Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

Fascism is a totalitarian form of government. Fascists don't necessarily have to be racists or nationalists.

Nationalism has nothing to do with any form of government nor is it racist.

Racists can exist in any form of government and can be either nationalist or otherwise.

No Fascism is racist and nationalist. The word you are looking for is totalitarian, totalitarian doesnt need to be fascist though.

You are mistaken. Fascism is a form of government wherein the government manages, but doesn't own, the means of production. Fascism in itself is not inherently anything other than a form of government. Mussolini was a fascist and DENIED Hitler's request to deport their Jews to death camps. As far as I can tell, Mussolini wasn't a racist. Like I said, you are mistaken.
Fascism is a totalitarian form of government. Fascists don't necessarily have to be racists or nationalists.

Nationalism has nothing to do with any form of government nor is it racist.

Racists can exist in any form of government and can be either nationalist or otherwise.

No Fascism is racist and nationalist. The word you are looking for is totalitarian, totalitarian doesnt need to be fascist though.

You are mistaken. Fascism is a form of government wherein the government manages, but doesn't own, the means of production. Fascism in itself is not inherently anything other than a form of government. Mussolini was a fascist and DENIED Hitler's request to deport their Jews to death camps. As far as I can tell, Mussolini wasn't a racist. Like I said, you are mistaken.

Im pretty sure he was a racist or if not racist a xenophobic. He mistreated slavs for example and saw them as barbarians even before the germans did.

Italian Fascism and racism - Wikipedia

He was definitely a "nationalist" and "militarist" fascism definitely includes right wing social views whether officially "racist" or not.
Fascism is a totalitarian form of government. Fascists don't necessarily have to be racists or nationalists.

Nationalism has nothing to do with any form of government nor is it racist.

Racists can exist in any form of government and can be either nationalist or otherwise.

No Fascism is racist and nationalist. The word you are looking for is totalitarian, totalitarian doesnt need to be fascist though.

You are mistaken. Fascism is a form of government wherein the government manages, but doesn't own, the means of production. Fascism in itself is not inherently anything other than a form of government. Mussolini was a fascist and DENIED Hitler's request to deport their Jews to death camps. As far as I can tell, Mussolini wasn't a racist. Like I said, you are mistaken.

Im pretty sure he was a racist or if not racist a xenophobic. He mistreated slavs for example and saw them as barbarians even before the germans did.

Italian Fascism and racism - Wikipedia

He was definitely a "nationalist" and "militarist" fascism definitely includes right wing social views whether officially "racist" or not.

Is it racist for one to believe that an ethnicity is more violent than other ethnicities based on government statistics? For instance, if one says that American blacks are more violent than American Asians based on statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is that racist?
Fascism is a totalitarian form of government. Fascists don't necessarily have to be racists or nationalists.

Nationalism has nothing to do with any form of government nor is it racist.

Racists can exist in any form of government and can be either nationalist or otherwise.

No Fascism is racist and nationalist. The word you are looking for is totalitarian, totalitarian doesnt need to be fascist though.

You are mistaken. Fascism is a form of government wherein the government manages, but doesn't own, the means of production. Fascism in itself is not inherently anything other than a form of government. Mussolini was a fascist and DENIED Hitler's request to deport their Jews to death camps. As far as I can tell, Mussolini wasn't a racist. Like I said, you are mistaken.

Im pretty sure he was a racist or if not racist a xenophobic. He mistreated slavs for example and saw them as barbarians even before the germans did.

Italian Fascism and racism - Wikipedia

He was definitely a "nationalist" and "militarist" fascism definitely includes right wing social views whether officially "racist" or not.

Is it racist for one to believe that an ethnicity is more violent than other ethnicities based on government statistics? For instance, if one says that American blacks are more violent than American Asians based on statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is that racist?

Not neccessarily, no. But it depends if you use it as weapon to stripp them off their rights, or to generalise them all as inherently violent etc. Also sometimes people ignore why they are violent and blame it solely on their genetics. Well if science finds out blacks are more violent inherently i could believe it but i think so far science didnt proved that or am i wrong and its a solely a far right view, others say its because they are marginalised, poor etc, colonialism etc.
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And remember, I am caling bullshit on your made up , goofy assertion that Trump supporters are terrifird to show their support of Trump, for fear of assault.

What happens to Trump supporters when they hold a rally? Are they engulfed in a sea of violent, intimidating liberals?

I have the impression Nazis are Fascists.

Lets tear apart the nation because some guys showed a symbol.

btw Im against removing the statues of Robert E. Lee or Columbus or like that. I dont support that. I think many average joes dont support that either, i think the ones who do are fringe far left.

I'm more concerned about the future of the white race. The rage directed towards those statues is only a symptom of the rage towards whites.
Hi MaryL. I really dont know, it is a question not a statement. I dont know whether it is or not, thats why I ask. Well the forum allows everyone to express his views, or I wouldnt be allowed here if it were like Stormfront but I noticed many or majority are Pro-Trump dont like Obama and Hillary etc. I dont know if that qualifies them exactly as "alt-right" though.
Well you did make it a statement by begging the question as to whether USMB is an alt-right userbase in asking why it was an alt-right userbase.

Yes I noticed it has a strong alt-right userbase, why I cant notice that?

You may recall myself and other conservatives coming to your defense from the white supremacist that posted here earlier. You won't see a liberal coming to the defense of a conservative on this forum.

Hi MaryL. I really dont know, it is a question not a statement. I dont know whether it is or not, thats why I ask. Well the forum allows everyone to express his views, or I wouldnt be allowed here if it were like Stormfront but I noticed many or majority are Pro-Trump dont like Obama and Hillary etc. I dont know if that qualifies them exactly as "alt-right" though.
Well you did make it a statement by begging the question as to whether USMB is an alt-right userbase in asking why it was an alt-right userbase.

Yes I noticed it has a strong alt-right userbase, why I cant notice that?

To me "alt-right" is a white supremacist. What is it to you?

To me it means white supremacist or white nationalist or reace realist but thats basically the same for me as even so called race realists believe whites are smarter, built civilisations etc. and blacks are basically worthless or much lower down the race ladder and lower intelligent cant built anything besides mudhuts etc. those are the guys who would post memes "europe 3000 years ago (insert colosseum), africa now (insert mudhut somewhere in africa)". But you can be a much lighter version of it, not as extreme what I count Milo Younnaoupolis who is gay in it as lighter version and Breitbart.

Milo has never said anything indicating that he thinks blacks are "lower down the race ladder".
And remember, I am caling bullshit on your made up , goofy assertion that Trump supporters are terrifird to show their support of Trump, for fear of assault.

What happens to Trump supporters when they hold a rally? Are they engulfed in a sea of violent, intimidating liberals?
Yep, every time, cause Jaysus says so. And they all have to change into hippie constumes when leaving, because all open supporters of Trump are targets of violent liberals. And Jaysus.

There's the clown, k*nt act again.

Pretty standard lefty response when they can't defend their position honestly.
Eloy, nationalism and racism is NOT one in the same. Don't be stupid by saying that it is.
I see it differently to you. Historically, all racists are right-wing nationalists. The Left are usually internationalists.

So there is no such thing as a communist that was racist? LOL. You have some bizarre beliefs. You live in a narrative, like most liberals.

Eloy, nationalism and racism is NOT one in the same. Don't be stupid by saying that it is.
I see it differently to you. Historically, all racists are right-wing nationalists. The Left are usually internationalists.

So there is no such thing as a communist that was racist? LOL. You have some bizarre beliefs. You live in a narrative, like most liberals.

Many governments which called themselves communist were no such thing.
An American internet social media board is bound to reflect what Americans think. It is not surprising, therefore, that most opinions are from right wing nationalists.

Nationalism is being proud of one's country and its ideals and wanting to support the interests of their country and its citizens. What's wrong with being a nationalist?
Hitler was a Nationalist. The word itself gave us the word 'Nazi'.
You are wrong.
Here is below what gives you the word "nazi":
The word Nationalist did NOT give the word Nazi.

The word Nationalsozialistische (National Socialist) give the word Nazi.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.

You are a complete idiot. When you are trying to be smart makes me laugh. Maybe if you put eyeglasses on you look smarter.
Your post is funny. You even used the German 'Nationalsozialistische' but when speaking German, the beginning of the word sounds like 'Nazi'. The next part of the compound is 'sozialistische' but it makes no linguistic sense to take the 'zi' from its middle rather than the 'so' from the beginning. The German abbreviation obviously a phonetic spelling of the first two syllables compound word. I hopes this helps.
"Word Origin
C20: from German, phonetic spelling of the first two syllables ofNationalsozialist National Socialist"
the definition of Nazi
This is the definition Eloy is using from his own link he deliberately ignores scrolling down because he wants people incorrectly to think that the Socialist part has NOTHING to do with Nazi.

View attachment 150236

Now if we scroll down further, what he "conveniently" omitted to cover up the SOCIALIST element, there is the history of the word including the socialist element as illustrated below.

View attachment 150238

All of this is within the link of his original post the definition of Nazi
My citation explained that the word "Nazi" from the phonetic spelling of the first two syllables of 'Nationalsozialist'. The reference to the socialists who were the enemies of the Nazis was to explain that the first two syllables of 'sozialist' was to compare how the Sozis were distinguished from the Nazis in common parlance in pre-war Germany.

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