Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

Modern conservatism is the equivalent to anti-Christian dogma. Conservatives are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Christ.

But that religion makes a good front for the plethora of lies they need to sell.

That's a pretty general and sweeping assertion.

Do you have anything other than your rhetoric to convince a skeptical observer?

Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.

Waterboarding is classified as torture, yet Evangelicals, among all religious groups, are the ones most in favor of torture according to polls. Yes let us go back and read where Jesus praises the virtues of torturing human beings.

Just two things from a long list of things conservatives are in direct opposition to Jesus Christ. You can't claim to follow someone and then ignore everything they did, said, and stood for.

Mmmm Hmmm. I'm certain this "long list" resides in your colon. Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing? LOL You offer nothing, you have nothing. Run along and find your blocks. Can't refute what someone says? Don't go snowflake and cry about it.

Here you go smart guy, "Long list" away!

I know, I know, your list is in your colon.

Anti-faggotry: check! That's in line with The Bible, not against it.

National Platform
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I don't think the words in Thessalonians 3:10 mean what you think they mean

before anyone wants to use this verse out of context, and from Paul might want to read the above.
That is a good one. Hypocrites like the one in the article shouldn't open their mouths.

"The ring leader seems to be one Stephen Fincher from Tennessee (R-Hypocrite) who somewhat reinvigorated this particular practice back in May, a man who incidentally received more than $70,000 in farm subsidies in 2012 alone and has racked up over $3 million in taxpayer loot in the last decade. He's not alone on that score either, there are a dozen more fundie House hypocrites on the dole just like him."

I doubt he leaves anything for the poor to glean from those government subsidized fields either. Someone should inquire about that.
Lev 23:22
And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the LORD your God.
Lev 19:10
And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the LORD your God.
Again - snowflake - which part does God command you faux "righteous" non-believes to force others through government? Where does God say to elect people who will place a gun to the head of farmers and take from them against their will? I'm waiting.....
This is not a question that you have ever posed to me. Since you ask though I will respond. Your banking class owns attorneys, judges and legislators. Those bought and paid for attorneys, judges and legislators have no problem with lying, creating documents out of thin air and then are more than willing to send a sheriff that hands out cards with "have gun will travel" to people as they steal private property for the bankers with authority given to them from their bought and paid for judges. It is not legal but they make it legal through lies and deception.

What gives your legislative farmers rights to take by force from the people taxes for their own personal gain? Nothing other than the ignorance of the people to allow them to be voted back into offices whether they be Democrat or Republican cheats. Nazi made what was illegal to be legal before slaughtering masses also.

The Lord's words are clear about the poor and what shall happen to those who are unjust hypocrites. If your guy's want to use the Word to further their cause and abuse the poor while they fatten themselves they can go down as it is written.

Psalms 22:28
For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations. 22:29 All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul.
Woe ye hypocrites!
Modern conservatism is the equivalent to anti-Christian dogma. Conservatives are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Christ.

But that religion makes a good front for the plethora of lies they need to sell.

That's a pretty general and sweeping assertion.

Do you have anything other than your rhetoric to convince a skeptical observer?

Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.

Waterboarding is classified as torture, yet Evangelicals, among all religious groups, are the ones most in favor of torture according to polls. Yes let us go back and read where Jesus praises the virtues of torturing human beings.

Just two things from a long list of things conservatives are in direct opposition to Jesus Christ. You can't claim to follow someone and then ignore everything they did, said, and stood for.

Jesus main teaching was helping the poor? I suppose if you ignored all his teachings of His death and atonement. If you ignore his teaching repentance from sin and reconciliation with God you can conclude that. He specifically rebuked Judas Iscariot when Judas complained about Mary anointing him with oils that could have been used to help the poor.

"For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always" john 12:8

Helping the poor is good and important for Christians, but that wasn't the main message Jesus taught. Jesus also taught us to give of our own means. He didn't say have Caesar take care of the poor. He said 'thou shalt not steal'

Interestingly, that same passage talked about Judas and his motivation:

"This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein." John 12:6

Which I suspect is the real reason many politicians want money given to them instead of private charities.
If I can't use the bible, why would you get to smear Islam?

This is what the right doesn't get, we hate christians too


both are equally evil religions. And both laid down by basically the same sand dwellers

Being honest, courageous, and full of love is evil to you... Strange

If you're talking about Christianity, there are centuries of colonialism that disagree with you

Not to mention the most violent wars to ever go on being waged by Christians

Colonialism in and of itself wasn't bad.

And no the most violent wars were started by various sects of socialism, which is an atheistic ideology
Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.
And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.


Easy to notice that 1 out of 6 children goes to be hungry in the US every night. Where are the 'Christians'? It's obvious government can't carry the whole load so why haven't these oh so good Christians just taken on themselves to help the poor and ignore what the government does. If churches helped all these people the government would not have to spend any money to begin with.
If I can't use the bible, why would you get to smear Islam?

This is what the right doesn't get, we hate christians too


both are equally evil religions. And both laid down by basically the same sand dwellers

Being honest, courageous, and full of love is evil to you... Strange

If you're talking about Christianity, there are centuries of colonialism that disagree with you

Not to mention the most violent wars to ever go on being waged by Christians

Colonialism in and of itself wasn't bad.

And no the most violent wars were started by various sects of socialism, which is an atheistic ideology

I'm at a loss for words...It wasn't bad?

It caused more death and destruction than any other "movement" if you can call it that in history. To whites and non whites.

You'd have to look to the time when horse nomads were the strongest force in Eurasia to match that sort of brutality. WW1 and WW2 were so violent because Euros siphoned the wealth out of hte rest of hte planet to fund their war effort.

The delusion in your post is palpable. The general idea is, Christianity* is no better than Islam

A significant percentage of world population was wiped out in the wake of it
Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.
And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.


Easy to notice that 1 out of 6 children goes to be hungry in the US every night. Where are the 'Christians'? It's obvious government can't carry the whole load so why haven't these oh so good Christians just taken on themselves to help the poor and ignore what the government does. If churches helped all these people the government would not have to spend any money to begin with.
Why are one in six going hungry at this point when there is already 'food stamps' out there? Are you in a different nation or what?
This is not a question that you have ever posed to me. Since you ask though I will respond. Your banking class owns attorneys, judges and legislators. Those bought and paid for attorneys, judges and legislators have no problem with lying, creating documents out of thin air and then are more than willing to send a sheriff that hands out cards with "have gun will travel" to people as they steal private property for the bankers with authority given to them from their bought and paid for judges. It is not legal but they make it legal through lies and deception.

What gives your legislative farmers rights to take by force from the people taxes for their own personal gain? Nothing other than the ignorance of the people to allow them to be voted back into offices whether they be Democrat or Republican cheats. Nazi made what was illegal to be legal before slaughtering masses also.

The Lord's words are clear about the poor and what shall happen to those who are unjust hypocrites. If your guy's want to use the Word to further their cause and abuse the poor while they fatten themselves they can go down as it is written.

Psalms 22:28
For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations. 22:29 All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul.
Woe ye hypocrites!
You're still not answering the question and your Bible quote is nonsensical in that it has nothing to do with the issue. While Jesus preached about helping the poor - in what part of the Bible did He or anyone else ever proclaim that government should take a gun, point it at the head of those who have, and steal what is theirs on behalf of the poor?
Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.
And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...
Easy to notice that 1 out of 6 children goes to be hungry in the US every night. Where are the 'Christians'? It's obvious government can't carry the whole load so why haven't these oh so good Christians just taken on themselves to help the poor and ignore what the government does. If churches helped all these people the government would not have to spend any money to begin with.
There are two painfully obvious reasons why there is still hunger. It's amazing that you're too stupid to realize either of them.

1.) First and foremost - the government confiscating more than 60% of what we earn leaves us very little to live off of - leaving us even less to donate.

2.) Greedy parasites such as yourself always cry for more for yourselves but never give back to anyone.
This is not a question that you have ever posed to me. Since you ask though I will respond. Your banking class owns attorneys, judges and legislators. Those bought and paid for attorneys, judges and legislators have no problem with lying, creating documents out of thin air and then are more than willing to send a sheriff that hands out cards with "have gun will travel" to people as they steal private property for the bankers with authority given to them from their bought and paid for judges. It is not legal but they make it legal through lies and deception.

What gives your legislative farmers rights to take by force from the people taxes for their own personal gain? Nothing other than the ignorance of the people to allow them to be voted back into offices whether they be Democrat or Republican cheats. Nazi made what was illegal to be legal before slaughtering masses also.

The Lord's words are clear about the poor and what shall happen to those who are unjust hypocrites. If your guy's want to use the Word to further their cause and abuse the poor while they fatten themselves they can go down as it is written.

Psalms 22:28
For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations. 22:29 All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul.
Woe ye hypocrites!
You're still not answering the question and your Bible quote is nonsensical in that it has nothing to do with the issue. While Jesus preached about helping the poor - in what part of the Bible did He or anyone else ever proclaim that government should take a gun, point it at the head of those who have, and steal what is theirs on behalf of the poor?
You simply do not like the answer I gave you. This is how it is; the government has already stolen from the people. The legislators shouldn't be making boast on any matters with Biblical confrontations to attempt to justify themselves and their actions on either side. You called me a "snow flake" out of your own ignorance as you do not know me nor do you know what I think about any of it. There is no justification in the Bible for what the legislators have been doing for the last fifty plus years in order to enrich themselves and a few of their constituents. The Bible quotes are accurate as they are hypocrites.
Jesus didn't live in a democracy. If he did, having actually read his words, he would not support cutting services to the poor...especially not to give to the military.

He never would have supported killing babies in the womb.

Then why didn't he say so? Why does the bible impose different penalties for someone who kills a person as opposed to a fetus?

Exodus 21:22-23 King James Version (KJV)
22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

And at the time Jesus walked the earth it was perfectly acceptable to leave deformed babies to die in the cold. We have no idea what the Jesus of 2,000 years ago would think of today.

What do you think he'd say looking at the wealth of "certain nations" and the abject poverty within those same countries (and outside its borders)? You really think women terminating unwanted pregnancies would be high on his list? They did it in his time too...and yet he spoke out MUCH more clearly on, oh. Say, divorce and money lending...
Pay little attention to Godless leftist heathens that quote scripture.

Nine of ten times they are in waaaaay over their heads

Actually, the "godless" usually know scripture much better than "true believers".

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious
Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith...
all religions are man-made


Christianity is not a religion?

How do you think anyone knows anything about christ? A game of telephone

Actually, a game of telephone is exactly how normal everyday things become "miracles"...

How Decades of Oral Tradition Produced the Gospels
The "homos" only point out the fake Christians hypocrisy of beating them with Leviticus while ignoring the rest of it.
Here is the bottom line friend - no where in the Bible does God advocate for government to place a gun to the head of a citizen and take what is theirs. It just doesn't. The entire Bible advocates giving of our own free will.

The left-wing fascists have stripped people of that free will.

You said he made it VERY CLEAR. Cite the verses, sweetcakes.

So you don't have free will in a Democracy to vote for who you want? Jesus never lived in one.
Pay little attention to Godless leftist heathens that quote scripture.

Nine of ten times they are in waaaaay over their heads

Actually, the "godless" usually know scripture much better than "true believers".

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious
Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith...
all religions are man-made


Christianity is not a religion?

How do you think anyone knows anything about christ? A game of telephone

Actually, a game of telephone is exactly how normal everyday things become "miracles"...

How Decades of Oral Tradition Produced the Gospels

One thing at a time...

Trying to throw at a christian christ doesn't exist is irrelevant to this topic, lol

THey believe he exists

You're not very good at this
So you don't have free will in a Democracy to vote for who you want? Jesus never lived in one.
What does that have to do with anything? The premise of this thread is that left-wing ideologues always attempt to advance their socialism by lying about Jesus and the Bible.
So you don't have free will in a Democracy to vote for who you want? Jesus never lived in one.
What does that have to do with anything? The premise of this thread is that left-wing ideologues always attempt to advance their socialism by lying about Jesus and the Bible.

It has everything to do with what Jesus would vote for.

I'm gonna bet dollars to donuts that it wouldn't be a $54 billion increase to military spending.
Pay little attention to Godless leftist heathens that quote scripture.

Nine of ten times they are in waaaaay over their heads

Actually, the "godless" usually know scripture much better than "true believers".

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious
Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith...
all religions are man-made


Christianity is not a religion?

How do you think anyone knows anything about christ? A game of telephone

Actually, a game of telephone is exactly how normal everyday things become "miracles"...

How Decades of Oral Tradition Produced the Gospels

One thing at a time...

Trying to throw at a christian christ doesn't exist is irrelevant to this topic, lol

THey believe he exists

You're not very good at this

Oh, I do believe that a dude named Jesus existed...just like I think there was a King Arthur...but Jesus didn't walk on water and "Wart" didn't have a magic sword.

Oral tradition (telephone) changes things up a bit.
So you don't have free will in a Democracy to vote for who you want? Jesus never lived in one.
What does that have to do with anything? The premise of this thread is that left-wing ideologues always attempt to advance their socialism by lying about Jesus and the Bible.

It has everything to do with what Jesus would vote for.

I'm gonna bet dollars to donuts that it wouldn't be a $54 billion increase to military spending.
And I'm going to guarantee that he wouldn't advocate for government forcing people into "charity".
Here's one I live by....

Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions - Proverbs 18:2


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