Why was Tucker fired (and told at the last minute)?

OK, after viewing this site and also hearing some things on lying cnn (but even a broken clock is right twice a day)

I've figured out why he was fired. I figured it had to do with him saying he hated Trump, but I htought he had somewhat amended himself by interviewing Trump after that on his show...

Also, I heard (not confirmed yet, though) that Tucker did not (in other ways) conform with the values Fox News was attempting to maintain, that he and some other person (in private emails discovered in the lawsuit) were joking around about such things as Maria Bartoromo's sex life (!). BAD. Maria is great.

There was (and again, this is not confirmed) misogyny and anti-semitism behind the curtain.

I guess that's where one of my relatives caught that (the latter)? He was a big Tucker fan... but no one else n the family was ever anti-semitic that I ever heard of

There were always things I myself didn't particularly like about Tucker, but I always liked how he took on unpopular topics and he had great commentary about it.

My thought?

The sons of Rupert Murdoch wanted him gone...they are rabid leftists, and they wanted him out of the way for the election.........and being leftists, they don't care about the financial hit by losing him......I imagine that Hannity is next, then Waters.......

OK, after viewing this site and also hearing some things on lying cnn (but even a broken clock is right twice a day)

I've figured out why he was fired. I figured it had to do with him saying he hated Trump, but I htought he had somewhat amended himself by interviewing Trump after that on his show...

Also, I heard (not confirmed yet, though) that Tucker did not (in other ways) conform with the values Fox News was attempting to maintain, that he and some other person (in private emails discovered in the lawsuit) were joking around about such things as Maria Bartoromo's sex life (!). BAD. Maria is great.

There was (and again, this is not confirmed) misogyny and anti-semitism behind the curtain.

I guess that's where one of my relatives caught that (the latter)? He was a big Tucker fan... but no one else n the family was ever anti-semitic that I ever heard of

There were always things I myself didn't particularly like about Tucker, but I always liked how he took on unpopular topics and he had great commentary about it.

This is a good take.......

However Carlson decides to roar back, he will do so with even more power and influence than he had at Cuck News.

This is true for several reasons…

The first is that, like Donald Trump, Tucker has a real following, and it’s millions strong. A following is something very different from a fanbase. It’s also rare, especially in the media business. People still buy Bill O’Reilly’s books and listen to Megyn Kelly’s podcast, but their respective impact on the national conversation is gone. Whatever power they held was given to them by the network.

This is not the case with Tucker Carlson.

To begin with, Carlson’s one of the most intelligent people—I’m talking raw IQ—on cable news. His only competition for this crown is Rachel Maddow and Maria Bartiromo. Most of the people you see on TV are dolts. Believe me, America’s Erin Burnetts, Neil Cavutos, Nicole Wallaces, Wolf Blitzers, and Jake Tappers are not on TV because they’re smart. They’re on TV because they do what they’re told, the camera likes them, and they can read a teleprompter and Democrat talking points. Why do you think CNN flamed out as soon as its anchors stepped out from behind their scripts? Because those people are dumb and they are unlikable.

Secondly, Carlson is willing to speak truths and launch debates no one else in cable news is willing to touch. This takes guts. In this conformist media environment, people respect guts.

Third, Carlson educates his audience. Listening to a Tucker Carlson monologue frequently results in the listener learning something he or she didn’t know before. Unlike almost everyone else in the pundit game, he’s not there to spoon-feed comfort. Instead, he’s looking to open your eyes, to show you the Matrix. This is something else Tucker has in common with Trump. It is also what made Rush Limbaugh the undisputed king of talk radio for more than 30 years.

My thought?

The sons of Rupert Murdoch wanted him gone...they are rabid leftists, and they wanted him out of the way for the election.........and being leftists, they don't care about the financial hit by losing him......I imagine that Hannity is next, then Waters.......
Murdoch's children are libs?

Why would he care what they think? If I had a lib kid, I wouldn't care
Murdoch's children are libs?

Why would he care what they think? If I had a lib kid, I wouldn't care

He's 90 years old and getting married to a younger woman..........who knows how much control they already have....
No matter what political party we are in, the fiefdom powers do not give it up easily.

The REAL Reason Tucker Carlson Was Fired By Fox News!​


The REAL Reason Tucker Carlson Was Fired By Fox News!​

at point 4.45

All Americans should go there because a lot of us did not know this kind of thing and even Tucker followers cannot watch ALL his shows ...

it makes sense.

I am not sure all that stuff about misogyny and anti-semitism (in my OP) is even true.

What I do know is the source of that "info" is a big liar,

This is a good take.......

However Carlson decides to roar back, he will do so with even more power and influence than he had at Cuck News.

This is true for several reasons…

The first is that, like Donald Trump, Tucker has a real following, and it’s millions strong. A following is something very different from a fanbase. It’s also rare, especially in the media business. People still buy Bill O’Reilly’s books and listen to Megyn Kelly’s podcast, but their respective impact on the national conversation is gone. Whatever power they held was given to them by the network.

This is not the case with Tucker Carlson.

To begin with, Carlson’s one of the most intelligent people—I’m talking raw IQ—on cable news. His only competition for this crown is Rachel Maddow and Maria Bartiromo. Most of the people you see on TV are dolts. Believe me, America’s Erin Burnetts, Neil Cavutos, Nicole Wallaces, Wolf Blitzers, and Jake Tappers are not on TV because they’re smart. They’re on TV because they do what they’re told, the camera likes them, and they can read a teleprompter and Democrat talking points. Why do you think CNN flamed out as soon as its anchors stepped out from behind their scripts? Because those people are dumb and they are unlikable.

Secondly, Carlson is willing to speak truths and launch debates no one else in cable news is willing to touch. This takes guts. In this conformist media environment, people respect guts.

Third, Carlson educates his audience. Listening to a Tucker Carlson monologue frequently results in the listener learning something he or she didn’t know before. Unlike almost everyone else in the pundit game, he’s not there to spoon-feed comfort. Instead, he’s looking to open your eyes, to show you the Matrix. This is something else Tucker has in common with Trump. It is also what made Rush Limbaugh the undisputed king of talk radio for more than 30 years.

I appreciate this and all posts on this topic that are indeed educating yours truly on this issue.

Maybe Fox really is ... what? quasi liberal?

I hear nothing but conservatism on Fox... usually. But

I'm a little confused... Murdoch owns Fox but his liberal kids are running it?

What happens when he dies? Surely, he doesn't have it in his WILL that his dumbass kids continue to run Fox?

tell me it aint so
I appreciate this and all posts on this topic that are indeed educating yours truly on this issue.

Maybe Fox really is ... what? quasi liberal?

I hear nothing but conservatism on Fox... usually. But

I'm a little confused... Murdoch owns Fox but his liberal kids are running it?

What happens when he dies? Surely, he doesn't have it in his WILL that his dumbass kids continue to run Fox?

tell me it aint so

The sons of Rupert murdoch are left wing nuts.......they would gladly lose the money for the cause of leftism...
Why was Tucker Carlson Fired?
Charles Willis, CFP.com


The internet is full of videos about the reason Fox News fired Tucker Carlson. Some of them speculate that Fox fired Tucker over the $787 dollar settlement with Dominion. Others speculate that Tucker was fired because the Democrats demanded Tucker's head for airing the January 6th videos; videos that prove the Democrats lied about it being an insurrection. In my opinion, Tucker was fired because Fox couldn't control him.

In other words, Fox management couldn't stop Tucker from exposing all the lies that the Democrats and their media talking heads are feeding us. Tucker told the truth like journalists are supposed to, and he allowed his guests to speak their thoughts uninterrupted; unlike other Fox hosts. Moreover, Tucker allowed his audience to make their own conclusions. Other Fox hosts guide their guests and interrupt them if stray from the official narrative. And, other Fox hosts lead their audience to a predetermined conclusion.
Hannity and other Fox hosts are not journalists

For example, when Sean Hannity's guests get too close to telling the truth, he interrupts them and changes the subject. He doesn't allow his guests to complete a statement if it doesn't support the official narrative. As a former Hannity fan, I was stunned when he and Geraldo Rivera teamed up against a man, who lost his son in the World Trade Center, because he dared to question the official narrative. Hannity and Rivera lost their empathy for the man because he questioned the official narrative. What does that say about their character?

Moreover, the man went on Hannity's show, right after the 9/11 attacks, as a grieving parent. The only reason for having a grieving parent on Hannity's show was to use the man's grief over the loss of his son to generate public outrage and gain support for going to war in the middle east. However, when Hannity's grieving guest started questioning the official narrative, Hannity and his side-kick Geraldo Rivera took turns interrupting the man every time he opened his mouth. They didn't allow him to finish a complete statement after he questioned the official narrative. And, after the grieving guest left, they both referred to him as a conspiracy nut.

For the record, Hannity and other Fox hosts are not journalists. They are show hosts that were hired to gather an audience and promote a specific political viewpoint. Whether they work for Fox, NBC, CBS or CNN, they are all part of the same Marxist media. That means they are all controlled by the same corrupt socialist oligarchs. Fox may appear to present an opposing view of political events; however, that's an illusion. Fox News is nothing more than controlled opposition, and Tucker had to go because he could not be controlled.

In my opinion, Tucker was fired because he exposed the truth and debunked all the lies that the Democrats and their media talking heads feed us. Like Dan Bongino, who was recently fired by Fox, he just couldn't be controlled. Unlike Hannity, Tucker did not interrupt his guests while they were talking, and he had guests from both left and right extremes. He even had Jimmy Dore on his show, and that show was the first time that I ever agreed with Jimmy Dore about anything. Why was Tucker Carlson fired? In plain language, Tucker was fired for being a real journalist.

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