Why they're against diplomacy with Iran, and FOR war

"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?
The ones threatening to use them if they could,when was the last time,Israel said they would burn down Iran,who's being incredibly obtuse?
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?
The ones threatening to use them if they could,when was the last time,Israel said they would burn down Iran,who's being incredibly obtuse?

You are falling for political rhetoric. They have to act tough and threaten others

It is the conservatism in them
Last edited:
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?
The ones threatening to use them if they could,when was the last time,Israel said they would burn down Iran,who's being incredibly obtuse?

You are falling for political rhetoric. They have toact toug hand threaten others

It is the conservatism in them
Exactly, Iran has it's own problem with conservatives not feeling right unless their leaders talk tough and issue ultimatums. If Iran really wanted to wipe out Israel they would have attempted it already.
Now if you were not a partisan hack, you would list those in the D party...which likely receives as much or more...warmongering is a most bi-partisan policy.

He did list them you dumb fuck.
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

I actually think yelling death to Iran is threatening war. Our ayatollahs are always doing that....right.
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

I actually think yelling death to Iran is threatening war. Our ayatollahs are always doing that....right.

Doesn't the tune go........bomb, bomb, bomb......bomb bomb Iran?
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?
The ones threatening to use them if they could,when was the last time,Israel said they would burn down Iran,who's being incredibly obtuse?

You are falling for political rhetoric. They have toact toug hand threaten others

It is the conservatism in them
Exactly, Iran has it's own problem with conservatives not feeling right unless their leaders talk tough and issue ultimatums. If Iran really wanted to wipe out Israel they would have attempted it already.

sure they would have ..... as it were, they haven't even taken a "shock and awe " page out of 43's playbook ...
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

Chump change for polls, but, you show no war votes or resolutions to back the lie.

Could we safely say Hillary backs collaboration with Muslim evil because of the millions the Clinton foundation has taken from Muslim millionaires?

I could post that she got a million dollars a head for the Benghazi deaths, and have as much validity as your post.

Stick to funny perv threads; in other words, dance with who brung you.

Love this. You start by doubting the post's validity but by the end say they should vote however their donors say. That's classic.
I never said that.

They take money from both sides, and vote how they feel like voting.

For every donor that thinks they bought a vote, there is a donor who feels they were lied to.

Don't try to put words or anything else in my mouth dude; I am one of the few here that even give you any cred when you are using your brain.

If someone's right and you oppose them just to oppose them you're a tool. If someone's right and you agree with or support them you're not doing them a favor so much as yourself.

Never gave a dime to a pol, never voted straight party line, never voted for or against an amendment of proposition I had not read and understood.

I think you points fail, unless your goal here it to alienate one of the few people on the board willing to hear you out and understand your POV.

If that is the purpose, state it.

I don't need an ignore button, I'm a big boy.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?

Who calls for genocide of the Israelis and death to America?
A nuclear deal with Iran will likely prompt an arms race in the region. Israel having nuclear weapons didn't push the Saudis to develop their own nuclear program but the prospect of Iran having a nuke is sending the Kingdom in search of a nuclear power plant (South Korea may ultimately supply it) and the possibility to make its own nuke.

Saudi Arabia may even seek to fast track acquiring a nuke by buying it from Pakistan - (there are very strong ties between the two countries).

It's that Sunni versus Shia love affair that has Saudi Arabia and Iran so full of hate for one another.

"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?

Who calls for genocide of the Israelis and death to America?

If you have a gun and I am unarmed yet I threaten to kill you...

Who is in danger?
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?

Who calls for genocide of the Israelis and death to America?

If you have a gun and I am unarmed yet I threaten to kill you...

Who is in danger?

If I feel my family was in danger you would die, it's just that simple.

The Iranians are far from unarmed kid.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?

Who calls for genocide of the Israelis and death to America?

If you have a gun and I am unarmed yet I threaten to kill you...

Who is in danger?

If I feel my family was in danger you would die, it's just that simple.

The Iranians are far from unarmed kid.
Compared to Israel they are

Any threat against Israel is by definition an idle threat if Israel has 200 nukes and Iran has none
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

Political rhetoric

Israel has 200 nukes, Iran has none

Who is the threat?

Who calls for genocide of the Israelis and death to America?

If you have a gun and I am unarmed yet I threaten to kill you...

Who is in danger?

If I feel my family was in danger you would die, it's just that simple.

The Iranians are far from unarmed kid.
Compared to Israel they are

Any threat against Israel is by definition an idle threat if Israel has 200 nukes and Iran has none

Only in your head.

Israel doesn't need a Nuke to defeat Iran today.
The poor, peaceful, iranians..... They have a right to nukes just like everyone else.


I know it,you can't make this shit up.

They are the largest sponsors of Terror in the world.
They have time,men and materiel invested in killing American's in Iraq.

They kill gays and women for not "obeying" allah....an yet Dems prefer them over Repubs or Jews.
Israel doesn't need a Nuke to defeat Iran today.

Which is why Bibi went begging to the USA for help.

Israel is not capable of winning an air war over Iran, and they know it. Distance and home field advantage give Iran the edge there.

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