Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

22 May 2024 ~~ By Diana Glebova

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx on Thursday, an audacious statement of intent in a borough that hasn’t backed a Republican for the White House in 100 years.
Not since Calvin Coolidge won every Empire State county in 1920 and 1924 has a GOP candidate won the Bronx and Trump is unlikely to break that trend — having failed to reach 10% support in 2016 and barely reaching 15% four years ago.
However, the Trump campaign insists Thursday evening’s event in Crotona Park for a crowd of up to 3,500 people is in keeping with how the 77-year-old’s team has been “utilizing” New York City throughout the “hush money” trial that has kept Trump cooped up in a Manhattan courtroom for weeks — and is part of a larger strategy for the 45th president to reach out to traditionally Democrat voters.
At Crotona Park, Trump will likely focus on the same issues as at his other rallies: the economy, illegal immigration and the criminal case against him.
“The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden. President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York!” the Trump campaign said in announcing the rally.
“We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth.”

New York City alone, has 8 million + people, not to mention neighboring states and towns. Why would the author assume that only people from the Bronx will be attending?
Please note that Crotona Park is 127 acres and can possibly hold a large number of people.
After this rally in the Bronx, perhaps DJT will use the Flushing Meadows Park, the old Worlds Fair Grounds in Queens for his next rally.
I'm quite sure that will also rattle DNC, Biden and the Democrat machine in Albany and NYC.
We already hear AOC whining about his coming appearance at Crotona Park.
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Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

22 May 2024 ~~ By Diana Glebova

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx on Thursday, an audacious statement of intent in a borough that hasn’t backed a Republican for the White House in 100 years.
Not since Calvin Coolidge won every Empire State county in 1920 and 1924 has a GOP candidate won the Bronx and Trump is unlikely to break that trend — having failed to reach 10% support in 2016 and barely reaching 15% four years ago.
However, the Trump campaign insists Thursday evening’s event in Crotona Park for a crowd of up to 3,500 people is in keeping with how the 77-year-old’s team has been “utilizing” New York City throughout the “hush money” trial that has kept Trump cooped up in a Manhattan courtroom for weeks — and is part of a larger strategy for the 45th president to reach out to traditionally Democrat voters.
At Crotona Park, Trump will likely focus on the same issues as at his other rallies: the economy, illegal immigration and the criminal case against him.
“The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden. President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York!” the Trump campaign said in announcing the rally.
“We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth.”

New York City alone, has 8 million + people, not to mention neighboring states and towns. Why would the author assume that only people from the Bronx will be attending?
Please note that Crotona Park is 127 acres and can possibly hold a large number of people.
After this rally in the Bronx, perhaps DJT will use the Flushing Meadows Park, the old Worlds Fair Grounds in Queens for his next rally.
I'm quite sure that will also rattle DNC, Biden and the Democrat machine in Albany and NYC.
We already hear AOC whining about his coming appearance at Crotona Park.

The absolute delicious irony of Trump doing this while Poopy Man has to campaign in.... New Hampshire and Massachusetts

Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

22 May 2024 ~~ By Diana Glebova

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx on Thursday, an audacious statement of intent in a borough that hasn’t backed a Republican for the White House in 100 years.
Not since Calvin Coolidge won every Empire State county in 1920 and 1924 has a GOP candidate won the Bronx and Trump is unlikely to break that trend — having failed to reach 10% support in 2016 and barely reaching 15% four years ago.
However, the Trump campaign insists Thursday evening’s event in Crotona Park for a crowd of up to 3,500 people is in keeping with how the 77-year-old’s team has been “utilizing” New York City throughout the “hush money” trial that has kept Trump cooped up in a Manhattan courtroom for weeks — and is part of a larger strategy for the 45th president to reach out to traditionally Democrat voters.
At Crotona Park, Trump will likely focus on the same issues as at his other rallies: the economy, illegal immigration and the criminal case against him.
“The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden. President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York!” the Trump campaign said in announcing the rally.
“We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth.”

New York City alone, has 8 million + people, not to mention neighboring states and towns. Why would the author assume that only people from the Bronx will be attending?
Please note that Crotona Park is 127 acres and can possibly hold a large number of people.
After this rally in the Bronx, perhaps DJT will use the Flushing Meadows Park, the old Worlds Fair Grounds in Queens for his next rally.
I'm quite sure that will also rattle DNC, Biden and the Democrat machine in Albany and NYC.
We already hear AOC whining about his coming appearance at Crotona Park.
Soooo...it appears after making a fool of yourself in your Trump-can't-leave-New-York-to-campaign topic, you felt the need to reboot with a new topic, eh? :lol:

Why is Trump holding a rally in the Bronx, you ask?

It's obvious. Trump knows he hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Bronx. So it is clear he has an unspoken ulterior motive, which I will get to below.

New York 2020 election results:

Biden: 5,244,103 (60.9%)
Trump: 3,251,326 (37.8%)

New York 2016 election results:

Clinton: 4,143,874 (68.8%)
Trump: 2,640,570 (37.5%)

Trump scored almost identical percentages in both elections. He utterly failed to move the needle.

Trump is the most thin-skinned person any of us will ever see. You know it had to have crushed his little black heart to be so roundly rejected by his fellow New Yorkers.

He worked so hard sucking up to them and showboating for their approval for decades, only to fail to have hidden his true nature from New Yorkers who are above average in their discernment of hucksters.

In 2020, Trump won a near invisible 15.9 percent of the Bronx vote.

That's 20 points less than his statewide vote!

In 2016, he netted a pathetic 9.6 percent of the Bronx.

You always have to hear what Trump says, and then figure out his true motives and the true facts. Trump never speaks the truth or his true motives.

Trump isn't there to win their votes.

The Bronx is only 8.3% white.

Trump is there for the photo ops. The people who stand behind him at his rallies as useful idiot backdrops are almost all white. If a minority person happens to stumble into a Trump rally, his staff immediately grabs that person, hangs a MAGA hat on their head, thrusts a professionally made BLACKS FOR TRUMP sign in their hands, and puts them on the stage behind Trump. But they are far and few between.

The Bronx will provide some nice juicy photos for his campaign ads with Asians, blacks, and Hispanics carefully framed behind his beaming face.

Trump is a marketing genius, after all. Especially of himself.
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Trump has a small chance in Queens, Staten Island and Long Island. Brooklyn and the Bronx have some nice neighborhoods but overall, there are too many lawless people there to go for Trump. Manhattan, with all its rich, crooked, establishment, la la land types will never vote for a man of the people or America first. But you have to give Trump credit for going for NY. Let's see how many appearances Biden makes in Wyoming this campaign. MAGA

Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

22 May 2024 ~~ By Diana Glebova

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx on Thursday, an audacious statement of intent in a borough that hasn’t backed a Republican for the White House in 100 years.
Not since Calvin Coolidge won every Empire State county in 1920 and 1924 has a GOP candidate won the Bronx and Trump is unlikely to break that trend — having failed to reach 10% support in 2016 and barely reaching 15% four years ago.
However, the Trump campaign insists Thursday evening’s event in Crotona Park for a crowd of up to 3,500 people is in keeping with how the 77-year-old’s team has been “utilizing” New York City throughout the “hush money” trial that has kept Trump cooped up in a Manhattan courtroom for weeks — and is part of a larger strategy for the 45th president to reach out to traditionally Democrat voters.
At Crotona Park, Trump will likely focus on the same issues as at his other rallies: the economy, illegal immigration and the criminal case against him.
“The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden. President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York!” the Trump campaign said in announcing the rally.
“We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth.”

New York City alone, has 8 million + people, not to mention neighboring states and towns. Why would the author assume that only people from the Bronx will be attending?
Please note that Crotona Park is 127 acres and can possibly hold a large number of people.
After this rally in the Bronx, perhaps DJT will use the Flushing Meadows Park, the old Worlds Fair Grounds in Queens for his next rally.
I'm quite sure that will also rattle DNC, Biden and the Democrat machine in Albany and NYC.
We already hear AOC whining about his coming appearance at Crotona Park.

I can't wait! I'll post a link to it!


Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

22 May 2024 ~~ By Diana Glebova

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx on Thursday, an audacious statement of intent in a borough that hasn’t backed a Republican for the White House in 100 years.
Not since Calvin Coolidge won every Empire State county in 1920 and 1924 has a GOP candidate won the Bronx and Trump is unlikely to break that trend — having failed to reach 10% support in 2016 and barely reaching 15% four years ago.
However, the Trump campaign insists Thursday evening’s event in Crotona Park for a crowd of up to 3,500 people is in keeping with how the 77-year-old’s team has been “utilizing” New York City throughout the “hush money” trial that has kept Trump cooped up in a Manhattan courtroom for weeks — and is part of a larger strategy for the 45th president to reach out to traditionally Democrat voters.
At Crotona Park, Trump will likely focus on the same issues as at his other rallies: the economy, illegal immigration and the criminal case against him.
“The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden. President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York!” the Trump campaign said in announcing the rally.
“We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth.”

New York City alone, has 8 million + people, not to mention neighboring states and towns. Why would the author assume that only people from the Bronx will be attending?
Please note that Crotona Park is 127 acres and can possibly hold a large number of people.
After this rally in the Bronx, perhaps DJT will use the Flushing Meadows Park, the old Worlds Fair Grounds in Queens for his next rally.
I'm quite sure that will also rattle DNC, Biden and the Democrat machine in Albany and NYC.
We already hear AOC whining about his coming appearance at Crotona Park.

Because he can't go outside of the ankle bracelet area.
They really are this retarded ....


Soooo...it appears after making a fool of yourself in your Trump-can't-leave-New-York-to-campaign topic, you felt the need to reboot with a new topic, eh? :lol:

Why is Trump holding a rally in the Bronx, you ask?

It's obvious. Trump knows he hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Bronx. So it is clear he has an unspoken ulterior motive, which I will get to below.

New York 2020 election results:

Biden: 5,244,103 (60.9%)
Trump: 3,251,326 (37.8%)

New York 2016 election results:

Clinton: 4,143,874 (68.8%)
Trump: 2,640,570 (37.5%)

Trump scored almost identical percentages in both elections. He utterly failed to move the needle.

Trump is the most thin-skinned person any of us will ever see. You know it had to have crushed his little black heart to be so roundly rejected by his fellow New Yorkers.

He worked so hard sucking up to them and showboating for their approval for decades, only to fail to have hidden his true nature from New Yorkers who are above average in their discernment of hucksters.

In 2020, Trump won a near invisible 15.9 percent of the Bronx vote.

That's 20 points less than his statewide vote!

In 2016, he netted a pathetic 9.6 percent of the Bronx.

You always have to hear what Trump says, and then figure out his true motives and the true facts. Trump never speaks the truth or his true motives.

Trump isn't there to win their votes.

The Bronx is only 8.3% white.

Trump is there for the photo ops. The people who stand behind him at his rallies as useful idiot backdrops are almost all white. If a minority person happens to stumble into a Trump rally, his staff immediately grabs that person, hangs a MAGA hat on their head, thrusts a professionally made BLACKS FOR TRUMP sign in their hands, and puts them on the stage behind Trump. But they are far and few between.

The Bronx will provide some nice juicy photos for his campaign ads with Asians, blacks, and Hispanics carefully framed behind his beaming face.

Trump is a marketing genius, after all. Especially of himself.
and the massive crowds in front of him who love him are quite an op too.

your post is so full of retardation and cope, it's hilarious.
Soooo...it appears after making a fool of yourself in your Trump-can't-leave-New-York-to-campaign topic, you felt the need to reboot with a new topic, eh? :lol:

Why is Trump holding a rally in the Bronx, you ask?

It's obvious. Trump knows he hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Bronx. So it is clear he has an unspoken ulterior motive, which I will get to below.

New York 2020 election results:

Biden: 5,244,103 (60.9%)
Trump: 3,251,326 (37.8%)

New York 2016 election results:

Clinton: 4,143,874 (68.8%)
Trump: 2,640,570 (37.5%)

Trump scored almost identical percentages in both elections. He utterly failed to move the needle.

Trump is the most thin-skinned person any of us will ever see. You know it had to have crushed his little black heart to be so roundly rejected by his fellow New Yorkers.

He worked so hard sucking up to them and showboating for their approval for decades, only to fail to have hidden his true nature from New Yorkers who are above average in their discernment of hucksters.

In 2020, Trump won a near invisible 15.9 percent of the Bronx vote.

That's 20 points less than his statewide vote!

In 2016, he netted a pathetic 9.6 percent of the Bronx.

You always have to hear what Trump says, and then figure out his true motives and the true facts. Trump never speaks the truth or his true motives.

Trump isn't there to win their votes.

The Bronx is only 8.3% white.

Trump is there for the photo ops. The people who stand behind him at his rallies as useful idiot backdrops are almost all white. If a minority person happens to stumble into a Trump rally, his staff immediately grabs that person, hangs a MAGA hat on their head, thrusts a professionally made BLACKS FOR TRUMP sign in their hands, and puts them on the stage behind Trump. But they are far and few between.

The Bronx will provide some nice juicy photos for his campaign ads with Asians, blacks, and Hispanics carefully framed behind his beaming face.

Trump is a marketing genius, after all. Especially of himself.

A meltdown somewhat less dramatic than the wicked witch of the west.

and the massive crowds in front of him who love him are quite an op too.
What percentage of the crowd that swarms in front of Trump in the Bronx in a few hours do you think will be white?

More than 8.3 percent? Probably.

"Massive crowds."

Trump won only 15.9 percent of the Bronx voters in 2020.

The population of the Bronx is 1.44 million.

15.9 percent is 228,960 people. That doesn't make it difficult to get a few thousand to show up, does it.

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