Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

Why would donations need an incentive? Aren't you Christians supposed to do it because Jesus told you to and not because you get a tax break from the government?
1. Not everyone in a Christian sweetie. Just ask all the muslims you want to import from Syria, Iraq, etc.

2. When the government takes 65% of what we earn, it doesn't leave us much to live off of - much less donate. Hence the need for tax deductible donations.

Ah, so the incentives aren't for the 70+% of the country that is Christian? That's quite a pretzel you twist yourself into to justify hypocrisy. :lol:
If that many people were actually Christians, instead of just saying they are when asked by a poll taker, this country would be a vastly different place. The reality is, they are not. In fact, most people have no idea what being a Christian really means.

Whether you feel someone is "actually" a Christian or not is immaterial. They self describe as Christian.

Was it or was it not Christians that passed the tax break for charitable giving?

It's your claim, YOU source it.

Not a single legislator at the time was anything but Christian, moron.
1. Not everyone in a Christian sweetie. Just ask all the muslims you want to import from Syria, Iraq, etc.

2. When the government takes 65% of what we earn, it doesn't leave us much to live off of - much less donate. Hence the need for tax deductible donations.

Ah, so the incentives aren't for the 70+% of the country that is Christian? That's quite a pretzel you twist yourself into to justify hypocrisy. :lol:
If that many people were actually Christians, instead of just saying they are when asked by a poll taker, this country would be a vastly different place. The reality is, they are not. In fact, most people have no idea what being a Christian really means.

Whether you feel someone is "actually" a Christian or not is immaterial. They self describe as Christian.

Was it or was it not Christians that passed the tax break for charitable giving?

It's your claim, YOU source it.

Not a single legislator at the time was anything but Christian, moron.

Cool, prove it.
Ah, so the incentives aren't for the 70+% of the country that is Christian? That's quite a pretzel you twist yourself into to justify hypocrisy. :lol:
If that many people were actually Christians, instead of just saying they are when asked by a poll taker, this country would be a vastly different place. The reality is, they are not. In fact, most people have no idea what being a Christian really means.

Whether you feel someone is "actually" a Christian or not is immaterial. They self describe as Christian.

Was it or was it not Christians that passed the tax break for charitable giving?

It's your claim, YOU source it.

Not a single legislator at the time was anything but Christian, moron.

Cool, prove it.

It was passed in 1917...they were all Christians.

If that many people were actually Christians, instead of just saying they are when asked by a poll taker, this country would be a vastly different place. The reality is, they are not. In fact, most people have no idea what being a Christian really means.

Whether you feel someone is "actually" a Christian or not is immaterial. They self describe as Christian.

Was it or was it not Christians that passed the tax break for charitable giving?

It's your claim, YOU source it.

Not a single legislator at the time was anything but Christian, moron.

Cool, prove it.

It was passed in 1917...they were all Christians.


You had to delete your Trans Racial post , too funny.

"After days of speculation, Rachel Dolezal appeared on the Today show and declared herself transracial – and blamed other people’s misunderstanding of the term on why she came to be identified as black. “I was actually identified when I was doing human rights work in north Idaho as first transracial”, she said – in a construction that conveniently negated her agency in that decision – and explained that she never corrected subsequent media reports that she was biracial or black."

Rachel Dolezal's definition of 'transracial' isn't just wrong, it's destructive | Syreeta McFadden
Whether you feel someone is "actually" a Christian or not is immaterial. They self describe as Christian.

Was it or was it not Christians that passed the tax break for charitable giving?

It's your claim, YOU source it.

Not a single legislator at the time was anything but Christian, moron.

Cool, prove it.

It was passed in 1917...they were all Christians.


You had to delete your Trans Racial post , too funny.

"After days of speculation, Rachel Dolezal appeared on the Today show and declared herself transracial – and blamed other people’s misunderstanding of the term on why she came to be identified as black. “I was actually identified when I was doing human rights work in north Idaho as first transracial”, she said – in a construction that conveniently negated her agency in that decision – and explained that she never corrected subsequent media reports that she was biracial or black."

Rachel Dolezal's definition of 'transracial' isn't just wrong, it's destructive | Syreeta McFadden

I thought you were referring to me not Dozel. Phone screen too small...
It's your claim, YOU source it.

Not a single legislator at the time was anything but Christian, moron.

Cool, prove it.

It was passed in 1917...they were all Christians.


You had to delete your Trans Racial post , too funny.

"After days of speculation, Rachel Dolezal appeared on the Today show and declared herself transracial – and blamed other people’s misunderstanding of the term on why she came to be identified as black. “I was actually identified when I was doing human rights work in north Idaho as first transracial”, she said – in a construction that conveniently negated her agency in that decision – and explained that she never corrected subsequent media reports that she was biracial or black."

Rachel Dolezal's definition of 'transracial' isn't just wrong, it's destructive | Syreeta McFadden

I thought you were referring to me not Dozel. Phone screen too small...

Ok .

Why did you delete your denial of that dumbasses Trans Racial remark?

Why are you changing the subject now that I proved all the people voting tax breaks for their "charity" were Christians?

I have changed nothing :) Let's be clear honey, you made a statement and then demanded someone else disprove it. That's not the way it works. Then Dolezal came up and you denied she called herself as a "Trans Racial" person. Wanna keep going?
That's not evidence of heaven or hell, puppy, that's the brain doing funny shit on the way out the door.
Is that a medical term Wytchy? Did you learn "funny shit" while earning your medical degree? There are two glaring problems with your idiotic claim:

1. The brain wasn't "on the way out". These people lived. They didn't die.

2. How does the brain accurately portray to physicians conversations they had in other parts of the hospital?!? Oops...
My favorite part.

"Levite" Moses gets rescued by the Midianites...

and returns their kindness by....

exterminating all of them except the hot young virgins.

Quite a guy, that Moses. Help him, and he exterminates you...
The left is all over the news, social media, and even right here on USMB these days attempting to exploit the Bible for their own political gain. Whenever they are incapable of defending their irrational position, aside from screaming racist/homophobe/xenophobe/etc., they will invariably scream "the Bible says to redistribute wealth". The problem, of course, is that the Bible says no such thing. And they would know that if they didn't hate the Bible and religion. It's a bad idea to attempt to quote something one has never read.
Josh Protas, the vice president of public policy at MAZON, a Jewish anti-hunger group...quoted a verse in Leviticus. Not to be outdone, Rep. Jodey Arrington quoted a Bible verse of his own, saying, “If a man will not work he shall not eat.”

“I did hear Mr. Protas, your opening remarks, where you quoted Leviticus, I believe — and I think that’s a great reflection on the character of God and the compassion of God’s heart and how we ought to reflect that compassion in our lives,” Arrington said. “But there’s also, you know, the Scripture, tells us in 2 Thessalonians chapter 3:10, he says, ‘for even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: if a man will not work, he shall not eat.’ And then he goes on to say ‘we hear that some among you are idle.’

Boom! Talk about a knockout blow. This is what happens to a person who doesn't know the Bible and yet attempts to exploit it for the evils of socialism/marxism/communism.

Libs FURIOUS! Texas Republican Has 10 BRUTAL Words For Food Stamp Junkies

I think the right has done a very good job of exploiting the bible themselves.



And the biggest hypocrite of ALL time--Mike Huckabee


Funny--but I don't believe Jesus Christ would have ever approved of Donald Trump.

I think the right has done a very good job of exploiting the bible themselves.
"Hate. Bigotry. Racism". LMAO!!! Tell me something, my fragile little snowflake, who does President Trump "hate"? Who is he "racist" towards?

You and your alt-left ideology oreo. I swear. Scary shit.
I think the right has done a very good job of exploiting the bible themselves.
"Hate. Bigotry. Racism". LMAO!!! Tell me something, my fragile little snowflake, who does President Trump "hate"? Who is he "racist" towards?

You and your alt-left ideology oreo. I swear. Scary shit.

The only time you people are bible thumpers is when something doesn't suit your political leanings (abortion gay marriage) then it's pedal to the medal with bible in hand.

You put the bible down on Trump and were his most ardent supporters--while he was campaigning with racist comments--dividing this nation between white and color--and assaulting WOMEN with vicious--vulgar
outrageous remarks.

As far as his racist comments:
"House Speaker Paul Ryan ripped Donald Trump's recent remarks saying a judge presiding over a lawsuit involving his business was biased because of his Mexican heritage as "the textbook definition of a racist comment." You can watch Paul Ryan tell you that on this video.
Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' - CNNPolitics.com

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the ONLY loyalty he has shown anyone was to himself and Russia.

Your so called "Christian values" are nothing more than undeniable hypocrisy that are tatooed all over your foreheads. It's really no wonder people don't attend church.

Yes - God wants His people to help the poor among us. But Jesus never advocated for that to be done through government at the barrel of a gun. That is literally stealing. And He makes known His feelings about stealing. And while He does want you to help the poor through your own free will - He also wants you to enjoy the fruits of your labor yourself...

"Here is what I have seen: It is good and fitting for one to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor in which he toils under the sun all the days of his life which God gives him; for it is his heritage." -
Ecclesiastes 5:18

Yet another Bible verse which obliterates every false narrative the left has constructed to exploit the Bible in support of their socialism.
Hey look everybody, it's Republican Jesus.

Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

The left is all over the news, social media, and even right here on USMB these days attempting to exploit the Bible for their own political gain. Whenever they are incapable of defending their irrational position, aside from screaming racist/homophobe/xenophobe/etc., they will invariably scream "the Bible says to redistribute wealth". The problem, of course, is that the Bible says no such thing. And they would know that if they didn't hate the Bible and religion. It's a bad idea to attempt to quote something one has never read.
Josh Protas, the vice president of public policy at MAZON, a Jewish anti-hunger group...quoted a verse in Leviticus. Not to be outdone, Rep. Jodey Arrington quoted a Bible verse of his own, saying, “If a man will not work he shall not eat.”

“I did hear Mr. Protas, your opening remarks, where you quoted Leviticus, I believe — and I think that’s a great reflection on the character of God and the compassion of God’s heart and how we ought to reflect that compassion in our lives,” Arrington said. “But there’s also, you know, the Scripture, tells us in 2 Thessalonians chapter 3:10, he says, ‘for even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: if a man will not work, he shall not eat.’ And then he goes on to say ‘we hear that some among you are idle.’

Boom! Talk about a knockout blow. This is what happens to a person who doesn't know the Bible and yet attempts to exploit it for the evils of socialism/marxism/communism.

Libs FURIOUS! Texas Republican Has 10 BRUTAL Words For Food Stamp Junkies
As far as his racist comments: "House Speaker Paul Ryan ripped Donald Trump's recent remarks saying a judge presiding over a lawsuit involving his business was biased because of his Mexican heritage as "the textbook definition of a racist comment." You can watch Paul Ryan tell you that on this video.
So the left's current position is that properly citing the Mexican heritage of a Mexican is "racist"?!? :lmao:

Did he call the judge a "wetback"? No. Did he say "I hate Mexicans"? No. Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound right now? No.
You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the ONLY loyalty he has shown anyone was to himself and Russia.
First of all snowflake - I didn't elect Barack Insane Obama. I voted against him both times. Second, this thread is not about Barack Insane Obama.

Yes, he had absolutely no honor. Yes, his ego was enormous. Yes, he hated the U.S. But it's time to move on. The American people corrected the mistake and elected a real leader.

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