Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

How come taxpayers can't have tax dollars going to the poor, but we have to give tax breaks for charitable donations?

Why Giving Back Isn’t Enough
Because it incentivizes charitable donations.... :cuckoo:

The government can legally cut taxes (or otherwise allow you to keep more of your own money) for any reason, but they can only fund their constitutionally delegated 18 enumerated powers.
Why this left-wing writers ignorant opinion is completely and totally irrelevant:

This is vintage left-wing idiocy...
Feeding the hungry is among our society’s most fundamental obligations, but we should also question why our neighbors are without nutritious food to eat.
It is never enough for the bat-shit crazy wing-nuts. Never. We're $20 trillion in debt - but that's not enough for them. People are free to be queer/homosexual in the U.S. - but that's not enough for them (they want to to be forced to shower and pee with them). And it's not enough that people of lower class have mountains of food available to them. No-no! It must be "nutritious". And...it must be "nutritious" by their standards.

They will only be happy when the U.S. is like Venezuela. A fascist, left-wing dictator in charge and everyone "equal" in poverty.
This is vintage left-wing idiocy...
Feeding the hungry is among our society’s most fundamental obligations, but we should also question why our neighbors are without nutritious food to eat.
It is never enough for the bat-shit crazy wing-nuts. Never. We're $20 trillion in debt - but that's not enough for them. People are free to be queer/homosexual in the U.S. - but that's not enough for them (they want to to be forced to shower and pee with them). And it's not enough that people of lower class have mountains of food available to them. No-no! It must be "nutritious". And...it must be "nutritious" by their standards.

They will only be happy when the U.S. is like Venezuela. A fascist, left-wing dictator in charge and everyone "equal" in poverty.
They want America to become some romantic fantasy vision of Cuba. They think we can all sit on a beach and paint or write poetry, what they miss is the Growls of Cuban stomachs and Cuban sisters walking the streets to feed their children.
This is vintage left-wing idiocy...
Feeding the hungry is among our society’s most fundamental obligations, but we should also question why our neighbors are without nutritious food to eat.
It is never enough for the bat-shit crazy wing-nuts. Never. We're $20 trillion in debt - but that's not enough for them. People are free to be queer/homosexual in the U.S. - but that's not enough for them (they want to to be forced to shower and pee with them). And it's not enough that people of lower class have mountains of food available to them. No-no! It must be "nutritious". And...it must be "nutritious" by their standards.

They will only be happy when the U.S. is like Venezuela. A fascist, left-wing dictator in charge and everyone "equal" in poverty.

Have you been diagnosed with something that requires medication? You're late taking it.
Anyone who really gives a shit about what the Bible (or Quran, etc) say must be demented intellectually and/or emotionally.
How come taxpayers can't have tax dollars going to the poor, but we have to give tax breaks for charitable donations?

Why Giving Back Isn’t Enough
Because it incentivizes charitable donations.... :cuckoo:

The government can legally cut taxes (or otherwise allow you to keep more of your own money) for any reason, but they can only fund their constitutionally delegated 18 enumerated powers.

Why would donations need an incentive? Aren't you Christians supposed to do it because Jesus told you to and not because you get a tax break from the government?
The Bible clearly states homosexuallity is a sin, not once, not twice but numerous times.
OMG, a "sin"!!!
The gay people must really be shaking in their boots ...
Yup...right alongside the divorced, the glutinous, people who swear, drink, lust, etc. Gonna be awful lonely in heaven.
The "heaven" in your dreams?
You can wake up now, and smell the roses in the actual world that surrounds you ...
The Bible clearly states homosexuallity is a sin, not once, not twice but numerous times.
OMG, a "sin"!!!
The gay people must really be shaking in their boots ...
Yup...right alongside the divorced, the glutinous, people who swear, drink, lust, etc. Gonna be awful lonely in heaven.
The "heaven" in your dreams?
You can wake up now, and smell the roses in the actual world that surrounds you ...

I don't believe in the existence of heaven or hell. They are man-made construct meant to keep the populace"in line".
Why would donations need an incentive? Aren't you Christians supposed to do it because Jesus told you to and not because you get a tax break from the government?
1. Not everyone in a Christian sweetie. Just ask all the muslims you want to import from Syria, Iraq, etc.

2. When the government takes 65% of what we earn, it doesn't leave us much to live off of - much less donate. Hence the need for tax deductible donations.
Anyone who really gives a shit about what the Bible (or Quran, etc) say must be demented intellectually and/or emotionally.
Anyone who doesn't is allowing arrogance/pride to inflict an eternity of unmitigated misery on themselves.
This is vintage left-wing idiocy...
Feeding the hungry is among our society’s most fundamental obligations, but we should also question why our neighbors are without nutritious food to eat.
It is never enough for the bat-shit crazy wing-nuts. Never. We're $20 trillion in debt - but that's not enough for them. People are free to be queer/homosexual in the U.S. - but that's not enough for them (they want to to be forced to shower and pee with them). And it's not enough that people of lower class have mountains of food available to them. No-no! It must be "nutritious". And...it must be "nutritious" by their standards.

They will only be happy when the U.S. is like Venezuela. A fascist, left-wing dictator in charge and everyone "equal" in poverty.

Have you been diagnosed with something that requires medication? You're late taking it.
Typical answer when the left can't dispute the facts.
Why would donations need an incentive? Aren't you Christians supposed to do it because Jesus told you to and not because you get a tax break from the government?
1. Not everyone in a Christian sweetie. Just ask all the muslims you want to import from Syria, Iraq, etc.

2. When the government takes 65% of what we earn, it doesn't leave us much to live off of - much less donate. Hence the need for tax deductible donations.

Ah, so the incentives aren't for the 70+% of the country that is Christian? That's quite a pretzel you twist yourself into to justify hypocrisy. :lol:
Ah, so the incentives aren't for the 70+% of the country that is Christian? That's quite a pretzel you twist yourself into to justify hypocrisy. :lol:
If that stat is correct (and I have no idea if it is or not), that still leaves a staggering 30% of the nation that doesn't fit into that category. That's almost 1/3 of an entire nation made up of 330 million people (or 99 million people for those that aren't good at math).

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