Why the renewed rw war on the First Lady?

She's not cordial and gracious, she's a true demon crap.

Well you are not either.

And you see why the GOP is becoming smaller and smaller both in numbers and in stature. Romney deserved a better party than the GOP.

oh yeah, I heard again today you low class Democrats Obama supporters booed another Republican attending..I guess it's a step up, they weren't singing some hideous song..
Obama does deserve you people because you are all just as hateful as he is
There is plenty of hypocrisy to go around. I doubted anyone questioned the birhtplace of Bush however...which many would be surprised to hear was Connecticut instead of Texas.

His birthplace was often addressed and whined about too. The fact that he was born in Ct and raised in Texas has been discussed over the years on these boards to the point of being over the top stupid. He was age 2 I believe when he moved. is there nothing more of importance to be concerned with today?

Don't know, on another forum on this thread, the President's birthplace is a hot topic according to my User CP. It's only brainless Republicans still "asking questions" about it at this point. Perhaps you should try talking to them.

As for this thread....the GOP and it's members have yet to come to grips with a black man and woman in the White House and the continued seething hatred you see is a direct result of that.

Lefties and Righties are flip sides of the same ugly coin. Watching this country go to hell while idiots play these ridiculous "gotcha games" is annoying at best.

Best I can offer? You all suck! :tongue:
Jackie's name has surfaced on these threads. She was not a right leaner. And a lot of right wingers think she was the ideal. I know I do. She was a tough act to beat. God only knows what shit she had to put up with. She earned every ounce of respect she got! And she enlisted the aid of the press not to publish pics of her smoking or drinking alcohol. If only Michelle had the good sense to do something similar, and didn't have to act so damned stereotypical with all her damned gyrations and eye rolling and letting it get published.

Does anyone know that Jackie put a piece of writing in the Smithsonian to be opened 50 years after the death of her youngest child. JFK Jr. died somewhere around 1998. I have a friend, much younger who I have told that he MUST be my eyes on this one. I won't live that long.
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"War on" has to be the most overused phrase of the last 4 years. Dear god let the next 4 be less warry.

Four years hell, it's been overused since they started the "war on drugs."

And don't get me started on the whole -gate thing...

This -gate, that -gate...

May I add, the overused sentiment of being "offended"? Please. Freakin' thin skinned overly sensitive people.
His birthplace was often addressed and whined about too. The fact that he was born in Ct and raised in Texas has been discussed over the years on these boards to the point of being over the top stupid. He was age 2 I believe when he moved. is there nothing more of importance to be concerned with today?

Don't know, on another forum on this thread, the President's birthplace is a hot topic according to my User CP. It's only brainless Republicans still "asking questions" about it at this point. Perhaps you should try talking to them.

As for this thread....the GOP and it's members have yet to come to grips with a black man and woman in the White House and the continued seething hatred you see is a direct result of that.

Lefties and Righties are flip sides of the same ugly coin. Watching this country go to hell while idiots play these ridiculous "gotcha games" is annoying at best.

Best I can offer? You all suck! :tongue:

Yet you take part....
Don't know, on another forum on this thread, the President's birthplace is a hot topic according to my User CP. It's only brainless Republicans still "asking questions" about it at this point. Perhaps you should try talking to them.

As for this thread....the GOP and it's members have yet to come to grips with a black man and woman in the White House and the continued seething hatred you see is a direct result of that.

Lefties and Righties are flip sides of the same ugly coin. Watching this country go to hell while idiots play these ridiculous "gotcha games" is annoying at best.

Best I can offer? You all suck! :tongue:

Yet you take part....

As have you!
Well you are not either.

And you see why the GOP is becoming smaller and smaller both in numbers and in stature. Romney deserved a better party than the GOP.

oh yeah, I heard again today you low class Democrats Obama supporters booed another Republican attending..I guess it's a step up, they weren't singing some hideous song..
Obama does deserve you people because you are all just as hateful as he is

Don't know what you're talking about...don't really care either.

Did you know that Obama got 332 electoral votes and Governor Romney got only 206?
Dreamy reminds me of skye the way she "locks-on" to a thread & won't let go until people see things her way. :cuckoo: NEWSFLASH!!! Aint goin' to happen missy. :eusa_boohoo:
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Saw the same deal with LWers on Mrs. Bush. SSDD.

Actually, compared to Michelle Obama, Laura Bush was treated extremely well. There was nothing approaching the level of vitriole directed at Michelle Obama.

If you want a better comparison, you need to go back to Nancy Reagan. Otherwise, it's not really SSDD.
Nah, I doubt it is all that complicated. I think some people simply do not like her husband's politics and perhaps some it is her own comments too. Nothing odd there. Same thing happened with Laura Bush. Lefties attacked her often and with some nasty ass comments. Same could be said when Bush won term 2.

Does anyone here ever look in the mirror or is partisan hackery just the norm?

How crazy is this? The First Lady is captured making faces (and it has to be hell on earth for anyone constantly in the public eye wondering if that spinach is lodged in front teeth for some photographer to capture) and all of a sudden "we're waging war on the First Lady"?

Lakhota called my thread a nazi con thread or something ridiculous like that. The over the top rhetoric is really on high volume these days.

"captured"? :lol: tinyd :clap2: Do women not make faces from time to time? :rolleyes:

And that's why I threw this in. And I do mean it. With the paparazzi these days and even the WH Press Corps filming your every waking moment, it's got to be horrible.

(and it has to be hell on earth for anyone constantly in the public eye wondering if that spinach is lodged in front teeth for some photographer to capture)

I couldn't imagine ever hosting a White House dinner with an upset stomach and praying that the Beano pill is going to work.

And if that pill doesn't work, you know damn well some one would leak to the media about you passing wind at the banquet.

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Don't know, on another forum on this thread, the President's birthplace is a hot topic according to my User CP. It's only brainless Republicans still "asking questions" about it at this point. Perhaps you should try talking to them.

As for this thread....the GOP and it's members have yet to come to grips with a black man and woman in the White House and the continued seething hatred you see is a direct result of that.

Lefties and Righties are flip sides of the same ugly coin. Watching this country go to hell while idiots play these ridiculous "gotcha games" is annoying at best.

Best I can offer? You all suck! :tongue:

Yet you take part....

I take part in what? Posting on a forum? You betcha. Calling hypocrites hypocrites? Yup, guilty as charged. Use to be one myself. Real partisan hack until I realized how stupid both sides had become.

I'm here in search of discussion with rational thinking non-partisan hacks? Lost cause?:badgrin: Yeah I know but oh well, work has been slow.
His birthplace was often addressed and whined about too. The fact that he was born in Ct and raised in Texas has been discussed over the years on these boards to the point of being over the top stupid. He was age 2 I believe when he moved. is there nothing more of importance to be concerned with today?

Don't know, on another forum on this thread, the President's birthplace is a hot topic according to my User CP. It's only brainless Republicans still "asking questions" about it at this point. Perhaps you should try talking to them.

As for this thread....the GOP and it's members have yet to come to grips with a black man and woman in the White House and the continued seething hatred you see is a direct result of that.

Lefties and Righties are flip sides of the same ugly coin. Watching this country go to hell while idiots play these ridiculous "gotcha games" is annoying at best.

Best I can offer? You all suck! :tongue:

And you sit there on the fence taking potshots at both sides like a noncommittal coward. Got news for you, it is the Repubs hoping the country goes to hell. Democrats are working to make our future better.
Saw the same deal with LWers on Mrs. Bush. SSDD.

Actually, compared to Michelle Obama, Laura Bush was treated extremely well. There was nothing approaching the level of vitriole directed at Michelle Obama.

If you want a better comparison, you need to go back to Nancy Reagan. Otherwise, it's not really SSDD.

Must disagree Coyote but no big deal. We all see from our own perspective.
Saw the same deal with LWers on Mrs. Bush. SSDD.

Actually, compared to Michelle Obama, Laura Bush was treated extremely well. There was nothing approaching the level of vitriole directed at Michelle Obama.

If you want a better comparison, you need to go back to Nancy Reagan. Otherwise, it's not really SSDD.

She is reaping what she has sown.

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