Why was the left silent about Obama helping assasinate Qaddafi?

Just like the man that turned in Bin Laden was just left to fend for himself!
You kids need to look up the definition of "assassination
Yer tryin' too hard.
That didn’t seem hard to me. You got butthurt pretty easily, IMO.
Old Creepy Crepitus (CC) DOES have their feelings hurt QUITE easily. Poor little fella.........
Lol, don't confuse me with some tRumpkin snowflake kiddo.

Most know you are part of the far left cult snowflakes!
AND he's dumb BEYOND BELIEF! Poor little fella...........
Al Qaeda attacked the police stations and government buildings in Benghazi and started brutally imposing their form of Sharia law in the city.

In response, the democratically elected Libyan government sent the Libyan military to go whoop AQ ass. But they were defeated because the Obama administration illegally bombed the shit out of them without congressional approval.

I didn't hear the Democrats bitching about that. Yet now they are bitching because Trump took out a legitimate high-value target in Iraq.
Qadaffi was no longer engaged in terrorism, at least that I am aware of. He had given up his WMD program. Obama repaid him by helping militants to overthrow and assassinate him. The left celebrated.

GeneralSalamisGhost.357 on Twitter

:rolleyes: Probably has something to do with Obama not assasinating Qadaffi.

Qadaffi was hated by his people, thats why he was killed by his people. That is completely different to Americans directly assasinating top Iranian leader who now became a martyr and a unifying anti-american cause for Iranians.

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