Why Trump is furiously peddling to distract from the Russian-Trump connection

Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

I found this interesting..

Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger

Opinion | Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger
I thought the book was better, because as Redford says the movie was about Woodward and Bernstein. And that sort of detrects. Bernstein in in left field, but Woodward certainly isn't. The Wash Post was left leaning, but the irony was that deep throat turned out to be the RW FBIer who oversaw the illegal spying on Vietnam protestors

But yeah, if Trump broke the law, it'll come out. I'm leaning towards thinking he really did connect with the Russians. And That really is illegal.

Of course you are, dear, and we all think it's charming.
Trump's public speech, during his campaign, where he openly encouraged the Russians to hack into Clinton's emails is enough to impeach him.
How low is your IQ?

That is what you thought he said because the media told you he did.

What he actually said is that if Russia has the emails, then they should give them to the FBI to help move along an ONGOING investigation.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

Where's the evidence of collusion? To date the only felony that has taken place has been the leaking from within the intel community.

On the other hand it's full steam ahead to discover who was unmasking Trumps associates and who was leaking. Rand Paul is going to go for Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas to testify under oath.

I'm really looking forward to this. :)
There is no 'Russia-Trump' connection. As the link provided yesterday showed, the FBI has delared it to be so AGAIN.

Snowflakes love to throw out the word 'yet', but there IS NO connection.

There IS a FELONY crime of ESPIONAGE, though.
It is a head fake, which easily dupes D voters. Notice the MSM refusing to report Susan Rice story, but still pushing the Russia story.

This is why D voters are so uninformed.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

Do you have a link to the FBI's findings?

Where there is smoke, there maybe fire. You would allow the house to burn, rather than allow a full and complete investigation of the events alleged, and that makes you


a bird brain.

Dipwad, I have called for a complete investigation. I want it, if someone did something illegal, it needs to exposed. I that makes you a mindless asshole.

Childish response ^^^ typical of a 21st century conservative.

The final and complete findings of the FBI have not been released, so your question was non sensible. But mea culpa, your head is not buried in the sand, it is stuck up your ass.
The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


No need to "clear" his name of allegations, since they are just allegations. If I allege that you are a thief, the burden of evidence would be on me, and you do not need to clear your name. If, I present evidence to a court though, that you have stolen from me, that is when you may need to clear your name. The Trump Russia connection is a hoax. There is no connection, there are only politically motivated allegations.

Then why did Trump brag of his friendship with Putin and his relationship with Russia. And how only he had the ability to ease tensions with the Russians.

He bragged of having lots of business interests in Russia. Of telephone calls and meetings with Putin.

Which time was he lying? When he said he had a good relationship with Putin or when he said he doesn't know Putin?
The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


No need to "clear" his name of allegations, since they are just allegations. If I allege that you are a thief, the burden of evidence would be on me, and you do not need to clear your name. If, I present evidence to a court though, that you have stolen from me, that is when you may need to clear your name. The Trump Russia connection is a hoax. There is no connection, there are only politically motivated allegations.

Calling something a hoax is an effort to dismiss the course of an investigation as frivolous. Your post was just that, which is why and how I used sarcasm to make my point.
If the accusation is a hoax, why are 17 US intelligence agencies convinced the Russians spread fake news and propaganda throughout the campaign.

Trump called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and release her emails. The Russians couldn't hack Hillary, but they did hack the RNC and the DNC, and used edited DNC emails to spread FAKE NEWS throughout the election campaign.

Trumpbots keep saying these intelligence agencies have offered no proof, but there has been sufficient testimony as to what went on that Trump is using Nunez to keep Yates from testifying.

Because of these accusations, Trump's Presidency had been delegitimized, not only within the United States, but outside as well.

US allies, like Mexico, Germany, and Great Britain are rapidly distancing themselves from Trump's foreign policy declarations.

Britain's Prime Minister May has announced that Britain will not back any military intervention in Korea and that this matter is best left to China and the UN. And invading North Korea doesn't sound like "isolationism" to me.

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Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

Actually, Rice and company have committed felonies by spying on trump per fisa. I would say the backpedaling will begin or has already begun in earnest from the previous admin. This is potentially damning on the previous admin.
If the accusation is a hoax, why are 17 US intelligence agencies convinced the Russians spread fake news and propaganda throughout the campaign.

Trump called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and release her emails. The Russians couldn't hack Hillary, but they did hack the RNC and the DNC, and used edited DNC emails to spread FAKE NEWS throughout the election campaign.

Trumpbots keep saying these intelligence agencies have offered no proof, but there has been sufficient testimony as to what went on that Trump is using Nunez to keep Yates from testifying.

Because of these accusations, Trump's Presidency had been delegitimized, not only within the United States, but outside as well.

US allies, like Mexico, Germany, and Great Britain are rapidly distancing themselves from Trump's foreign policy declarations.

Britain's Prime Minister May has announced that Britain will not back any military intervention in Korea and that this matter is best left to China and the UN. And invading North Korea doesn't sound like "isolationism" to me.

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Rice was spying on trump. She looked the other way on clinton. There no evidence on trump calling the russians to hack the hillary. Lol. You guys are full on looney tunes nowadays. Theres a reason the left has lost over a thousand seats on the state and federal levels.
If the accusation is a hoax, why are 17 US intelligence agencies convinced the Russians spread fake news and propaganda throughout the campaign.

Trump called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and release her emails. The Russians couldn't hack Hillary, but they did hack the RNC and the DNC, and used edited DNC emails to spread FAKE NEWS throughout the election campaign.

Trumpbots keep saying these intelligence agencies have offered no proof, but there has been sufficient testimony as to what went on that Trump is using Nunez to keep Yates from testifying.

Because of these accusations, Trump's Presidency had been delegitimized, not only within the United States, but outside as well.

US allies, like Mexico, Germany, and Great Britain are rapidly distancing themselves from Trump's foreign policy declarations.

Britain's Prime Minister May has announced that Britain will not back any military intervention in Korea and that this matter is best left to China and the UN. And invading North Korea doesn't sound like "isolationism" to me.

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Rice was spying on trump. She looked the other way on clinton. There no evidence on trump calling the russians to hack the hillary. Lol. You guys are full on looney tunes nowadays. Theres a reason the left has lost over a thousand seats on the state and federal levels.

The Rice spying story has now been completely debunked but you alt-right types are going to stay on message and deflect, deflect, deflect with this lie. This is just how desperate you are to protect your orange-faced baboon.

I can't wait until Yates testifies. Trump fired her for refusing to violate the Constitution with his first EO on immigration and this is a woman with principles, who will blow the whistle and let the chips fall where they may. She warned Trump about the intelligence on Flynn's Russian contacts, and what he said. She know a lot of shit Trump doesn't want coming out.

Shit is going down, and all the alt-right lies about Susan Rice are not going to change the pussy-grabber's fate.
The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


No need to "clear" his name of allegations, since they are just allegations. If I allege that you are a thief, the burden of evidence would be on me, and you do not need to clear your name. If, I present evidence to a court though, that you have stolen from me, that is when you may need to clear your name. The Trump Russia connection is a hoax. There is no connection, there are only politically motivated allegations.

Then why did Trump brag of his friendship with Putin and his relationship with Russia. And how only he had the ability to ease tensions with the Russians.

He bragged of having lots of business interests in Russia. Of telephone calls and meetings with Putin.

Which time was he lying? When he said he had a good relationship with Putin or when he said he doesn't know Putin?
You know someone if you have a brief phone call with them? You greatly exaggerate, as always. Such hate!
If the accusation is a hoax, why are 17 US intelligence agencies convinced the Russians spread fake news and propaganda throughout the campaign.

Trump called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and release her emails. The Russians couldn't hack Hillary, but they did hack the RNC and the DNC, and used edited DNC emails to spread FAKE NEWS throughout the election campaign.

Trumpbots keep saying these intelligence agencies have offered no proof, but there has been sufficient testimony as to what went on that Trump is using Nunez to keep Yates from testifying.

Because of these accusations, Trump's Presidency had been delegitimized, not only within the United States, but outside as well.

US allies, like Mexico, Germany, and Great Britain are rapidly distancing themselves from Trump's foreign policy declarations.

Britain's Prime Minister May has announced that Britain will not back any military intervention in Korea and that this matter is best left to China and the UN. And invading North Korea doesn't sound like "isolationism" to me.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Rice was spying on trump. She looked the other way on clinton. There no evidence on trump calling the russians to hack the hillary. Lol. You guys are full on looney tunes nowadays. Theres a reason the left has lost over a thousand seats on the state and federal levels.

The Rice spying story has now been completely debunked but you alt-right types are going to stay on message and deflect, deflect, deflect with this lie. This is just how desperate you are to protect your orange-faced baboon.

I can't wait until Yates testifies. Trump fired her for refusing to violate the Constitution with his first EO on immigration and this is a woman with principles, who will blow the whistle and let the chips fall where they may. She warned Trump about the intelligence on Flynn's Russian contacts, and what he said. She know a lot of shit Trump doesn't want coming out.

Shit is going down, and all the alt-right lies about Susan Rice are not going to change the pussy-grabber's fate.

No, its true. Lol. Keep that head buried though.
If the accusation is a hoax, why are 17 US intelligence agencies convinced the Russians spread fake news and propaganda throughout the campaign.

Trump called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and release her emails. The Russians couldn't hack Hillary, but they did hack the RNC and the DNC, and used edited DNC emails to spread FAKE NEWS throughout the election campaign.

Trumpbots keep saying these intelligence agencies have offered no proof, but there has been sufficient testimony as to what went on that Trump is using Nunez to keep Yates from testifying.

Because of these accusations, Trump's Presidency had been delegitimized, not only within the United States, but outside as well.

US allies, like Mexico, Germany, and Great Britain are rapidly distancing themselves from Trump's foreign policy declarations.

Britain's Prime Minister May has announced that Britain will not back any military intervention in Korea and that this matter is best left to China and the UN. And invading North Korea doesn't sound like "isolationism" to me.

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The accusation is not that the Russians hacked the democrats and released their emails in order to help Trump. The accusation is that there was collusion - the only thing that really matters as it directly relates to Trump himself. The Russian actions matter ion the context of international relations - not in the context of the Trump presidency itself.
The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


No need to "clear" his name of allegations, since they are just allegations. If I allege that you are a thief, the burden of evidence would be on me, and you do not need to clear your name. If, I present evidence to a court though, that you have stolen from me, that is when you may need to clear your name. The Trump Russia connection is a hoax. There is no connection, there are only politically motivated allegations.

Then why did Trump brag of his friendship with Putin and his relationship with Russia. And how only he had the ability to ease tensions with the Russians.

He bragged of having lots of business interests in Russia. Of telephone calls and meetings with Putin.

Which time was he lying? When he said he had a good relationship with Putin or when he said he doesn't know Putin?
None of them. Do you not understand the difference in knowing or dealing with Russians and COLLUDING with them to help his election?

One is not only not a crime but is an actual POSITIVE where the other is treasonous. The current political hacks do not seem to be able to distinguish between the two.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor
Rat Trump out for what?

Is it illegal to talk to the Russians?

Is it illegal for the Russians to tell Trumps team that certain Wikileaks docs were set to be released when and how much?

So far I have not seen even a theory about what Team Trump has supposedly done that is illegal.

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