Why the Olympics suck


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
IOC demands Oslo drops bid after over-the-top list of requirements.

"Oslo is dropping out of bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics, leaving Almaty, Kazakhstan and Beijing as the only remaining cities seeking to host the event. Why? One reason is that people are starting to realize that spending mega-money to build sporting venues that may not ever be used again doesn't make economic sense. Another is that the International Olympic Committee is a notoriously ridiculous organization run by grifters and hereditary aristocrats. Norwegian citizens were particularly amused/outraged (amuseraged) by the IOC's diva-like demands for luxury treatment during the hypothetical Games. Here's a piece in the Norwegian media about the controversy, with translation provided by a generous Norwegian reader named Mats Silberg:

* They demand to meet the king prior to the opening ceremony. Afterwards, there shall be a cocktail reception. Drinks shall be paid for by the Royal Palace or the local organizing committee.
* Separate lanes should be created on all roads where IOC members will travel, which are not to be used by regular people or public transportation.
* A welcome greeting from the local Olympic boss and the hotel manager should be presented in IOC members' rooms, along with fruit and cakes of the season. (Seasonal fruit in Oslo in February is a challenge ...)
* The hotel bar at their hotel should extend its hours “extra late” and the minibars must stock Coke products.
* The IOC president shall be welcomed ceremoniously on the runway when he arrives.
* The IOC members should have separate entrances and exits to and from the airport.
* During the opening and closing ceremonies a fully stocked bar shall be available. During competition days, wine and beer will do at the stadium lounge.
* IOC members shall be greeted with a smile when arriving at their hotel.
* Meeting rooms shall be kept at exactly 20 degrees Celsius at all times.
* The hot food offered in the lounges at venues should be replaced at regular intervals, as IOC members might “risk” having to eat several meals at the same lounge during the Olympics."

Additionally, ever since they caved and started allowing professionals to compete it's just another pro-sporting event using names and words that are ancient and full of pride and honor. Now it's a mockery and big circle jerk for a few power elites in charge.

Fuck the Olympics.
The Olympics dont suck. No sports competition sucks!

It is the Olympic comitee that sucks!

Seems to be a trait of our times that almoust every single big sports overseeing comitee and federation in th world is run by corrupt fools!

I yearn for the days when sports federations will be managed by the people who actualy love the sport!
The Olympics dont suck. No sports competition sucks!

It is the Olympic comitee that sucks!

Seems to be a trait of our times that almoust every single big sports overseeing comitee and federation in th world is run by corrupt fools!

I yearn for the days when sports federations will be managed by the people who actualy love the sport!

The Olympics are inseperable from the Committee. Why we have "The Gay Games" instead of the "Gay Olympics." The IOC would sue if you used their trademark name. Kinda like Lucas and light-sabres. :)
I stopped watching the Olympics when they started allowing professional athletes to compete
The Olympics dont suck. No sports competition sucks!

It is the Olympic comitee that sucks!

Seems to be a trait of our times that almoust every single big sports overseeing comitee and federation in th world is run by corrupt fools!

I yearn for the days when sports federations will be managed by the people who actualy love the sport!

The Olympics are inseperable from the Committee. Why we have "The Gay Games" instead of the "Gay Olympics." The IOC would sue if you used their trademark name. Kinda like Lucas and light-sabres. :)

It is simply what one gets when a non profit is being run like a cooperation, whilest keeping the benefits of not paying taxes and on and on and on.

Same issue with FIFA.

It is the countries hosting the eventy, the buisnesses managing stadiums, inferstructure etc. that should be making the profits and benefits.

Not a shady tax exempt organisation that claims to be "non profit" whilest using it`s managed event like a license to plunder countries.
The contract rider isn't much different than that of mega-celebrities or foreign dignitaries.

Adding an extra lane to the access road is ridiculous and very likely a negotiable point.

As for the seasonal fruit, they should all be fed a nice bowl of snow.

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