interest cost Americans $17 billion a year.

And, in The Wall Street Journal, Gary Cohn, the administration's senior economic adviser, was more than happy to explain his plan to lift the terrible burden of being honest off the nation's financial sector. Cohn, as it happens, is one of the phalanx of former Goldman Sachs employees with whom the president* plans to drain the swamp. He seems quite comfortable living there, but what do I know.

"Americans are going to have better choices and Americans are going to have better products because we're not going to burden the banks with literally hundreds of billions of dollars of regulatory costs every year," White House National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "The banks are going to be able to price product more efficiently and more effectively to consumers."

But it's not about his old company, and his old pals, and the fairly thorough job they did blowing up the world economy eight years ago which, of course, is a century in Banker Time. They have labored under the burden of being marginally honest for far too long.

Asked about the potential political pushback because of his Wall Street past, Mr. Cohn said the administration's goal of deregulating financial markets "has nothing to do with Goldman Sachs."

"It has nothing to do with J.P. Morgan," he said. "It has nothing to do with Citigroup. It has nothing to do with Bank of America. It has to do with being a player in a global market where we should, could and will have a dominant position as long as we don't regulate ourselves out of that." Mr. Cohn said existing regulations put in place by Dodd-Frank are so sweeping that it is too hard for banks to lend, and consumers' choice of financial products is too limited.

And I am the Tsar of all the Russias.
You are the Troll!!!! The poster have been kind enough to respond-par take in this thread, but thats about it. I'll just say there is welfare and socialism for the masses and there corporate-oligarchy socialism and welfare.


For the better part of 16 pages, lefties who embrace Socialism have predictably weighed in to excuse, defend, explain and rationalize their fixation on Socialism. They continue to reveal the very observation made in the OP through their own words. Some have tried like hell to derail the topic, to change the focus of the thread, to take the opportunity for more capitalist-bashing nonsense and demagoguery or to just outright cheerlead for Socialism.

All of this is to be expected. I never posted this thread with the expectation that leftists would come here and give us insight into why they enthusiastically embrace Socialism. I knew they would respond the way they have. Aside from a few wayward losers who waddled into this thread late in the game to posit questions that were addressed back on Page 1, I am relatively pleased with the way it has turned out.

I've received several thanks in thread and through PM for my analysis. Just one of those is worth more than 10,000 of your posts could ever diminish. I don't come here to be thanked or liked but it really feels good when it happens. Especially when I know that I have struck a nerve with the left in such a provocative way. My day is made! ;)
You are the Troll!!!! The poster have been kind enough to respond-par take in this thread, but thats about it. I'll just say there is welfare and socialism for the masses and there corporate-oligarchy socialism and welfare.


For the better part of 16 pages, lefties who embrace Socialism have predictably weighed in to excuse, defend, explain and rationalize their fixation on Socialism. They continue to reveal the very observation made in the OP through their own words. Some have tried like hell to derail the topic, to change the focus of the thread, to take the opportunity for more capitalist-bashing nonsense and demagoguery or to just outright cheerlead for Socialism.

All of this is to be expected. I never posted this thread with the expectation that leftists would come here and give us insight into why they enthusiastically embrace Socialism. I knew they would respond the way they have. Aside from a few wayward losers who waddled into this thread late in the game to posit questions that were addressed back on Page 1, I am relatively pleased with the way it has turned out.

I've received several thanks in thread and through PM for my analysis. Just one of those is worth more than 10,000 of your posts could ever diminish. I don't come here to be thanked or liked but it really feels good when it happens. Especially when I know that I have struck a nerve with the left in such a provocative way. My day is made! ;)
Enjoy your self-proclaimed victory.

The insights that I've gleaned from this thread are:

1) Right wingers consider capitalism with taxation and regulation to be socialism.

2) Right wingers seem to admire opportunists while left wingers admire the creators and visionaries that the opportunists exploit.

Actually, I've known these things all along but this thread is a pretty good crystalization of these sentiments.
Except they're NOT Socialist, dick cheese!

Here's your parting gift... :fu:
Hey "Fuck Face" go sit in the corner you have lost the argument.
all the national socialist right wing has, is nothing but fallacy.

it can be fun, watching, US national socialist right wingers, abandoning their positions as soon as they encounter a valid argument.

As you know, Socialism is a far left Progressive economic philosophy. When did you lose that grip on reality?


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