Why the PUTIN´S wunderwaffe Armata T - 14 is a Big Failure? They will never use it in Ukraine : -)


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

pootler´s wunderwaffe Armata T-14 is such a great tank that it can turn into a mansion, luxury cars :lol: and super yacht. No such tank can boasts such capability :icon_lol: .​

Shoigu looked so serious because he was expecting to fall out of the window at any second. :lol:
Great end of year celebrations for Russia as they have wrecked every US aim .

All major objectives achieved and now ready for the winter push against a totally demoralised NATO and US force that

is out of munitions , food and winter uniforms .

America stuck out its big chin and has been laid out cold with Ukey Land now in darkness .
But I did not say Which month . rofl

Depends how fast the ground freezes, whether they deflect by introducing another peace keeping force in from Belarus and whether they wreck the rat runs from Poland bringing the raggle taggle gypsy force a few Pizzas and hot dogs .
Can you hang on three or four weeks until we enter Odessa ?
A poetic end if you slip away as we retake that beautiful city back from the Nazis

Isn't that was written by you a couple of days ago?

pootler´s wunderwaffe Armata T-14 is such a great tank that it can turn into a mansion, luxury cars :lol: and super yacht. No such tank can boasts such capability :icon_lol: .​


I love this map! It's so motivational, maybe not in the way you hoped
Can you hang on three or four weeks until we enter Odessa ?
A poetic end if you slip away as we retake that beautiful city back from the Nazis

Isn't that was written by you a couple of days ago?
Who cares ?
What point had you in mind ?
Which three or four weeks ?
End January could still happen .
Though any great pleasure is usually best enjoyed slowly .
1% of the world Economy vs. our 70% ask yourself who is on the short end of the history ?
Yes , with 70% of the planet siding with dear Uncle P it is no wonder that Russia's trading is so buoyant .

I wonder whether we will see the US come cap in hand looking for help to restart their collapsed economy , having run out of credit ?
Thigs are looking bleak for the US and non existent for NATO .
Who cares ?
What point had you in mind ?
Which three or four weeks ?
End January could still happen .
Though any great pleasure is usually best enjoyed slowly .
My point is that you are talking out of your ass.

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