Why theBrits jumped all over Romneys tame Olympic remarks


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
They are defensive because they lost virtually all of the empire after WW2.

Back in 1948 - when they had their last Olympics - the country was dirt-poor.

So they yearn for their former greatness.
The Brits have an Inferiority Complex.

Like they were desparate fora male Brit to win at Wimmbdon for the first time since the1930s. (Andy Murrray)

They will probably finish around 8 in total medals at theOlympics - not bad considering their population.

Romneys Olympics remarks were unfortunate - butt heBrits overreacted because they are insecure about their status as a great country.
The Brits are a little sensitive, and deservedly so. They realized quickly that a former Olympic president might actually know something that they were already suspecting. Anyway, lets hope it all ends in the best. I am loving watching all the events so far, and I am a strong Anglophile. Britannia rules the waves!
When candidates were being considered for Olympic Security, the most outstanding was Tarique Ghaffur who had handled security so well in China. Because of a bias against muslims and an innate conviction that only a true Brit should be responsible for security, that was the primary consideration. Not how well the person would actually handle security. As a result of the lawsuit Ghaffur brought against the Metropolitian Police and Scotland Yard Ghaffur was dismissed in what had become a race war in the police department.

As preparations went on, it became apparent that Ghaffur's recommendations would have prevented much of the chaos that ensued as a result of complete mishandling of the Olympics. The Brits were reacting not so much to what Romney said, but it touched upon the buyer's remorse button that they had chosen someone totally unqualified.
When candidates were being considered for Olympic Security, the most outstanding was Tarique Ghaffur who had handled security so well in China. Because of a bias against muslims and an innate conviction that only a true Brit should be responsible for security, that was the primary consideration. Not how well the person would actually handle security. As a result of the lawsuit Ghaffur brought against the Metropolitian Police and Scotland Yard Ghaffur was dismissed in what had become a race war in the police department.

As preparations went on, it became apparent that Ghaffur's recommendations would have prevented much of the chaos that ensued as a result of complete mishandling of the Olympics. The Brits were reacting not so much to what Romney said, but it touched upon the buyer's remorse button that they had chosen someone totally unqualified.

Good information. Thanks for that. Clears alot up for Americans who would otherwise pennyanti this to death because of politics.
Romney's comments on Olympic security caused a stir in Britain because he could be the next president of the US and his personal views carry too much weight especially in the light of the Anglo-American special relationship as he is already representing America as a private person. Tarique Ghaffur was the most senior Asian officer in London's Metropolitan Police Service but he retired in 2008 after filing a job discrimination lawsuit against Scotland Yard, which was later settled out of court and he had nothing to do with the London Games after his retirement. The UK government decided to contract Olympic security out to a private security firm to cut costs, which caused the shortage of security personnel and there was no way one security firm can handle the enormous task which was assigned to do and the problem was solved by deploying a few thousand extra troops returning from Afghanistan to guard Olympic venues.
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Grom what I hear many of them saying, it's ok for British people to criticize themselves. But not for others to do so. Wish they took their own advice.
Romney's remarks were not meant as an insult to the British. What you had were leftist UK politicians taking the opportunity to help a leafiest American President attack his political opponent. That’s about all I think about this. Romney, when he gets elected, will not be returning gifts from the UK to previous administrations. Romney would not support Argentina taking the Falken Islands, Romney would not hug the Queen like she is his kid, and Romney would not give visiting UK politicians gifts instead of meeting with them. I think Obama has done more to actually strain relations between the UK and America then any one else. Romney sure as heck would not be giving narcissistic gifts like iPods with his audio books on it.

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