Why Trump has this list of 60 accomplishments since taking office...AND WHY!

In addition to a positive attitude about the economy and America, Obama's ACA did everything possible to discourage businesses from growing!!

View attachment 226664

By asking businesses to ensure their employees?
No by PENALIZING employees and switching them to part time!
Dummies like you have NO idea what a business costs are.
In the illustration I gave it cost $384/mo per employee for health insurance premium.
Why would any business person with 49 full time employees hire that 50th employee if it was going to cost $14,200 per month more to hire that employee?
See that's why Obama the community organizer NEVER comprehended how the economy works and surrounded himself with other idiots like him!
You tell me why idiots like you and Obama are against "profits"?
Probably because idiots like you and Obama still hide your cash under your pillow or bury in the backyard right and you think everyone else does too!

Cant have it both ways Skippy

Either employers insure their workers or the Government does it.

Conservatives oppose both
Liberals are dumb as a fence post, they are oblivious to the negative effects their jobs killing anti business taxes and regulations will have on the economy. Tax increases are the worst, they just assume everyone can pay more, they don't give a second thought. Liberals have literally weaponized stupid.

Liberals are dumb as a fence post? Liberals aren't voting for Republicans that want to reduce social security and medicare.

No liberals reduced social security and medicare by stealing our money and wasting it on other crap. Now there's not enough money left to pay the benefits, thanks libs you thieving scumbags.
We wasted it by giving huge tax cuts to the 1% and others that had no need??? That was dems?? Have you completely lost your Fn mind?
Trumps biggest accomplishment is relinquishing the US role as leader of the free world

Which is currently revolving around him, along with the rest of it. :113:
Unlike previous US Presidents, Trump is not respected as a leader nor is he trusted. He is openly mocked around the world
Accomplish this BK

We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
By Katie Sanders on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 at 10:57 p.m.

When President Barack Obama reflects on 2014, he brings up a litany of highlights that include drawing down the Afghanistan war and Americans signing up for health insurance thanks to his health care law.

Oh, and slicing up the deficit. Obama is super-pumped about that. He made a point to brag about the deficit's drop in his 2015 State of the Union address.

"At every step, we were told our goals were misguided or too ambitious; that we would crush jobs and explode deficits," Obama said. "Instead, we’ve seen the fastest economic growth in over a decade, our deficits cut by two-thirds, a stock market that has doubled, and health care inflation at its lowest rate in fifty years."

Is he right about the deficit dropping by two-thirds?

What the White House says

As a reminder, don’t get the deficit twisted with the debt. They are only related, not the same.

The country’s annual deficit is the difference between what the government collects in revenues and spends in one year. The national debt, which exceeds $18 trillion, is the net of annual deficits minus any annual surpluses.

To back up his claim, Obama is comparing his first budget year in office -- 2009 -- to 2014.

The White House is breaking down the deficit as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, and not actual dollars. Economists told us this is a valid way of analyzing the deficit, because it factors in the economy’s change over time. The White House sent us this chart, which relies on data from the White House Office of Management and Budget.


Here's a list of "promises kept"
Signed the first major tax reform in 30 years.
Federal revenues are increasing as the economy grows. April 2018 had a record surplus of $214 billion.

Federal revenues are decreased every month since April thanks to the tax cuts. That is one of the reasons we had 1.27 trillion added to the national debt in the previous FY

You have NO link to prove your speculation.
I have the link from the CBO
  • Receipts totaled $3,328 billion in fiscal year 2018, CBO estimates—$13 billion more than in fiscal year 2017.
  • Amounts withheld from workers’ paychecks rose by $23 billion (or 1 percent).
  • Non with held payments of income and payroll taxes rose by $89 billion (or 15 percent).
  • Revenues from other sources rose by $1 billion (or less than 1 percent). Declines in revenues from fees and fines and in remittances from the Federal Reserve were partly offset by greater receipts from excise taxes and customs duties.
  • In September, the government receives substantial revenues from payments of estimated individual and corporate income taxes. As a result, CBO estimates, the federal government realized a surplus of $116 billion in September 2018—$108 billion more than the surplus in September 2017.
Monthly Budget Review for September 2018 | Congressional Budget Office

Please refute the CBO...

I do not speculate, I post the facts.

First, the Monthly Treasury Statement

(all numbers in Millions)

May 2017: $240418
May 2018: $217075

May 2018 less than May of 2017

June 2017: $338660
June 2018: $316278

June 2018 less than June 2017

July 2017: $232040
July 2018: $225266

July 2018 less than July 2017

Aug 2017: $226311
Aug 2018: $219115

Aug 2018 less than Aug 2017

Sept 2017: $348722
Sept 2018: $343559

Sept 2018 less than Sept 2017.

As I stated, every month since April less than in 2017. Also Feb was less than 2017, so since the tax cut passed only 2 out of 8 months brought in more than the previous year.

National Debt:

This is the Treasury Department's own site for tracking National Debt. These are actual numbers and not projections like the CBO gives.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY18 ran from Oct 1 2017 to Sept 30 2018.

The total national debt on 1 Oct 2017 was:


The total national debt on 30 Sept 2018 was:


So, doing some actual mathematics...$21,516,058,183,180 - $20,244,900,016,053 = $1,271,158,167,127...to which I rounded to 1.27 trillion.

Thus $1,271,158,167,127 was added to the national debt in FY18.

I do like how you pretend that I have not given you these numbers like 10 times now. But I do not mind doing it again, I like to help out the less fortunate and your lack of intelligence makes you way less fortunate.

You are right... that month to month comparison AFTER the tax cuts do show reduction in revenue.
BUT you FAILED to show what the long term benefit of the tax cuts will be and the evidence IT IS WORKING!
From your same report..Page 5
YUP you are right tax revenues as a total were down...
BUT..WHERE were they down and what will be the effect?
The largest contributors to Federal Revenue is Individual Income tax and Payroll Taxes at nearly 84.7% of gross receipts!
These two areas for uninformed people are from people working! The more people are working the more this tax revenue increases.
AND these two tax revenue sources were up for the full fiscal year... and this was based on prior lower employment figures.
So tell me where would you want tax revenue to increase?

A) Corporate taxes that provided less than 9% OR
B) Individual and Payroll taxes that contribute 84.7%?

Now instead of just thinking people will believe you, I unlike YOU provide the figures and the sources.
If I had done as you ... "the two largest sources of Federal revenue, individual and payroll contribute 84.7%" why would I believe that?

I'm sourcing the statistics and here they are !

Again.. you tell me where would YOU think (not as you do FEEL) would be a bigger growth factor 84.7% or 9% and contribute more in tax revenue?

Also remember these two categories ALSO represent increases in consumer revenue which will be greater GDP!

Trumps biggest accomplishment is relinquishing the US role as leader of the free world

Which is currently revolving around him, along with the rest of it. :113:
Unlike previous US Presidents, Trump is not respected as a leader nor is he trusted. He is openly mocked around the world
Accomplish this BK

We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
By Katie Sanders on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 at 10:57 p.m.

When President Barack Obama reflects on 2014, he brings up a litany of highlights that include drawing down the Afghanistan war and Americans signing up for health insurance thanks to his health care law.

Oh, and slicing up the deficit. Obama is super-pumped about that. He made a point to brag about the deficit's drop in his 2015 State of the Union address.

"At every step, we were told our goals were misguided or too ambitious; that we would crush jobs and explode deficits," Obama said. "Instead, we’ve seen the fastest economic growth in over a decade, our deficits cut by two-thirds, a stock market that has doubled, and health care inflation at its lowest rate in fifty years."

Is he right about the deficit dropping by two-thirds?

What the White House says

As a reminder, don’t get the deficit twisted with the debt. They are only related, not the same.

The country’s annual deficit is the difference between what the government collects in revenues and spends in one year. The national debt, which exceeds $18 trillion, is the net of annual deficits minus any annual surpluses.

To back up his claim, Obama is comparing his first budget year in office -- 2009 -- to 2014.

The White House is breaking down the deficit as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, and not actual dollars. Economists told us this is a valid way of analyzing the deficit, because it factors in the economy’s change over time. The White House sent us this chart, which relies on data from the White House Office of Management and Budget.


Included in that REVENUE was this:
TARP which was part of GWB's budget deficit in 2009 WAS PAID back in FULL with a profit!


Trumps biggest accomplishment is relinquishing the US role as leader of the free world

Which is currently revolving around him, along with the rest of it. :113:
Unlike previous US Presidents, Trump is not respected as a leader nor is he trusted. He is openly mocked around the world

Yes, and the ones mocking him are being punished even now.
Yes the markets are punishing me now Thanks be to Dump
Here's a list of "promises kept"
Signed the first major tax reform in 30 years.
Federal revenues are increasing as the economy grows. April 2018 had a record surplus of $214 billion.

Federal revenues are decreased every month since April thanks to the tax cuts. That is one of the reasons we had 1.27 trillion added to the national debt in the previous FY

You have NO link to prove your speculation.
I have the link from the CBO
  • Receipts totaled $3,328 billion in fiscal year 2018, CBO estimates—$13 billion more than in fiscal year 2017.
  • Amounts withheld from workers’ paychecks rose by $23 billion (or 1 percent).
  • Non with held payments of income and payroll taxes rose by $89 billion (or 15 percent).
  • Revenues from other sources rose by $1 billion (or less than 1 percent). Declines in revenues from fees and fines and in remittances from the Federal Reserve were partly offset by greater receipts from excise taxes and customs duties.
  • In September, the government receives substantial revenues from payments of estimated individual and corporate income taxes. As a result, CBO estimates, the federal government realized a surplus of $116 billion in September 2018—$108 billion more than the surplus in September 2017.
Monthly Budget Review for September 2018 | Congressional Budget Office

Please refute the CBO...

I do not speculate, I post the facts.

First, the Monthly Treasury Statement

(all numbers in Millions)

May 2017: $240418
May 2018: $217075

May 2018 less than May of 2017

June 2017: $338660
June 2018: $316278

June 2018 less than June 2017

July 2017: $232040
July 2018: $225266

July 2018 less than July 2017

Aug 2017: $226311
Aug 2018: $219115

Aug 2018 less than Aug 2017

Sept 2017: $348722
Sept 2018: $343559

Sept 2018 less than Sept 2017.

As I stated, every month since April less than in 2017. Also Feb was less than 2017, so since the tax cut passed only 2 out of 8 months brought in more than the previous year.

National Debt:

This is the Treasury Department's own site for tracking National Debt. These are actual numbers and not projections like the CBO gives.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY18 ran from Oct 1 2017 to Sept 30 2018.

The total national debt on 1 Oct 2017 was:


The total national debt on 30 Sept 2018 was:


So, doing some actual mathematics...$21,516,058,183,180 - $20,244,900,016,053 = $1,271,158,167,127...to which I rounded to 1.27 trillion.

Thus $1,271,158,167,127 was added to the national debt in FY18.

I do like how you pretend that I have not given you these numbers like 10 times now. But I do not mind doing it again, I like to help out the less fortunate and your lack of intelligence makes you way less fortunate.

You are right... that month to month comparison AFTER the tax cuts do show reduction in revenue.
BUT you FAILED to show what the long term benefit of the tax cuts will be and the evidence IT IS WORKING!

As I stated, I do not speculate, I provide facts, I leave the fortune telling to the less fortunate such as yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trumps biggest accomplishment is relinquishing the US role as leader of the free world

Which is currently revolving around him, along with the rest of it. :113:
Unlike previous US Presidents, Trump is not respected as a leader nor is he trusted. He is openly mocked around the world

Yes, and the ones mocking him are being punished even now.
Yes the markets are punishing me now Thanks be to Dump

You're not a world leader, ed.

Consider the leadership changes and upcoming changes in Europe and South America.

Consider Obama's brothers-in-arms, the Iranian mullahs. The squeeze is back.

Consider the "Palestinians". Consider the Chinese.
Here's a list of "promises kept"
Signed the first major tax reform in 30 years.
Federal revenues are increasing as the economy grows. April 2018 had a record surplus of $214 billion.

Federal revenues are decreased every month since April thanks to the tax cuts. That is one of the reasons we had 1.27 trillion added to the national debt in the previous FY

You have NO link to prove your speculation.
I have the link from the CBO
  • Receipts totaled $3,328 billion in fiscal year 2018, CBO estimates—$13 billion more than in fiscal year 2017.
  • Amounts withheld from workers’ paychecks rose by $23 billion (or 1 percent).
  • Non with held payments of income and payroll taxes rose by $89 billion (or 15 percent).
  • Revenues from other sources rose by $1 billion (or less than 1 percent). Declines in revenues from fees and fines and in remittances from the Federal Reserve were partly offset by greater receipts from excise taxes and customs duties.
  • In September, the government receives substantial revenues from payments of estimated individual and corporate income taxes. As a result, CBO estimates, the federal government realized a surplus of $116 billion in September 2018—$108 billion more than the surplus in September 2017.
Monthly Budget Review for September 2018 | Congressional Budget Office

Please refute the CBO...

I do not speculate, I post the facts.

First, the Monthly Treasury Statement

(all numbers in Millions)

May 2017: $240418
May 2018: $217075

May 2018 less than May of 2017

June 2017: $338660
June 2018: $316278

June 2018 less than June 2017

July 2017: $232040
July 2018: $225266

July 2018 less than July 2017

Aug 2017: $226311
Aug 2018: $219115

Aug 2018 less than Aug 2017

Sept 2017: $348722
Sept 2018: $343559

Sept 2018 less than Sept 2017.

As I stated, every month since April less than in 2017. Also Feb was less than 2017, so since the tax cut passed only 2 out of 8 months brought in more than the previous year.

National Debt:

This is the Treasury Department's own site for tracking National Debt. These are actual numbers and not projections like the CBO gives.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY18 ran from Oct 1 2017 to Sept 30 2018.

The total national debt on 1 Oct 2017 was:


The total national debt on 30 Sept 2018 was:


So, doing some actual mathematics...$21,516,058,183,180 - $20,244,900,016,053 = $1,271,158,167,127...to which I rounded to 1.27 trillion.

Thus $1,271,158,167,127 was added to the national debt in FY18.

I do like how you pretend that I have not given you these numbers like 10 times now. But I do not mind doing it again, I like to help out the less fortunate and your lack of intelligence makes you way less fortunate.

You are right... that month to month comparison AFTER the tax cuts do show reduction in revenue.
BUT you FAILED to show what the long term benefit of the tax cuts will be and the evidence IT IS WORKING!

As I stated, I do not speculate, I provide facts, I leave the fortune telling to the less fortunate such as yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

"I do not Speculate"..."I provide facts"...???

You also wrote: "And then the icing on the stupidity cake is that you do not know that statisticians deal in estimates."

So which is it? You wrote Me: "And yet gas prices are almost 60 cents above where they were in early 2017." (emphasis added)
So the FACT is you estimated prices are almost 60 cents and state you were 100% right?

BUT then you just wrote... "I do not speculate...I provide facts"

Makes me wonder if you have ever heard of "Six Sigma"
More importantly as a so-called.."statistician" does your work deals in guesses, estimates?

Your contribution:
This sort of thing is why I stay on boards like this, one just does not run into this sort of stupid and dishonesty in the real world.

Me: "And yet gas prices are almost 60 cents above where they were in early 2017." (emphasis added)

You: What is $2.88 when you subtract $2.33. 55¢... NOT 60¢!

Me: :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21: Hey dumb fuck....55 cents is ALMOST 60 cents! Not to mention that if you go by the link that I gave, a link that makes it money off knowing about gas prices, the difference is 57 cents! Which also is almost 60 cents!

And then the icing on the stupidity cake is that you do not know that statisticians deal in estimates.

Which is it???
Federal revenues are decreased every month since April thanks to the tax cuts. That is one of the reasons we had 1.27 trillion added to the national debt in the previous FY

You have NO link to prove your speculation.
I have the link from the CBO
  • Receipts totaled $3,328 billion in fiscal year 2018, CBO estimates—$13 billion more than in fiscal year 2017.
  • Amounts withheld from workers’ paychecks rose by $23 billion (or 1 percent).
  • Non with held payments of income and payroll taxes rose by $89 billion (or 15 percent).
  • Revenues from other sources rose by $1 billion (or less than 1 percent). Declines in revenues from fees and fines and in remittances from the Federal Reserve were partly offset by greater receipts from excise taxes and customs duties.
  • In September, the government receives substantial revenues from payments of estimated individual and corporate income taxes. As a result, CBO estimates, the federal government realized a surplus of $116 billion in September 2018—$108 billion more than the surplus in September 2017.
Monthly Budget Review for September 2018 | Congressional Budget Office

Please refute the CBO...

I do not speculate, I post the facts.

First, the Monthly Treasury Statement

(all numbers in Millions)

May 2017: $240418
May 2018: $217075

May 2018 less than May of 2017

June 2017: $338660
June 2018: $316278

June 2018 less than June 2017

July 2017: $232040
July 2018: $225266

July 2018 less than July 2017

Aug 2017: $226311
Aug 2018: $219115

Aug 2018 less than Aug 2017

Sept 2017: $348722
Sept 2018: $343559

Sept 2018 less than Sept 2017.

As I stated, every month since April less than in 2017. Also Feb was less than 2017, so since the tax cut passed only 2 out of 8 months brought in more than the previous year.

National Debt:

This is the Treasury Department's own site for tracking National Debt. These are actual numbers and not projections like the CBO gives.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY18 ran from Oct 1 2017 to Sept 30 2018.

The total national debt on 1 Oct 2017 was:


The total national debt on 30 Sept 2018 was:


So, doing some actual mathematics...$21,516,058,183,180 - $20,244,900,016,053 = $1,271,158,167,127...to which I rounded to 1.27 trillion.

Thus $1,271,158,167,127 was added to the national debt in FY18.

I do like how you pretend that I have not given you these numbers like 10 times now. But I do not mind doing it again, I like to help out the less fortunate and your lack of intelligence makes you way less fortunate.

You are right... that month to month comparison AFTER the tax cuts do show reduction in revenue.
BUT you FAILED to show what the long term benefit of the tax cuts will be and the evidence IT IS WORKING!

As I stated, I do not speculate, I provide facts, I leave the fortune telling to the less fortunate such as yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

"I do not Speculate"..."I provide facts"...???

You also wrote: "And then the icing on the stupidity cake is that you do not know that statisticians deal in estimates."

So which is it? You wrote Me: "And yet gas prices are almost 60 cents above where they were in early 2017." (emphasis added)
So the FACT is you estimated prices are almost 60 cents and state you were 100% right?

BUT then you just wrote... "I do not speculate...I provide facts"

Makes me wonder if you have ever heard of "Six Sigma"
More importantly as a so-called.."statistician" does your work deals in guesses, estimates?

Your contribution:
This sort of thing is why I stay on boards like this, one just does not run into this sort of stupid and dishonesty in the real world.

Me: "And yet gas prices are almost 60 cents above where they were in early 2017." (emphasis added)

You: What is $2.88 when you subtract $2.33. 55¢... NOT 60¢!

Me: :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21: Hey dumb fuck....55 cents is ALMOST 60 cents! Not to mention that if you go by the link that I gave, a link that makes it money off knowing about gas prices, the difference is 57 cents! Which also is almost 60 cents!

And then the icing on the stupidity cake is that you do not know that statisticians deal in estimates.

Which is it???

The manner in which you are using speculation involves guessing what the future will hold, that is very different than an estimate of a the present.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Liberals are dumb as a fence post, they are oblivious to the negative effects their jobs killing anti business taxes and regulations will have on the economy. Tax increases are the worst, they just assume everyone can pay more, they don't give a second thought. Liberals have literally weaponized stupid.

Liberals are dumb as a fence post? Liberals aren't voting for Republicans that want to reduce social security and medicare.

No liberals reduced social security and medicare by stealing our money and wasting it on other crap. Now there's not enough money left to pay the benefits, thanks libs you thieving scumbags.
We wasted it by giving huge tax cuts to the 1% and others that had no need??? That was dems?? Have you completely lost your Fn mind?

Lib please the poor and middle class consume the lions share of government spending.
You have NO link to prove your speculation.
I have the link from the CBO
  • Receipts totaled $3,328 billion in fiscal year 2018, CBO estimates—$13 billion more than in fiscal year 2017.
  • Amounts withheld from workers’ paychecks rose by $23 billion (or 1 percent).
  • Non with held payments of income and payroll taxes rose by $89 billion (or 15 percent).
  • Revenues from other sources rose by $1 billion (or less than 1 percent). Declines in revenues from fees and fines and in remittances from the Federal Reserve were partly offset by greater receipts from excise taxes and customs duties.
  • In September, the government receives substantial revenues from payments of estimated individual and corporate income taxes. As a result, CBO estimates, the federal government realized a surplus of $116 billion in September 2018—$108 billion more than the surplus in September 2017.
Monthly Budget Review for September 2018 | Congressional Budget Office

Please refute the CBO...

I do not speculate, I post the facts.

First, the Monthly Treasury Statement

(all numbers in Millions)

May 2017: $240418
May 2018: $217075

May 2018 less than May of 2017

June 2017: $338660
June 2018: $316278

June 2018 less than June 2017

July 2017: $232040
July 2018: $225266

July 2018 less than July 2017

Aug 2017: $226311
Aug 2018: $219115

Aug 2018 less than Aug 2017

Sept 2017: $348722
Sept 2018: $343559

Sept 2018 less than Sept 2017.

As I stated, every month since April less than in 2017. Also Feb was less than 2017, so since the tax cut passed only 2 out of 8 months brought in more than the previous year.

National Debt:

This is the Treasury Department's own site for tracking National Debt. These are actual numbers and not projections like the CBO gives.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY18 ran from Oct 1 2017 to Sept 30 2018.

The total national debt on 1 Oct 2017 was:


The total national debt on 30 Sept 2018 was:


So, doing some actual mathematics...$21,516,058,183,180 - $20,244,900,016,053 = $1,271,158,167,127...to which I rounded to 1.27 trillion.

Thus $1,271,158,167,127 was added to the national debt in FY18.

I do like how you pretend that I have not given you these numbers like 10 times now. But I do not mind doing it again, I like to help out the less fortunate and your lack of intelligence makes you way less fortunate.

You are right... that month to month comparison AFTER the tax cuts do show reduction in revenue.
BUT you FAILED to show what the long term benefit of the tax cuts will be and the evidence IT IS WORKING!

As I stated, I do not speculate, I provide facts, I leave the fortune telling to the less fortunate such as yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

"I do not Speculate"..."I provide facts"...???

You also wrote: "And then the icing on the stupidity cake is that you do not know that statisticians deal in estimates."

So which is it? You wrote Me: "And yet gas prices are almost 60 cents above where they were in early 2017." (emphasis added)
So the FACT is you estimated prices are almost 60 cents and state you were 100% right?

BUT then you just wrote... "I do not speculate...I provide facts"

Makes me wonder if you have ever heard of "Six Sigma"
More importantly as a so-called.."statistician" does your work deals in guesses, estimates?

Your contribution:
This sort of thing is why I stay on boards like this, one just does not run into this sort of stupid and dishonesty in the real world.

Me: "And yet gas prices are almost 60 cents above where they were in early 2017." (emphasis added)

You: What is $2.88 when you subtract $2.33. 55¢... NOT 60¢!

Me: :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21: Hey dumb fuck....55 cents is ALMOST 60 cents! Not to mention that if you go by the link that I gave, a link that makes it money off knowing about gas prices, the difference is 57 cents! Which also is almost 60 cents!

And then the icing on the stupidity cake is that you do not know that statisticians deal in estimates.

Which is it???

The manner in which you are using speculation involves guessing what the future will hold, that is very different than an estimate of a the present.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

26 words and you can't even do that correctly.
Sending this from your iPhone as your boss found out you were wasting his money on this board?
He has signed more EO's than President Obama did in his first 2 years.

He lied about reducing the tax loopholes for Corporation but still cut their taxes.

We are still riding the Obama economy.
He has signed more EO's than President Obama did in his first 2 years.

He lied about reducing the tax loopholes for Corporation but still cut their taxes.

We are still riding the Obama economy.
Wow...just think what the "economy" would have been like if Obama hadn't made statements like these or policies like these!

I do not speculate, I post the facts.

First, the Monthly Treasury Statement

(all numbers in Millions)

May 2017: $240418
May 2018: $217075

May 2018 less than May of 2017

June 2017: $338660
June 2018: $316278

June 2018 less than June 2017

July 2017: $232040
July 2018: $225266

July 2018 less than July 2017

Aug 2017: $226311
Aug 2018: $219115

Aug 2018 less than Aug 2017

Sept 2017: $348722
Sept 2018: $343559

Sept 2018 less than Sept 2017.

As I stated, every month since April less than in 2017. Also Feb was less than 2017, so since the tax cut passed only 2 out of 8 months brought in more than the previous year.

National Debt:

This is the Treasury Department's own site for tracking National Debt. These are actual numbers and not projections like the CBO gives.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY18 ran from Oct 1 2017 to Sept 30 2018.

The total national debt on 1 Oct 2017 was:


The total national debt on 30 Sept 2018 was:


So, doing some actual mathematics...$21,516,058,183,180 - $20,244,900,016,053 = $1,271,158,167,127...to which I rounded to 1.27 trillion.

Thus $1,271,158,167,127 was added to the national debt in FY18.

I do like how you pretend that I have not given you these numbers like 10 times now. But I do not mind doing it again, I like to help out the less fortunate and your lack of intelligence makes you way less fortunate.

You are right... that month to month comparison AFTER the tax cuts do show reduction in revenue.
BUT you FAILED to show what the long term benefit of the tax cuts will be and the evidence IT IS WORKING!

As I stated, I do not speculate, I provide facts, I leave the fortune telling to the less fortunate such as yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

"I do not Speculate"..."I provide facts"...???

You also wrote: "And then the icing on the stupidity cake is that you do not know that statisticians deal in estimates."

So which is it? You wrote Me: "And yet gas prices are almost 60 cents above where they were in early 2017." (emphasis added)
So the FACT is you estimated prices are almost 60 cents and state you were 100% right?

BUT then you just wrote... "I do not speculate...I provide facts"

Makes me wonder if you have ever heard of "Six Sigma"
More importantly as a so-called.."statistician" does your work deals in guesses, estimates?

Your contribution:
This sort of thing is why I stay on boards like this, one just does not run into this sort of stupid and dishonesty in the real world.

Me: "And yet gas prices are almost 60 cents above where they were in early 2017." (emphasis added)

You: What is $2.88 when you subtract $2.33. 55¢... NOT 60¢!

Me: :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21: Hey dumb fuck....55 cents is ALMOST 60 cents! Not to mention that if you go by the link that I gave, a link that makes it money off knowing about gas prices, the difference is 57 cents! Which also is almost 60 cents!

And then the icing on the stupidity cake is that you do not know that statisticians deal in estimates.

Which is it???

The manner in which you are using speculation involves guessing what the future will hold, that is very different than an estimate of a the present.

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26 words and you can't even do that correctly.
Sending this from your iPhone as your boss found out you were wasting his money on this board?

My boss knows about this board, I work in the professional world not 2nd grade where my every move is dictated. I have projects to complete within the allotted time or sooner. As long as I do that my boss is very happy with me.

He understand that analysis programs can take anywhere from 5 seconds to an hour to run depending on the size of the sample and the results being looked for. When you have 30 seconds to a minute or two to wait it is not productive to start a new project, so we all have our ways to fill in the time.

Have you ever had a job that was not fast food?

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Trumps biggest accomplishment is relinquishing the US role as leader of the free world

Which is currently revolving around him, along with the rest of it. :113:
Unlike previous US Presidents, Trump is not respected as a leader nor is he trusted. He is openly mocked around the world
Accomplish this BK

We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
By Katie Sanders on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 at 10:57 p.m.

When President Barack Obama reflects on 2014, he brings up a litany of highlights that include drawing down the Afghanistan war and Americans signing up for health insurance thanks to his health care law.

Oh, and slicing up the deficit. Obama is super-pumped about that. He made a point to brag about the deficit's drop in his 2015 State of the Union address.

"At every step, we were told our goals were misguided or too ambitious; that we would crush jobs and explode deficits," Obama said. "Instead, we’ve seen the fastest economic growth in over a decade, our deficits cut by two-thirds, a stock market that has doubled, and health care inflation at its lowest rate in fifty years."

Is he right about the deficit dropping by two-thirds?

What the White House says

As a reminder, don’t get the deficit twisted with the debt. They are only related, not the same.

The country’s annual deficit is the difference between what the government collects in revenues and spends in one year. The national debt, which exceeds $18 trillion, is the net of annual deficits minus any annual surpluses.

To back up his claim, Obama is comparing his first budget year in office -- 2009 -- to 2014.

The White House is breaking down the deficit as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, and not actual dollars. Economists told us this is a valid way of analyzing the deficit, because it factors in the economy’s change over time. The White House sent us this chart, which relies on data from the White House Office of Management and Budget.


The Great Obama cut deficit spending in a weak economy recovering from recession

Crooked Donnie raised the deficit in a strong economy

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