Why the world economy no longer needs MOSCOW EMPIRE


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
POOtin 🐷can’t even run a gas station 🇷🇺

POOtin 🐷can’t even run a gas station 🇷🇺

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I hear Texas is selling Europe oil now. Good for America.

I hear America is selling Europe weapons. And Europe is giving their old stuff to Ukraine. Good for America.

China is watching. This Russia/Ukraine was is a proxy war between USA and China. We must support Ukraine. Any America who doesn't think so doesn't see or realize the big picture here.

While Russians, I mean Republicans here on USMB say we should stay out of it

What a bunch of pussies Republicans are. They claim Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president but they also say if he did, they'd do nothing about it. They make no sense. Just another reason we can not have a Republican president. Not while the party has been hijacked by Nazi's.

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