Why voting for contemporary Repubs or Democrats makes you a sheeple

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
The main thrust of the argument, who the politicians work for, begins at 3:39

don't comment before watching the vid. Refute what you can, IF you can.

I'm not wasting my time listening to an anti-Semitic schmuck flap his gums for 19 minutes. While I agree with the preface of your thread title, you certainly don't practice what you're trying to preach. You are one of the most partisan leftists on this forum. Are we expected to believe you aren't a dedicated Democratic voter who is the very sheeple you just accused others of being?
I'm not wasting my time listening to an anti-Semitic schmuck flap his gums for 19 minutes. While I agree with the preface of your thread title, you certainly don't practice what you're trying to preach. You are one of the most partisan leftists on this forum. Are we expected to believe you aren't a dedicated Democratic voter who is the very sheeple you just accused others of being?

Well, I thought it was going to be edifying, but instead, it was indeed an anti-semitic schmuck who flapped his gums for 19 minutes and in the process lied an awful lot. The Palis are anything but unarmed. And Hamas has explicitly written in it's core-document the absolute genocide of Jews. What Israel is doing is not state terrorism.

End of story.
Wow, what a bunch of anti-semitic crap. Next we'll be seeing them goose-stepping. But why are so many Jews democrats? Why are they so liberal? This guy is whining about how civilians get bombed, but they're shooting rockets at the Jews all the time. This guy is such a communist. What a moron! Sorry, I couldn't take more than 7 minutes!
The main thrust of the argument, who the politicians work for, begins at 3:39

don't comment before watching the vid. Refute what you can, IF you can..

His position is too unrealistic. I agree with the principles of what he says, but at the end of the day, who gets elected does play a role and people should vote for the imperfect person that better suits them rather than nobody at all. The fundamental problem in our society is that people abdicate/delegate too much of their their own power to others. They expect others to further their principles that they themselves cannot bother with acting upon. They expect the government to advance their own morality so they can feel like they have done something meaningful themselves by proxy.

If saying that Israel should not be calling on airstrikes on civiliam apartment buildings in direct violation of the Geneva Convention makes me an "anti-semite" then so be it. If saying Obama should not be authorizing the DoD to carry out drone kills on people standing around because they could possibly be up to no good makes me unpatriotic, so be it.
Wow, what a bunch of anti-semitic crap. Next we'll be seeing them goose-stepping. But why are so many Jews democrats? Why are they so liberal? This guy is whining about how civilians get bombed, but they're shooting rockets at the Jews all the time. This guy is such a communist. What a moron! Sorry, I couldn't take more than 7 minutes!

His is a pacifist minister who is not attacking Jews but criticizing the actions of Israel. Get real.
Wow, what a bunch of anti-semitic crap. Next we'll be seeing them goose-stepping. But why are so many Jews democrats? Why are they so liberal?

I think they're slowly coming around to the fact that they're the hens and they've been paying the fox to guard them all these years.
Wow, what a bunch of anti-semitic crap. Next we'll be seeing them goose-stepping. But why are so many Jews democrats? Why are they so liberal? This guy is whining about how civilians get bombed, but they're shooting rockets at the Jews all the time. This guy is such a communist. What a moron! Sorry, I couldn't take more than 7 minutes!

I have to get to work, but the quick answer is that Torah commands compassion, so most of us Jews tend to the Left on SOCIAL issues, not necessarily on other issues. And since the Democratic Party is more to the Left on social issues, there you have your quick answer.
Wow, what a bunch of anti-semitic crap. Next we'll be seeing them goose-stepping. But why are so many Jews democrats? Why are they so liberal?

I think they're slowly coming around to the fact that they're the hens and they've been paying the fox to guard them all these years.

No, not at all. I am a Jew and a Democrat. I don't agree with that schmuck in posting 1 at all, but he does not speak for the Democratic Party.

It's that simple.
His is a pacifist minister who is not attacking Jews but criticizing the actions of Israel. Get real.
Ok, fine. Here's a question for you. Why is this "pacifist minister" attacking Israel, homeland of the Jews, and not the muslims who have not only attacked Israel constantly, and have vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, but also flown planes into our buildings? Why isn't he criticizing the muslim bastards who are cutting heads off? If Israel doesn't bomb apartment buildings that have rocket launchers, then they'll be giving the enemy an advantage.

Answer my question, if you dare.
Wow, what a bunch of anti-semitic crap. Next we'll be seeing them goose-stepping. But why are so many Jews democrats? Why are they so liberal?

I think they're slowly coming around to the fact that they're the hens and they've been paying the fox to guard them all these years.

No, not at all. I am a Jew and a Democrat. I don't agree with that schmuck in posting 1 at all, but he does not speak for the Democratic Party.

It's that simple.

The Democratic Party is rife with anti-Semitism, particularly on college campuses. It may not bother you, but more and more American Jews are definitely taking notice.
His is a pacifist minister who is not attacking Jews but criticizing the actions of Israel. Get real.
Ok, fine. Here's a question for you. Why is this "pacifist minister" attacking Israel, homeland of the Jews, and not the muslims who have not only attacked Israel constantly, and have vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, but also flown planes into our buildings? Why isn't he criticizing the muslim bastards who are cutting heads off? If Israel doesn't bomb apartment buildings that have rocket launchers, then they'll be giving the enemy an advantage.

Answer my question, if you dare.

I guess he wasn't asked to sum up every opinion he has in a 20 minute youtube speech. His writings are available to those who really want to know his positions.

Chris Hedges Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges -Truthdig "Radical Islam is the last refuge of the Muslim poor. The mandated five prayers a day give the only real structure to the lives of impoverished believers. The careful rituals of washing before prayers in the mosque, the strict moral code, along with the understanding that life has an ultimate purpose and meaning, keep hundreds of millions of destitute Muslims from despair. The fundamentalist ideology that rises from oppression is rigid and unforgiving. It radically splits the world into black and white, good and evil, apostates and believers. It is bigoted and cruel to women, Jews, Christians and secularists, along with gays and lesbians. But at the same time it offers to those on the very bottom of society a final refuge and hope. The massacres of hundreds of believers in the streets of Cairo signal not only an assault against a religious ideology, not only a return to the brutal police state of Hosni Mubarak, but the start of a holy war that will turn Egypt and other poor regions of the globe into a caldron of blood and suffering. ..."
The massacres of hundreds of believers in the streets of Cairo signal not only an assault against a religious ideology, not only a return to the brutal police state of Hosni Mubarak, but the start of a holy war that will turn Egypt and other poor regions of the globe into a caldron of blood and suffering. ..."
Are you sure you understand Islam? I've actually read the koran. Muslims WANT to suffer. The noblest thing a muslim can do is to die killing infidels. When they have their big holy day they march down the streets beating themselves with chains. Whereas Christians and Jews by and large want to live in peace, muslims live to inflict chaos and suffering on the world. The more you make them suffer the happier they are, and the less they feel motivated to make non-muslims suffer. The mistake muslim apologists make is assuming they're like us, which they certainly are now.
how quickly the reactionary sheeple jump to the anti-Semitism deflection. Anti- Israel gov't is not anti-Semitic. Same as anti-Repub or Anti-Democratic Party Admin is not anti-American. Lets be adults here Mkay? The "squawk!!! squawk!! anti-Semite squawk" defense is no defense. Argue what has been said on the merits not on your subjective feelings.

The speaker criticized the current Israel gov't same as rw'ers here criticize the current Democratic gov't. He prolly used less vitriol than rw'ers here do against the American President.

why is Israel "out of bounds" w/ you dupes?

Besides, that's not the thrust of his argument. That's why I said refute any of the facts after the 3:40 mark. Seems like no one did.
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Wow, what a bunch of anti-semitic crap. Next we'll be seeing them goose-stepping. But why are so many Jews democrats? Why are they so liberal?

I think they're slowly coming around to the fact that they're the hens and they've been paying the fox to guard them all these years.

No, not at all. I am a Jew and a Democrat. I don't agree with that schmuck in posting 1 at all, but he does not speak for the Democratic Party.

It's that simple.

The Democratic Party is rife with anti-Semitism, particularly on college campuses. It may not bother you, but more and more American Jews are definitely taking notice.
hence- J Street :rolleyes-41:
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Wow, what a bunch of anti-semitic crap. Next we'll be seeing them goose-stepping. But why are so many Jews democrats? Why are they so liberal? This guy is whining about how civilians get bombed, but they're shooting rockets at the Jews all the time. This guy is such a communist. What a moron! Sorry, I couldn't take more than 7 minutes!

I have to get to work, but the quick answer is that Torah commands compassion, so most of us Jews tend to the Left on SOCIAL issues, not necessarily on other issues. And since the Democratic Party is more to the Left on social issues, there you have your quick answer.

Certainly doesn't have anything to do with "Torah" in that most leftist Jews are not religious. Also Torah doesn't "command compassion" on the enemies of the Jews, who pray to G-d for their destruction. "to destroy the enemies of his people" unlike liberals who seek to work with them, and negotiate the terms of our destruction. Yeah, liberal Jews are liberal first, and Jews second
I wonder does the Op consider themselves sheeple? Given the content of the majority of their post it seems highly unlikely to me that they have ever voted for anyone other than a contemporary Democrat.

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