Why was a confirmed Ebola patient even admitted through border control into the USA?

GOt airlines cancelling flights into the affected countries, those countries banning travel out of the country, etc. So containment is a priority clearly. Then if that's the case, why in the world do you bring it entirely off the affected continent and onto one it doesn't exist on yet?

I'm glad the guy's showing improvement, but this is bigger than him. It shows a basic breakdown of quarantine procedures and protocols.
it was an American doctor

but yea, he never should have been allowed to bring it here.

considering it would have required the governments clearance....

hate to sound like a paranoid tin hatter, but only bad things can happen

So the US should never allowed those with malaria to return, like my father, a US miltaryman? Thank God there was no "rule" then.

is malaria contagious?

MALARIA.com - Is Malaria Contagious Between Humans?

Is ebola contagious?
Ebola virus disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so that's not a proper comparison

There are a few exception (sic)—because the parasite lives in certain organs and in the blood, it can sometimes be transmitted via blood transfusion or organ transplant. It can also pass via the placenta from a mother to her unborn child, or to the child during childbirth.

Also, insects that bite can transmit. Next up, CHOLERA.
310+ million Americans > 2 'exceptional' people.

Got lots more exceptional people right here already. Why risk them for two people when everything that can be done for them can be brought over to them?

Somewhere in the USA is a virus, not yet discovered, 50/50 chance just as deadly. Many would rather have a chance at stopping that one than pretend the US is on another planet.

Difference being we knew ebola was here, we knew it has no treatment or cure, and we knew it had a 50% mortality rate in a really gruesome way (bleeding from every orifice and pore.)

We can't game out complete unknowns and hypotheticals. But we have gamed this out. You just don't bring infected people into the country if you don't have to. And we didn't have to. So something's amiss.

Our knowledge of how to combat this is amiss, yes. Stay away from Atlanta, and hope, against all odds, there are no animals, carrying the virus, in the tens of millions in trade products between the affected nations MONTHLY. Note, exports and imports continue unabated.
Imagine if the plague that ravaged Europe had been brought abroad in the hope of finding a cure. That wasn't airborne either. Only reason it didn't spread globally is because it stayed contained ina comparatively small part of the planet.

Now though we have airplanes and global travel so these things which might have stayed strictly local can spread around the whole planet in a matter of hours. Why help it do so?
Hey, could be worse. Coulda just said they should have been shot over in Africa. At least I say treat em, but bring the treatment there, not the disease here. :)

If the point is really to come up with a cure, that could have been better done on location with hundreds of eager volunteers half of which would die anyway than just on two back home.

When dealing with lethal stuff like this you can't extend compassion like Mother Theresa. Sometimes cold unflinching decisions have to be made so you don't write off half your country.

It's time to convene the DEATH PANEL!
The Americans behind the panic:

Ebola Patients Coming to the US: How Safe Are We? - ABC News

Facts again:

The reason the risk is so small for the American public is that individuals who have Ebola only become contagious when they begin to show symptoms of the disease -- and then can only transfer it via bodily fluids such as blood, vomit, and urine.

It does not spread through casual contact or by sharing the same air that an infected person is breathing.

Reminds me more of The Monsters Are On Maple Street than The Stand.
The Americans behind the panic:

Ebola Patients Coming to the US: How Safe Are We? - ABC News

Facts again:

The reason the risk is so small for the American public is that individuals who have Ebola only become contagious when they begin to show symptoms of the disease -- and then can only transfer it via bodily fluids such as blood, vomit, and urine.

It does not spread through casual contact or by sharing the same air that an infected person is breathing.

Reminds me more of The Monsters Are On Maple Street than The Stand.

Gotta give a Thanks for a 'Zone analogy. :)
so we should knowingly bring the virus here b/c we might do it by accident

good lord, please make the stewpud hert

Not by accident, US companies import and export tens of millions in products every month, there is no ban on TRADE, businesses would never allow it; the choice is between knowing, and remaining blind. We already know the first patient is improving in the US hospital.....
Coulda gotten that in Africa. Lots of patients to study there I hear. No reason to risk infection here bringing the patients here. SOP studying these things is ya go to the source, you don't bring the source back home.

These are AMERICANs, immigration law does not apply.

I acknowledged they're Americans in the OP. But spending all evening reading Federal Law wasn't appealing so I used what I could find instantly. :)

There is nothing "like" border control for US CITIZENS...no immigration laws either:lol::lol:.
so we should knowingly bring the virus here b/c we might do it by accident

good lord, please make the stewpud hert

Not by accident, US companies import and export tens of millions in products every month, there is no ban on TRADE, businesses would never allow it; the choice is between knowing, and remaining blind. We already know the first patient is improving in the US hospital.....

Excellent point. As mentioned on CNN, just takes one particle of ebola to cause infection. But I think it wouldn't stay 'alive' on trade goods long enough to spread that way. Still, imagine it's possible is blood or other contaminated fluids got on something, got wrapped up, and got elsewhere.

"That's why we like you Agent Mulder, your theories are even better than our's."
- The Lone Gunmen, "X-Files" :)

Though he was an American citizen, surely something akin to these would apply? If not, why not?[/QUOTE]

Like I said Peach. :)
so we should knowingly bring the virus here b/c we might do it by accident

good lord, please make the stewpud hert

Not by accident, US companies import and export tens of millions in products every month, there is no ban on TRADE, businesses would never allow it; the choice is between knowing, and remaining blind. We already know the first patient is improving in the US hospital.....

Excellent point. As mentioned on CNN, just takes one particle of ebola to cause infection. But I think it wouldn't stay 'alive' on trade goods long enough to spread that way. Still, imagine it's possible is blood or other contaminated fluids got on something, got wrapped up, and got elsewhere.

"That's why we like you Agent Mulder, your theories are even better than our's."
- The Lone Gunmen, "X-Files" :)

Live animals have made through in the past, to actually prevent any chance of Ebola virus* getting in the US, all trade with three nations must be suspended. Going to be big money spent on lawsuits with corporations impacted. Maybe a "quick" Constitutional Amendment?:eusa_whistle:

*Other than Reston, which has been seen, and infected those in the US already.
Not by accident, US companies import and export tens of millions in products every month, there is no ban on TRADE, businesses would never allow it; the choice is between knowing, and remaining blind. We already know the first patient is improving in the US hospital.....

Excellent point. As mentioned on CNN, just takes one particle of ebola to cause infection. But I think it wouldn't stay 'alive' on trade goods long enough to spread that way. Still, imagine it's possible is blood or other contaminated fluids got on something, got wrapped up, and got elsewhere.

"That's why we like you Agent Mulder, your theories are even better than our's."
- The Lone Gunmen, "X-Files" :)

Live animals have made through in the past, to actually prevent any chance of Ebola virus* getting in the US, all trade with three nations must be suspended. Going to be big money spent on lawsuits with corporations impacted. Maybe a "quick" Constitutional Amendment?:eusa_whistle:

*Other than Reston, which has been seen, and infected those in the US already.

Reminds me of another West Wing episode :)

I couldn't disagree more, Cal. As long as these people are funding their
public school
districts with property taxes, neither the value of the schools nor the
value of their
property is going to go up. It's a vicious circle. It's terrible and it has
to be stopped.

So we're going to do something about it.

I wouldn't go that far. Anything else?"

Cancel trade? "I wouldn't go that far." :)
Excellent point. As mentioned on CNN, just takes one particle of ebola to cause infection. But I think it wouldn't stay 'alive' on trade goods long enough to spread that way. Still, imagine it's possible is blood or other contaminated fluids got on something, got wrapped up, and got elsewhere.

"That's why we like you Agent Mulder, your theories are even better than our's."
- The Lone Gunmen, "X-Files" :)

Live animals have made through in the past, to actually prevent any chance of Ebola virus* getting in the US, all trade with three nations must be suspended. Going to be big money spent on lawsuits with corporations impacted. Maybe a "quick" Constitutional Amendment?:eusa_whistle:

*Other than Reston, which has been seen, and infected those in the US already.

Reminds me of another West Wing episode :)

I couldn't disagree more, Cal. As long as these people are funding their
public school
districts with property taxes, neither the value of the schools nor the
value of their
property is going to go up. It's a vicious circle. It's terrible and it has
to be stopped.

So we're going to do something about it.

I wouldn't go that far. Anything else?"

Cancel trade? "I wouldn't go that far." :)

We may have to cancel trade with nations that continue to trade with the affected nations also. Just be 100% safe. Nothing leaves or enters the US, got to cross off China anyway, that nation is sending help to the affected nations:

Chinese doctors to assist Liberia in Ebola fight | The BRICS Post

A Chinese health worker comes in contact with the virus, returns to China, then comes to the US, or is in close contact with another person coming to the US......Canada has not announced restrictions have they?
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I understand logical extensions. Use them all the time. :) And I know better than try to argue against them since it involves argueing against logic. :)
Short of the full-body condoms in one of the "Police Squad" movies, if you wanna build a wall around the country, and put a plastic membrane on top Peach you have my support. It's logical. :)
...Of course, it's also logical to ensure outbreaks don't spread beyond their starting points via sterilization via nuclear weapons. Trouble with logic is it usually sucks.
Short of the full-body condoms in one of the "Police Squad" movies, if you wanna build a wall around the country, and put a plastic membrane on top Peach you have my support. It's logical. :)

Dr. Brantly is among the finest this country produces; there was one dose of an experimental drug, developed in Canada....he refused it, insisted it be given to the missionary also infected:

Canadian Ebola drug not used in outbreak - News - MSN CA

Such a man, my hopes & prayers are with him; Canada is imposing no restrictions by the way, best get that border WALL up NOW.
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