No defeated POTUS seeking a return has had such a stampede of insider defections.

Yep, none of the dog and pony shows you idiots roll out are "irrefutable".
You really can't concoct anything to refute so many conservative Republicans, particularly those who served in his regime, speaking out against him. The mass defection of the sexual abuser's "best people" is unprecedented.

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Stop voting party, start digging for ANY one who has a record of voting for the average person, not those with the most money.
If you need to believe that the critical estimation of the Cry Baby Loser by so many intimately familiar with his performance in office is inferior to those who attack Congress to overcome the will of the People and/or are attracted to his grievance jamborees, that is your prerogative.
Unlike you, I don’t teabag the shriveled balls of never Trumpers.
So many high-ranking Republicans who served in the Trump regime, those who were able to observe him up close and in power, refuse to support his recidivism.

Consider also the dozens of Republican personnel with first-hand knowledge of his depravity who gave corroborative, damning sworn testimony against him.

Fellow disgraced, discredited dregs like Rudy Giuliani and Michael Flynn are the foul exceptions, of course.

Experienced, conservative Republicans in the know know he stinks and say so, wreaking havoc with the Loser's bleating about partisan persecution, whining that he is a pathetic victim, a tantrum parroted by his grievance-driven butt barnacles.

Why 780 retired generals and former national security leaders spoke out against Trump

Top Former Military Personnel urge Supreme Court to reject Trump immunity

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Let's guard against the sexual abuser inciting his goons to threaten them all and their families.

Your problem is the common people, not the elite.
Unlike you, I don’t teabag the shriveled balls of never Trumpers.
It is unfortunate that you are unable to respect so many conservative Republicans with an unprecedented familiarity with Trump as the "best people" who served in his regime.

Cults are often hostile to such informed judgments, raging against such vehement assessments by knowledgable people.
Your inability to confront the widespread antipathy to Trump being expressed by so many conservative Republicans with first-hand experience of the sexual abuser's stint in power is unfortunate.

Nobody gives a fuck what career swamp reptiles, monkey wrenchers, and proven liars say, fuckface.
Nobody gives a fuck what career swamp reptiles, monkey wrenchers, and proven liars say, fuckface.
The candid, corroborative assessments of so many conservative Republicans with first-hand awareness dispose some zealots to their hissyfits.
Go with the common people are uninformed. It worked wonders for Hilary.
It earned her more votes that the sexual abuser in 2016, but this is 2024.

I take seriously informed folks who respect certified democratic elections, law and order, the American judicial system, and the public servants who make them work. That includes many patriotic, law-abiding "common people," of course.

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It earned her more votes that the sexual abuser in 2016, but this is 2024.

I take seriously informed folks who respect certified democratic elections, law and order, the American judicial system, and the public servants who make them work. That includes many patriotic, law-abiding "common people," of course.

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As I said, go with that.
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