Why Trump is furiously peddling to distract from the Russian-Trump connection

None of them. Do you not understand the difference in knowing or dealing with Russians and COLLUDING with them to help his election?
One is not only not a crime but is an actual POSITIVE where the other is treasonous. The current political hacks do not seem to be able to distinguish between the two.
Horse shit.

If you cannot prove that the Russians changed the election in any way shape or form, then all you have is "Trump talked to the Russians!" and that means exactly ZERO.
None of them. Do you not understand the difference in knowing or dealing with Russians and COLLUDING with them to help his election?
One is not only not a crime but is an actual POSITIVE where the other is treasonous. The current political hacks do not seem to be able to distinguish between the two.
Horse shit.

If you cannot prove that the Russians changed the election in any way shape or form, then all you have is "Trump talked to the Russians!" and that means exactly ZERO.
You might want to read what I stated again. You seem to not understand it.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor
Alternate universe here... produce one shred of evidence found by any intelligence agency! None There!!!! Saying a "link" "working with" speculation built on speculation predicated on fairy dust.....and more speculation.... U guys have an imagination at least...

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