Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

Pay little attention to Godless leftist heathens that quote scripture.

Nine of ten times they are in waaaaay over their heads

Actually, the "godless" usually know scripture much better than "true believers".

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

Yeah right, I can't count the times some homo has tried to tell me it's a sin to eat shellfish...dopes, that was Mosaic Law, part of the old Covenant and done away with by the New Covenant....furthermore it was never a sin for Gentiles

Ah yes, What would Jesus do?

Refer to them as "homos".

You're a terrible human being. Truly.

Also, Jesus came to confirm the law.

Matthew , Chapter 5

You think I care what you think of me? The Bible clearly states homosexuallity is a sin, not once, not twice but numerous times.

He'd tell them to knock it off and sin no more

None of this matters, since your "holy book" is a series of deplorable laws and myths written by men who were frightened of women's periods and had never heard of the concept of toilet paper.

Oh, and one more thing:

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Timothy 2:12 - New International Version

12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

So shut up, you stupid bitch. -- love, Jesus.
You do know, don't you, that Jesus didn't say that, that it in fact wasn't even presented as a command from God?
You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the ONLY loyalty he has shown anyone was to himself and Russia.
First of all snowflake - I didn't elect Barack Insane Obama. I voted against him both times. Second, this thread is not about Barack Insane Obama.

Yes, he had absolutely no honor. Yes, his ego was enormous. Yes, he hated the U.S. But it's time to move on. The American people corrected the mistake and elected a real leader.

You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

He who conceals hatred has lying lips, And he who spreads slander is a fool. Proverbs 10:18
You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the ONLY loyalty he has shown anyone was to himself and Russia.
First of all snowflake - I didn't elect Barack Insane Obama. I voted against him both times. Second, this thread is not about Barack Insane Obama.

Yes, he had absolutely no honor. Yes, his ego was enormous. Yes, he hated the U.S. But it's time to move on. The American people corrected the mistake and elected a real leader.

You can try and spin this anyway you want too. Regardless of policy decisions and differences and partisan politics-- Obama never assaulted women with vulgar comments. He did have HONOR, RESPECT, DIGNITY & HUMILITY--and he never cared much for RUSSIA.

Trump reportedly revealed highly classified information to the Russians last week that the US hasn't even 'shared with our own allies'

You Evangelicals are nothing more than hypocrites--and it is ONLY you that have exploited the bible.


There were white MALE Pastor's all over this country promoting and celebrating Donald Trump's win. And the biggest hypocrite of all is Mike Huckabee--(one of your favorites.)
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I think the right has done a very good job of exploiting the bible themselves.
"Hate. Bigotry. Racism". LMAO!!! Tell me something, my fragile little snowflake, who does President Trump "hate"? Who is he "racist" towards?

You and your alt-left ideology oreo. I swear. Scary shit.

The only time you people are bible thumpers is when something doesn't suit your political leanings (abortion gay marriage) then it's pedal to the medal with bible in hand.

You put the bible down on Trump and were his most ardent supporters--while he was campaigning with racist comments--dividing this nation between white and color--and assaulting WOMEN with vicious--vulgar
outrageous remarks.

As far as his racist comments:
"House Speaker Paul Ryan ripped Donald Trump's recent remarks saying a judge presiding over a lawsuit involving his business was biased because of his Mexican heritage as "the textbook definition of a racist comment." You can watch Paul Ryan tell you that on this video.
Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' - CNNPolitics.com

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the ONLY loyalty he has shown anyone was to himself and Russia.

Your so called "Christian values" are nothing more than undeniable hypocrisy that are tatooed all over your foreheads. It's really no wonder people don't attend church.

Is Paul Ryan normally on your approved list of sources?

Why did you delete your denial of that dumbasses Trans Racial remark?

Why are you changing the subject now that I proved all the people voting tax breaks for their "charity" were Christians?

I have changed nothing :) Let's be clear honey, you made a statement and then demanded someone else disprove it. That's not the way it works. Then Dolezal came up and you denied she called herself as a "Trans Racial" person. Wanna keep going?

I already explained that was an error. I thought you were accusing me, not Dozel, of making the statement.
That's not evidence of heaven or hell, puppy, that's the brain doing funny shit on the way out the door.
Is that a medical term Wytchy? Did you learn "funny shit" while earning your medical degree? There are two glaring problems with your idiotic claim:

1. The brain wasn't "on the way out". These people lived. They didn't die.

2. How does the brain accurately portray to physicians conversations they had in other parts of the hospital?!? Oops...

Look, it makes you feel better to think you're going to heaven. I'm sure it gives you great comfort to believe that.

I don't believe as you do. I prefer science and facts over fantasy. I believe that when we die, that's it. I'm in no hurry to shuffle off that mortal coil to find out. I'm quite happy finding my heaven here, where I KNOW it exists.
The left is all over the news, social media, and even right here on USMB these days attempting to exploit the Bible for their own political gain. Whenever they are incapable of defending their irrational position, aside from screaming racist/homophobe/xenophobe/etc., they will invariably scream "the Bible says to redistribute wealth". The problem, of course, is that the Bible says no such thing. And they would know that if they didn't hate the Bible and religion. It's a bad idea to attempt to quote something one has never read.
Josh Protas, the vice president of public policy at MAZON, a Jewish anti-hunger group...quoted a verse in Leviticus. Not to be outdone, Rep. Jodey Arrington quoted a Bible verse of his own, saying, “If a man will not work he shall not eat.”

“I did hear Mr. Protas, your opening remarks, where you quoted Leviticus, I believe — and I think that’s a great reflection on the character of God and the compassion of God’s heart and how we ought to reflect that compassion in our lives,” Arrington said. “But there’s also, you know, the Scripture, tells us in 2 Thessalonians chapter 3:10, he says, ‘for even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: if a man will not work, he shall not eat.’ And then he goes on to say ‘we hear that some among you are idle.’

Boom! Talk about a knockout blow. This is what happens to a person who doesn't know the Bible and yet attempts to exploit it for the evils of socialism/marxism/communism.

Libs FURIOUS! Texas Republican Has 10 BRUTAL Words For Food Stamp Junkies

perhaps you and your merry band of rightwingnut freaks should stop using the bible, lowlife....

hint: jesus said an awful lot about taking care of the poor. never said a single word about gays.

now go back to pretending you're a Christian.
Actually, the "godless" usually know scripture much better than "true believers".

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

Yeah right, I can't count the times some homo has tried to tell me it's a sin to eat shellfish...dopes, that was Mosaic Law, part of the old Covenant and done away with by the New Covenant....furthermore it was never a sin for Gentiles

Ah yes, What would Jesus do?

Refer to them as "homos".

You're a terrible human being. Truly.

Also, Jesus came to confirm the law.

Matthew , Chapter 5

You think I care what you think of me? The Bible clearly states homosexuallity is a sin, not once, not twice but numerous times.

He'd tell them to knock it off and sin no more

None of this matters, since your "holy book" is a series of deplorable laws and myths written by men who were frightened of women's periods and had never heard of the concept of toilet paper.

Oh, and one more thing:

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Timothy 2:12 - New International Version

12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

So shut up, you stupid bitch. -- love, Jesus.
You do know, don't you, that Jesus didn't say that, that it in fact wasn't even presented as a command from God?

Nope, it was the sexually repressed (likely closeted self loathing gay man) Paul.
That's not evidence of heaven or hell, puppy, that's the brain doing funny shit on the way out the door.
Is that a medical term Wytchy? Did you learn "funny shit" while earning your medical degree? There are two glaring problems with your idiotic claim:

1. The brain wasn't "on the way out". These people lived. They didn't die.

2. How does the brain accurately portray to physicians conversations they had in other parts of the hospital?!? Oops...

Look, it makes you feel better to think you're going to heaven. I'm sure it gives you great comfort to believe that.

I don't believe as you do. I prefer science and facts over fantasy. I believe that when we die, that's it. I'm in no hurry to shuffle off that mortal coil to find out. I'm quite happy finding my heaven here, where I KNOW it exists.

Then you probably live life a lot more more scared than many Christians do. This is why people had more balls back in the day.

If you're in a battle, who's going to take a risk to win first? The atheist who thinks it's all over if he gets shot? Or the Christian, who knows he's right with his Lord and willing to make the sacrifice for his fellow man?

Why did you delete your denial of that dumbasses Trans Racial remark?

Why are you changing the subject now that I proved all the people voting tax breaks for their "charity" were Christians?

I have changed nothing :) Let's be clear honey, you made a statement and then demanded someone else disprove it. That's not the way it works. Then Dolezal came up and you denied she called herself as a "Trans Racial" person. Wanna keep going?

I already explained that was an error. I thought you were accusing me, not Dozel, of making the statement.

My apologies
Liberals are more Jesus like than the hate filled righties .
Then why do so many liberals fight tooth and nail to avoid being identified as like Jesus?

Where did you come up with that? There are millions of Democrats & Independents that believe in Jesus Christ.

It's the right religious wing of the Republican party--(the so-called bible thumping with your so-called Family values--that supported a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, and no loyalty. A man that is vacant of any character trait resembling a Christian.

YOU are the ones that made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, and you are also the ones responsible for putting the Ass Clown in the Oval office.

There is NO DENYING that Jesus Christ would NOT have approved of Donald Trump. But that didn't stop you. Indicating that it is only convenient for you to be cough-cough Christians when it's politically expediant for you to be Christians ie. (abortion/gay marriage)

It is YOU Evangelicals that have exploited the bible.

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Liberals are more Jesus like than the hate filled righties .
Then why do so many liberals fight tooth and nail to avoid being identified as like Jesus?

Where did you come up with that? There are millions of Democrats & Independents that believe in Jesus Christ.

It's the right religious wing of the Republican party--(the so-called bible thumping with your so-called Family values--that supported a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, and the only loyalty. A man that is vacant of any character resembling a Christian. YOU are the ones that made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, and you are also the ones responsible for putting the Ass Clown in the Oval office.

There is NO DENYING that Jesus Christ would NOT have approved of Donald Trump. But that didn't stop you. Indicating that it is only convenient for you to be Christians when it's politically expediant for you to be Christians ie. (abortion/gay marriage)

It is YOU Evangelicals that have exploited the bible.


Sure, and Jesus would have LOVED them to support Hillary.
God wants His people to help the poor among us. But Jesus never advocated for that to be done through government at the barrel of a gun. That is literally stealing. And He makes known His feelings about stealing.
Wow :lol: you're fucking nuts
Liberals are more Jesus like than the hate filled righties .
Then why do so many liberals fight tooth and nail to avoid being identified as like Jesus?

Where did you come up with that? There are millions of Democrats & Independents that believe in Jesus Christ.

It's the right religious wing of the Republican party--(the so-called bible thumping with your so-called Family values--that supported a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, and the only loyalty. A man that is vacant of any character resembling a Christian. YOU are the ones that made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, and you are also the ones responsible for putting the Ass Clown in the Oval office.

There is NO DENYING that Jesus Christ would NOT have approved of Donald Trump. But that didn't stop you. Indicating that it is only convenient for you to be Christians when it's politically expediant for you to be Christians ie. (abortion/gay marriage)

It is YOU Evangelicals that have exploited the bible.


Sure, and Jesus would have LOVED them to support Hillary.

Hillary Clinton is a lot more Christian than Donald Trump ever was--that is for certain. She does have honor, she does have dignity, she does have respect, she does have humility--and she as hell could never be called a Traitor to this country.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Trump fires FBI director James Comey - CNNPolitics.com

The 2 biggest reasons why Trump's disclosures to Russia are so 'damaging'



Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason.
That's not evidence of heaven or hell, puppy, that's the brain doing funny shit on the way out the door.
Is that a medical term Wytchy? Did you learn "funny shit" while earning your medical degree? There are two glaring problems with your idiotic claim:

1. The brain wasn't "on the way out". These people lived. They didn't die.

2. How does the brain accurately portray to physicians conversations they had in other parts of the hospital?!? Oops...

Look, it makes you feel better to think you're going to heaven. I'm sure it gives you great comfort to believe that.

I don't believe as you do. I prefer science and facts over fantasy. I believe that when we die, that's it. I'm in no hurry to shuffle off that mortal coil to find out. I'm quite happy finding my heaven here, where I KNOW it exists.

Then you probably live life a lot more more scared than many Christians do. This is why people had more balls back in the day.

If you're in a battle, who's going to take a risk to win first? The atheist who thinks it's all over if he gets shot? Or the Christian, who knows he's right with his Lord and willing to make the sacrifice for his fellow man?

Why would I? Are you more "scared" now that you know Santa isn't real? (spoiler alert)

The guy that takes the risk is the guy that will always take the risk 'cause that's what they do. Atheists are just as willing to sacrifice for their country and fellow man as Jews, Muslims and Christians. I served and sacrificed with all proudly.
perhaps you and your merry band of rightwingnut freaks should stop using the bible, lowlife....

hint: jesus said an awful lot about taking care of the poor. never said a single word about gays.
Hint: Jesus never stated that the poor should be cared for by government at the barrel of a gun. On the contrary, he made it abundantly clear that stealing was wrong.

Thanks for playing my dear! Always a pleasure to educate you.
Look, it makes you feel better to think you're going to heaven. I'm sure it gives you great comfort to believe that.
You're making quite an assumption there. I'm not nearly as "comforted" as you think. There is absolutely no guarantee I'm going to Heaven. I have to be judged one day - and I've been far from perfect. Sure, I have the "big ticket" items covered. Never committed murder. Never cheated on my wife. But when you read Jesus's teaching - oh man am I unworthy. I suck at forgiving. I have very little compassion for some people who I deem unworthy (as if I'm qualified to deem anything). The list goes on and on.
I don't believe as you do. I prefer science and facts over fantasy. I believe that when we die, that's it. I'm in no hurry to shuffle off that mortal coil to find out. I'm quite happy finding my heaven here, where I KNOW it exists.
I too prefer facts and science. And in my humble opinion - both overwhelmingly point to the existence of God. If you actually believe the entire universe was created out of some spontaneous explosion, you definitely don't prefer facts and science as you claim.

Science has proven that nothing can come from nothing. So if there was just nothing before the universe - what exactly "exploded" and more importantly, what caused it to explode? It defies all science.
perhaps you and your merry band of rightwingnut freaks should stop using the bible, lowlife....

hint: jesus said an awful lot about taking care of the poor. never said a single word about gays.
Hint: Jesus never stated that the poor should be cared for by government at the barrel of a gun. On the contrary, he made it abundantly clear that stealing was wrong.

Thanks for playing my dear! Always a pleasure to educate you.

That's not the point is it? Look you can't call yourself a Christian--much less a man--if you watched Trump assault and attack women with vile--vulgar sexist comments.

You can't call yourself a Christian when you watched Trump use racist comments toward people in this country. You can't call yourselves Christians when you heard that Audio tape of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting unsuspecting women.

You can't call yourselves Christians when you watched this Ass Clown drag up several women that allegedly had affairs with his opponents husband and install them front & center in an effort to shake Hillary Clinton up in a Nationalized televised debate. That is DISGUSTING.

You can't call yourselves Christians for supporting a man that ripped off people in his scams such as Trump University. You can't call yourselves Christians for watching people get hit and beat up at his rallies, called names while doing nothing and saying nothing--except joining in.

You can't call yourselves Christians for ignoring that Trump not only had affairs but bragged about them publicly and left his wives and children for other women--while at the same time trying to attack the "victim" Hillary Clinton through her husband's own infidelty.

You can't call yourselves Christians for watching Trump use foul language in front of children.

Finally--you can't call yourselves Christians for allowing him to become POTUS.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

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I suck at forgiving.
Forgiveness is more to the benefit of the person doing the forgiving, than it is the person being forgiven. Because when you truly forgive someone, you shed all that negative baggage (you carry around) that pops into your head whenever you think about that person.

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