Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

You said he made it VERY CLEAR. Cite the verses, sweetcakes.
Galatians 5:13
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free.

Joshua 24:15
15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

Revelation 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

Deuteronomy 11:26
26 See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way that I am commanding you today, to go after other gods that you have not known.

It's endless my dear. The entire Bible is about free will.
Easy to notice that 1 out of 6 children goes to be hungry in the US every night. Where are the 'Christians'? It's obvious government can't carry the whole load so why haven't these oh so good Christians just taken on themselves to help the poor and ignore what the government does. If churches helped all these people the government would not have to spend any money to begin with.
There are two painfully obvious reasons why there is still hunger. It's amazing that you're too stupid to realize either of them.

1.) First and foremost - the government confiscating more than 60% of what we earn leaves us very little to live off of - leaving us even less to donate.

2.) Greedy parasites such as yourself always cry for more for yourselves but never give back to anyone.

You pay 60% of what you earn???
Yes - God wants His people to help the poor among us. But Jesus never advocated for that to be done through government at the barrel of a gun. That is literally stealing. And He makes known His feelings about stealing. And while He does want you to help the poor through your own free will - He also wants you to enjoy the fruits of your labor yourself...

"Here is what I have seen: It is good and fitting for one to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor in which he toils under the sun all the days of his life which God gives him; for it is his heritage." -
Ecclesiastes 5:18

Yet another Bible verse which obliterates every false narrative the left has constructed to exploit the Bible in support of their socialism.

I am sure if Jesus was in control of "a government" which they didn't have at the time, he would of.
"Lets talk about redistribution of wealth" no one complains when our tax dollars go to large corps , why not, but you care about giving food to the poor. Even the working poor, and middle income give to these corps. We also have to pay for our Pres. to spend 3 million a weekend in Fl. Then we have his spoiled son in NY who can't change schools and we pay for that. How about army kids that travel all over. We have the worst crime syndicate of all time running our government and we are tired of paying for his admin which is mainly his family and rich friends and we do not like it,

you have the nerve to complain about the poor when we subsidize the elites with our tax dollars.

The Bible didn't say the middle class and poor need to give their money to the rich. Maybe us slackers should quit paying taxes altogether(like the elites)

Five corporations have achieved a trifecta, ranking among the 50 largest recipients of three kinds of funds: state subsidies; federal grants and tax credits; and federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance. Those businesses, which Good Jobs First defines as the “most successful at obtaining subsidies from all levels of government” are Boeing, Ford Motor, General Electric, General Motors and JPMorgan Chase.

Another six—Dow Chemical, Lockheed Martin, NRG Energy, Sempra Energy, SolarCity and United Technologies—are among the top 50 recipients of state subsidies and federal grants. Goldman Sachs is among the largest recipients of state subsidies and federal loan assistance. Some businesses double-dipped in other ways, too. Of the hundred most profitable fedeeral contractors in the 2014 fiscal year, nearly half have received federal grants or tax credits since 2000.

The United States of subsidies: The biggest corporate winners in each state
"Lets talk about redistribution of wealth" no one complains when our tax dollars go to large corps , why not, but you care about giving food to the poor. Even the working poor, and middle income give to these corps. We also have to pay for our Pres. to spend 3 million a weekend in Fl. Then we have his spoiled son in NY who can't change schools and we pay for that. How about army kids that travel all over. We have the worst crime syndicate of all time running our government and we are tired of paying for his admin which is mainly his family and rich friends and we do not like it,

you have the nerve to complain about the poor when we subsidize the elites with our tax dollars.

The Bible didn't say the middle class and poor need to give their money to the rich. Maybe us slackers should quit paying taxes altogether(like the elites)

Five corporations have achieved a trifecta, ranking among the 50 largest recipients of three kinds of funds: state subsidies; federal grants and tax credits; and federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance. Those businesses, which Good Jobs First defines as the “most successful at obtaining subsidies from all levels of government” are Boeing, Ford Motor, General Electric, General Motors and JPMorgan Chase.

Another six—Dow Chemical, Lockheed Martin, NRG Energy, Sempra Energy, SolarCity and United Technologies—are among the top 50 recipients of state subsidies and federal grants. Goldman Sachs is among the largest recipients of state subsidies and federal loan assistance. Some businesses double-dipped in other ways, too. Of the hundred most profitable fedeeral contractors in the 2014 fiscal year, nearly half have received federal grants or tax credits since 2000.

The United States of subsidies: The biggest corporate winners in each state
I'm afraid that you are incorrect.
When asked about paying Roman tax Jesus replied "give unto Ceaser that which is Ceaser's".
Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.
And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.


Easy to notice that 1 out of 6 children goes to be hungry in the US every night. Where are the 'Christians'? It's obvious government can't carry the whole load so why haven't these oh so good Christians just taken on themselves to help the poor and ignore what the government does. If churches helped all these people the government would not have to spend any money to begin with.

Feeding them with their labor and sacrifice
If I can't use the bible, why would you get to smear Islam?

This is what the right doesn't get, we hate christians too


both are equally evil religions. And both laid down by basically the same sand dwellers

Being honest, courageous, and full of love is evil to you... Strange

If you're talking about Christianity, there are centuries of colonialism that disagree with you

Not to mention the most violent wars to ever go on being waged by Christians

Colonialism in and of itself wasn't bad.

And no the most violent wars were started by various sects of socialism, which is an atheistic ideology

I'm at a loss for words...It wasn't bad?

It caused more death and destruction than any other "movement" if you can call it that in history. To whites and non whites.

You'd have to look to the time when horse nomads were the strongest force in Eurasia to match that sort of brutality. WW1 and WW2 were so violent because Euros siphoned the wealth out of hte rest of hte planet to fund their war effort.

The delusion in your post is palpable. The general idea is, Christianity* is no better than Islam

A significant percentage of world population was wiped out in the wake of it

The spread of literacy, liberty, human rights, industrialism, technology etc were all very good outcomes.

If you've noticed those nations which were colonized longest are the most advanced nations in the world
"Lets talk about redistribution of wealth" no one complains when our tax dollars go to large corps , why not, but you care about giving food to the poor. Even the working poor, and middle income give to these corps. We also have to pay for our Pres. to spend 3 million a weekend in Fl. Then we have his spoiled son in NY who can't change schools and we pay for that. How about army kids that travel all over. We have the worst crime syndicate of all time running our government and we are tired of paying for his admin which is mainly his family and rich friends and we do not like it,

you have the nerve to complain about the poor when we subsidize the elites with our tax dollars.

The Bible didn't say the middle class and poor need to give their money to the rich. Maybe us slackers should quit paying taxes altogether(like the elites)

Five corporations have achieved a trifecta, ranking among the 50 largest recipients of three kinds of funds: state subsidies; federal grants and tax credits; and federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance. Those businesses, which Good Jobs First defines as the “most successful at obtaining subsidies from all levels of government” are Boeing, Ford Motor, General Electric, General Motors and JPMorgan Chase.

Another six—Dow Chemical, Lockheed Martin, NRG Energy, Sempra Energy, SolarCity and United Technologies—are among the top 50 recipients of state subsidies and federal grants. Goldman Sachs is among the largest recipients of state subsidies and federal loan assistance. Some businesses double-dipped in other ways, too. Of the hundred most profitable fedeeral contractors in the 2014 fiscal year, nearly half have received federal grants or tax credits since 2000.

The United States of subsidies: The biggest corporate winners in each state

That's because the Bible sees all men equal. The word of God does not divide people up by class sure to how much money they make. That word of Marx does
Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.
And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.


Easy to notice that 1 out of 6 children goes to be hungry in the US every night. Where are the 'Christians'? It's obvious government can't carry the whole load so why haven't these oh so good Christians just taken on themselves to help the poor and ignore what the government does. If churches helped all these people the government would not have to spend any money to begin with.

Feeding them with their labor and sacrifice

The problem with his statement is churches carry the bulk of helping the less fortunate.

I work with an Outreach, I have for nearly 12 years and I've yet to see any atheists groups, or agnostic groups out there feeding the poor. But I've seen a boatload of religious groups, not all Christian, I've seen people from many faiths.
Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.
And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.


Easy to notice that 1 out of 6 children goes to be hungry in the US every night. Where are the 'Christians'? It's obvious government can't carry the whole load so why haven't these oh so good Christians just taken on themselves to help the poor and ignore what the government does. If churches helped all these people the government would not have to spend any money to begin with.

Feeding them with their labor and sacrifice

The problem with his statement is churches carry the bulk of helping the less fortunate.

I work with an Outreach, I have for nearly 12 years and I've yet to see any atheists groups, or agnostic groups out there feeding the poor. But I've seen a boatload of religious groups, not all Christian, I've seen people from many faiths.

I agree. It isn't about helping the poor to them. Its about controlling our money.

If they cared about helping the poor they would be giving their time and their money rather than pretending they do something by giving away another's time and money through violence
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So you don't have free will in a Democracy to vote for who you want? Jesus never lived in one.
What does that have to do with anything? The premise of this thread is that left-wing ideologues always attempt to advance their socialism by lying about Jesus and the Bible.

It has everything to do with what Jesus would vote for.

I'm gonna bet dollars to donuts that it wouldn't be a $54 billion increase to military spending.
And I'm going to guarantee that he wouldn't advocate for government forcing people into "charity".

Then you're even more of a fool than I originally thought. Using tax dollars to help the poor in our representative republic is no more "forcing charity" than tax dollars to support the military is "forced authoritarianism".
You said he made it VERY CLEAR. Cite the verses, sweetcakes.
Galatians 5:13
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free.

Joshua 24:15
15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

Revelation 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

Deuteronomy 11:26
26 See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way that I am commanding you today, to go after other gods that you have not known.

It's endless my dear. The entire Bible is about free will.

Nice try but they don't support your claim that Jesus would be opposed to tax dollars helping the poor.
"Lets talk about redistribution of wealth" no one complains when our tax dollars go to large corps , why not, but you care about giving food to the poor. Even the working poor, and middle income give to these corps. We also have to pay for our Pres. to spend 3 million a weekend in Fl. Then we have his spoiled son in NY who can't change schools and we pay for that. How about army kids that travel all over. We have the worst crime syndicate of all time running our government and we are tired of paying for his admin which is mainly his family and rich friends and we do not like it,

you have the nerve to complain about the poor when we subsidize the elites with our tax dollars.

The Bible didn't say the middle class and poor need to give their money to the rich. Maybe us slackers should quit paying taxes altogether(like the elites)

Five corporations have achieved a trifecta, ranking among the 50 largest recipients of three kinds of funds: state subsidies; federal grants and tax credits; and federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance. Those businesses, which Good Jobs First defines as the “most successful at obtaining subsidies from all levels of government” are Boeing, Ford Motor, General Electric, General Motors and JPMorgan Chase.

Another six—Dow Chemical, Lockheed Martin, NRG Energy, Sempra Energy, SolarCity and United Technologies—are among the top 50 recipients of state subsidies and federal grants. Goldman Sachs is among the largest recipients of state subsidies and federal loan assistance. Some businesses double-dipped in other ways, too. Of the hundred most profitable fedeeral contractors in the 2014 fiscal year, nearly half have received federal grants or tax credits since 2000.

The United States of subsidies: The biggest corporate winners in each state

That's because the Bible sees all men equal. The word of God does not divide people up by class sure to how much money they make. That word of Marx does

:lol: What bible are you reading?

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!” This amazed them. But Jesus said again, “Dear children, it is very hard to enter the Kingdom of God. In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”
I am sure if Jesus was in control of "a government" which they didn't have at the time, he would of.
Then you desperately need to reassess what you think you are so "sure" of because He would have done no such thing.
You said he made it VERY CLEAR. Cite the verses, sweetcakes.
Galatians 5:13
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free.

Joshua 24:15
15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

Revelation 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

Deuteronomy 11:26
26 See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way that I am commanding you today, to go after other gods that you have not known.

It's endless my dear. The entire Bible is about free will.

Nice try but they don't support your claim that Jesus would be opposed to tax dollars helping the poor.
You asked about FREE WILL. I supported that. Game Over.
Liberals are more Jesus like than the hate filled righties .
Jesus transcends politics. "More like Jesus" is an interesting concept. Everyone lines up on the beach in California, ready to swim to Hawaii. Some will get further than others, but no one gets there.
Liberals are more Jesus like than the hate filled righties .
If Jesus was alive today, he'd rip the nails out of his own hands to climb down and bitch slap every stinking illegal loving lefty. grrr (-

Whenever you get into a political debate wh these fake Christians, ask them to list the 10 commandments. Most of them can't .

It's al a carte Christianity ! "I'll take the gay hating , but not the help the poor part. Thank you Jesus !"
"Fake Christians" indeed. Jesus wasn't about the government. Note that He didn't say anything about the way the Romans treated His people, the Jews. He didn't want the government "taking care of people", He wanted His Church to do that. So, trying to apply Christian beliefs to government policy is begging for a theocracy, and I would bet that most of those insisting Christians apply Scripture to government would abhor such a theocracy. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

So, it begs the question. Why do "liberals" try to use Scripture to bolster their policies when they would run screaming into the night should that actually happen?
[QUOTE="Seawytch, post: 16951055, member: 24452"Then you're even more of a fool than I originally thought. Using tax dollars to help the poor in our representative republic is no more "forcing charity" than tax dollars to support the military is "forced authoritarianism".[/QUOTE]
What is "representative" about it? You, the minority, greatly altered the powers, size, and scope of the federal government without the support of the American people. I know this because the U.S. Constitution was not amended for your communist ideology.

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